


Ⅰ. Fill in the blanks.

1. English was formally restored into the national curriculumin _____.

【答案】 1978

【解析】 1978年,英语被正式纳入国家课程中。

2. The development of ELT since 1978 can be divided into four major phases: Restoration, _____, Reform, and _____.

【答案】 Rapid Development,Innovation

【解析】 自1978年以来,英语作为一门外语的发展过程主要分为四个阶段:恢复、快速发展、改革、创新。

3. In _____, a foreignlanguage became a requirement for admission into the university.

【答案】 1983

【解析】 1983年,(懂)一门外语成为进入大学的必备条件。

4. It was in the _____ syllabus that theword “communication” was used in the objectives of teaching for the first time.

【答案】 1993

【解析】 1993年的教学大纲首次使用“交际”一词作为教学目标。

5. The overall aim of the curriculum fornine-year compulsory education is to develop students’ comprehensive abilitiesin _____.

【答案】 language use

【解析】 九年义务教育课程的总目标是发展学生综合运用语言的能力。

6. The design of the new National English Curriculum divides English language teaching and learning into _____ competence-basedlevels.

【答案】 nine

【解析】 英语新课标将英语教学分为九个能力等级。

7.The overall objective of English course in the phase of basic education is tofoster students’ comprehensive ability in applying language, which is formed onthe basis of the whole development of students’ language skill, _____, sentiment,_____and _____.

【答案】 language knowledge,learning strategies,culturalawareness

【解析】 基础教育阶段的英语课程的总目标是:在学生的语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略以及文化意识的整体发展的基础上,培养学生的综合语言运用能力。

Ⅱ. Multiple Choice

1. From 1978 to 1982,English was gradually restored into the secondary curriculum and the _____ began to be givenmore attention.

A. teaching methods

B. teaching goals

C. teaching quality

D. teaching materials

【答案】 C

【解析】 从1978年到1982年,英语逐渐进入中学课程,教学质量(teaching quality)开始受到更多的关注。因此,本题正确答案为C。

2. Which of the following is the reason for Chineseteachers’ concern about why and how we should teach the language in 1990s?

A. The foundationof a national foreign language teachers’ organisation.

B. The rapidsocial and economic development.

C. Thedevelopment in the policy of nine-year compulsory education.

D. Theintroduction of the communicative approach in language teaching.

【答案】 A

【解析】 20世纪90年代,随着社会和经济的快速发展(the rapid social and economic development),九年义务教育政策的发展(thedevelopment in the policy of nine-year compulsory education),以及交际教学法引入语言教学中(the introduction of the communicative approach in languageteaching),中国的教师开始关心为什么要以及应该怎样进行语言教学。因此,本题正确答案为A。

3. A review of thecurriculum prior 2000 indicated the following areas that needed to be addressed EXCEPT _____?

A. There was anoveremphasis on the delivery of knowledge about the language while ignoring thedevelopment of students’ language ability.

B. There was noconnection between different stages of schooling.

C. Little allowance wasmade for catering individual learner differences.

D. Little attention wasgiven to the assessment of language ability and affective gains.

【答案】 B

【解析】 回顾2000年之前的课程,可以发现四个问题:首先,教学过于注重语言知识的传授,而忽视了学生的语言能力的发展。其次,在不同的年级之间缺乏连接。再次,很少考虑到学习者的个体差异。最后,几乎不关注语言能力和情感态度的测评。因此,本题正确答案为B。

4. Which of the following can reflect the principle of learner-centred approach?

A. Students are guidedby the teachers in constructing knowledge.

B. Teaching takes fullconsideration of students’ individual differences.

C. Teachers are flexiblein using teaching methods and resources

D. All of theabove.

【答案】 D

【解析】 以学生为中心(learner-centred)的教学法的特征包括:学生在教师的指导下建构知识(constructing knowledge)、发展技能、积极思考;教学充分考虑学生的个体差异(individual differences)和学习风格;教师灵活运用教学方法和资源(teaching methods and resources)以惠及所有学生。因此,本题正确答案为D。

