abdomen [5AbdEmEn] n. 腹,下腹(胸部到腿部的部分)
【例句】He felt a great deal of pain in his abdomen. 他感觉到腹部非常痛。
【助记】dome 圆屋顶;肚子也是圆的
【派生】abdominal adj. 腹部的;有腹鳍的
aborticide [E5bC:tisaid] n. 堕胎;堕胎药
【例句】Aborticide isillegal except for some extreme situation, for example, when the mother's lifeis endangered. 除非极端情况下,例如母亲有生命危险,堕胎是不合法的。
【词组】lawlessaborticide 非法堕胎
abortion [E5bC:FEn] n. 流产;早产;失败
【例句】His attempt proved an abortion.他的企图完全失败了。
abscess [5Absis] n. 脓肿
【例句】Administrationof appropriate antibiotics are necessary to prevent secondary abscess formation.给以适当的抗菌素是防止再次形成脓肿的必需措施。
【词组】abscesses on the gums 齿龈脓肿
abterminal [[b5tE:minl] adj. 离末端的;从末端向中心的
acalcerosis [E7kAlsE5rEusis] n. 缺钙;缺钙症
【例句】After probinginto the cause, we found that all of the patients suffer from osteoporosis todifferent extents. The radical cause of osteoporosis is not acalcerosis, butthe lack in collagen. 究其病因,我们发现所有病人都不同程度患有骨质疏松的现象,而骨质疏松的根本原因并不在于缺钙,而是缺乏胶原蛋白。
acellular adj. 无细胞的;非细胞组成的
【词组】acellular organism非细胞生物
acellular plant非细胞植物
acellular gland非细胞性分泌腺
achlorhydria [7eiklC:5haidriE] n. 胃酸缺乏
【例句】Calcium citrate malate is more suitable for achlorhydria. 果酸钙更适合于胃酸缺乏的人群补钙。
achroacytosis [E7krEuEsai5tEusis] n. 淋巴细胞增多
【例句】Achroacytosis makes people prone to various diseases.
achromatopsia [E7krEumE5tCpsiE] n. 全色盲,色盲(同monochromatism)
【例句】My brothersuffered from achromatopsia (color blindness) and can’t discern between red andgreen. 我兄弟患色盲症,分不清红色与绿色。
lightachromatopsia sufferer色弱患者
acidosis [7Asi5dEusis] n. 酸中毒(血液和身体组织内酸积贮或碱储备丧失过多之病理情况,其特点为氢离子浓度增高,pH值降低)
【例句】A number ofintoxicants are associated with metabolic acidosis. 许多毒性物质可引起代谢性酸中毒。
【搭配】renal tubular acidosis肾小管性酸中毒
acouophone [EkauEfEJn] n. 助听器
【例句】People with hearing problems can use acouphones to assist hearing.
