
14.(20080330) Students can receive a more efficient education if they spend 11 months a year studying at school.




论点: 不同意。

理由一: 学习既需要校内的课程,也需要校外能力的培养。

理由二: 要想效率高,学生需要足够的休息和放松。

理由三: 老师也会对这样的时间安排有不满情绪。


Improving the efficiency of study is an heatedly debated issue for today’s education, and people hold different opinions as to how to promote the efficiency of study.Some people argue that if students study at school for 11 months in a year, they can learn more effectively.For me, however, spending so much time at school does not necessarily guarantee a high learning efficiency.




Education is never restricted to courses and grades but expands to the cultivation of multiple abilities.A more efficient education, similarly, consists of both the learning of course at school and the development of comprehensive abilities outside the campus.For example, some courses related to sociology require students to conduct social surveys during their spare time.Vacations will serve as a perfect time for conducting such projects, when students could have enough time and flexibility to conduct surveys or other activities.As a result, learning at school for an extended period of time is far from reasonable to reach the goal of learning efficiently.



Furthermore, effective learning also requires enough time for rest and relax for students.After a busy and stressful semester including many tasks and exams, students need a period of time to adjust.The rest and adjustment are beneficial to both the physical and mental health of students.If the semester lasts for 11 months, students will feel anxious and the outcome of study may not be satisfying.To make matters worse, students can possibly not focus on their study even though they are sitting in the classroom if they do not get sufficient amount of rest.



Last but not least, we should also take the feasibility of this advice into consideration.If the students stay at the school for 11 months, teachers and faculties will all be required to instruct students.First of all, the administration should consult the teachers’ advice before implementing the new arrangement of time.In addition, if the semester is longer than before, teachers will need to make large adjustments to the syllabus, which can be painstaking, especially for experienced teachers who have used the same syllabus for decades.Thus, it will be difficult to prolong the time of study at school for both students and teachers.

In summary, the longer time for studying at school seems to be plausible for improving the study of students.The idea is difficult to achieve in reality, considering both the growth of students and the teachers’ responsibilities.To improve the efficiency of study, we should pay more attention to the teaching method and content.Improvement on the quality of teaching and learning is the core for an effective education.



guarantee 保证

prolong 延长


an heatedly debated issue 富于争论的话题

hold different opinions 有不同的观点

the cultivation of multiple abilities 培养多种能力

conduct surveys 做调查

far from reasonable 完全不合理

take sth.into consideration 考虑到…… k9Yy+9PnTKgl/MbZpt7QPlIOes1j7tlVgQGyB4ihBDYVldNgm/0YbHC6H0Yt7XZ4