Ⅲ. Trueor False

1. The curriculum in “The National English Curriculum” refers to that for nine-year compulsory education.(江苏大学2018研)

【答案】 F

【解析】 本题考查的有关九年义务教育的知识点。题目认为国家英语课程中的课程指的就是九年义务教育课程,然而九年义务教育课程还包括语文、数学,科学等,属于以偏概全,因此该表述错误。

2. Students’ overall development is themotivation and goal of the National English curriculum for Nine-year Compulsory Education.

【答案】 T

【解析】 国家九年义务教育英语课程(制定)的动机和目标是为了学生的整体发展。

3. The National Englishcurriculum aims education for all students and stresses quality-orientededucation.

【答案】 T

【解析】 国家英语课程面向所有学生,强调素质教育。

4. The National English Curriculum unifies both primary andsecondary school English into one continuum of development and consists of ninelevels.

【答案】 T

【解析】 国家英语课程标准将小学和初中英语结合成一个连续的发展过程,包含九个等级。

Ⅳ. Explain the following terms.

National English Curriculum

Key: The National English Curriculum for Nine-year Compulsory Education is part of thenationwide curriculum innovation projects. It unifies both primary and secondary school English into one continuum of development and divides English language teachingand learning into nine competence-based levels.

Ⅴ. Short answer questions

1. What is the framework of the English teachingobjectives in the new National English Curriculum? Please give an example ofclassroom teaching to illustrate how you achieve one or two of these teachingobjectives.(湖南师范大学2018研)

Key: (1) The aim of the new curriculum is to promote students’ overalllanguage ability. It is composed of five components, including basic language knowledge,language skills, affects, learning strategies and cultural understanding. Eachcomponent is further divided into a few sub-categories as shown in the diagram.The five components are interrelated with each other, each of which is indispensablefrom the overall language ability. They interact with each other and affecteach other. The focus of language teaching is expanded from developing basic languageskills and knowledge to developing learners’ positive attitude, motivation, confidenceas well as strategies for life-long learning along with cross-culturalknowledge, awareness and capabilities.

(2) Language is made up of listening, reading, writing and speaking.There are two ways to integrate the four skills in the class. ①The easiest form of integrationis within the same medium, from receptive to productive skills. In other words,we would use a listening text as a model for the students’ speaking, and areading text as a model for the students’ writing. This is common practiceamong teachers, and we will call it simple integration. ②The second kind is complexintegration. This involves constructing a series of activities that use avariety of skills. In each of the activities, there is realistic, communicativeuse of language.

2. What are the four steps taken to ensure a smooth transition tothe New National English Curriculum in 2005?

Key: Four stepstaken to ensure a smooth transition to the New National English Curriculum in2005 are:

First, to start the design of a new national English curriculum which is to be extended to primary education;

Second, to revise the 1993 syllabus forimmediate implementation in 2001 in junior and senior high schools on the same rationale for the new curriculum without making dramatic changes to thebasic structure of the syllabus;

Thirdly, to design a Basic Requirement for Primary School English and start introducing primary school English step bystep nationwide from 2001;

Fourthly, to pilot the new curriculum fornine-year compulsory education from 2001 to 2004 and implement it in 2005.

Ⅵ. Essay questions

1. (1) The challenges that junior schoolstudents face and how to deal with.

(2) If you are a junior school teacher, what will you do tohelp them?(首都师范大学2016研)



There are so many challenges that junior school students face suchas how to develop integrative skills and get high scores, how to cultivatecommunicative competence, how to adapt to new curriculum, lack of interest orcreativity etc.

Here are some quick tipsfor teachers to deal with changes and challenges in the process of curriculumreform to help students:

①Have an open mind towardsdifferent kinds of ideas about and approaches to teaching.

②Be willing to try out new ideasand find out if they work or not. If not, why not. Be prepared to share withcolleagues your difficulties or successes.