acoustic [E5ku:stIk] adj. 声音的,听觉的;传音效果的,声学的;(指乐器)原声的(不是电的)
n. [sing](房间、大厅等的)传音效果,音响效果;声学,音响学
【例句】The acoustics of this concert hall are excellent. 这个音乐厅的传音效果极好。
【搭配】an acoustic guitar 原声吉他
【派生】acoustically adv. 在传音方面,音效上
actin [5AktIn] n. 肌动蛋白;肌纤蛋白[肌原纤维的蛋白质,位于I带内与肌浆球蛋白(myosin)颗粒共同作用,可使肌肉收缩和舒张,在无盐的情况下呈球状(G-肌动蛋白),在有氯化钾和三磷酸腺苷存在时则聚合为长纤维(F-肌动蛋白)。]
【例句】Each of thetroponin complexes appears to determine the ability of seven actin monomers toparticipate in the contractile process. 每个肌钙蛋白复合物决定着七个肌动蛋白单体参加收缩过程的能力。
acupuncture [5AkjupQNktFE(r)] n. 针灸,针刺法,针疗法
【例句】I had acupuncture in my lower back. 我在后腰上做了针灸。
additive [5Aditiv] n. 添加物,添加剂
【例句】Some foodadditives are regarded as beneficial by the manufacturer. 生产者认为有些食品添加物是有用的。
adenitis [7AdE5naitis] n. 腺炎
【搭配】acute mesenteric adenitis急性肠系膜淋巴腺炎
adenocarcinoma [7Adno7karsE5nomE] n. 恶性腺瘤,腺癌
【搭配】acinar adenocarcinoma腺泡状腺癌
endometrialadenocarcinoma 子宫内膜腺癌
adenocarcinomaof kidney 肾腺癌
adenocarcinomaof the lung 肺腺癌
adenocarcinomaof breast乳腺腺癌
adenocarcinomaof anal canal肛管腺癌
adenocarcinomaof anus肛腺癌
adiposis [7Adi'pEusis] n. 肥胖症
【例句】The papersummarized the study progress in treatment of adiposis hepatica with Chinesecrude drugs to dissipate phlegm and remove blood stasis. 这篇文章对近年有关化痰祛瘀中药治疗脂肪肝方面的研究进展文献资料进行了综述。
【搭配】adiposis cerebralis 脑性肥胖症
adiposisdolorosa 痛性肥胖症
adiposishepatica 脂肪肝
adiposisuniversalis 全身性肥胖症
adrenalitis [E5dre:nElaIz] n. 肾上腺炎;肾上腺素,(药用)合成肾上腺素
【搭配】acute adrenalitis 急性肾上腺炎
adrenomegaly [5AdrinEJmegEli] n. 肾上腺(增)大(一侧或两侧肾上腺增大)
【例句】Adrenomegaly refers to the enlargement of the adrenal glands.
adrenopathy [5AdrinEpEWi] n. 肾上腺病
【例句】Any disease of the adrenal glands can be classified as adrenopathy.
adsorb [Ed5sCrb] v. (常指固体)吸附(气体或液体)至其表面;聚集
【例句】Iron adsorbs oxygen. 铁能吸附氧。
【派生】adsorbent adj. & n. 吸附的;吸附剂
adsorption n. [化学][物理]吸附(作用)
aerobic [eE5rEubik] adj. 需氧的
【例句】Aerobic dance is conductive to the health. 有氧舞蹈有助于健康。
【词组】under suitable aerobic conditions在合适的有氧条件下
afferent [5AfErEnt] adj. 传入的
【例句】The majority ofthe sensory or, afferent impulses from muscle do not reach the level ofconsciousness. 来自肌肉的绝大部分感觉或传入神经冲动不会由人所意识到。
【词组】afferent nerves传入神经
afferent impulse 传入冲动
aftosa [Af5tEusE] n. 口蹄疫
【例句】Improvedvaccines for aftosa, malaria and other tropical animal diseases are also on thehorizon.预防口蹄疫、疟疾和其它热带动物疾病的高效疫苗也已经出现。
agenesis [E5dVenisis] n. 发育不全;无生殖力
【词组】ovarian agenesis 卵巢发育不全
gonadal agenesis生殖腺发育不全
ague [5ei^ju:] n. 疟疾;寒颤
【例句】He took down with fever and ague. 他患疟疾病倒了。
【词组】fever and ague 疟疾
AIDS [eIdz] n. (abbre for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) 艾滋病,获得性免疫缺损综合征
【例句】We can now talk openly about AIDS which we cannot before.
