
6. 2016全国2卷

Hundreds of people have formed impressions of you through that little device(装置)on your desk. And they’ve never actually (41)______you. Everything they know about you (42)______through this device, sometimes from hundreds of miles away. (43)______they feel they can know you (44)______from the sound of your voice. That’s how powerful the (45)______is.

Powerful, yes, but not always (46)______. For years I dealt with my travel agent only by phone. Rani, my faceless agent whom I’d never met (47)______, got me rock-bottom prices on airfares, cars, and hotels. But her cold voice really (48)______me. I sometimes wished to (49)______another agent.

One morning, I had to (50)______an immediate flight home for a family emergency. I ran into Rani’s office (51)______. The woman sitting at the desk, (52)______my madness, sympathetically jumped up. She gave me a (53)______smile, nodded while listening patiently, and then printed out the (54)______immediately. “What a wonderful lady!” I thought.

Rushing out (55)______I called out over my shoulder, “By the way, what’s your name?”“I’m Rani,” she said. I turned around and saw a (56)______woman with a big smile on her face waving to wish me a safe trip. I was (57)______! Why had I thought she was cold? Rani was, well, so (58)______.

Sitting back in the car on the way to the airport, I figured it all out. Rani’s (59)______—her warm smile, her nods, her ‘I’m here for you’ (60)______—were all silent signals that didn’t travel through wires.

41. A. accepted

B. noticed

C. heard

D. met

42. A. came

B. moved

C. ran

D. developed

43. A. Thus

B. Yet

C. Then

D. Indeed

44. A. rather

B. also

C. just

D. already

45. A. telephone

B. voice

C. connection

D. impression

46. A. direct

B. useful

C. easy

D. accurate

47. A. in person

B. by myself

C. in public

D. on purpose

48. A. annoyed

B. interested

C. discouraged

D. confused

49. A. promote

B. train

C. find

D. know

50. A. arrange

B. postpone

C. confirm

D. book

51. A. for the first time

B. at any time

C. from time to time

D. in good time

52. A. expecting

B. seeing

C. testing

D. avoiding

53. A. shy

B. comforting

C. familiar

D. forced

54. A. bill

B. form

C. ticket

D. list

55. A. hopefully

B. disappointedly

C. gratefully

D. regretfully

56. A. careful

B. serious

C. nervous

D. pleasant

57. A. amused

B. worried

C. helpless

D. speechless

58. A. calm

B. nice

C. proud

D. clever

59. A. forgiveness

B. eagerness

C. friendliness

D. skillfulness

60. A. explanation

B. attitude

C. concept

D. behavior


1. form v. 形成

2. impression n. 印象

3. powerful adj. 强大的

4. connection n. 联系

5. direct adj. 直接的

6. accurate adj. 精确的

7. agent n. 经纪人

8. rock-bottom adj. 底线的(价格、水平)

9. annoy v. 使恼怒

10. discourage v. 使灰心

11. confuse v. 使困惑

12. arrange v. 安排

13. postpone v. 延迟

14. confirm v. 确认

15. book v. 订(票)

例: I’ve booked you on the 10 o’clock flight. 我给你订了10点钟的机票。

16. emergency n. 紧急情况

17. sympathetically adv. 富有同情心地

18. comforting adj. 令人安慰的

19. familiar adj. 熟悉的

20. forced adj. 被迫的

21. gratefully adv. 感激地

22. regretfully adv. 后悔地

23. pleasant adj. 友善的

24. amused adj. 觉得好笑的

25. speechless adj.(尤指气得或惊讶得)说不出话的

26. calm adj. 冷静的

27. forgiveness n. 宽恕

28. eagerness n. 渴望

29. explanation n. 解释

30. attitude n. 态度

31. concept n. 概念

32. signal n. 信号


1. deal with 处理,应对

例: He’s good at dealing with pressure. 他善于应付压力。

2. in person 亲自

例: You have to sign for it in person . 你必须亲自签收。

3. in public 公开地,当众

例: Her husband was always nice to her in public . 她丈夫在公开场合总是对她很好。

4. on purpose 故意地

例: He did it on purpose , knowing it would annoy her. 他明知会激怒她,却故意那么做。

5. at any time 在任何时候

例: He is performing as well as at any time in his career. 他表现出色,一如他事业生涯中的任何时候。

6. from time to time 有时;偶尔

例: She has to work at weekends from time to time . 她偶尔周末还得工作。

7. turn around 转身

例: Turn around and let me look at your back. 转过身去让我看看你的后背。

8. figure out 弄明白,想清楚

例: I can’t figure out how to do this. 我弄不懂怎样做这件事。


Everything they know about you (42) came through this device, sometimes from hundreds of miles away. (43) Yet they feel they can know you (44) just from the sound of your voice. That’s how powerful the (45) telephone is.

困惑: 易错题(43题)

分析: 本题的易错选项是C项,属于“逻辑理解有误”的错误类型。同学们在做这道题时,可能看到前文“他们对你所有的了解仅仅来自这个小设备”,后文又说“他们感觉仅仅通过你的声音就能了解你”,因此认为43题的前后文应该是承接关系,会误选C项。但是,同学们忽略了44题空格所填的just。just意思为“仅仅”,这个词一旦出现,该句话的情感态度其实已经转为负向态度,与前面描述电话的功能形成转折。再结合后文作者描述的亲身经历,可知作者想表达的主题是“通过电话是无法真正了解一个人的”。综上所述,43题的正确答案应该为B项Yet。


很多人通过你桌上的那个小设备形成对你的印象。他们从来都没有真正 (41) 过你。他们对你所有的了解仅仅 (42) 来自 这个小设备,有时是从几百英里以外的地方。(43) 然而 他们感觉 (44) 仅仅 通过你的声音就能了解你。这就是 (45) 电话 的强大之处。

电话很强大,是的,但不总是 (46) 准确的 。很多年来,我都只是通过电话和我的旅行经纪人打交道。拉尼,我素未谋面的经纪人,我从来都没有 (47) 亲自 见过她,她帮我弄到最低价的机票、汽车和酒店。但是,她冰冷的声音真的让我很 (48) 生气 。我有时希望 (49) 另一个经纪人。

一天早上,因为家中有急事,我不得不立刻 (50) 预订 机票回家。我 (51) 第一次 冲进拉尼的办公室。那位女士坐在桌后,(52) 看到 了我的慌乱后,很同情地站了起来。她给了我 (53) 令人安慰的 笑容,耐心听我诉说的时候不断点头,然后立刻把 (54) 打印出来。“多么好的一位女士!”我心想。

我很 (55) 感激地 跑出去,回头喊道:“顺便问一下,你叫什么名字?”“我叫拉尼。”她说道。我转过身,看到一位 (56) 友善的 女士,脸上挂着灿烂的笑容,挥手祝我一路顺风。我(因吃惊而)(57) 说不出话 来。为什么我之前会认为她很冷漠?嗯,拉尼是多么的 (58) 友好

我坐回车里,在去机场的路上,我把一切都想明白了。拉尼的 (59) ——她温暖的笑容,她的点头致意,她的“我就在你身边”的 (60) ——都是无声的信号,这些信号是无法通过电话线传递的。 fT+4bnvi1tk/w4Mo2TBgSL6yDnGwkr+MeL3y1U+vF3t107z2zT9loRAho0tXqb6g
