
7.1 复习笔记

I. Background Knowledge(背景知识)

(1) The absolute monarchy impeded the futuredevelopment of capitalism in England and the bourgeoisie could no longer bearthe sway of landed nobility. The contradictions between the feudalism and thebourgeoisie had reached its peak and resulted in a revolutionary outburst.

(2) The despotism and religious tyrannyoppressed the Puritans, who advocated the divine right of the individualconscience and fought against the king’s cavaliers.

(3) In 1649 Charles Ⅰwasbeheaded, and England became a commonwealth under the leadership of Oliver Cromwell.In 1653 Cromwell imposed amilitary dictatorship on the country; after his death the monarchy was againrestored (1660).

(4) The Revolution of 1688 marked the supremacyof Parliament, the beginning of modern England, and the final triumph of the principleof political liberty.





II. Literary Features (文学特征)

(1) In literature the Puritan Age was one ofconfusion, due to the breaking up of old ideas and accepted standards ingovernment and religion. Medieval standards of chivalry, the impossible lovesand romances perished.

(2) The literature of the Restoration Age was often witty, clever,but immoral and cynical. Many exiled and returned literary men renounced oldideas and the restraints of Puritanism, and were greatly influenced by the Frenchstyle.

(3) Poetry occupied a prominent place of this period. The mostexcellent poet is John Milton, who created Paradise Lost, ParadiseRegained and Samson Agonistes. There were also two poetic schools:Metaphysical Poets and Cavalier Poets.




III. John Donne (1572-1631)(约翰·多恩)

1.Life (生平)

John Donne isthe founder of the Metaphysical school of poetry. Born of a family with astrong Roman Catholic tradition, he was sent very young to Trinity College,Cambridge. He lived and wrote during the succeeding reigns of Elizabeth I,James I and Charles I. His early life was passed in dissipation and roguery,much occupied with secret love, elopement and imprisonment, but he turned asaintly divine in 1615, where he rose rapidly to be the Dean of Saint Paul’s,and the most famous preacher of his time.


2.Categories of Donne’sPoems (诗歌分类)

His poems can bedivided into two categories: the youthful love lyrics, published after hisdeath as Songs and Sonnets in 1633, and the later sacred verses,published in 1624 as Devotions upon Emergent Occasions.


3.Features of Donne’sPoems (诗歌特点)

Donne is a poetof peculiar conceits and hyperboles. In his poetry, sensuality is blended withphilosophy, passion with intellect. But Donne is not only an analyticalsensualist. His later poems are also touched with profound religious thoughts. Hisprose style, involuted and ornate, cumulative and ciceronian, is one of the moreglorious monuments to the spirit of the early 17th century.


4.Selected Works (选读作品)


“Song” is a lovelyric written by Donne which mainly concerns the lack of constancy in women. Inthis poem, Donne tells the impossibility of finding a true and fair woman. Thetone of the poem is of gentle cynicism and mocking, for example, to meeting thetrue and fair woman is described as a pilgrimage.


◆A Valediction: ForbiddingMourning《离别辞:节哀》

“A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning” isabout the parting of two lovers. In the poem, Donne convinces his lover or wifethat their physical separation should not bring tears because their love isrefined compared with the common people’s love. This poem is Donne’s mostdirect statement of his ideal of spiritual love. At the end, the poem uses theconceits of gold and a compass to describe the strength of their spirituallove.


◆Death Be Not Proud《致死神》

“Death Be Not Proud”is a sonnet, though rhymed abba abba cddc ee. Donne treats the personifiedfigure of Death as someone not worthy of awe or terror but of contempt. Hecompares death simply to rest and sleep, from which people can get happiness. Deathis not to be feared and it should be welcomed as a relaxing escape from life. Atlast, the poet claims that death also shall die.

《致死神》是一首十四行诗,其韵式为abba abba cddc ee。多恩在诗中表达了对死神的嘲笑和蔑视。他把死亡看作休息和睡眠,从中可以获得许多快乐。人们不应该恐惧死亡,而应接受死亡,因为它能让我们轻松地逃离现实生活。最后诗人宣告,死亡自己也必将死去。 kFsb4DuDTNgD8ogxVtszACl50xd25rk4Hmnzejga+WvGWQzvi9waAA31LQ28eodY
