


[1] (略)

[2] Do the following exercises.


1. 前缀poly-可意为“多;复”;前缀mono-意为“单一”

2. 前缀be-意为“把…当作;使…成为”。

3. 前缀a-可表示方位、方式或状态。

4. 后缀-verse意为“转”。

5. 前缀de-意为“…的反义;去掉;取消”。


1. When used as verbs, these words often mean “acting the way theseanimals do”. For example,

He wormedhis way through the crowd to the reception desk.

He wolfed down the rest of biscuits.

2. When used asverbs, these words often mean “to take away these things.” For example,

The girl peeled her sweater off over her head.

The old woman shelled the nuts skilfully.



1. 采纳一个主意;领养一个孩子

2. 正在罢工的工人;一个显著的例子

3. 招待客人;抱有希望

4. 一个智力超群的学者;他那个时代最有才智的人之一

5. 一套新公寓;平躺在床上;平坦的农田;断然拒绝;彻底的破产

6. 环绕/盘旋;形成一个圆圈;工商界;家庭圈子

7. 一套房间;一套规则;一个固定的速度限制;固定的观点;僵硬的表情,固定的表达方式;一项固定的费用;落日;使某人发笑;出发/开始工作;动身/启程;建立;把某物放某处;树立一个榜样;等到液体凝固

8. 购买股票;股票交易所;股东;某物有充足的存货;脱销;讲完了某人的老套的笑话;好莱坞电影的老套

9. 从地板上把它捡起来;到机场接我;被警察逮捕了;加快速度;继续说话;(健康状况、经济等)在好转

10. 跑出(那个房间);钱用光了(钱快用光了);没有时间了(时间快没有了);(护照、合同等)已经过期


[1] Translate the following expressions.

Into English

Into Chinese

[2] Put appropriate prepositions or adverbs in the blanks.

1. at; against;to; out / over

2. at; about

3. from; with:off

4. on; off

5. out; as

6. as; out

7. as; out

8. on; as; for

9. off; with; as

10. at; as

11. as; out

12. out; out

[3] Replace the parts in bold type with appropriate words andexpressions from the text.

1. meet with; bareassertion

2. accept a viewuncritically; rests upon/on mere

3. hold oppositeviews; conflicting interests

4. merelyparroting; tend; fit in with/are consistent with

5. conceive of;consistent with

6. is also trueof; make allowance(s) for

7. stocksubjects; going to the dogs

8. in fashion; argumentin its favor

9. bear a grudgeagainst; shake off; recollections

10. belittle;attribute; to

11. As a rule; wouldbe the last person to be; became jealous of

12. In (the)light of; left no room for doubt; imminent

[4] Translate the followingsentences into English.

1. Our reform and opening-up policy resulted in rapid economicgrowth. But we must not forget that the policy in turn resulted from the greatemancipation/liberation of people’s minds.

2. Generally speaking/As a general rule, the fact that you like aperson will dispose you to like his ideas, too.

3. It is doubtful if we can ever find a way to dispose of nuclearwaste that is 100 percent secure. If possible, we should shift to othersources.

4. I searched around for a set of furniture that would fit in mysmall sitting room. But I found them out of stock at the moment.

5. When serving the guest, the innkeeper found that the man fit thedescriptions of the wanted murder suspect.

6. When asked how to keep fit, he would give some stock advice: clingto a good eating habit, i.e. no salt, no sugar and no fat.

7. The water was unfit for swimming, let alone drinking. As aresult, many people in that region fell ill.

8. I had thought he would lose his temper when he heard this, but hedidn’t. On the contrary, he was suddenly seized by a fit of laughter.

9. When completed, this subway will be extended to cover the wholecity.

10. The stock market did not seem to respond to the economic boom,which puzzled everybody. No wonder people all decided to hold their stocks.

[5] Choosethe appropriate word or expression from the brackets.

1. beyondquestion

2. out of thequestion

3. On thecontrary; firm/resolute

4. Conversely/Onthe other hand

5. on the otherhand

6. make allowancefor

7. think; makeallowance for

8. stopped/ended;sentiment/feeling

9. proposition;conviction; emotions

10. ideas;dogmas; feelings/sentiments


[1] Learnto use abbreviated adverbial clauses.


