
Unit Four
Convention Reception & Registration

Teaching Targets 教学目标

●To describe on-site registration

● To know both advantages and disadvantages of on-site registration

● To improve the listening and speaking skills for convention registration

●To master some useful words, technical terms, phrases, and key sentence patterns

● To make dialogues concerning this topic

Background Knowledge



Warming Up

Listen to the following materials carefully and answer the following questions.

1.What’s the first step of registration?

2.What if you don’t have a person login?

3.What if you are registering another individual?

4.How soon will you get confirmation?

Model Dialogues

Dialogue 1

A: Good morning. Welcome to the Chengdu International Convention Center.

B: Good morning. I’m Mr. Smith from Massachusetts. I am here to attend the Sixth International Convention on Electronics Computer Technology.

A: I see. Have you got your invitation?

B: Yes, Here is my invitation.

A: Let me see. Ah, yes, I found your name on the list. Mr. Smith, professor from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, is that right?

B: Yes. I feel honored to be able to join you in the convention and make a contribution.

A: It is our pleasure. Mr. Smith. Would you please fill in the registration form?

B: Sure. (a few minutes later) Here you are.

A: Thank you. Here is the meeting packet for you. Please carefully read the materials inside.

B: I will. How big a packet! Now, shall I pay the registration fee here?

A: Yes. 80 dollars, please.

B: Thank you. By the way, I’ve got some questions to ask you.

A: Yes, please.

B: Do you have a publication plan for the academic papers?

A: Yes, we do have a plan for the excellent academic papers.

B: How can I have my paper published here in China? And how shall I pay for it?

A: It’s free of charge. The convention organization committee will choose the best from all the papers delivered and pay for the publication.

B: That’s great. Thank you very much.

Word bank

convention [kən’venʃ(ə)n] n .大会;[法]惯例

electronics [ɪlek’trɒnɪks; el-] n .电子学;电子工业

technology [tek’nɒlədʒɪ] n .技术;工艺;术语

invitation [ɪnvɪ’teɪʃ(ə)n] n .邀请;引诱

institute [‘ɪnstɪtjuːt] v .开始(调查);制定 n .学会,协会

registration [redʒɪ’streɪʃ(ə)n] n .登记;注册;挂号

material[mə’tɪərɪəl] adj .重要的;物质的 n .材料,原料

academic [ækə’demɪk] adj .学术的;理论的;学院的

publication[pʌblɪ’keɪʃ(ə)n] n .出版;出版物;发表


1.I am here to participate in the Sixth International Convention on Electronics Computer Technology.


2.I feel honored to be able to join you in the convention and make a contribution.


3.Would you please fill in the registration form?


4.Do you have a publication plan for the academic papers?


5.How can I have my paper published here in China? And how shall I pay for it?


6.The convention organization committee will choose the best from all the papers delivered and pay for the publication.


Dialogue 2

Cindy(C)= staff Laura(L)=a foreign delegate

C: Hello, welcome to the conference! May I have your name, please?

L : Yes, my name is Laura Brown. I’ve made an online registration. Is it here for check-in?

C: Yes. Here’s the packet with your name badge, programs, abstract booklet, meal coupons and a convention memento in it.

L: Thanks! Where can I have supper this evening?

C: Oh, you may take part in the welcome reception at 5: 00 pm. And all the meal times and locations are on the coupons.

L: That’s great! By the way, I’m supposed to be a presenter in one of the breakout sessions. I’d like to know where my room is.

C: OK, please let me know your topic, and I will find it for you in the program book.

L: Ah yes! Maybe you can mark off my session on the program. Here it is, on the page 21, right?

C: Yes. It’s on the second floor, at the end of the corridor. You may find a conference guide to assist you there tomorrow.

L: But how can I try my PPT for the presentation? Can anyone help me?

C: Take it easy! You can find the technician at your session room this evening, and give it a rehearsal.

L: Super! Then who will chair the session? I’ve got to get in touch with him or her beforehand.