albumin [Al5bjumin] n. 白蛋白;清蛋白
【例句】Necessary bloodproteins such as albumin and globulin cannot pass through the membrane, becausetheir molecules are too large.像蛋白和球蛋白这类人体需要的血液蛋白质,由于它们的分子大,不能穿透薄膜。
【词组】blood albumin 血液白蛋白
native albumin 天然白蛋白
albuminolysin [Al7bju:mi5nClisin] n. 白蛋白溶素;过敏素
alimentary [7Ali5mentEri] adj. 食物的;营养的
【例句】In land animals,saliva contains mucus, and provides lubrication for food in the alimentarycanal. 陆上动物的唾液内有粘液,并对消化道内的食物起着润滑作用。
alimentology [7Alimen5tClEdVi] n. 营养学
【词组】clinical alimentology 临床营养学
alimentotherapy [7Ali5mentEu5WerEpi] n. 营养疗法;饮食疗法
【例句】Alimentotherapy refersto the treatment of disease by dietetic methods. 食疗法指的是通过饮食方法来治疗疾病。
alkaline [5AlkElain] adj. 碱性的
n. 碱性,碱度
【例句】This alkalineseaweed can be readily digested and easily assimilated by the human body.此碱性海藻易被人体消化及吸收。
【词组】alkaline soil碱性土壤
alkaline water 碱性水
alkalosis [7AlkE5lEusis] n. 碱中毒
【例句】Clearly, this kind of metabolic alkalosis would not respond tosaline infusion.
【词组】respiratory alkalosis 呼吸性碱中毒
altitudealkalosis 高空碱中毒
allele [E5li:l] n. 等位基因
【例句】The allele for blue eyes is recessive.蓝色眼睛的等位基因是隐性的。
【词组】silent allele 隐性等位基因
multiple alleles复等位基因
allergic [E5lE:dVik] adj. 过敏性的
【例句】Alice isallergic to the fur of cats. 艾丽斯对猫的皮毛过敏。
【搭配】be allergic to对……过敏;对……反感
alopecia [7AlEu5pi:siE] n. 脱发;秃(发)
【例句】This study didn'tdiscriminate between these really premature cases of alopecia and more typicalmale pattern baldness.
【词组】alopecia areata 斑秃,局限性脱发
postpartum alopecia产后脱发
alveolitis [Al7viE5laitis] n. 牙槽炎;小泡炎;肺泡炎
【词组】acute pulmonary alveolitis急性肺泡炎
allergic alveolitis过敏性肺泡炎
fibrosingalveolitis 纤维性肺泡炎
rheumatoidpulmonary alveolitis类风湿性肺泡炎
alveolus [Al5viElEs] n. 小窝,牙槽;肺泡
【例句】Air inside an alveolus gives oxygen to blood and receives carbondioxide from blood.
amenorrhea [ei7menE5ri:E] n. 经闭;无月经
【例句】Menstrualdisorders include dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation) and amenorrhea (noBleeding), heavy or light Bleeding, and uterine Bleeding. 经期障碍包括痛经(月经来时疼痛)和闭经(无月经)、经血过多或过少、子宫出血。
【词组】dietary amenorrhea 饮食性闭经
dysponderalamenorrhea 体重失常性闭经
ament [5eimEnt] n. 白痴;低能者;精神发育不全者;柔荑花
【词组】an ament since birth 天生的白痴
ametropia [7Ami5trEupiE] n. 屈光不正;非正视眼
【例句】I find you havea presbyopia and ametropia .根据检查,我发现您得的是老视眼,并有屈光不正。
【词组】axial ametropia 轴性屈光不正
index ametropia 指数性屈光不正
ammonia [5AmEunjE] n. 氨
【例句】Hydrogen is used extensively in industry for the production ofammonia. 氢气在工业上广泛用于制氨。
amputate [5Ampju7teit] v. 切断,截(肢)
【例句】Her arm is so badly injured that she will have it amputated. 她的胳膊伤势如此严重以至于她不得不截肢。
amygdalitis [əmɪɡ'dælaɪtɪz] n. 扁桃体炎
【搭配】pharyngo-amygdalitis 咽扁桃体炎
analeptic [7AnA5leptik] adj. 提神的;强身的,使强壮的
n. 回苏剂;兴奋剂;强壮剂
【例句】Actually,acupuncture is extensively concerned in the academic field for its convenience,low-cost and good curative effect, as well as exemption from suspicion of usinganaleptic.