1. when they(the staunchest Roman Catholic and the staunchest Presbyterian) were infants

2. when they(such "obvious truths") are examined

3. when it (anassumed or dogmatic proposition) was challenged

4. if he wastold

5. while we aredoing something repetitive

6. while he(this young man) was attending college

7. as if he (abeanpole with hair on top) wanted to say

8. as if he wastrying to check the wind

9. When you arein Rome

10. though they(nuclear plants) are cheap to operate


1. The conditional clause cannot be shortened because its subject“Lin” isn’t one and the same with that of the main clause—“I”.

2. If cooked too long, much of the vitamin C invegetables will be destroyed.

3. The conditional clause cannot be shortened because its subject“the matter” isn’t the same with that of the main clause—“protests”.

4. Though a foreigner, Dr. Bethune regarded the cause ofthe Chinese people as his own.

5. If given every attention possible, the dying manstill has a chance of recovery.

6. When questioned closely and severely bythe teacher, the boy admitted cheating in the exam.

7. Even thoughstill operating, the committee won’t play as an important a role as it used to.

8. The teller turned to the next customer with a smile, as though deliberately snubbing the girl.

9. When living in the Northeast, did you ever learn toski?

10. The conditional clause cannot be shortened because its subject“I” isn’t the same with that the main clause—“it”.


1. When young

2. unlessforbidden

3. If cooked intomato sauce

4. Once out oftrouble

5. When urged

6. When ripe

7. If notrestricted

8. Though wellover seventy

9. as if turningover some important matter in his mind

10. If detectedsleeping on the job/at his post/on duty

[2] Learnmore about the subjective mood.


1. …whatever be the cause of its acceptance...

2. I suggest you wearmoccasins...

3. …I insisted that we take a different route.

4. …who demanded Maheegun be shot because he had killed her rooster.

5. My father’sgovernment job demanded that he go overseas every few years...

6. The international community urgedthat the warring sides of the country stopfighting immediately.

7. The school requires that each and every student wear uniform on Monday.

8. …it was essential that all exits bekept clear.

9. The study recommends that everyyoung person have the chance to take part inadventurous outdoor activity.

10. …be he a secretary or CEO...


1. all foreignmilitary missile bases be removed

2. whatever be the cost

3. both driversand passengers wear seat belt

4. whether it be in the office or on the production/assembly line

5. an athlete keep as fresh as possible

6. collegestudents be allowedto live off campus

7. the integrityof the ecosystem be maintained

8. an inquiry be conducted into theenvironmental effects of the proposed project

9. publicfigures alter/change/modify their self-destructive behavior

10. whether theybe trash men or public servants

[3] Study the grammatical structure of these involvedsentences.

1. This is a complexsentence.

Subject: we

Main verb:shall be astonished at (be + a.+ prep. )

Object ofpreposition: the number of propositions (nounphrase)


met with ineveryday life (a past participle phrase modifying “the number of propositions”)which we shall find it necessary to class as groundless (relative clausemodifying “the number of propositions met with in everyday life,” in thisrelative clause, the relative pronoun “which” functions as the object of theinfinitive, “as groundless” being the object complement)

2. This is aneven more complicated complex sentence.

Subject: we

Predicate verb: should remember

Object: that the whole history…increasing knowledge and reason (a noun clause)

Embedded in theobject clause is a shortened time clause “when examined in the light of increasingknowledge and reason” modifying “breaking down” (a gerund).


When we aretempted to say that any general truth is so “obvious” that it would be absurdeven to question it (a time clause modifying the predicate verb “shouldremember”). Embedded in the time clause is a result clause “that it would beabsurd even to question it” modifying “obvious.”

[4] Translate the selection (except the first two paragraphs)into Chinese.








Writing(略) o23q13QzhnXccUV6N1QccTtzvhWGXD4JSxULJiRE5GTjc+xTNYC3JqTJVSTv6Gxp
