
16.(20180127=20170325) Which one of the reasons is most important in helping students to study in colleges and universities?

— Having access to the university tutors who can provide individual instruction for the students who have difficulty in study.

— Having the help and encouragement from the family and friends.

— Having excellent teachers in high-school who can help the students before the university.


题目类型: 三选一




“帮助学生在大学学习的最重要的因素是什么”这一题目给出的三个因素都很具体: “能在个人学习上给出建议的辅导老师” 、 “家人朋友的鼓励”或者“优秀的高中老师” 。三个备选因素之间区分度不算特别大,所以逐一论述选项的好/坏处更容易展开。

辅导老师: 优点是能给学生有效的学业和职业上的指导,提供很多机会;缺点是很忙,学生多,顾不过来。

朋友家人的鼓励: 优点是时刻陪伴,增强信心;缺点是鼓励仅限于言语层面,在实际行动上无法给出高效建议。

高中老师: 优点是管得严,帮助学生养成良好学习习惯,受益终生;缺点是所教授的知识跟大学所学有差别,无法在大学学科知识上给出有效指导。


论点: 优秀的高中老师。

理由一: 比辅导老师重要,因为辅导老师会阻碍学生解决问题能力的培养。

理由二: 比家人朋友重要,锻炼自主性。

理由三: 优秀的高中老师提供的教育是最重要的,产生内在的驱动力。


Education is one of the keywords of this age since it has an overall impact on people’s quality of life, both intellectually and financially.Attending colleges through which students gain knowledge about certain expertise, then, plays a crucial role in the whole education process.For decades, people have been seeking ways to improve students’ academic excellence.Some argue that direct instruction from private tutors for students to tackle difficulties in schoolwork plays a decisive role, others suggest support from family members or friends is indispensable.As I see it, high-quality education in high school lays a solid foundation for studies at the college or university and is definitely the most important contributor to academic success.



Instruction from tutors does help students settle some difficulties they meet in their schoolwork; however, if students constantly rely on the tutors, they are unlikely to make an attempt to find solutions by themselves anymore.There was an emperor in Ming Dynasty named Zhu Qizhen who always relied on a secretary to make decisions.The assistance from the secretary gradually inhibited the formation of the emperor’s ability to manage national issues and overcome obstacles on his own.Also, just as an ancient saying goes, “Do not feed one fish; rather, teach him to fish.” Accordingly, the existence of a nice tutor who answers every question for students does no good to students’individual problem-solving ability which is indeed the essence of success in college.





The actual help from tutors would not work effectively, and neither would the support and encouragement from family and friends, in part because this kind of help exists mostly in verbal forms.Let’s say Alvin’s mother calls him once a week and keeps on lecturing about the benefits of university education for an hour.Will Alvin be spurred by those inspiring words, and thus devote more time and energy to his schoolwork? He will, perhaps, do so in the next day.What about the party he is going to attend two days later? Or the picnic the whole class will have three days later? Will he skip those activities and confine himself in the library just due to recurring sound of his mother’s preaching? Not likely.Let’s be honest, even if there is a close friend who can accompany him 24-7, it is very likely that Alvin will slack on his studies from time to time, simply because extrinsic motivation is not strong enough to drive a man forward unless he is intrinsically motivated to move forward.


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Where, then, do the internal forces originate, concerning the pursuit of academic achievement at college or university? As far as I am concerned, they derive from high-quality education in high school.The provision of top-quality teaching resources as well as welldesigned textbooks certainly have a sway over these prospective students.A large proportion of them, taught by excellent high school teachers, are able to form a right attitude toward study and even a positive outlook toward his/her future life, especially the college life in the foreseeable future.Furthermore, in regard to students’ study, those high school teachers are stricter than their college counterparts, either in or after class.Eventually, students who were better educated in high school would become more self-disciplined and self-motivated, thereby becoming more promising when they enter college or university.

In conclusion, due to the inefficiency of tutoring and words from family and friends, quality education in high school is what bolsters students’ learning motivation and leads to their academic success in college.





intrinsically 内在地


attending colleges 上大学

academic excellence 学术能力

tackle difficulties 应对困难

lay a solid foundation 建立坚实的基础

overcome obstacles on one’s own 独立解决难题

the existence of ……的存在

the essence of ……的本质

confine in 限制在……范围里

recurring sound of his mother’s preaching 反复出现的他母亲说教的声音

slack on 松懈

derive from 来自

have a sway over 动摇

foreseeable future 可预见的未来

in regard to 关于

self-disciplined and self-motivated 自律和自我激励的 BOEsKmFADgjZaujRLANvlDicEkw26nqOHy38IEA9M7ByRjl0gGi5DmOlxrkZmGAB