【词组】analeptic inspection兴奋剂检查
analgesia [7AnAl5dVi:zjE] n. 痛觉缺失;无痛法;止痛法
【词组】audio analgesia 听觉止痛法
permeationanalgesia/ surface analgesia 表面麻醉
relativeanalgesia 相对麻醉
relativeanalgesia apparatus 相对镇痛测定仪
【派生】analgesic adj. & n.止痛的;止痛药
【例句】Aspirin is a mild analgesic. 阿司匹林是药性温和的止痛药。
anaphylaxis [7AnEfi5lAksis] n. 过敏性;过敏反应;过敏症
【例句】Anaphylaxis wasconsidered as a possible cause of edema disease by some investigators. 一些研究者曾认为,过敏反应是水肿病的一个可能原因。
【词组】acquired anaphylaxis 获得性过敏,后天过敏性
generalizedanaphylaxis 全身性过敏反应
anatomy [E5nAtEmi] n. 解剖学,解剖;人体结构
【例句】He had worked extensively on the anatomy of living animals. 他在活体解剖方面经验丰富。
anemia [E5ni:miE] n. 贫血症
【例句】Anemia was defined as a baseline hematocrit of less than 36%.
【词组】acute anemia 急性贫血
deficiency anemia 营养缺乏性贫血
anesthesia [7Anis5Wi:ziE] n. 麻醉;麻醉手术
【例句】Anesthesia was a great innovation in medicine . 麻醉是医学上“重大”的创新。
anesthetic [7Anis5Wetik] n. 麻醉剂;麻药
【例句】Before theoperation , the veterinarian injected the tiger anesthetic . 在进行手术之前,兽医给老虎打了蒙药。
angiocardiography [7AndViE7kB:di5C^rEfi] n. 心血管造影术
【例句】Cardiac perforationwith intramural deposition of contrast agent is a severe com-plication ofselective angiocardiography. 心脏穿孔和壁间造影剂沉积是选择性心血管造影的严重并发症之一。
【搭配】equilibrium radionuclide angiocardiography 平衡法放射性核素心血管造影术
angiocardiopathy [7ændʒiəu 7kɑ:di'ɔpəθi] n. 心血管病
【例句】He was good attreating angiocardiopathy by promoting blood circulation by removing bloodstasis in clinic. 他擅长在临床上用活血化瘀法治疗心血管疾病。
angiography [7AndVi5C^rEfi] n. 血管造影术;血管照相术;血管学
【例句】Scientists at the universityof California, Berkeley, studied 119 men and 40 women who were undergoingcoronary angiography. 伯克利市加利福尼亚大学的科学家们已对正在接受心脏冠状动脉血管造影手术的119名男性和40名女性进行了研究。
【词组】cerebral angiography 脑血管造影术
coronaryangiography 冠状动脉造影术
angiomatosis [9AndVI'AJmEtEs] n. 血管瘤病;多发性血管瘤
【例句】Bacillaryangiomatosis—skin lesions caused by a bacteria called Bartonella, which may beacquired from cat scratches. 血管瘤杆菌病——由一种属于巴尔通氏体属(Bartonella)的细菌造成的皮肤损伤,通常由猫抓伤引起。
【词组】cerebroretinal angiomatosis 脑视网膜血管瘤病
hepaticangiomatosis 肝血管瘤病
angioneoplasm [ændʒiəu'ni:əplæzm] n. 血管瘤
【词组】angioneoplasm of small intestine 小肠血管瘤
angioplasty [9ændʒɪo'plæsti] n. 血管成形术
【例句】My uncle recently had angioplasty done. 我的叔叔最近做了血管成形术。
【词组】stent angioplasty 支架成形术
