


[1] 略

[2] Do thefollowing exercises.


1. muscle

2. delinquency

3. prominence

4. proficiency

5. frequency

6. penalty

7. immensity

8. exaltation

9. withdrawal

10. mockery

11. deficiency

12. compensation


1. ette作词根,表示小的东西,前面加名词;

2. out作词缀,表示“超过;过渡”,后加名词或形容词;

3. 词根pose,意为“放”,加前缀和/或后缀;

4. dict作词根,意为“说话”,加前缀和/或后缀。


1. 那只是一次失言,但他却因此丢了自己的官职。

2. 当她听说她的儿子没有获得大学授予的博士学位时,她的心情十分沮丧。

3. 照片里的她挥舞着国旗,满是比赛完激动而满足的神情。

4. 这部电影被禁播了,因为他们声称电影中包含令人反感的贬低其种族的内容。

5. 他和内阁成员们协商的时候,不会讨论这些琐事。

6. 我把我的小小的建议写在这张纸上了。请你见到她的时候给她。

7. 尽管有些人强烈反对,但是大多数特洛伊人还是决定把木马运进城里。他们从未想到这个奇怪的东西里藏着敌军。

8. 我认为教师们去教室上课应该着装朴素。你的衣服有点太扎眼了。


1. A skirt借代的是一个女人

2. The WhiteHouse借代美国政府

3. The Kremlin 借代俄罗斯政府

4. The Pen借代写作,sword借代武力

5. head借代人

6. ballot借代民主选举,The barrel of a gun和bullet借代革命暴力

7. A roof overtheir heads借代住房

8. hands借代人力


[1] Work in pairs and exchange your views on the followingquestions.

1. No, he was regarded as someone who did not think at all. He was afrequent visitor to the headmaster’s office because he did not follow schoolrules. He was not as disintegrated as he said he was.

2. Because he thought they were symbols of love, nature andthinking, the whole of life to him.  They indicated that theheadmaster believes that the aim of education is to nurture these qualities.The boy did not understand the meaning. He took them for something embarrassing,scary or miserable.

3. No, becausethe school never told the boy how to think. It was a bit early to make kidsthink.

4. He tried to learn to think from his teachers, because he felt hethought there was something missing in him.

5. Because it is a satire against Mr. Houghton, he is a man full ofunconscious prejudice, ignorance and hypocrisy, and yet he regards himself as athinker. The author says that Mr Houghton “thought with his neck” to suggestthat he was not actually thinking, he was just doing things by his instinct.

6. Grade-three thinking is feeling rather than thought, and theauthor did not think highly of grade-three thinkers. He showed feeling ofcontempt and mockery. Because these people, who are ignorant and prejudicedtend to be stubborn and they usually stick together. It is not advised to showmockery or contempt to them, because they are likely to be offended and therewill be bad consequences.

7. A grade-two thinker is someone who detects contradictions butdoes not offer solutions. He does not stampede easily, but often he falls intothe other fault and lags behind. He stands to lose by being a grade-two thinker.He got compensations from it, which are moments are delight.

8. Because it is the highest grade of thinking. What distinguishesgrade-one thinkers from grade-two thinkers is that grade-one thinkers not onlyask questions, but also work to answer them.


[1] Translate the following expressions.

Into English

Into Chinese

[2] Replace the parts in bold type with appropriate words andexpressions from the text.

1. wascompletely disgusting

2. was given tofrequent shopping spress

3. saw thefolly; fell into the other fault; cut down

4. walkedunsteadily; in anguish

5. justify;countered by saying; If anything; ruin

6. vanish ofitself; combat; put in its place

7. stand by him;openly humiliated and mocked

8. viewed;symbolized; in eternal panic lest

9. dismisslightly, it might be Nazism all over again

10. too muchfor; few and far between; few and far between

[3] Translate the following sentences into English.

1. I knew that Icould rely on my brother to stand by me whatever happened.

2. As a general rule, unlike the older generation, young people tendto be more interested in the present than the past. However, both generationswill stand to lose if they don’t respect the other’s needs.

3. The Chinesewritten language has been a major factor for integrating the whole nation.

4. In traditional Chinese art and literature, the bamboo and thepine tree usually symbolize moral integrity and uprightness.

5. QueenElizabeth Ⅰ ruledEngland for 45 years, and the nation prospered under her rule.

6. Democracy means that the majority rules. But that’s not all.Respect for the minority’s right to disagree is also an integral part ofdemocracy. These two rules are of equal importance.

7. A nation cannot be strong unless it is well-integrated politically,economically, culturally as well as geographically.

8. The party was boring, so he slipped out of the room and wenthome. But the road was so muddy after the rain that he slipped and fell into aditch.

9. Her health was such that she would not dear to be exposed to thesun even in winter lest she got sunstroke.

10. I was drowning my sorrows one night in a small restaurant whenshe came over to me and slipped a roll of money in my hand.

[4] Fill inthe blanks with appropriate words or expressions.

1. C

2. A

3. B

4. B/C

5. C

6. B

7. A

8. D

9. A

10. A

[5] Choose the right words in their proper forms.

[6] Fill in the blanks with suitable words to make the sentenceironical.


[1] Learnto use the present / past continuous tense with adverbs of frequency and findout which of the following sentences imply disapproval or annoyance.

Sentence 1, 3, 4,8, 10 imply disapproval while the rest of the sentences don’t.

[2] Learn the uses of being.





1. He is being investigated for accepting bribes.

2. Thegovernment started airdropping food to areas being cutoff by the flood.

3. People aremuch concerned about how the charity money is beingused.

4. The exactlocations of the laboratories are being keptsecret for reasons of security.

5. What’s thematter with Jim today? I think he’s being rather rude,not his usual self.

6. The localpublic security bureau is being criticized for being soft on white-collar crime.

7. The caraccident investigator is accused of being one-sided,favoring the offender.

8. The project coordinator complains that almost half of his time is being spent on attending meetings and writingreports.

9. His latest novel being adaptedfor TV has been on the New York Times best-seller list for forty-twoweeks.

10. The spokesman flatly denied all rumors beingcirculated at the moment about the president’s health.

[3] Study the grammatical structure of these involvedsentences.

1. This is a compound complex sentence, the two coordinate clausesbeing separated by a semi- colon. Both clauses are complex in their own right.The first one contains an adverbial clause of reason introduced by theconjunction lest, which is formal and literary, the second also containingan adverbial clause of reason introduced by since.

2. This is acomplex sentence.

The mainclause: it set me watching… and asking… whatall the fuss was about

Subject: It

Predicative verb: set

Objects: watching… and asking...

One of theobjects “asking myself...” (a gerund phrase) contains a noun clause “what allthe fuss was about” which functions as the direct object of “asking”

Adverbial modifier:the prepositional phrase “without giving me anything positive” modifying themain verb “set”

Attributive modifier:“to put in the place of that heady patriotism” (an infinitive phrase) modifying“anything positive”

[4] Translate the last three paragraphs of the selection intoChinese.








Writing(略) +KUYaLTFEVqPfcY7SqS9nzoTLqcYcRzGatPMHNO8Zg1WAFWge488JclUm3j+zzlU