③Try to find opportunities toattend training, seminars on language teaching and observations of teaching.You can always learn a lot from others.

④Use the resources available tohelp you with teaching and self-learning. There are a lot of resources on the Internet nowadays for teaching and for brushing up your own English. There arealso a lot of books discussing about the new curriculum.

⑤Reflect on your own teachingand beliefs about teaching. If at all possible, keep a teaching diary to recordthe questions that arise from your teaching and your own understandings aboutteaching. You will find these notes subconsciously focusing your attention onsolving problems on a day-to-day basis and you will find yourself changing inthe process of teaching and reflecting.


Here are some ways to help students:

①Aim for educating all students,and emphasize quality-oriented education. Classroom teaching should become aprocess during which students are guided by the teachers in constructingknowledge, developing skills, being active in thinking, demonstrating personalcharacters, developing intelligence and broadening their views and visions.Teaching should take full consideration of students’ individual differences, inthe learning processes and their learning styles and teachers should beflexible in using teaching methods, resources and ways of assessment so as tomake teaching beneficial to all kinds of students.

②Promote learner-centeredness,and respect individual differences to develop students’ comprehensive abilitiesin using the language and to improve their cultural quality, to develop theirpractical skills, as well as to cultivate their creative spirit.

③Develop competence-basedobjectives, and allow flexibility and adaptability. During the process oflearning English in nine-year compulsory education, students should beencouraged to discover rules of the language, master gradually languageknowledge and skills, constantly monitor the affective demands, developeffective learning strategies and autonomous learning abilities by means ofexperiencing, practicing, participating, exploring and cooperating under theteacher’s guidance.

④Pay close attention to thelearning process, and advocate experiential learning and participation. The English curriculum for nine-year compulsory education together with the relatedsenior high school English curriculum divide the English teaching objectivesinto nine levels. Each level is described in terms of what students can do withthe language. It is thus designed to reflect the progressive nature ofstudents’ language development during the process of school education so as toensure the integrity, flexibility and openness of the curriculum.

⑤Attach particular importance toformative assessment, and give special attention to the development ofcompetence. Teachers should properly utilize and develop teaching resources soas to provide rich and healthy resources that are practical, lively, updatedfor students’ learning. Teachers should make full use of various resources suchas videos, television programs, books, magazines and the Internet so as toexpand the opportunities for students to learn and use the language. Alsoteachers should encourage students to take part in exploring and utilizingresources for learning.

⑥Optimize learning resources,and maximize opportunities for learning and using the language. The assessmentfor the nine-year compulsory education should be geared to stimulatingstudents’ interests and cultivating their autonomy in learning. The system shouldinclude both formative and summative assessment with formative assessmentplaying a primary role, paying special attention to students’ languageperformance and achievements during the learning process.

2. Comment on the design of the presentation accordingto the concepts in NECS.

Step 1: Lead in

A guessing game:“What is it?” (3 mins)

(PPT) It is amachine that can fly. —A plane (4 more guesses are listed)

Step 2: Presentation (7 mins)

(1) The teacher asks Ss to describe the people or objects mentionedin the guessing game. The teacher confirms the answers with transformationsfrom simple sentences to attributive clauses.

(2) The teacher presents the structure of attributive clauses,introducing briefly concepts such as “attributive clause”, “relative pronouns”and “antecedent”.

(PPT) A plane is a machine. It can fly. =A plane is a machine

Step 3: Practice (3 mins)

(1) The teacherasks Ss to locate all the attributive clauses in a passage.

(2) The teachershows the attributive clauses the Ss found on the screen and asks Ss to pointout the antecedents.

Step 4: Rule discovering (10 mins)

(1) Ss discuss in pairs and distinguish the attributive clausesmodifying people from those modifying objects.

(2) Find out therules of “whose”

Revise twosimple sentences:

A smelly gascame out of the well whose walls had deep cracks. =A smelly gas came out ofthe well. Its walls had deep cracks.

