
5.(20160925) Your university will spend money on dormitory to improve the life quality of students.Which of the following do you think is the best way?

— Providing a room for quiet study.

— Building an exercise room.

— Providing an entertainment place (watch films).




论点: 赞同学校在宿舍设立健身房。

理由一: 反对设立自习室,因为图书馆已经给学生提供了学习的场所。

理由二: 反对设立休闲娱乐的场所,鼓励学生进行休闲娱乐而非学习或锻炼不利于学生的成长。

理由三: 体育锻炼对于学生的全面发展很重要。


As our entire society has gradually come to realize the importance of higher education, more and more corporations and individuals have donated money to their alma maters and other universities.Regarding the use of this newly arrived funding, people seem to hold different opinions.I would strongly advocate that the university should arrange the construction of a new gym in the dormitory with the available funding, instead of the alternate plans for a room of quiet study or an entertainment place, in which students may watch films and play video games.



The reason I am against the construction of study rooms in the dormitory is that the function of such rooms is in conflict with that of the library.The library is a hub of knowledge which is exactly where a university student should be studying in, with its quiet environment, convenient access to books and articles as well as to the Internet, and an atmosphere created by fellow students in which one may enjoy the process of studying.If the school is to construct study rooms in the dormitory, I believe that on the one hand, it would be almost impossible to maintain a beneficial order in such a room without any personnel seeing to the matter, and on the other hand, it would encourage the students to study in the environment of the dormitory, one that is by definition for resting instead of studying.As a result, it would get harder for students to relax in their dormitories because their work and rest are no longer separated like they used to be.

Furthermore, I do not believe that the plan for entertainment rooms would be an effective use of the money.While I do acknowledge a university’s duty to provide necessary amenities for students to enjoy a healthy and balanced life of both study and entertainment, it is clear that extra entertainment facilities in the dormitory are not only unnecessary but also potentially harmful in the long-run.Constructing an entertainment place can be seen as the encouragement of entertainment over studying and exercising, which is not a desirable effect.



Thus there remains the best option: constructing a gym in the dormitory.Sports are critical for university students’ personal development, and a healthy amount of exercise is necessary for a student to succeed academically and socially.Opening a gym in the dormitory is a great signal from the school administration that the university encourages students to exercise.A fully equipped gym can prove to be not only an outlet for the stressful academic life but also a source of euphoria for those who enjoy exercising.

All in all, my suggestion to the university is to build an exercise room in the dormitory to improve the quality of student life.






另外,大家可以着重注意作者在段落间和段落内使用的逻辑关联词和承接句,如“Thus there remains the best option”等,都使得文章的结构十分清晰,使人一目了然。




I would strongly advocate...我强烈提倡……

in conflict with 与……有冲突

a hub of knowledge 知识集中的地方

maintain a beneficial order 保持良好的秩序

I do acknowledge 我的确承认(do表示强调)

necessary amenities 必要的便利设施

in the long-run 从长远来看

an outlet for 一个……的出口

a source of euphoria 幸福感的源泉

all in all 总的来说 UyfDlz68vfpc+ovL6zVKSEGfe4XVUfUKa/HIwRPh9yQGZly21UY4p9j//8mQm5s3
