
Unit One
Preparing for the Meeting

Teaching Targets 教学目标

●To learn how to prepare for a meeting

●To master some basic guiding principles for preparing a meeting

●To grasp some useful words, phrases & key sentences related to the topic

●To make dialogues concerning this topic

Background Knowledge


Warming Up

Listen to the following materials carefully and answer the following questions.

1.What’s the first thing you need to do while preparing a meeting?

2.What should attendees know before they attend the meeting?

3.Why is a written agenda helpful?

4.Why is it so important to plan for a meeting?

Model Dialogues

Dialogue 1

A: Hi, Cindy, you have been a secretary for many years in this company. Could you tell me what a secretary should do for a meeting?

B: Well, an important part of the duties of a secretary, I think, is to do well the preparation work for the meeting.

A: What should a secretary do to prepare for a meeting? Could you give me a detailed explanation?

B: First of all, the agenda should be prepared before the meeting. Then you should ensure that those entitled to be present are properly informed.

A: I see, and how about the documents and the information?

B: All the necessary documents and the information relevant to the meeting should be available, preferably printed and distributed before the meeting.

A: And what should a secretary do during the meeting?

B: Of course, she/ he should take minutes.

A: And after the meeting?

B: After the meeting she/ he should type the minutes up, and then keep proper records of the business transacted and the resolutions passed and also implement the decision reached at the meeting.

A: Thank you very much. You are very professional.

B: My pleasure.

Word bank

secretary [‘sekrɪt(ə)rɪ] n .秘书;书记;部长

agenda [ə’dʒendə] n .议程;日常工作事项

entitle [ɪn’taɪt(ə)l; en-] v .称作……;定名为……;给……称号;使……有权利

document[‘dɒkjʊm(ə)nt] n .文件,公文

relevant[‘relɪv(ə)nt] adj .相关的;切题的;中肯的

distribute [dɪ’strɪbjuːt; ‘dɪstrɪbjuːt] v .分配;散布

transact [træn’zækt] v .交易;谈判 v .办理;处理

resolution[rezə’luːʃ(ə)n] n .解决;决心

implement [‘ɪmplɪm(ə)nt] v .实施,执行


1.What should a secretary do to prepare for a meeting?


2.First of all, the agenda should be prepared before the meeting.


3.Then you should ensure that those entitled to be present are properly informed.


4.All the necessary documents and the information relevant to the meeting should be available, preferably printed and distributed before the meeting.


5.After the meeting she/ he should type the minutes up, and then keep proper records of the business transacted and the resolutions passed and also implement the decision reached at the meeting.


Dialogue 2

(It’s 9: 00 am. Laura a meeting planner is coming to the reception office of the Good Luck International Hotel to make sure the dinner that will be served tomorrow evening for the meeting is in order. Ada, the staff, is talking with her.)

A=Ada, L=Laura

A: Hello, Laura. Is there anything that I can do for you?

L: Hello, Ada. The meeting is going well and the service you provide is excellent. I just want to make sure that the dinner will be served tomorrow evening.

A: We are pleased that you are satisfied with our services. Don’t worry about the dinner.It will be served on time at 7 o’clock tomorrow evening as planned. Do you want to check the menu again?

L: Yes, but I think there will be some changes. I have ordered Western food for our conferees when I booked the meeting, but some of our conferees prefer trying some Chinese food. They think Chinese food is usually very delicious.

A: That’s very true. You may change the menu and add some Chinese food.

L: Thank you very much!

A: It’s my pleasure. What types of Chinese food do you prefer? Our Chinese restaurant offers a variety of Chinese food —Sichuan food,Cantonese food, Shanghai food,Hunan food, and Jilin food to name a few.

L: Sichuan food is my favorite.

A: Yes, Sichuan food is delicious, but with spicy taste. I suggest that you should use Cantonese food instead, which is well known for cooking with fresh ingredients. It’s light and small in amount.

L: Sounds good. I think our conferees will like it.

A: So you need both Western and Chinese food for your conferees?

L: Sure.

A: We need to change the menu right now.

L: Thank you very much, Ada.

A: You’re welcome.

Word bank

staff [stɑːf] n .职员;员工

conferee [kɒnfə’riː] n .参加会议者

delicious [dɪ’lɪʃəs] adj .美味的;可口的

menu [‘menjuː] n .菜单

variety [və’raɪətɪ] n .多样;种类

Cantonese [,kæntə’ni: z] n .广东人;广东话

ingredient [ɪn’griːdɪənt] n .原料;要素;组成部分 adj .构成组成部分的


1.We are pleased that you are satisfied with our services.


