
9.1 复习笔记

John Bunyan (1628-1688)(约翰·班扬)

1.Life (生平)

John Bunyan, theson of a poor tinker, was born in the little village of Elstow, near Bedford in1628. He received little education and soon worked in his father’s shop, wherehe saw vivid pictures of hell and devils among the fire and smoke of the forge.He went to church occasionally, and would rush away when he found himselfwrapped in terrors and torments by fiery preachers. However, his marriage to apoor good woman, who only brought two religious books, changed his life. Afterreading them, he attended church more regularly, began slowly and painfully toread the Bible, and finally with strength and sincerity, emerged as an open-airpreacher and acknowledged leader of an immense congregation. According to the lawforbidding preaching without the authority of the Established Church, he was imprisonedfor 12 years. The publication of The Pilgrim’s Progress in 1678made him the most popular writer, as he was already the most popular preacherin England. He died in 1688.


2.Major Work (主要作品)

◆The Pilgrim’s Progress《天路历程》

It is an old-fashioned,medieval religious allegory. The allegory takes the form of a dream by theauthor, in which he sees and tells Christian’s pilgrimage to the Holy City, thenbegins a journey in ten stages, which is a vivid picture of the difficultiesand triumphs of the Christian life. Every trial is put into the form and discourseof a living character.

Though anallegory, its characters impress the reader like real persons. The places thatBunyan paints are English scenes, and the conversations vividly repeat thelanguage of his time. In fact, the Celestial City in The Pilgrim’s Progress isthe vision of an ideal happy society dreamed by a poor tinker in the 17thcentury, though under a veil of religious mist.

The most famousscene in the novel is the Vanity Fair. Bunyan had a deep hatred of both theking and his government.




3.Writing Features (写作特征)

Bunyan is knownfor his simple but lively prose style. Everyday idiomatic expressions are usednaturally and forcefully. The simple, unaffected language of the common peopleand the details contributed to the modernity of his prose.

班扬以他简洁而生动的散文风格著称。他自然有力地运用惯用日常表达法,来自普通群众的简朴自然的语言和反映普通人生活的细节是造就其作品具有现代性的原因。 OleYlVMuu6FisDas2wX1Bd2yqEHOaIF4nOd3BdvQzpjYbDI7WB6dznIVeTfy1mNy
