


1. Listen to therecording of the text and fill in the blanks in the following sentences.

1) Racialequality

2) civil rights;Linger on

3) husband;quite a considerate husband; liberal; racial

4) considered;Unprepared

5) give hiswife; had admitted

6) found out; pressing/asking

7) look; arguedabout such serious matters

8) perfectlynormal; tolerate

9) come fromdifferent culture

10) culturallyand socially; racial segregation

11) white;married; a perfect stranger

2. Read the text forbetter comprehension and answer the questions.

1) “Pitch in” means “to join in and help with an activity, by doingsome of the work or by giving money”. In the expression “to pitch a baseball”,the word “pitch” means “to throw”. “To pitch a tent” means “to put up a tent(支帐篷)”. “Pitch dark” means “asdark as pitch”(漆黑)—pitch means “沥青”.

“Housework” meansthe work you do to keep your house clean and tidy: “homework” means the work ateacher gives to a student to do out of class.

2) After thinking of all aspects of the matter carefully.

People fromdifferent culture may have many different habits. It’s difficult forinterracial marriage.

3) Like pinched her brows together and bit her lower lips.

He knew therewould be an unpleasant quarrel, and that it was wiser for him just to keep hismouth shut. This shows that they have had previous serious disagreements. Thiswas not the first time. It shows that the man has seldom taken his wife’s wordsseriously.

4) “You coming along…and implying…”is the complex object of “need”.

If he weren’t aracist, he would not say no, since his wife is exactly the same person exceptfor her skin color.

5) No. It is clear that the wife is using an ironic tone.

No. It’s acommon excuse of white racists to justify their prejudice on black people.

6) To show he’s annoyed by his wife.

Normally itmeans “what I say is absolutely true”, but here he means “it is true notbecause I am saying it. I have statistics to prove this.”

7) She said it contemptuously.

She was gettingangry.

8) Because his wife keeps imitating him, showing that she thinkswhat he said was ridiculous and hypocritical.

9) To show his anger. It’s the same like “My God” or “Oh boy”.

10) It means “not married or engaged; without a regular companion”.

11) Because his wife remained angry.

12) It means “to recognize sth. as a result of knowledge, experienceor evidence” (看得出来).

She feltclearly her husband’s hesitation on the question, and he hesitated because hewas trying to get out of this embarrassing situation.

13) She wanted him to tell her his true answer.

14) It shows his reluctance to give this answer.

15) Because she was angry with her husband and wanted to show hercontempt for him.

16) “At it” and “might as well” here mean doing something else thatfollows from doing the primary thing. While he was doing the dishes and hecouldn’t think of anything else to do, he would mop the floor.

No, he wasangry too. He wanted to cover up his anger and show his indifference in returnby continuing the housework.

17) He is ashamed of being made to lose his temper. He thinks it wasfoolish of him to take his wife so seriously. He obviously does not view hiswife as his intellectual equal.

18) He is going to change his answer.

No, he just wants to humor, his wife, and he does not think theissue that important anyway.

19) He expected his wife would forgive him and join him on the bed.

20) It shows that this was not the first time since they had marriedthat he had felt his wife was a stranger to him.


1. Do the followexercise on word formation rules.


1) Suffix -ware, meaning objects made of a particular material

2) Suffix -ics, meaning the science or art of

3) /4) Suffixes -ic and -ical, meaning of, characteristic of, orbelonging to



1) economy: economist ; economic; economical ; economically;economize

2) critical: critic; critically; criticize; criticism.

3) consider: considerate; inconsiderate, considerable, considerably,consideration, considering

2. Translate thefollowing collocations into English.

3. Give the antonyms ofthe following words.

4. Rewrite thesentences, replacing the phrases in bold type with the appropriate expressionsin their proper forms.

1) It’s okay with me; might as well

2) You can take my word for it; break up

3) came up with the same idea

4) come to my aid

5) for our children’s sake

6) he acted out of concern for my health

7) All things considered

8) at it; on our part

9) pitch in

10) make it up to him

5. Fill in the blankswith proper prepositions or adverbs.

6. Translate thefollowing sentences into English.

1) You know what? All things considered, it’s not a bad idea to be ateacher. In fact, I think the idea is excellent.

