

Text A

1. Unlike most men he knew, he really pitched inon the housework: pitch in表示“投入,做贡献”,例如:And I think thesepatriotic American are willing to pitching in. 我认为这些爱国的美国人都愿意做出贡献。

2. Sometimes his wife got this look where shepinched her brows together and bit her lower lip:where在这里做连接副词,引出一个定语从句,修饰look,指的是一种情景或者是一种状态。

3. Don’t take my word for it:在这里表示“不要误解我的意思”。

4. he snapped, angry with her for resorting tothis trick of repeating his words so that they sounded hypocritical:angrywith短语在句中做伴随状语,解释说明发生前面这一动作的原因。resort to表示“依靠,求助于”,例如:Shall we resort to entreaty and humble supplication.我们应该诉诸合约和卑下的哀求吗?

5. where the lights of the town didn’t blur themout: blur out表示“弄模糊”,例如:Don’t blur out the distinctions between right and wrong. 不要混淆了是非的界限。

6. I’ll make it up to you:make up在这里表示“和好”,例如:She came back andthey made up.她回来了,她们和好了。

7. His heart pounded the way it had on theirfirst night together, the way it still did when he woke at a noise in thedarkness and waited to hear again--the sound of someone moving through thehouse, a stranger:这是一个长句,两个the way后面是两个省略了that 的定语从句,说明了丈夫依旧非常爱她的妻子,怀念他们过去的一种心理状态。破折号后面的句子和前面丈夫的期盼和回忆形成鲜明的对比,说明夫妻俩已经在思想上产生了距离。

Text B

1. I haven’t any feeling at all about it--not one single bit:这个句子在原文中所要表达的意思是“我对他没有任何偏见——一点都没有”。

2. I’m a regular grass widow tonight:grasswidow指的是被抛弃的女子,离婚的女人。

3. keep their place:在文中表示“知道自己的身份”。

4. Aren’t they the happiest things you ever sawin your life:那个女子口口声声说她对有色人种没有偏见,这里却用things来形容他们,产生了强烈的讽刺意义。

5. I couldn’t ask him on account of Burton:onaccount of表示“由于,为了…的缘故”,例如:The flight was postponed on account of the badweather.由于天气的缘故航班被推迟了。这里又一次表现了女子并非是真的对有色人种无偏见,她所谓的无偏见只是嘴上说出来进行标榜的。

6. I wouldn’t for the world have him think I had anyfeeling:for the world在这里表示“无论如何”,例如:I believe he wouldn’t do that for the world. 我坚信他无论如何也不会那么做的。

7. Here comes a whole raft of people to talk to you:本句将here放在句首,采用了倒装的结构,突出了人的多。a raft of表示“大量的”,例如:As a result, they produced a raft of progressive legislation theWhite House had been fighting for. 结果,他们制定了许多具有进步意义的立法,这些都是白宫曾为之斗争过的。

8. I give you my word:表示“我向你保证”。