C: I think you can find your session master at the orientation session at 3: 00 this afternoon. The session is specially aimed to make you first-time attendees familiar with main arrangements of the meeting.

L: Thank you very much! Last question, when can I have the convention proceedings?

C: Oh, yes, that’s important. You will receive a CD of the proceedings three weeks after the meeting. Anything else I can help you?

L: Everything is clear so far. Thank you very much for your professional service. Bye bye!

Word bank

badge [bædʒ] n .徽章;证章;标记 v .授给……徽章

program[‘prəʊgræm] n .程序;计划;大纲

abstract [‘æbstrækt] n .摘要;抽象 adj .抽象的;深奥的

booklet [‘bʊklɪt] n .小册子

coupon [‘kuːpɒn] n .息票;赠券

memento [mɪ’mentəʊ] n .纪念品,引起回忆的东西

session [‘seʃ(ə)n] n .会议;(法庭的)开庭;学期;讲习会

corridor[‘kɒrɪdɔː] n .走廊

technician[tek’nɪʃ(ə)n] n .技师,技术员;技巧纯熟的人

rehearsal [rɪ’hɜːs(ə)l] n .排演;预演;练习

orientation [,ɔːrɪən’teɪʃ(ə)n;,ɒr-] n .方向;定向;适应

proceeding [prəʊ’siːdɪŋ] n .进行;程序;事项 v .开始;继续做;行进


1.I’ve made an online registration.


2.Here’s the packet with your name badge, programs, abstract booklet, meal coupons and a convention memento in it.


3.You can find the technician at your session room this evening, and give it a rehearsal.


4.The session is specially aimed to make you first-time attendees familiar with main arrangements of the meeting.


5.Last question, when can I have the convention proceedings?


Practical Sentence Patterns

1 I feel honored to be able to join you in the convention and make a contribution.我很荣幸能够参加你们的大会并且做些贡献。

2 Would you please fill in the Registration Form?请你填写这张登记表好吗?

3 I’ve made an online registration.我已经在线注册过了。

4 All the meal times and locations are on the coupons.所有的就餐时间和地点都标明在优惠券里。

5 Have you got our official invitation?你有正式邀请函吗?

6 Please make sure to wear the badges to attend the activities.请佩戴胸卡参加活动。

7 Have you got our invitation?你带邀请函了吗?

8 Here is your coded badge.这是您的代表证。

9 Would you please wait a moment?请您稍等一下好吗?

10 Shall I pay registration fee now?我现在就要付登记费吗?

11 Have you made pre-registration?你预先注册了吗?

12 We also offer you the layout map of the convention center.我们还为您提供会议中心的平面图。

13 We are always at your service.我们随时为您效劳。

14 I’m sorry to have caused you such trouble.我很抱歉给您造成这样的麻烦。

15 Here is the convention packet for you.这是给你的会议资料袋。

16 We look forward to your next participation.我们期待您下一次参与。

Practical Training Project

I.Build Up Your Vocabulary

1. Match the expressions on the left with the best translations on the right.

(1)register a.会议记录

(2)convention b.徽章

(3)invitation c.摘要

(4)material d.餐券

(5)academic e.邀请

(6)badge f.材料

(7)abstract g.登记

(8)coupon h.学术的

(9)layout i.会议

(10)proceedings j.布局

2. Complete the following sentences with words or expressions from the dialogues.

Dialogue A

A: Good morning, I’m from Los Angeles Convention Center Project Office. I need to cancel our _______(登记) made Three months ago.

B: I’m afraid it’s a pity. The show is drawing near.

A: I’m sorry to have caused you such trouble. We will not be able to attend it_______(由于一些技术原因)。

B: That’s OK._______ (方便告诉我你的名字吗), please?

A: Lucy Li with Los Angeles Convention Center America.

B: Let me have a check. Well, you have reserved a _______(中央展位) on the second floor, and the booth number is 16, isn’t it?

A: All right.

B: _______ (根据条款) specified in the contract, we have to charge 40% of the deposit.

