
2. Key Points in Neo-Classical Home Design
2. 新古典家居的设计要点

A successful residence design needs to cover and reflect the information of a family’s lifestyle and pursuit. Nowadays, this means demonstrating certain aesthetic appeal, other than possessing basic functions. As an elegant and retro art form still popular in Europe and the United States, Neo-classical decorative style stands for good taste and high social status. A major issue in the application of Neoclassical style is to meet both needs of functionality and form, making it comfortable and at the same time environmentally friendly.


2.1 Living Room

Living room is the public space in a house for visitor reception, leisure and entertainment. It takes up a relatively large area and is mostly frequently used, which makes it a focal point of design. Living rooms accommodate a considerate number of elements and require a lot of continuous space, especially in Neo-classical households. Therefore houses of multiple levels often take full advantage of the elevated upper part to create better view and introduce more daylight.Together with large windows, heavy textural drapes are an essential of Neo-classical style. Besides, the layout of living rooms follows a consistent and rational pattern. Roman style columns can be used in spacious living rooms for ornamental and divisional purposes. Order is a major principle, as inherited from the ancient Roman style and ancient Greek houses: columns and furniture need to be presented in a symmetrical way, with the fireplace as the centrepiece surrounded by sofas in a U to create an accessible aisle. Flexibility is another issue to consider since living rooms sometimes hold reading and audiovisual activities. Durable marble flooring of slip-resistant features is a preferred option, often used with carpet. Since living room is the space the owners meet and entertain their guests, it is supposed to cater for both personal and general aesthetics. (See Figure 9)

Figure 9. A medium to small living room should be centred around the fireplace with symmetrical chairs. Tea table should employ a symmetrical form as well. Simple sofa for two is chosen inorder to provide access. A flexible area is saved at the end of the living room for piano.

图9. 面积并不大的客厅以壁炉为中心,摆放了对称的椅子,茶几也是对称的形状。为了防止过道的拥挤,采用了简单的双人沙发,在客厅一端还专门开辟了一定的面积摆放钢琴。



2.2 Dining Room

Dining room is the place for everyday meals and treating guests,usually next to kitchens especially in open kitchens in Europe and the States. In some cases, it is located near to the living room. The design of dining room needs to be consistent with that of the sitting room, centred around the dining table with chairs and cupboards.It requires good lighting and ventilation conditions, and therefore decorative elements need to give way to free access. Furniture of Louis XV and XVI style is desired for a complete Neo-classical ambiance. If there is enough space, an ornamental fireplace can be added in the centre of the room. Windows in the dining room should be as large as possible and thick curtains should be avoided. Lighting for dining room should be soft and therefore dazzling crystal lamps are not recommended. (See Figure 10) Also, layout and setting in dining rooms ought to be simple and flexible to cater for daily dining and guest entertaining.

Figure 10. Dining rooms need to be well-lighted and comfortable. This dining room has big windows, neat furniture and exquisite plate decoration.

图10. 餐厅需要明亮温馨的氛围,这间餐厅有宽大的窗户,餐桌和餐椅简洁古朴,还用了瓷盘做装饰。

In cases where dining room is next to the kitchen, a consistent design should be employed. (See Figure 11) Generally speaking, kitchens should be tidy and orderly, well ventilated. Though there is no place for excessive decoration in kitchens, the choices of cupboards,flooring pattern and material can still reflect the concept of Ne classical art. Wooden cupboard of white lacquer is a common choice while those of natural colour used with stone flooring in similar shades provide an ideal Neo-classical effect. Similarly, too much decoration is not necessary in kitchen design. Symmetrical layout and furniture arrangement are the better option for establishing Neo-classical style.



如果餐厅与厨房相连,厨房的设计与餐厅应该一致(图1 1)。一般来说,厨房的设计需要整洁有序,并保持通风良好。厨房中虽然没有需要过度装饰的地方,但在橱柜的选择、地面的铺设等处依然可以体现出浓厚的新古典风格。白色的木制橱柜是常见的选择,另外,原木色的橱柜和同色系的石材地板也可以很好地体现新古典的氛围,又更易于清洁。同样,厨房的设计也不宜有过多装饰,通过对称的布局、界面的设计以及家具的摆放来体现新古典风格是更好的选择。

Figure 11. The colour continuity in the dining room and kitchen helps establish a coherenteffect.