2.I have ordered Western food for our conferees when I booked the meeting, but some of our conferees prefer trying some Chinese food.


3.It is possible for you to change the menu and add some Chinese food.


4.Our Chinese restaurant offers a variety of Chinese food—Sichuan food, Cantonese food, Shanghai food, Hunan food,Jilin food and so on.


5.I suggest that you should use Cantonese food instead, which is well known for cooking with fresh ingredients.


Practical Sentence Patterns

1 The monthly executive committee meeting is planned for the next week.每月一次的执行委员会会议定于下星期召开。

2 I come to inform you about a meeting scheduled at nine o’clock this morning.我来通知您今天上午九点有个会。

3 How long do you expect the meeting to take?你期望会议开多长时间?

4 Could we possibly rearrange the meeting schedule?我们可否重新安排会议日程?

5 Shall we postpone the meeting until later in the week?我们把会议推迟到这周晚些时候,好吗?

6 I’d like to reserve a meeting room for our company.我想为我们公司预订一间会议室。

7 I wonder if you have any meeting room available for this Friday morning.我想知道星期五上午是否有空的会议室。

8 I’d like you to make some necessary arrangements for me.请帮我做一些必要的安排。

9 Please get all things ready and report back to me as soon as you can.请把一切都准备好,尽快向我汇报。

10 All the necessary documents and the information relevant to the meeting should be available.所有有关会议的文件资料都得准备妥当。

11 If there are any problems, I’ll be in charge of dealing with them.如果有什么问题,我将负责处理。

12 It seems that everything is in good order.似乎一切都秩序井然。

13 We are very glad that you are satisfied with our services.我们很高兴你对我们的服务感到满意。

14 Do you want to check the menu again?你想要再核对一下菜单吗?

15 What types of Chinese food do you prefer?你喜欢什么样的中国食物?

Practical Training Project

I.Build Up Your Vocabulary

1. Match the expressions on the left with the best translations on the right.

(1)agenda a.员工

(2)entitle b.参会者

(3)menu c.分配

(4)document d.办理

(5)staff e.日程

(6)ingredient f.美味的

(7)conferee g.文件

(8)delicious h.菜单

(9)distribute i.配料

(10)transact j.有权利

2. Complete the following sentences with words or expressions from the dialogues.

Z=Mr. Zhou T=Mr. Thomas

Z: Excuse me,aren’t you Mr. Thomas from Australia?

T: Yes. And you are...?

Z: I’m Zhou Feng from Guangdong Import and Export Company.

T: How do you do, Mr. Zhou? _______ (谢谢你来机场接我)。

Z: You’re welcome. _______(我来帮你拿行李)。

T: Oh, thank you very much.

Z: Did you have a good trip?

T: _______(总的说来), it’s not too bad.

Z: It’s a long way to China, isn’t it? _______(我想你一定非常累了)。

T: Yes, Exhausted. But I’ll be all right by tomorrow and ready for business.

Z: _______(你打算在这里呆多久)?

T: About a week.

Z: Good, We’ll have enough time for our business talks, _______(如果你感兴趣的话我们会为您安排一些著名的景点)。

T: Wonderful! Nothing would please me more.

Z: But I’m sure _______(你需要好好休息一下)after your long journey. Shall we get into the car and go to the hotel?

T: Exactly! I hope there will be no problem in having one room for one week.

Z: Not at all. _______(我们已经为您预订好了房间)。

T: Thanks a lot.

Z: Let’s go. This way please.

II.Substitution Drills

Using the words in the following boxes to replace the underlined words.

1.Preparing is very important in having a successful meeting .

conference convention session

2.Follow these steps to help encourage success in your next meeting.

promote strive for lead to

3.Knowing how to prepare for a meeting is important for all employees and critical for any manager or leader.

important crucial vital

4.Knowing when not to have a meeting is equally important.

the same similarly fairly likewise

5.Decide the type of meeting you are going to have.

kind mode nature

6.Determine the roles and ask those participants to accept them.

attendee conferee conventioner

7.Prepare a notice, this should include the date, time, agenda, and venue of the meeting.

place spot site location

8. Distribute the notice to the members in good time for the meeting.

hand out spread pass around

9.Clarify the purpose of the meeting. If you can’t figure out what you need to accomplish, you shouldn’t be calling a meeting.

aim goal intention target

10.Prepare an agenda with the focus stated in a single sentence at the top.

declared specified stipulated prescribed

III.Listening Comprehension

Listen to the dialogues; fill in the blanks according to what you hear. Then practice the dialogues with your partner.

