
17.(20180128) Which of the following options best improves young children’s education? Hiring more teachers; providing preschool education; letting teachers learn new teaching methods.


该题要求考生围绕“哪一项能最好地提高儿童教育:雇用更多老师、提供学前教育还是让老师学习新的教课方法? ”这一问题表达个人主张并提供支持的理由。三个选项各有优劣,选自己最擅长的理由展开。

雇用更多老师: 优点是对学生的关注更多,在学习和心理发展上都能及时指导;缺点是老师的数量跟教育质量没有必然联系,学生内驱力不足,老师再多也没用。

提供学前教育: 优点是增强适应能力,形成良好学习习惯;缺点是在学校的时间会延长,容易使儿童感到厌烦,影响学习质量。

让老师学习新的教学方法: 优点是老师学到新方法后能启发学生兴趣,了解学生心理,更能帮助儿童吸收知识;缺点是老师自己也需要时间来消化领悟新的教学方法,在此过程中有可能会让学生感到茫然。


论点: 雇用更多的老师更重要。

理由一: 每个学生能得到老师更多的注意和精力。

理由二: 老师有机会了解每个学生的长处和短处。

理由三: 学前教育中孩子接受不了很多知识;新的教育方法不一定适用。


Young children’s education which lays children a solid foundation of their future growth plays a crucial role in the whole education process.For decades, governments and people have been seeking ways to improve the quality of early children education.Some argue that providing preschool education benefits early education significantly, while others claim that having teachers learn new teaching methods is indispensable.As I see it, however, hiring more teachers for young children is definitely the most important contributor to effective, successful early education.



To begin with, hiring more teachers guarantees that each individual student owns more attention from the teacher.With fewer students in a class, each child will receive more individualized attention and interact with the teacher more personally.Take myself as an example.When I was in sixth grade, my class consisted of merely 20 students.I really struggled with Math at that time, but fortunately, given the small class size, my math teacher could always meet my needs and answer my questions.Whenever I did not understand something he was talking about, I could raise my hand immediately and receive a comprehensive answer afterwards without having to worry about whether my question would hinder the class’s progress because there weren’t so many questions raised during a class.If the class was of 40 students, on the contrary, a lot more students would have questions, which means that the teacher would be unable to elaborate on each of them.A large portion of the class would be unattended.Therefore, with more teachers, class size can be reduced and children can receive more attention from the teacher.

Additionally, a smaller class size brought by an abundance of teachers will provide teachers with the ability to really understand their students’ strengths and weaknesses.By becoming familiar with their students’ abilities, teachers can individualize their lesson plans to benefit their students.Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of students is beneficial because this helps teachers determine when to spend more time on a topic and whether students have mastered a specific skill or task sufficiently enough.As a result, less time is spent on teaching material that students already know, and more time is used in the classroom to teach students what they do not know, thus enhancing the effectiveness of lessons.







In contrast, the preschool option will not work well in regard of effectiveness.According to a research conducted by Columbia University’s College of Education, the best time to begin a school life is six years old when children have developed multiple skills to a relatively proper stage.Before six years old, children are unable to understand most of the contents taught in class.Moreover, new teaching methods will in fact discourage young children.When the old method is in conflict with the new one, children may question what they have learned before and find it hard to get used to the new method due to their poor adaptive skills.

In conclusion, due to the inefficiency of preschool education and new teaching methods, hiring more teachers is what guarantees a smaller class size, offering more attention to each student and more individualized teaching methods.



unattended 没人管的

individualize 个性化

enhance 加强


the most important contributor 最重要的贡献者

meet my needs 满足我的需求

elaborate on 详细说明

a large portion of 大部分的

an abundance of 很多的,大量的

in regard of 关于 s1InTwXRQsEH/WCFvcJMhznawPAqRWDTyJ3dEUhWl6PJdayID/yCI5bBhol2gzP7
