
Dr. Zhang Bo-li is anacademician and a China-renowned specialistand academic leaderin Chinese internalmedicine, a national keydiscipline (recognized asimportant and receivingsupport by the Chinesegovernment). He iscurrently the Presidentof the Tianjin Universityof Traditional ChineseMedicine and the ChinaAcademy of ChineseMedical Sciences. He isalso the Deputy ChiefEngineer of the NationalMajor Scientific andDr. Zhang Bo-liTechnological SpecialProject for "SignificantNew Drugs Development", a member of the Medical Reform AdvisoryCommittee of the State Council, Vice Committee Director of thePharmacopoeia Comittee, Director of the National Chinese MedicineTeaching Advisory Board of the Ministry of Education and Directorof the Educational Instruction Committee of the World Federation ofChinese Medicine Societies. Moreover, he holds concurent posts suchas Honorary President of the China Association of Integrative Medicine,Vice President of the China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicineand Vice President of the World Federation of Chinese MedicineSocieties.

For decades, Dr. Zhang has been devoted to the prevention andtreatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases by integratingtraditional Chinese medicine with western medicine, and to themodernization of Chinese medicine (CM). He carried out studieson vascular dementia (VD) and formulated the classification criteriafor VD patterns and a treatment scheme based on three phases, i.e,stable, fluctuating and aggravated phases. He specified the patternsand manifestations of stroke as well as the dynamic progression of itspremonitory symptoms, and developed a comprehensive therapeuticschedule. He Created the pharmacological method of cerebrospinal fluid(CSF) and demonstrated the protective effet of Chinese medicinals onnerve cells and the relevant mechanisms. He completed the first large-scale evidence-based study on the secondary prevention of coronaryheart disease with Chinese medicinals, and developed a series ofmethods for evidence-based evaluation on CM. He served as ChiefScientist of the National Program on Key Basic Research Project ofChina (973 Program) for three consecutive terms and developed thetheory of efect-based compatibility as well as the critical technology forthe research and development of modern Chinese medicinals throughcomponent-based compatibility. He expanded the research field of thesecondary development of Chinese patent medicine which introduceda large group of mass market medicines, and initiated the intelligentmanufacturing of Chinese medicinals which promoted the technologicalupgrading of CM industy.

Dr. Zhang has won 7 national awards (including the first prizefor national progress in science and technology) and 10 first-prizeprovincial and ministerial awards for progress in science andtechnology. He has published more than 350 papers and over 30monographs or textbooks. He has mentored and cultivated morethan 200 postgraduates.

Dr. Zhang is widely recognized for his prominent contrilbutions inadvancing CM. Since 1991, he has been granted a special governmentallowance by the State Council. He has been conferred with manyhonorary titles and awards, including National Advanced Worker(2005), Outstanding Scientific and Technological Worker (2001)and National Young and Middle-aged Expert with OutstandingContribution (1991) as well as the Ho Leung Ho Lee Prize (2006), WuJie-ping Medical Research Award (2015) and International Award forOutstanding Contribution to Chinese Medicine (2010). smf6TbvKi7TJMGdVGM6d+X+98bvob8QZ/LVL/lqpAbOxFvTUF9kpjv5QtDc1yrhw
