


1. Omitted


1) In the countryside.

2) It is difficult to distinguish the root crops you buyfrom stores from those you grow yourself in your garden.

3) It means having a particular influence (在起作用).

It refers to the arduous work human beings pretend to do ina game.

4) Think calmly and make his decision on reasons.

5) waft through: a smell, smoke or a light wind movesgently through the air

6) It means to be serious about doing something, even if itinvolves harming someone.

7) The worms that come out of the melting soil weredelicious food for the birds.

8) It means a small piece of land for building or growingthings on. “Conflict” here refers to the struggle in his mind.

9) sparingly: using or doing only a little of sth. (一点点,节俭的)

broadcast: to sow seeds over a wide area, especially byhand

10)”Neurotic” means unreasonably anxious or afraid. It is aself-mocking tone.

11) Also, your natural tendency to act like a kind fatheror mother begins to take effect.

12) as it were: used to describe sb. or sth. in a way thatis not quite exact(可以说)

turn upon you: here it means suddenly attack someone, usingphysical violence or unpleasant words

13) occupation: here it means a way of spending your time(消遣,业余活动)

14) Here, a pointed piece of wood or metal especiallyone that is pushed into the ground to support something or mark a particularplace.

15) shades of green: means slight differences in degree ofgreen.

16) pocket: a small area or amount of something that isdifferent from what rounds it(一小片,少量)

personal reassurance: something that makes a person feelless worried(自我安慰) thrusting life: life that is moving forwardquickly and powerfully

17) an extension of oneself: the further development ofoneself

Paraphrase: Gardening has to be another place where peoplecontinue to work hard to achieve something.

18) character building: helping to develop one’s character(性格锻炼,品德培养)

Because he thinks gardening is an extremely importantoccupation.

He is trying to express his sincere belief. The finalsentence is ironical and humorous, referring to how they disobeyed God and wasdriven out of the Garden.


1. Do the followingexercise on word formation rules.




2. Give synonymsor antonyms to the following words.



3. Translate thefollowing verb+none collocation into Chinese.

4. Rewrite the sentence,replacing the phrase in bold type with appropriate expression in their properforms.

5. Fill in the blanks with the proper prepositionor adverbs.

6. Translating thefollowing sentence into English.

1) Health care must be available to all citizensin spite of their differences. We cannot justify a policy that denies medicalcare to the large population living in the country.

2) They claim that they have discovered auniversal law which applies to all nations.

3) I often made a fool of myself when living onmy uncle’s farm. When asked to get rid of the weeds in the rice fields, forexample, I often failed to tell apart the weeds and the rice seedlings.

4) Why go there today? I’d much rather waituntil the snow ceases.

5) Rice requires large quantities of water andmany scientists warn us that even if we use our water sparingly, the day willinevitably come when we will be fighting over limited water resources.

6) There has been quite a noticeable change inrecent years. We no longer depend on exports for economic growth. We are nowinclined to put more emphasis on domestic consumption.

7) Today’s tendency is to give little kids toomany quizzes and exams until they are no good for anything but taking exams.

8) It is meaningless to force professors topublish a fixed number of papers every year regardless of their quality. Inaddition, this is a demand even Einstein would not have been able to meet.


1. Study the use of nounclause introduced by wh-words.


A noun clause is a clause that functions as anoun. Noun clauses can be used:

a) as (direct) object of verbs, as in Sentences 1,2,5,7,10

b) after the link verb be as predictive (表语), as in Sentences4,6,8,9

c) after an adjective such as ( a person is) sure,certain, positive, ( it is) amazing/strange/ funny, etc., as inSentence 3

d) as subject, as in:

What bothered me was how easily I had reached the decision. (para.2, Unit 8,Book 1) after certain prepositions as object, as in:

They seldom give advance notice about which school theyare going to inspect. Other wh-words that are used to introduce a nounclause: who, whom, whose


1) what has brought you to Paris

2) how much he loved him

3) when and why you started your own businessand how you went about setting it up 4) why he has survived and most of hisfellow travelers haven’t

5) when we occasionally came in summer

6) why quite a number of whales have beachedthemselves

7) How the pilot managed to bring the plane downsafely

8) what steps the minister will take to preventa similar accident

9) when it should be held

10) who the driver was

2. Learn to use thegerund.


1)digging up: object of started

doing: object ofthe preposition before

2) sending: subject of the sentence

3) keeping: subject of the sentence

4) binding: predictive of the sentence

5) saying: object of the preposition instead of

6) striving: subject of the relative clause introduced bywhere

7) hoping: object of cease, which has an object clause

8)reviving: object of the prepositionof


1)Missing the flight means waitinghours for the next.

2) He never makes an important decision without askinghis parents’ advice.

3) I’ll return the book to you as soon as Ifinish reading it. /I’ll return the book to you on finishingit.

4) Never enter anyone’s office without knocking.

5) He tried very hard to avoid sayinganything that might displease his sick father.

6) Instead of trying to reducecosts, they raised prices and cut production.

7) He has many good qualities besides beingone of the most gifted chess players in the world.

8) Many of us may be eating food containing GM ingredients without realizing it.

3. Fill in each blankwith ONE suitable word.

4. Translate thesentences, using a noun clause beginning with a wh-word or a gerund.

1) Do you know how computers work?

2) Anyone can do what I’m doing now.

3) That’s exactly where you’re wrong.

4) It is almost impossible to visit Hangzhou without falling in love with the city.

5) That was why she returned to China at age 73/the age of 73.

6) How they broke into overseas markets stillremains a mystery to me.

7) Find out who she is, where she came from, andwhy she has been sent here.

8) On his first day at school, the boy came torealize what lay ahead of him

9) Education should sow the seeds of wisdom,besides implanting knowledge and skills.

10) They advised people touring this area toavoid going out alone after dark.

11) One of her job is teaching young people howto handle personal relationships.

12) Making promises without keeping them is notconsidered a good practice.

5. Identify and correctthe mistakes. Note there is no mistake in two of the sentences.

1) The CEO left through the backdoor to avoidbeing seen by striking employees.

2) Robert wanted his father to know how much heloved him.

3) Would you mind me/my opening the windowduring the break?

4) No mistake.

5) I wonder why he should lie to me—I’m his bestfriend after all.

I wonder why he should lie to me; I’m his best friend afterall.

I wonder why he should lie to me. After all I’m his bestfriend.

6) With her salary, how she managed to buy a bighouse is a mystery to all her friends.

7) Had he not been careless, he would have donebetter in the exam.

8) No mistake.

9) Professor Lin advised me to read moreextensively. /Professor Lin suggested that I read more extensively. /ProfessorLin suggested my reading more extensively.

10) Would you describe what the attacker lookslike?

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