
8.(20170520) At some universities, students take part in making decisions about the issues that affect the daily life of everybody on campus, such as how many hours the libraries should be open for each day or what kinds of food should be served in the cafeteria.But at some universities, experts are hired to make these decisions and students are almost never involved.Which approach do you prefer?




论点: 应该让更多的学生参与到校园事务的决定中。

理由一: 学生是全面参与校园生活的群体,最了解学校内需要改善的地方。

理由二: 学生是这些有关校园生活的决策的直接受众,会通过自身经历不断完善决策,促使这些政策更加全面而有效地实施。

理由三: 一些学校雇用专家做决策,是因为担心学生随意花费资金,但是在一个人数比较多的学生组织里,学生可以做出比较符合大多数人意愿的决策;另外,专家的数量有限,有可能做出错误的决策。


Tons of decisions that are directly related to students’ life qualities are made in every single university.While some people may argue that it’s more efficient to hire experts and let them deal with those issues on campus, I strongly recommend that the school officer get more students involved in the decision-making process.

First and foremost, students are the group of people who have fully experienced campus life, so they are also the people who know best about what changes ought to be made at the university.In China, there is an old saying: those who have not tried have no right to judge.It perfectly applies to this situation.If you haven’t been to the school’s dinning-hall, how do you know whether the food is delicious or not? And if you have never worked out in the school gym, how do you know whether the equipment is good enough? Experts probably won’t have a clue about all these affairs, but students who have tried out different services school has provided know exactly which aspect the school should improve and that’s the reason why they should get a place in the decision-making process.



Secondly, students are the real beneficiaries of every single decision the school makes.If you give them the right to make their own decisions, whether it will bring them positive effects or not, they will have to put up with it since people usually stick to choices they made by themselves even they do not turn out to be not good ones.And when students meet the situation where their changes have brought negative impacts on the whole campus, they will learn to think problems from a more comprehensive point of view so that next time, the students’ union will hand out better proposals to benefit the university.In contrast, if the experts school invited accidentally make a wrong decision, the students won’t stop complaining about how unfair that their opinions are not included when making the decision, which would then take the school officers time to deal with the chaos caused by dissatisfaction from the students.



Finally, some of the school administrators offer the job of decisionmaking to experts because they are afraid of students spending school’s funds in an irrational way.Here, I say that their worries are uncalled for.Students are a group with large numbers of people; irrational people certainly exist among them, but through voting and discussing, the entire group will draw a conclusion that represents the wishes of the majority.Besides, the number of experts the school hired is relatively small, leading to a higher rate of mistake-making.



All in all, the school should never bother wasting money hiring experts in the decision-making process; instead, they can do so in a more efficient way by getting a large number of students involved.



tons of decisions 无数的决定

deal with 处理

get...involved in 使……参与

apply to 适用于,应用于

work out 锻炼

put up with 忍受,容忍

in an irrational way 通过一种不合理的方式

be the real beneficiaries of 实际收益人

be uncalled for 是不必要的,多余的

draw a conclusion 得出结论

represent the wishes of the majority 代表大多数人的意愿



学生参与决定: 更符合学生的意愿,使其生活更加舒心;有助于学生在未来为自己的生活做决定。

学生不参与决定: 专家的决定更科学,如果让学生做决定,可能餐厅里全是垃圾食品;学生可以利用做决定的时间做其他的事情,比如学习和锻炼。


论点: 学生参与决定。

理由一: 更符合学生的意愿。

理由二: 可以随时根据最新情况做出新的决定。

理由三: 让学生更主动地参与校园生活。


Nowadays, students value not only engaging in their own study, but also fully engaging in campus life and decision-makings around the campus.I still remember the thrills and challenges when discussing issues, such as increasing the numbers of books one is allowed to borrow at one time, with classmates and school faculty.Therefore, I strongly believe that students’ involvement is indispensable in making a campus-related decision, and such experience will in turn benefit their social life.

Firstly, students’ opinions and experiences enable school facilities to better cater to specific social and academic needs of various students.In most situations, experts weigh the pros and cons of each choice in accordance with statistics and computer models based on limited samples.A lack of personal experience may prevent experts from drawing a reasonable conclusion.For example, when it comes to organizing lectures in my school, school experts initially invited many prestigious professors, introducing students to latest discoveries and breakthroughs.However, students tend to get bored really quick by frightening scientific terms and theories.As a member of the student council, I proposed turning lectures into seminars where students can interact with the professors and voice their own opinions, which turned out to be a great success.



Secondly, students’ involvement elicits more efficient and timely decisions, since students are always informed on latest news and issues around the campus.Without actually living in the campus, keeping informed of problems of school facilities may be a challenging task for experts.Without living on campus, hardly can experts know which lab facilities have worn out and need repairing; hardly can experts know a recent burglary around campus and take measures against it.Students’involvement is critical for efficient problem solving.



Thirdly, getting involved in decision-making benefits students by motivating them to actively engage in their campus life and enhancing their social skills.The responsibilities of universities include not only equipping students with necessary knowledge, but also preparing them for social challenges, such as dealing with objections and making compromises.When facing controversial issues such as open hours for school gym, my friends and I encountered a variety of dissents, tradeoffs and debates.We stressed out listing opinions of each side, but each time, we managed to reach an efficient and suitable solution.The beauty of getting involved lies in how I learned to communicate and collaborate with different people, to embrace diversity and to empathize with others’ feelings.My participation in school decisions spices up my entire high school social life.Thus, I feel confident that allowing students to take initiative will enrich campus life of college


与不同的人进行交流合作能够帮助学生更加了解社会的多样性,更能对其他人的感受产生共情。 students and fuel them with valuable communication skills.

The ultimate goal of universities should be to provide a comfortable, diverse, embracing environment for students, which can’t be achieved without students’ opinions and involvement.Generally speaking, universities should encourage students to get involved in decision-making regarding issues around the campus.



indispensable 不可或缺的

optimal 最优的

elicit 引出

timely 及时的

burglary 入室盗窃罪

critical 至关重要的

dissent 分歧


cater to specific social and academic needs of various students 满足不同学生的社交和学术需求

pros and cons 优点和缺点

in accordance with=according to 根据

get bored 感到无聊

spice up 使……生动活泼

take initiative 积极主动

fuel sb.with 通过……给某人鼓励 1tTv1LTgat9C/Z0wvFLTGZQulAwy0mr+1D8vUapFjSs2iGCb213yTI21Pd8QVdHi

