
320m 2 apartment

2. Classic soft velvet sofas in the living room

2. 起居室摆放着古典风格的天鹅绒沙发

The hostess’ wish was to see the new house as “the garden of Eden”so that it would be possible to arrange gala parties and to live comfortably for a big family of six people.

The architect divided the initially open free space into three functional parts: from the threshold one mirrored corridor leads to a spacious kitchen and the owner’s study; the other, located opposite, leads to the rooms, lavatories and the children’s dressing rooms; and the main gallery leads to the owners’ private zone and the united living room and the grand dining room. The scale of the interior design influenced not only the strict logic of the zoning but the choice of the decoration materials and the style-forming elements. The front entrance to the public zone is decorated with Corinthian columns and fountains, crystal chandeliers, and on the floor you can see a mosaic panel made of marble fragments that changes into shining black labradorite. This natural stone with its delicate texture became the main decorative device: the walls and columns of the main gallery are painted by hand imitating marble,the kitchen working surfaces are decorated with rare granite, the restrooms for guests, children and the owners are “chained” in onyx in different colours. Even the washing room is faced with marble of mustard and sand colour.

The interior of the grand living-room is the copy of Italian palazzos of the Baroque epoch. On the one side you can see the dining room unit for twelve people; on the other – traditional for classical style soft velvet sofas. The walls are decorated with silver wallpaper with golden stamp images. The combination of warm and cold colours helps avoid the effect of “burning” which is often caused by too many golden details. This method gives the richly decorated interior of the main room a feeling of bliss and sybaritic peace.

If the most part of non-residential premises are characterised by the cold shine of the natural stone, the residential ones feature a special choice of wood used for the floor decoration. The palisander parquet of the living room is edged with ornament of pear, Karelian birch and wenge; with padouk and palisander in the owners’ study and with kingwood in the owners’ bedroom. Material is what defines the status and the level of the customers’ needs. But it is not everything:harmony, proportion and individuality are the main features of the proper interior design performance which makes even the most functional and practical presence extremely beloved and precious.

Location Moscow, russia

Designer anna Kulikova & Pavel Mironov

Photographer Zinur razzutdinov

Area 320m 2

项目地址 俄罗斯,莫斯科

设计师 安娜·库里克娃与帕维尔·米若诺夫

摄影师 金努尔·拉祖迪诺娃

项目面积 320平方米

3. Hallway decorated with Corinthian columns and fountains

3. 门厅用科林斯式柱和喷泉来装饰

4. Main gallery leading to the grand dining room

4. 主廊道通向奢华的餐厅

5. 餐厅中的沙发

5. Sitting area in the dining room

6. 奢华的餐厅可以开派对

6. Grand dining room capable of holding a party.

7. 宽敞的厨房

7. Spacious kitchen



8. 公寓主人的办公空间

8. Owner’s offic

9. Sleeping area featuring a special choice of wood for the flor

9. 居住区域以精心选择的地板为特色

10. Study area in the bedroom

10. 卧室中的学习区

11. Bathroom with surfaces finished with marble

11. 浴室表面采用大理石

12. Restroom for guests

12. 客用浴室


如果说大部分非居住区域是以冷色调的天然石为特色的,那么居住区域的特色就是以精选木料作为地板的装饰材料。起居室中的黑黄檀木制的镶木地板以梨树木、卡累利阿桦木和崖豆木镶边;主人书房地板以紫檀木和黑黄檀木镶边;主人卧室地板以西阿拉黄檀木镶边。装饰材料是按照客户要求选择的,体现了客户的身份地位。但是这并不能代表一切:协调、比例和个性是体现室内设计合理性的主要特征,这些特征可以将室内空间的功能性和实用性表现到极致,令人备加珍爱。 GIx9206xD4nIZ6mv7yuXAomlo48Yky22Wa5R2sb1MpC2vN1NfkM9dtSKge3X9MBb
