
7.2 考研真题与典型题详解

I. Fill in the blanks.

1.John Donne is a poet of peculiar ______,having his own way of reasoning and comparison.

【答案】 conceits

【解析】 作为“玄学派”诗人的代表,约翰·多恩是极具诗歌天赋的。他的诗采用奇特的比喻,多变的格律等,具有他独特的诗歌特色。

2.The poems of JohnDonne belong to two categories:the ______, and the later ______.

【答案】 youthful love lyrics, sacred verses

【解析】 受生活经历的影响,约翰·多恩的诗歌可分为两部分:年轻有活力的爱情诗和庄严的宗教诗。

3.John Donne and his followers wrote what would later be called ______--complexhighly intellectual verse filled with metaphors. (南开大学2008研)

【答案】 Metaphysical poetry

【解析】 约翰·多恩是英国十七世纪玄学派诗人,玄学派诗歌以奇特的意象和独具匠心的暗喻著称。

II. Multiple Choices

1.“One short sleeppast, we wake eternally” is taken from the poem written by ______. (首都师范大学2009研)

A. WilliamShakespeare

B. John Donne

C. John Milton

D. John Keats

【答案】 B

【解析】 这是约翰·多恩《神圣十四行诗》第十首里的一句诗。该诗是一首典型的玄学诗,主题是死亡。

2.One of the most noticeable features of John Donne’s poetry is hisuse of ______. (四川大学2009研)

A. classicalvocabulary

B. conceit

C. dramaticmonologue

D. exaggeration

【答案】 B

【解析】 作为玄学派的代表诗人,约翰·多恩以其奇妙大胆的想象和暗喻著称。

3.Which of thefollowing is NOT a religious poem by John Donne? (大连外国语学院2008研)

A. A Hymn to God the Father

B. Hymn to God, My God, in My Sickness

C. The Good-Morrow

D. Death Be Not Proud

【答案】 C

【解析】 《早安》是约翰·多恩的一首爱情诗。

4.______ founded a new school of poetry by the name of metaphysicalschool. (北京第二外国语学院2010研)

A. John Smith

B. John Bunyan

C. John Milton

D. John Donne

【答案】 D

【解析】 John Donne是17世纪玄学派诗人的重要代表人物,Ben Johnson是与莎士比亚同时代的剧作家,John Milton、John Bunyan虽都是17世纪著名作家,但作品风格与玄学派大相径庭。

5.Thepoetry of John Donne represents a sharp break from the poetry of hispredecessors in the Elizabethian era. One of the outstanding features in hispoetry is “conceit” which means ________. (天津外国语2009研)

A. irony

B. satire

C. elaborated metaphor

D. contrast

【答案】 C

【解析】 约翰·多恩是玄学派诗歌的代表人物,其作品中充满奇妙夸张的暗喻。

Ⅲ. Explain the followingterm.

Metaphysical poetry (南开大学2009研)

Key: The term “metaphysical poetry” is used todescribe a certain type of the 17th century poetry. Dryden originally used theterm to criticize John Donne for being too arcane and Samuel Johnson later usedit to describe the specific poetic method used by poets like Donne. Metaphysicalpoets are generally in rebellion against the highly conventional imagery of theElizabethan lyric. The metaphysical poetry is characterized by wits, subtleargumentations, “metaphysical conceits”, and an unusual simile or metaphor.

IV. Read the following quotation and answer thequestions.Please analyze the following poem. (北航2010研)

A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning

By John Donne

Key: “A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning” is one of Donne’s most famous andsimplest poems and also probably his most direct statement of his ideal ofspiritual love.

The nine stanzas ofthis Valediction are quite simple compared to many of Donne’s poems, whichutilize strange metrical patterns overlaid jarringly on regular rhyme schemes.Here, each four-line stanza is quite unadorned, with an ABAB rhyme scheme andan iambic tetrameter meter.

As the poem begins,the narrator talks of virtuous men that pass away and “whisper their souls togo,” meaning they pass away without lamenting. The narrator is telling his loverthat their parting should be the same. They should not mourn or cry because itwould profane their love to show it in this way.

He further confirmsthis by saying that earthquakes bring fear and commotion, but celestialmovements, such as the procession of the equinox, are more innocent. Thenarrator is saying that he and his lover have a kind of celestial love.Therefore, their parting does not need to cause commotion, like an earthquake,or a movement between more physical lovers.

The narrator thensays that lovers who are more physical could not stand to be absent from eachother because absence removes the very thing that love about each other, whichare their physical beings. However, since the narrator and his lover have ahigher kind of love, they do not care as much that they will not be togetherphysically.

The narrator statesthat their two souls are one. When they depart, they will not be separating,but expanding. He uses the conceit of gold (a metal that is beautiful and desirable)because gold is a malleable substance that can be stretched far apart whilestill staying together.

At the end, thepoem famously uses the conceit of a drafting compass to describe the strengthof their spiritual love.The narrator is saying that his lover is the fixed footof the compass and that he is the other foot. Even when one foot moves awayfrom the other, the fixed foot will stay in one spot but lean in the directionof the other foot. This is saying that his lover will still “hearken after” himas he travels away and will still be there when he comes back. Finally, thenarrator says that he must go, like the other foot of the compass. However, thefirmness of his lover is what makes him return to her.

V. Short answer question

Explain the “Puritanism”during the English Revolution.

Key: (1) Puritanism was the religious doctrine of the revolutionarybourgeoisie during the English Revolution.

(2) It preachedthrift, sobriety, hard work and unceasing labor in whatever calling onehappened to be, but with no extravagant enjoyment of the fruits of labor.Worldly pleasures were condemned as harmful. This was precisely the outlookneeded by the bourgeoisie for the accumulation of capital.

(3) The Puritansopposed the old church that squandered considerable money upon robes, candlesand magnificent processions.

(4) They closeddown the London theatres in 1642, not only for their extravagance anddeterioration but also for the puritanic abhorrence of “worldly” pleasures ingeneral.

VI. Essay question

What are the differentaspects between the literature of Elizabethan Period and the literature of theRevolution Period?

Key: There are three main characteristics in whichPuritan literature differs from that of the preceding age:

(1) Elizabethan literature had a marked unity and thefeeling of patriotism and devotion to the Queen, but in the Revolution Period,all this was changed. The king became the open enemies of the people, and thecountry was divided by the struggle for political and religious liberty. Soliterature was as divided in spirit as were the struggling parties.

(2) Elizabethan literature was generally inspiring. Itthrobbed with youth, hope and vitality. Literature in the Puritan Age expressedage and sadness. Even its brightest hours were followed by gloom and pessimism.

(3) Elizabethan literature was intensely romantic. Theromantic sentiment sprang from the heart of youth. People believed all things,even the impossible. But in literature of the Puritan period, we cannot findromantic ardor.

(此题可从两个时期文学的政治态度、表达的思想、感情基调等方面作答。) WwXi6p5YJTCZ1b+1eXQz7L5VWHwg2IcARmAE5EdddRpXlaDRNwgHoHFu97zFsJqD