(3) Find out therules of “whom”, “which” and “that”

Judge whetherthe sentences are right or wrong:

150,000soldiers the army sent them cameto Tangshan to help. (×)

150,000soldiers whom the army sent cameto Tangshan to help. (√)

Key: The teacher designs activitiesin this course according to the concepts in the NECS and the design reflectsthe teaching goals:

The concept oflearner-centeredness is reflected in this course. The teacher acts as anorganizer and facilitator, encouraging learners to discover the language rulesby exploring;

The teacher fosterslearning strategies by providing opportunities for learners to participate inlearning activities, negotiate and cooperate with the peers;

Both languageknowledge and language skill are emphasized. The knowledge (grammar in thislesson) is presented and consolidated through the practice of differentlanguage skills.

3. Read the following classroom interactions andcomment on two teachers’ teaching behaviors and conceptions according tothe National English Curriculum.

Teacher A

T: Ok, now look at thepicture and these words. Can you see the people?

Ss: Yes, yes.

T: So, now we’re going topractice the words. Listen to me and repeat. “Eric is tall.” “Eric is tall.”

Ss: Eric is tall.

T: Again.

Ss: Eric is tall.

T: Good! Amy.

Ss: Amy is tall.

T: Good! Glasses, S1?

S1: Amy is glasses.

T: Is?

S1: Has.

T: Yes ...?

S1: Amy has glasses.

T: Amy HAS glasses. Yes,right. Everyone.

Ss: Amy HAS glasses.

T: George.

Ss: George HAS glasses.

Teacher B

T: Right everybody!Remember these words? Siu Ming?

S1: Yes.

T: Tan?

S1: Yes.

T: OK. I’m going to say aword, and I want you to make a statement. And NOT one you can see on the page,OK? Um...George. Siu Ming?

S1: George has amustache.

T: (laughs) Well,yes, that’s true, but NOT one that you can see on the page. Try again.

S1: Um...George ismiddle-aged.

T: George is middle-aged.Yes, right. Short hair. Tania.

S1: Kathi has short hair.

T: She does? (shakes head)

S1: Oh ... Um ... Tonyhas short hair.

T: That’s good. Tony hasshort hair. Repeat everybody! Tony has short hair.

Ss: Tony has short hair.

T: Good. Tony’s almostbald! (laughs)


Comment on Teacher A:

(1) Teacher A is using a substitution drill which is typicalof the Audiolingual method .

(2) There is no creativity in thelearning activity, the students only respond to the teacher’srequirements passively .

(3) The drilling is boring . The teacher does not make fulluse of the teaching material . Not enough vocabulary is focused (only talland glasses). Students cannot make their own choice.

(4) The teacher is only concerned with grammatical accuracy, notwith meaning . She neglects the context provided in the picture.

(5) The error correction is not appropriate . The teacher payslittle attention to the semantic accuracy of the student’s answer, butjust focuses on grammatical accuracy. For example when the studentanswers “Amy is tall,” the teacher responds by saying “Good!” Actually, Amy is NOT tall, she’s short!

Comment on Teacher B:

(1) Teacher B teaches the language within a meaningful context .

(2) The teacher makes good use of theteaching material to encourage students to make their own sentences ratherthan imitating the ones provided on the page. (NOT the one that you can seeon the page) Thus, students must try to use the language they’ve learned to communicate.

(3) The students have to make statements that are both grammaticallycorrect and semantically true .

(4) The exercise is also slightly more creative in that the studentshave a choice over who to describe and what aspect of their appearance tofocus on.

(5) The teaching process is delivered in a communicative way .The teacher adds some comments according to the authentic condition which provides the students with opportunity not just to learn what is writtenin the teaching material, but also the language beyond it. (Good! Tony’salmost bald!) RG8AMIoWyb9wwR4QtUmrLR6ojPlR6qPH3huvD3e0KI59fYbJvxWx/MqKHIQz/VVc