anhydrous [An5haidrEs] adj. 脱水的,无水的
【例句】In some ways,anhydrous ammonia is just as safe to handle as gasoline。在某种程度上说,无水氨使用起来与汽油一样安全。
【词组】anhydrous salt 无水盐
anorexia [7AnE(u)5reksiE] n. 食欲缺失;厌食
【例句】Anorexia nervosa probably represents a weight phobia—the fear ofobesity.神经性厌食可能会表现为一种体重恐怖——即害怕肥胖。
【词组】anorexia nervosa 神经性厌食症
anoxia [A5nCksiE] n. 缺氧(症)
【例句】He found thatirradiation of micrococcus and of murine lymphoma cells under anoxia gave fewersinglestrand breaks. 他发现,在缺氧时照射小球菌和小鼠淋巴瘤细胞所产生的单链断裂较少。
【词组】altitude anoxia 高空缺氧
anoxia neonatorum 新生儿缺氧
antacid [Ant5Asid] n. 解酸药,抗酸剂
【例句】①Potatoes contain a compound called alkaloids, which have a good antacideffect.土豆中含有一种名叫生物碱的化合物,它有非常好的抗酸效果。
②I need an/some antacid to cure my indigestion. 我需要一种/一些解酸药来医治消化不良。
【词组】antacid tablets 抗酸剂
antibiotics [7Antibai5Ctiks] n. 抗生素(抗菌素)
【例句】Overuse ofantibiotics will lead to drug resistance.滥用抗生素将会导致抗药性。
【搭配】Penicillin Antibiotics 盘尼西林抗生素;青霉素类抗生素
antibody [5Anti7bCdi] n. 抗体(体内抗病物质)
【例句】Our end product is an anti-cancer antibody. 我们的最终产品是一种抗癌抗体。
antidote [5AntidEut] n. 解毒剂,解毒药
【例句】The holiday was amarvelous antidote to the pressures of office work. 假日是消除上班工作压力的灵丹妙药。
【搭配】an antidote againstmalaria, food poisoning 疟疾、食物中毒的解毒药
an antidote to complacency克服自满心理的办法
antifebrile [7Anti5fi:brail] adj. 退热的
n. 退热药
【例句】I’m sure anantifebrile injection will bring your fever down in no time. 我相信注射一针退热剂会使你的热度立刻降下来。
【搭配】lophanthus antifebrile tablet 霍香正气片
antigen [5AntidVEn] n. 抗原
【例句】Scientists havediscovered that the amount of antigen used to produce pandemic influenzavaccines can be reduced by using water-in-oil substances that enhance theimmune response. 科学家发现,使用油包水型物质来强化免疫反应可以减少生产流感疫苗所使用的抗原量。
antiseptic [7Anti5septik] adj. 抗菌的,防腐的;不受感染的,无菌的
n. 抗菌素,防腐剂
【例句】She went into the kitchen and filled a bowl with warm water and alittle antiseptic to bathe his wounds.
【例句】A family of stags once existed with an antler only on one side. 曾有一群雄鹿,仅一边有角。
antitoxin [5Anti5tCksin] n. 抗毒素
【例句】Antitoxin issubstance that acts against a poisonous substance and prevents it from having aharmful effect.抗毒素是抵抗有毒物质并防止其产生有害作用的物质。
【词组】tetanaus antitoxin 破伤风抗毒素
antiviral [5Anti5vaiErEl] adj. 抗病毒的
【例句】Interferon isprobably the most significant nonspecific antiviral substance.