A: Oh, I know it. _______(至少), there will be a 60% refund. Thank you for your service.

B: We _______ (期待) your next participation.

Dialogue B

A: Good morning. _______(请告诉我你们的名字好吗)?

B: The names are Mike Jobson and George Brown.

A: Have you both made_______(预先注册)?

B: Yes, we have.

A: Let me check up on the computer. Yes, I got them now. Here are your _______(代表证)and packet containing some_______(会议资料), such as a copy of the agenda for the meeting, meal coupons, reference materials, etc..

B: Could you please offer me _______(市区地图)?

A: It’s in the meeting packet. And we also offer you the_______(平面图) of the convention center.

B: Thank you for your consideration.

A: It’s pleasure. We are always_______(乐意为您效劳)。

II.Substitution Drills

Using the words in the following boxes to replace the underlined words.

1.They do not have to enter their names and credit card numbers four separate times for the registration, hotel, airline and rental car.

different respective sole

2.However, meetings are growing in size and complexity, people are abandoning the interview technique because it takes too much time and results in long delays at the registration desk.

give up desert quit forsake

3.The payment of the convention or meeting can be verified automatically and funds can be transferred to your account more quickly.

check confirm make certain

4.Whether it is pre-registration or on-site registration, with current technology, online registration is playing a more and more popular role.

pop fashionable acceptable

5.In other words, your attendees will not fill out any forms by using a pen or pencil.

participant conventioner attender

6.If they do pre-registration, they can simply go online to your organization’s website, fill out the form and return it to you.

send back give back restore

7.If they are on-site, then have computer terminals handy for the attendees to register electronically .

automatically by electronic means

8.This method possesses certain advantages.

have own get

9.Since the budget is always a challenge, a cost saving is very helpfu l.

beneficial useful conducive

10.From the attendees’ standpoint ,if they can register the meeting on the web, and you also offer links to hotel registration, rental cars and airline options, they can do all their planning and travel arrangement at the same time, which is more convenient to them.

opinion point of view viewpoint outlook

III.Listening Comprehension

Listen to the dialogues; fill in the blanks according to what you hear. Then practice the dialogues with your partner.

A: Good morning, sir. Have you paid the registration_______?

B: Sure, I have _______.

A: Can I have your name and your _______, sir?

B: I’m Black from Asia Green Energy Public Company. Here is my _______.

A: Thank you. Let me look it up on the computer.

A: Mike Black. Yes, I’ve got it. Here is your_______.

B: Thank you.

A: And here is your_______, Mr. Black.

B: What’s inside?

A: In each packet, we placed_______ such as a pencil, a copy of the agenda for the meeting, reference materials, meal coupons, and other related items.

B: By the way, could you please offer me a map of the_______ because I’m new here?

A: Don’t worry, Mr. Black. If you are not _______with the Convention Center, you may refer to the layout map which is put in the meeting packet.

B: It’s very thoughtful of you to do so. Thank you very much.

A: It’s my pleasure.

IV.Role Play

Work in pairs or more. Try to make dialogues according to the following instructions.

1.Suppose you are helping an attendee register but you find that some of his online information is wrong.You decide to solve that problem by doing an interview on-site registration.

2.Suppose you are going to make an online registration. What should you do step by step?

V.Make Sentences

Speak out with four or five sentences in English to your partner, using the following words or phrases, and then your partner interprets them into Chinese.

1.online registration

2.welcome reception

3.breakout sessions

4.conference guide

5.official invitation

6.convention center

The Window of the Convention & Exhibition

Surviving Open Online Registration: 10 Tips for a Better Experience!

For those looking to attend Comic-Con for the very first time, the Open Online Registration process can seem quite overwhelming. Gone are the days when one could simply walk into the San Diego Convention Center and buy a badge. The popularity of Comic-Con has morphed the face of badge registration over the years, requiring Comic-Con to change the process frequently to keep up with burgeoning technology and demand.

If this is the first time you attempt to buy a Comic-Con badge, we have a few hints and tips that you should be aware of.

