
12.(20160903) Colleges and universities must do a good job of preparing students for their future career.




论点: 学校应该为学生的就业准备提供良好的指导。

理由一: 就业方面的指导可以帮助学生掌握必要的职业技能,在未来有更好的发展。

理由二: 大学生对职场不是很了解,需要学校提供更多的指导。

理由三: 尽管学术发展是大学的重要功能,学生的职业发展也是衡量一个大学的教学质量的重要指标。


For college students, preparing for future career is a crucial aspect of their college life.A proper career plan will benefit a student in both their study and long-term personal improvement.Since future career is significant for the growth of students, it is no doubt that universities should pay attention to students’ career goals and take responsibility for helping students prepare for their future career.


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First of all, a well-rounded education at college or university should not only include schoolwork and grades of students, but also take their future growth into consideration.After all, students’ future career is one of the best ways to evaluate the quality of their education.Thus, universities should help students to make career plans and achieve their career goals.For example, in the Career Center of our university, the faculties will organize workshops for career choice and conduct mock interviews with students.With their help, students could learn more about the manners and skills in workplace, which will offer them more advantages in future interviews.For example, before I got in touch with Professor Nolan at the Career Center, I had no idea what I should do in the future.However, after a year of communicating with him and participating in various activities organized by the center, now, I want to become an analyst on Wall Street and have been more than ready to have an interview with my potential employers.



Secondly, college students have limited knowledge about different types of jobs and they need more guidance and information from the university for their career choice.The university could integrate resources and information and provide students with a comprehensive outlook on their future development.Each semester, many companies and institutions come to the university to recruit interns or new employees.Some employers from the alumni may also seek chances to communicate with students in the university.The university could make use of these resources and send career information immediately to students.Therefore, more students will benefit from these opportunities.For example, while it is highly competitive for computer science majored students to find jobs as they graduate, it would be much easier if the university can reach out to an alumnus and find out if he/she can offer some job opportunities to the graduating seniors.

Although academic research is an important function for universities, good career development of students is also significant in building the reputation of a university.The university’s ability to serve students for their future career has become a significant part in measuring the university’s quality.In particular, many students plan to find jobs after graduation instead of continuing academic research.And many courses and programs in the university are designed for learning more professional knowledge.For such courses, it is necessary for the university to provide more useful information about internship and


前半句承认学术研究对于大学来说是一个重要的功能,紧接着指出好的职业发展规划对于大学来说也有着同等重要的作用。 career to students.The guidance in students’ future career will definitely benefit the comprehensive development of the university.

To summarize, guidance for students’ future career is an inseparable part of the university’s education.Good instructions on career plans will not only provide student a better experience of personal growth, but also promote the future development of the university.



a proper career plan 一个合理的职业规划

long-term personal improvement 个人的长期发展

pay attention to 集中精力于……

a well-rounded education 全面的教育

take...into consideration 把……考虑进来

conduct mock interview 进行模拟面试

integrate resources and information 整合资源和信息

a comprehensive outlook 一个完整的展望

build the reputation of a university 建立起一所大学的名誉

serve for 为……服务

an inseparable part of 不可分割的一部分


It is no doubt that...无须质疑的是…… UvDPfZ7oDzIoIhu6FvHKYvUVMuw4wDdweQeGrs0mqIruI+1RjnnefGj0Zl8X+bSt