图11. 与厨房相连的小餐厅在色彩上与厨房有一定的连续性,保持了连贯的风格。

2.3 Bedroom

Bedrooms serve the purposes of sleeping, resting, storage and dressing up, and therefore they are located far from the entrance, at the inner part of the house. The level of privacy and comfort is the major issues to consider in the design process of bedrooms to ensure satisfying functionality. Sleeping area, as the core of a bedroom,is often far from the bedroom door. The bed and bedside form the backbone of the sleeping area and both their position and number are decided according to the symmetrical principle of Neo-classical art.Traditional four-poster bed adds to the romantic Classical features of a bedroom, yet it is too complicated for modern homes, and therefore it is used without the canopy and only the posters. A footstool at the end of the bed is another characteristic item. The storage function is mainly fulfilled by wardrobes that match the bedside tables. Dressing area sometimes appears in the bathroom, and in common households,bathrooms are more functional rather than presenting specific decorative style. (See Figure 12, 13, 14) Due to the basic feature of privacy, bedroom design seeks peace and comfort. Wood flooring and carpet, extravagant wallpaper and wall paint of smoothing colours are all favourable choices to create an elegant Neo-classical space. It also varies according to the users’ needs, i.e. degree of floor evenness and slippery, comfortable level of furniture.

Figure 12. The bed is the core of a sleeping area and all furniture including bedside tables and closet needs to be consistent. (Rendering)

图12. 睡眠区中床是中心,四周的家具,床头柜、衣柜需要与床的风格一致(效果图)。

Figure 13. This bedroom is relatively large, with independent audio-visual zone and dressing area and the audio-visual zone is separated by pillar elements. (Rendering)

图13. 这间卧室面积较大,有单独的视听区和梳妆区,在视听区用了柱式做分割(效果图)。

Figure 14. For a smaller bathroom, a simple modern style is preferable. In this large bathroom, however, pilasters and crystal lamps are used to create a consistent Neo-classical style. (Rendering)

图14. 对于小面积浴室来说,一般会采用简单的现代风格,而在这间大面积的浴室中却用了壁柱、水晶灯等元素创造出了与卧室一致的新古典风格(效果图)。



2.4 Basic Spatial Units

Basic spatial units include entrance, corridor, storage room, guest bathroom, etc. These are auxiliary areas whose design could affect the overall ambiance of a house. An entrance is the transitional space between the inside and outside. It is the buffer and protection before the interior. Though there is no need for a lot of space at the entrance, it should be enough for clothes changing. A simple Louis XVI cabinet with antique craftworks or candlesticks together with a wooden-frame mirror, makes a perfect Neo-classical entrance. In terms of lighting, balanced wall lamps can be added to complement the main light source.

Corridors and staircases are circulation spaces of great significance;

Figure 15. Wallpaper of vertical lines is used in the corridor to add depth to the space so it still feels spacious with cabinets and chairs in the way.

图15. 走廊用竖线条的壁纸使空间显得更有纵深感,宽敞的走廊即使摆放了柜子和椅子也不觉得拥挤。

Figure 16. Symmetrical pilasters for corridor are a common decorative approach in Neoclassical decoration; the balanced use of chairs can avoid the monotony in long corridors.

图16. 走廊墙面的对称壁柱装饰是新古典风格常用的手法,搭配对称的椅子避免了长走廊的单调。



走廊楼梯间等处是必要的交通空间,也应该根据整体风格做必要设计,否则会过于沉闷,与家居整体风格不符。这些位置一般空间狭小,可以根据情况在墙面装饰油画、挂毯等,或者只是用镶板等做出一些规律的几何造型,产生一定的韵律感和节奏感。如果空间充足,摆放一张古典风格的椅子也是很好的选择,另外,光线柔和的壁灯也不可缺少,但光线不宜过于绚丽(图1 5)。而楼梯这样的地方也需要精心雕刻的扶手、柔软的地毯为其增色(图16),尤其大型的住宅,楼梯的面积大,往往会在很大程度上影响室内空间的氛围,新古典风格常用弯曲的楼梯造型,再加上雕刻的铁艺扶手以及印花地毯装点。

thus their design should correspond to the style of the rest of the house. Paintings, murals or geometric patterns of decorative panels are ideal options for this area. Space allowing, a Neo-classical chair is also a good choice. Soft clean lighting is preferred, normally achieved by wall lamps. (See Figure 15) Stair armrest with delicate carving and quality carpet are usually used in Neo-classical staircases, (See Figure 16) especially in large houses with wide long stairs, which could greatly affect the overall atmosphere of the whole space. 0ZBIe+Al9s3fp05fOnIXmBcATTa1QyCXpjqNydJlDalrzxIDapT3sF4ZhuXVAnY6