1.Do not share your registration code!

Each registration code is good for one entry into the EPIC Registration waiting room.Your code will authorize one browser and one device only. If you share your code with another person or attempt to enter your code on multiple devices, the new device/browser will be authorized and your old session will expire. Your personal registration code can be found under the “Registration Info” tab in your Member ID account, but please remember in this instance, sharing is not caring.

2.Authorize early!

The EPIC Registration landing page will be open for you to authorize your registration code from 7: 00 AM to 9: 00 AM Pacific Time (PT) on March 15, 2014. If you arrive after 9: 00 AM, you will not be able to authorize your code and the waiting room will be closed.Remember, it does not matter what time you arrive at the EPIC Registration landing page.Everyone will be sorted into random order after the sale begins, so take your time and enter your registration code about 10-15 minutes before 9: 00 AM (PT).

3.Do not refresh!

Refreshing is to the waiting room what kryptonite is to Superman. Once you have secured your place in the waiting room it is important that you do not refresh your browser or you will be moved to the back of the line. The EPIC Registration system will not behave as expected if you attempt to refresh through any portion of the badge purchase process. It may be tempting, but just don’t do it!

4.Do not use your browser’s back button!

We’ve all made mistakes and we’ve all missed important information that requires us to go “back” a step online, but in the case of Open Online Registration it is critical that you take your time while registering and do not hit the back button to repair any mistakes. In multiple rounds of online registration testing, using the back button has produced the greatest number of errors. Comic-Con and EPIC Registration simply cannot stress this tip enough.Using the back button at any point during the registration process could potentially cause the system to error out or release your badges back into inventory. Remember and memorize; back is bad!

5.No Member ID = no badge!

Everyone who wishes to purchase a badge for Comic-Con must have their own valid and confirmed Member ID. This means that you cannot buy a badge for a friend, spouse, child, or parent using your own Member ID. If you are buying badges for others, you will need their personal Member ID and last name.

6.Take a cue from Batman and always be prepared!

In the days leading up to Open Online Registration it is important that you get all of your information ready. You will need your registration code, Member ID, last name, and all of your credit card information at your fingertips. You will also need the Member ID and last name for anyone you are purchasing a badge for. We strongly suggest that you get all of this information ready ahead of time, and check it against the information found on the “Registration Info”tab of your Member ID account.

7.Be tech ready!

Your browser should have Javascript and cookies enabled to function reliably with the EPIC Registration waiting room. These features are usually enabled in the default configuration of most modern web browsers. If you do not have these features enabled, it is possible that the waiting room application will not function properly. We also recommend that you use one of the following browsers: Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, and Safari.We cannot guarantee your results if you use a browser not listed here. The EPIC Registration system is not formatted for mobile devices. Finally, we recommend that you adjust or turn off your computer’s power saving setting so that your computer does not go to sleep or power down while in the waiting room.

8.Stock up on snacks!

If all goes well, we anticipate that Open Online Registration will last about an hour. You may have to wait up to an hour for your registration session to begin. You will not be able to see your place in line, so it is important that you pay close attention to your waiting room session. EPIC will automatically refresh the waiting room for you every 120 seconds, and will post live status updates to let you know when badge inventory is running low. Additionally, there will be a blue spinning circle that indicates your page is active. We find that having a nice, refreshing beverage and some protein-packed snacks will help keep you powered through the anxious wait.

9.Relax and take a deep breath!

10.Unfortunately not everyone who participates in Open Online Registration will be able to purchase a badge.

Gaining admittance to the waiting room does not guarantee you a badge or a registration session; there are simply far more people who want to attend than the number of badges available. We appreciate your continued support and hope the new changes we made this year will make the process less problematic than it has been in the past.

Article Source:

http://www.comic-con.org/toucan/surviving-open-online-registration-10-tips-better-experience Kasd7k4e98+ydUThmWO1rCSu59xivyVC9QklAfns7s2tSUH5jFSxp5It27KDAIbD
