
23.(20170226) Rather than helping their children do schoolwork, parents should encourage their children to do schoolwork independently.












论点: 让孩子独立完成。

理由一: 可以逐步培养孩子探究问题的意识。

理由二: 培养孩子的自主性,防止过度依赖家长。

理由三: 让孩子自己主动寻求帮助,而非被动接受帮助。


As we are living in an era with ever accelerating development of science and technology, the materials students are required to master at school have also had a steep increase in difficulty.As a result, some parents tend to help their children with their schoolwork while others contend that the children are supposed to finish schoolwork independently.Personally, I tend to agree with the latter in that I believe finishing homework independently can contribute greatly to a child’s overall development.



First of all, by stepping aside, parents can foster their children’s ability to explore the academic problem he/she finds challenging.For example, if a student gets stuck with a problem about objects falling towards the earth while considering air resistance, which is a subject untaught by teachers at school, he would have to study the related knowledge in mathematics in order to understand the Wikipedia entry of that subject.Then, by perusing the material he has found online or in another textbook, he deepens his understanding in this subject, and finally, he makes another attempt to solve the problem at hand.If he still finds it challenging, then he would start the aforementioned process again until he finally solves it.This process sounds intimidating and exhausting, but this is very similar to how researchers solve problems.By meddling with their children’s study, parents are robbing their children of opportunities to master and practice this technique of active learning, which could have given them a distinct advantage academically.



Second of all, by allowing their children to solve their problems without their help, the parents are raising a more independent child.Suppose the parents helped their child finish his math homework, the next day, he would probably need help with his English homework.If this becomes a regular situation, it is likely that this child will have to depend on his parents for everything that he fails to do on his first try.In addition, I am fairly certain that there will come a day when his parents can no longer solve his problems for him, and he would end up confused and devastated rather than pulling up his sleeves and making effort until solving it.According to a research project done by University of Southern California, about 80% of children who did not receive any academic help from their parents turned out to be able to live independently at the age of 18 while about 60% of children who received large amount of parental help could not live without their parents after they graduate from college.





Last but not least, some may be concerned that children could get stuck with one particular problem and spend an enormous amount of time tackling it without any result, and eventually become frustrated and loose their confidence.Admittedly, this is quite common among children, but instead of parents offering help, there is a better solution.The parents could encourage the children to actively seek outside help rather than passively receiving aid.With the popularization of smart phones, the children nowadays have easy access to their teachers at school as well as to their classmates.As a result, they can conveniently reach out to their teachers and classmates for help should they encounter an obstacle which they cannot pass.

In a nutshell, I do believe that instead of stepping in and offer help with their children’s schoolwork, parents should allow children to solve problems independently as it can bring about such wonderful outcomes.


在文中,作者使用了一些比较有画面感的描述,使得自己的论述更加形象生动,比如第二个论点中的“...he would end up confused and devastated rather than pulling up his sleeves and making effort until solving it.” ,都是考生们可以借鉴的。



master 掌握

tackle 解决,应付

should...如果 (Should anything happen, call me.)


step aside 让开,站在一边,不插手

step in 插手

get stuck with 陷入……的困境

bring about 引起,带来

have access to 有使用权,可以接近

the popularization of ……的流行

make effort 做出努力

on one’s first try 在第一次尝试时

pull up one’s sleeves 捋起袖子(准备做事情)

rob sb.of 抢走,剥夺

be concerned with 担忧 mAb2VZ+56vanMaVwOLwx+BNLO1qmS6wBrIQUlSGI/nO++PsYndHiLyyLvLbR9yaY
