
15.(20170715) Some people think having classes on the Internet is good while others think having classes with a teacher in the classroom is good.Which one do you prefer and why?



在线课: 更方便。时间和地点不受限制,节省时间,可以上更多的课。

面授课: 更加真实,让学生更容易进入状态,distraction更少,在线教学时学生很容易分心看邮件和社交媒体,老师的存在对于学生是一种压力,保证了学习效果。


论点: 支持面授课。

理由一: 老师与学生交流更加畅通无阻。

理由二: 方便学生之间展开讨论。

理由三: 老师可以随时掌控进度和教学方法。


As technological development has made great strides, digital media have provided more opportunities for education.The popularity of online classes represents this new trend of technology in educational field.Some people hold an optimistic attitude towards this trend, while others still place much of their trust in traditional face-to-face classes.Although the Internet classes offer much convenience for education, I still prefer the traditional way of education owing to the following aspects.

First of all, having classes in the classroom is the best way for teachers and students to communicate.The online classes are easy to get access to, but students will feel it difficult to have a faceto-face conversation with teachers.In classroom, students have opportunities to express opinions or raise questions, and could get the feedback from teachers immediately.In addition, off-line classes offer more opportunities for the conversation between students and teachers.Students could make use of office-hours to further discuss the questions about this course.This real-time conversation is hard to simulate through online courses.Therefore, teaching in classroom will strengthen students’ understanding of the knowledge through convenient interaction with teachers.



Secondly, in the process of learning, sharing ideas with classmates is also an effective way to grasp the concepts and knowledge in the course.Classes in the classroom could make it possible for students to communicate with each other.By offering seminars, students will be able to discuss an issue in depth or conduct group projects together.The offline classes can achieve diverse approaches of teaching and learning by the face-to-face communication.On the Internet, however, students cannot discuss with classmates as frequently as in the off-line classes, which will decrease the opportunities for students to communicate.

Last but not the least, having classes in the classroom will be more convenient for teachers to engage students so as to deliver a worthwhile lecture.Teachers could have a better knowledge of the class through taking attendance, organizing activities and talking with students face-to-face.They could also observe the behaviors of students to improve the teaching approaches.On the Internet, however, teachers have limited chances to get close to students’ life, which will make them difficult to track students’ progress in this course.For example, suppose a student has trouble understanding a certain theorem mentioned in class.When facing students directly in a classroom, teachers can pause and answer the student’s questions regarding this theorem and can move on whenever the student finally understands it.In contrast, in a pre-recorded online class, it is impossible for students to obtain further information and explanation of this theorem from the teacher.



To summarize, off-line classes have lots of benefits because of the close and immediate communication among people, which could not be replaced by online communication.In an era when Internet dominates people’s everyday communication, we still should not neglect the necessity of face-to-face teaching in class.





feedback 反馈

interaction 互动

pre-recorded 提前录制好的


make great strides 有长足的进步/发展

raise questions 提问

off-line classes 线下课程

in the process of 在……的过程中

grasp the concepts and knowledge in the course 理解课程中的概念和知识

track students’ progress 追踪学生的进程

in an era when...在……的时代


As technological development has made great strides, digital media have provided more opportunities for education.随着科技发展的进步,数字媒体(为人们)提供了更多的教育机会。 (教育科技类相关话题中可以借鉴的开头句) 7kq1dkR4lFfPHGniHFksCaLBdmHRQU5kUdPkAIHF2Io/i/IJ3P+NY9dwvWTlsDBK
