
18.(20180303) If you are going to graduate from the university and have to choose the final course, which professor will you choose? The one you used to sign up for courses or the one you have never learned from before?



熟悉的老师: 优点是授课方法容易接受,学习效果好,得分也会更高;缺点是缺乏新鲜感,容易走神,会有效率低、得分低等一系列潜在隐患。

不熟悉的老师: 优点是新教授的授课风格更能吸引学生注意力,而且新教授的知识领域对学生来说很新颖,有助于学生扩展知识面;缺点是学生需要时间适应,适应不好有可能影响考试得分。


论点: 选一个熟悉的教授的课。

理由一: 可能会因为不熟悉新老师的节奏和方法而耗费更多的时间。

理由二: 对未来的学术发展有好处,教授提供可能的研究生/工作机会。


In the contemporary society, it is widely acknowledged that professors have assumed quite important roles in the development of youngsters.Depending on personal experience and concerns, people now hold distinct ideas on the issue of whether to sign up for the final course that is taught by the professor he/she is already familiar with, or by the one whom they never take classes from.Some people believe that students should be more inclined towards lectures that are taught by a new professor, and thus achieve a better grade.But further analysis will reveal that, which is in line with my opinion, taking classes from a familiar professor is more beneficial for these senior students.





The primary reason for my argument is that, if the student used to take courses from a specific professor, choosing his/her lectures once again will save them a large amount of time and increase their efficiency of study.Every professor has his/her own unique style of giving speeches and delivering knowledge: some may prefer instilling ideas and theories into students’ mind without detailed explanation, while others would rather tell anecdotes or stories to inspire their students to come up with their own opinions.Under such situation, at the beginning of each course, most students are likely to struggle for some time, and then try to catch up with the professor’s speed and style.In the worst condition, one can spend much more time than expected on this course and still fail to earn a fine grade only because the professor’s teaching style doesn’t fit him/her well.However, if the student is used to a teacher’s style of class, he/she can save the time for adaptation and acquire knowledge smoothly from the very beginning.In this way, a great amount of time is saved and a better result is expected.

Another factor we should not neglect is that, learning from a familiar professor may conduce to a senior student’s academic development in the near future.For senior students who are about to graduate, the most important thing is mostly related to their future plan.They may find it hard to take a proper position or get admissions as graduates.Under such circumstance, taking final courses from a familiar professor may be of some help.Since the professor knows the student’s personality and academic records well, it is likely that he/she is willing to offer a chance to acquainted students.Take my cousin as an example.During his senior year in college, he took the course from a biology professor who actually taught him for four years.They were quite familiar and the professor spoke highly of my cousin.At that time, he wasn’t admitted to the graduate school and failed to get a satisfied job.When he confessed his failures to the professor after class, the professor decided to offer a hand.In the end, he earned a position in the university’s Biology lab and was able to continue studying his interested field.It is easy to tell from this story that during senior year, signing up for courses of a familiar professor may make a big difference to one’s future career.



Overall, all evidence listed above confirms my point that it is of great importance to sign up for courses that are taught by a familiar professor.Furthermore, adapting to a new teacher’s style will only take more time and efforts, which is not an advisable choice for senior students.



anecdote 轶事

adaptation 适应

confess 坦白


be more inclined towards 更倾向于……

in line with 和……一致

increase the efficiency of 提高做某事的效率

instill ideas and theories into 把知识和理论灌输进……

catch up 跟上

conduce to 对……有好处

in the near future 在不久的将来

speak highly of 称赞

a satisfied job 一份理想的工作

offer a hand 伸出援手 3jMzAC7Qix//Iq41mYTzOr1/C8+K+ru6t2N4+6vCnDUrbU+nTEU6tns9tORxoo/8