2) I don’t like you taking a sarcastic tone the way you just did.You seem to be implying all the time that I am a good-for-nothing.

3) It is really considerate of my father to let me make the finaldecision. I must say I am very lucky. Not many people have such a terrificfather.

4) You said you do not want any money. You may not want money, butyou do need it. I don’t see what’s wrong with students who earn some moneyduring their spare time.

5) Somehow this tune sounds very familiar, but I can’t recall whatit is. It is a Russian folk song anyhow.

6) Apart from the usual weekend housework, I still have a whole pileof homework to do tomorrow. It’s really terrible.

7) To demonstrate that we are unhappy with the recent dispute, weput off our Foreign Minister’s visit indefinitely.

8) It’s getting dark. The next town is still two hours’ drive away.We might as well camp in the forest, pitch a tent, build a fire, and have agood sleep before we go on with our journey tomorrow.

9) I am really startled to hear people say they do not thinkcheating at exams shameful. Isn’t that the most shameful thing that we havebeen incapable of feeling ashamed?


1. Learn to use theway with relative clause.


1) adverbial modifier(状语)

2) predicative(表语)

3) object(宾语) of the verb like

4) object of preposition(介词宾语)

5) subject(主语)


1) Bill’s friends were impressed by the way he faced his incurabledisease.

2) The way the stranger looked at me made me uncomfortable.

3) The way the man used a screwdriver showed that he couldn’t be acarpenter.

4) Watch your teacher’s lips carefully and say the word the way shedoes.

5) I agree with what he said, but I can’t tolerate the way he saidit.

6) People are anxiously watching the way things will work out intheir country.

7) The way the dispute between labor and management was settledsurprised the public.

8) The way the policeman discussed the case with the criminal’sparents convinced them that they should cooperate.

9) From the way he walked, I could tell that something was wrongwith his leg.

Or: The way hewalked showed that something was wrong with his leg.

10) The way they talked to her made her suspect that they werekeeping something from her.

2. Rewrite the sentencesusing the with+noun+preposition phrase/participle/adjectiveconstruction.

1) Professor Liu walked into the classroom with a few books underhis arm.

2) The old man was dozing off in an armchair with a magazine on hislap.

3) Under the bridge, the police found a man lying dead, with a knifein his chest.

4) He walked out of his boss’s office with his head held high.

5) When a guest arrived, the hostess greeted him/her politely, witha smile on her face.

6) In September, the school came to life again, with childrenplaying and running on the playground

7) With the Moon Festival only a month away, shops are promotingtheir moon cakes.

8) With their children grown-up and gone, the old couple sometimesfeel lonely.

9) With all the packing finished, the family could sit down and havesome tea.

10) With a big bag on her shoulder, the old woman moved slowly inthe snow.

3. Fill in each blankwith ONE suitable word.

4. Translate thesentences using the way +relative clause or with + noun + complement phrase.

1) That was the way people lived their lives in my day.

2) Mrs. Jones loved her students the way she loves her own children.

3) The farmer’s wife doesn’t like the way some young people treattheir parents.

4) With Big Yao on the team, I’m sure they’ll beat their rivals.

5) The man was sitting in his armchair, with his face buried in hishands.

6) With the TV on, he found it hard to concentrate on his homework.

7) The way people helped him during his journey when he had no moneyconvinced the writer that no money convinced the writer that people can stilldepend on strangers.

8) With the price of cabbages soaring, they decided to increaseimports from other countries.

9) The way these young people organized campus activities showedtheir leadership qualities.

10) He stood with his arms stretched out, as a customs officersearched him with a portable scanner.

5. Identify and correctthe mistake(s) .Note there is no mistake in two of the sentences.

1) Neither his parents nor his teacher believes that the boy lied.

2) I don’t think the husband in the story is a racist. / In myopinion, the husband in the story isn’t a racist.

3) (No mistake.)

4) The couple discussed interracial marriage while doing the dishes.

5) (No mistake.)

6) Few young people bother to know when and where their grandparentswere born.

7) When she received our present, she sent a thank-you noteimmediately.

8) He walked out of the chairman’s office, with a smile on his face.

9) The boy doesn’t know what wheat looks like before it becomesbread.

10) When the movie was over, the old woman remained in her seat withtears running down her face.

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