A: Miss Wang, the meeting is scheduled for 9: 00 this morning. Have you made the_______?

B: Yes, sir. We’ll use the _______ for the meeting.

A: That’s fine. The meeting is very important. Where will the guests be received before the meeting begins?

B: In the_______. It’s spacious there.

A: We’ll have several_______ to attend the meeting.

B: I’ve arranged for an interpreter to be present. But_______ that these foreign guests could speak Chinese.

A: Yes, I’ll try to speak slowly. How do you seat our guests, then?

B: We’ve prepared name-cards to be put on the_______. By the way, what time would you like refreshments to be served?

A: Well, after my report, there’ll be an_______for rest and refreshments.

B: All right. I see.

IV.Role Play

1.Suppose it is 3: 00 pm. You are Mr. Zhang. Your meeting is going to be held tomorrow afternoon. You are inspecting the meeting spot now and you find some problems. You want the staff, Mrs. Liu to make all the corrections before the meeting and add more flowers. Mrs. Wang is talking with you and promises to make everything done on time.

2.Suppose it is 10: 00 am. You are Ada, the planner for the conference at 2: 00 in the afternoon, but now you find some conferees don’t have pork. You are worried about it and come to Brown for help. Brown is the manager of the hotel. Brown gives you some suggestions and helps you to deal with the problem.

V.Make Sentences

Speak out with four or five sentences in English to your partner, using the following words or phrases, and then your partner interprets them into Chinese.

1.an important part

2.the documents and the information

3.goes well

4.be satisfied with

5.booking the meeting

6.well known

The Window of the Convention & Exhibition

Steps on Preparing for a Business Meeting

A well run meeting can be used to effectively train employees, close an important sale, set business goals and keep major projects on the right track. A successful meeting starts well before everyone is gathered in a conference room. The person running the meeting needs to make arrangements, gather materials, send out invitations and coordinate the activities.Participants need to be prepared to handle any required tasks, provide feedback, make presentations or brainstorm ideas. Doing the groundwork ahead of time will keep the meeting running smoothly and help you meet your goals.

Step 1

Determine if you are running the meeting or expected to participate in any fashion. If you are in charge of arrangements, be ready to coordinate scheduling, materials and the pacing of the meeting.

Step 2

Set a goal for the meeting. Decide if you are trying to make a sale, bring an investor on board, train employees about company policies or brainstorm new product ideas.

Step 3

Set an agenda for the meeting. Give participants a heads up if the meeting is expected to be particularly long. Allow time for bathroom or refreshment breaks. Prepare a schedule if there will be multiple speakers or presenters.

Step 4

Make arrangements for a meeting room, conference call or online meeting. Book a time that works for all key participants. Call or email the group to make sure that the chosen time works for everyone.

Step 5

Send out time and location details to all participants. If you are dealing with employees, let them know if attendance is mandatory or optional. Email conference call-in numbers and codes if you are arranging a phone meeting.

Step 6

Prepare for any needed equipment. For example, if you are going to have a computer presentation, be sure that the conference room has a screen and projector. Know how to hook your laptop up to the projector so that you don’t have to waste valuable meeting time dealing with technical details.

Step 7

Take your presentation for a test drive before you do it in front of clients. Make sure your sales or investment pitch is professional, concise and interesting. Endless charts projected on a screen don’t make for compelling meetings. Understand your audience, how you can meet their needs and what goals you want to reach.

Step 8

Gather materials. Print off handouts. Make sure there are enough chairs for everyone.Prepare refreshments or make catering arrangements if necessary.

Step 9

Remind participants 24 hours ahead, or on the morning of, the actual meeting. Aim to start the meeting promptly at the given time.

Article Source:

http://smallbusiness.chron.com/prepare-business-meeting-454.html k4Kl7AGoNy2RfvcxsB1ZrOwKn9p5m4eOeiSZEP6jdJLEu5FKVDCCsianrjBFGsCJ
