
13.(20130913) Many high school students are doing a lot of schoolwork.However, some people believe that students should help their parents with household chores, since it is the best way to give them a sense of responsibilities.




论点: 高中生并非一定要通过做家务培养责任感。

理由一: 高中生需要花很多的时间和精力去学习,并且还需要时间进行课外的兴趣活动,让他们课后做家务会打乱他们的时间安排。

理由二: 家务并非培养责任感的唯一方式,许多丰富的志愿活动更加吸引学生,能够帮助他们培养责任感。


Responsibility is a valued quality in the modern society.Educating high school students to have the sense of responsibility is an important part for their personal growth.Some people think that making high school students do housework after school will develop the sense of responsibility for the youth.As far as I am concerned, doing housework is a good habit but it is not a necessary activity for students to learn about responsibility.







It is widely recognized that the schoolwork in high school is crucial for the students’ accumulation of knowledge and preparation for going to universities.Students need to take lots of courses and complete assignments from different subjects in high school.After school, they need plenty of time to finish their homework and review what they have learned.In addition, students need enough time for rest in order to study more efficiently at school.Doing housework will occupy students’ time for study and rest, which may lay a heavy burden on students.For example, my friend Eric always shows up at school looking exhausted in the morning.When asked about the reason for his exhaustion, instead of complaining about the amount of schoolwork, he said that his mother made him do tons of housework the minute he got home, such as sweeping the floor and cleaning the windows.Naturally, his grades were also influenced by this heavy amount of housework.

Besides schoolwork, students need time to cultivate their own interests such as playing instruments or doing sports.In particular, high school is a significant period to get trained in the fields the students take interested in.They may spend the time after school joining in the activities in school societies or clubs.Doing housework may have conflicts with the schedule and disturb the plan for extracurricular activities.Therefore, forcing students to do housework after school is not beneficial for their personal improvement.And students should have more freedom to arrange their time after school.



Although doing housework is a good habit for the youth, it is not the only way to cultivate the sense of responsibility.Many teenagers have already kept the habit of doing housework since childhood.The repetitive and simple activities of housework may become boring for them and have limited effect in developing responsibility.In addition, there are many other activities that could educate students to be responsible.For instance, there are many volunteer works on campus or in the community.Students could cooperate with different people, learn practical skills and gain fresh experiences by joining these colorful activities.Not only could they learn about responsibility, they could also obtain various abilities through the experience.Comparing with housework, joining different kinds of social works or volunteer activities will attract students more, and therefore is more effective for developing a sense of responsibility.

All in all, doing housework after school is not necessary for developing the sense of responsibility.Students ought to have more flexibility in their high school life.Apart from the housework, there are lots of opportunities to learn about responsibility such as volunteer work that actually appeal more to students.



a valued quality 一个宝贵的品质

develop/cultivate the sense of responsibility 培养责任感

accumulation of knowledge 知识的积累

lay a heavy burden on 为……增加沉重的负担

cultivate their own interests 培养他们自己的兴趣

play instruments 演奏乐器

be beneficial for 对……有利

have conflicts with 和……有冲突

cooperate with 与……合作

gain fresh experiences 获得新鲜的体验

apart from 除了……之外


It is widely recognized that...被广泛认可的是……(通常是观点) GLgk/wI+lOpSylviAvkEHEEVBbQc2WHKAvrcoI6hCxh1U60b7R5JQCHPSis0/Ra0