【词组】antiviral drugs 抗病毒药物
antivirus ['æntɪvaɪrəs] n. 抗病毒素;反病毒程序
【例句】There are a fewantivirus apps in the market already. 在应用市场上已经有一些杀毒应用程序了。
aortitis [7eE'taitis] n. 主动脉炎
【词组】rheumatic aortitis 风湿性主动脉炎
appendicitis [E7pendi5saitis] n. 阑尾炎
【例句】He came down with appendicitis. 他得了阑尾炎。
arrhythmia [E5riWmiE] n. 心律不齐;心律失常
【例句】Sinus arrhythmiaalso tends to disappear with advancing age. 随着年龄的增长,窦性心律不齐也趋于消失。
【词组】continuous arrhythmia 持续性心律失常
arteritis [B:tE5raitis] n. ( pl.arteritides)动脉炎
【词组】coronary arteritis 冠状动脉炎
artery [5B:tEri] n. 动脉;干线,要道(道路、铁路等)
【例句】Roads and railways artery every province. 公路和铁路遍布各省。
【助记】art + territory 艺术领域是人类文明的动脉
【派生】arterial adj. 动脉的;干线的;像动脉的
arthritis [B:5Wraitis] n. 关节炎
【例句】Her arthritis is acting up again. 她的关节炎又犯了。
arthropathy [B:5WrCpEWi] n. 关节病
articular [B:5tikjulE] adj. 关节的
【词组】an articular inflammation关节炎
aseptic [A5septik] adj. (指伤口等)无菌的;(外科医疗上)无感染的;防腐的;净化的,清洁的
【例句】①Use a fan or aseptic syringe toblow air into the cast to relieve itching, if necessary.
②Great care is taken to keep the operating rooms aseptic.
【词组】aseptic meningitis无菌性脑膜炎
aseptic surgicalinstruments消过毒的/无菌外科器械
aseptic surgicaltechniques无菌外科手术法
an aseptic smile淡漠的微笑
asphyxia [As5fiksiE] n. 窒息
【例句】The mostdramatic and urgent symptom in the acutely injured patient is asphyxia.
【词组】asphyxia carbonica 煤气窒息
fetal asphyxia 胎儿窒息
local asphyxia 局部窒息
secondaryasphyxia 继发性窒息
traumaticasphyxia 外伤性窒息
【派生】asphyxiate v. (通常用於被动语态)使(某人)窒息而病或死
asphyxiated bythe smoke and poisonous fumes 被烟或毒气窒息
asphyxiation n. 窒息
aspirin [5AspErin] n. 阿司匹林
【例句】Aspirin has efficacy in relieving headaches. 阿司匹林有解除头痛的效能。
asthma [5AsmE] n. 哮喘
【例句】The little girl has been suffering from an attack of asthma. 那个小女孩的气喘一再发作。
atheromatosis [7AWE7rEumE5tEusis] n. [病理学]粉瘤病;动脉粥样硬化病
【短语】renal artery atheromatosis 肾动脉粥样硬化
audiometer [7C:di5CmitE] n. 测听计,听力计,听力测验仪
【短语】automatic/semi-automatic recording audiometer自动/半自动记录测听仪
corticocerebralresponse audiometer大脑皮质反应测听计
evoked responseaudiometer诱发反应听力检测计
aural [5C:rEl] adj. 听觉的
【例句】He was poor in aural. 他的听力不太好。
【派生】aura n. 光环;气氛;(中风等的)预兆;气味
auscultate [5C:skElteit] v. 听诊
【例句】It is a kind ofchargable and portable electronic instrument for auscultate teaching. 这是一种可充电的、供听诊教学用的便携式电子仪器。
【派生】auscultatory adj. 听诊的
auscultation n. 听诊,听诊法
autism [5C:tizEm] n. 孤独症(严重的精神病,尤见於儿童,患者无法与他人交往);自闭症
【例句】①It’s actually a little sad. The baby’s showing signs of autism. 说来有点让人难过,他们的小孩有自闭症的征兆。
②Parents can pass onautism-related gene without necessarily showing symptoms of autism themselves. 父母可以把与自闭有关的基因遗传给下一代,但是他们自己却不一定会表现出自闭的症状。
【词组】infantile autism幼儿孤独症
【派生】autistic adj. 患自闭症的
autoimmune [5C:tEi5mju:n] adj. 自体免疫的;自身免疫的
【词组】autoimmune diseases自身免疫性疾病
axilla [Ak5silE] n. 腋;腋(窝)
【例句】Be sure that the restraint does not rub child’s axilla or wrist.
【词组】axilla-temperature detector腋温探测器
suspensory ligamentof axilla腋窝悬韧带