
Unit Three
Booking a Meeting

Teaching Targets 教学目标

●To learn to understand how to book a meeting

●To know key factors to consider when booking a meeting room

●To improve the students’ ability of listening & speaking

●To make dialogues concerning this topic

Background Knowledge


Warming Up

Listen to the following materials carefully and answer the following questions.

1.What does “get the most for the money”mean?

2.What should you avoid when booking a meeting?

3.Do all hotels offer the same features and facilities for the meeting rooms?

4.What should be included in the hotel meeting room generally?

Model Dialogues

Dialogue 1

Mr. Zhang, who is from Jianghai Environmental Protection Co., Ltd., is calling the Suning Universal Hotel to book a meeting. A hotel staff member is answering the phone.

S =Staff Z=Mr. Zhang

S: Hello. This is Suning Universal Hotel. How may I help you?

Z: Yes, this is Mr. Zhang calling from Jianghai Environmental Protection Co., Ltd.. We are going to hold a three-day annual meeting. Can you do us a favor?

S: Yes. Our hotel offers all types of meeting services. When will the meeting start?

Z: It will start from June 7 th to June 9 th , and our party consists of 60 people. We will be staying for 2 nights.

S: All right. We have lots of guest rooms, including presidential suits, single rooms and standard rooms. What types of room do you prefer?

Z: We’d like 20 standard rooms.

S: Wait a moment, Let me have a check...Yeah, we do have 20 standard rooms, but unfortunately, they are not all on the same floor.

Z: That’s OK. We also need to reserve a dining room equipped with 6 tables for dinner.

S: OK. We have different sizes of dining rooms. The Crystal Room is big enough for 60 people.

Z: On June 8 th and June 9 th , we also need 6 small meeting rooms, each for 18 people, if they are available. How much does it cost to rent those rooms?

S: We charge $200 per day for the small-size meeting rooms with free tea during the meeting.

Z: Do you provide any meeting facilities during the time?

S: Yes, but the facilities only include a podium, loudspeakers, a laser pointer, overheads, slide projectors and microphones.

Z: So, there is no computer in the room.

S: No, I’m afraid not. You have to pay for using a computer if you really want us to provide one.

Z: OK. We will bring our own.

S: If you need any more detailed information or if there is any change, please call us or give us a fax. Our fax number is 043184603001.

Z: OK. Thanks a lot.

S: My pleasure.

Word bank

universal [juːnɪ’vɜːs(ə)l] adj .普遍的;通用的;宇宙的

annual [‘ænjʊəl] adj .年度的;每年的

consist [kən’sɪst] v .由……组成;在于;符合

available [ə’veɪləb(ə)l] adj .可获得的;可购得的;可找到的;有空的

podium [‘pəʊdɪəm] n .平台;讲台

loudspeaker [laʊd’spiːkə] n .喇叭,扬声器;扩音器

microphone [‘maɪkrəfəʊn] n .扩音器,麦克风


1.We are going to hold a three-day annual meeting.


2.We have lots of guest rooms, including presidential suits, single rooms and standard rooms.


3.We also need to reserve a dining room equipped with 6 tables for dinner.


4.Do you provide any meeting facilities during the time?


5.Yes, but the facilities only include a podium, loudspeakers, a laser pointer, overheads, slide projectors and microphones.


Dialogue 2

Revising a Meeting Reservation

Situation: Mr. George, a delegate to the meeting, has booked rooms in Redbuds Hotel.But due to his customer’s requests for changes in the booking, he calls the reservations again to alter his booking.

S: Good morning. The Redbuds Hotel. Can I help you?

G: Good morning. I’m calling to revise the reservation we made yesterday.

S: Can you tell me who has made the reservation, please?

G: Our assistant Li Feng.

S: Just hold on please, sir. ...Yes, I can see it. How would you like to change it?

G: Our customer wants to have deluxe singles instead of standard singles, if possible.

S: One moment, please. Yes, deluxe singles are available. I’ll upgrade twenty standard singles to deluxe rooms. May I have your name, please?

G: My name is George Lee.

S: What is your telephone number?

G: 65358867, extension 325.

S: That’s 65358867, extension 325. Are there any other changes, Mr. Lee?

G: No, so far so good.

S: OK, let me confirm the details with you. You’ve reserved twenty deluxe singles and 10 twin-bedded doubles for three nights. The changes and cancellation were made by Mr. Lee.And your confirmation number is C53291.

G: Yes, sorry to have caused you such a trouble.

S: Not at all. I’m always at your service.

Word bank

delegate [‘delɪgət] v .委派……为代表 n .代表

reservation [rezə’veɪʃ(ə)n] n .预约,预订;保留

revise [rɪ’vaɪz] v .修正;复习;校订 n .修订;校订

deluxe [də’lʌks] adj .高级的;豪华的

extension [ɪk’stɛnʃən] n .延长;延期;扩大;伸展;电话分机

confirm [kən’fɜːm] v .确认;确定;证实;批准;使巩固

cancellation [,kænsə’leɪʃ(ə)n] n .取消;删除


1.Good morning. I’m calling to revise the reservation we made yesterday.


2.Our customer wants to have deluxe singles instead of standard singles, if possible.


3.Yes, deluxe singles are available. I’ll upgrade twenty standard singles to deluxe rooms. May I have your name, please?


4.Let me confirm the details with you. You’ve reserved twenty deluxe singles and 10 twin-bedded doubles for three nights.


5.I’m always at your service.


Practical Sentence Patterns

1 When will your meeting be held?你们的会议什么时候举行?

2 I want to know if you could help us to solve this problem.我想知道你能否帮助我们解决这个问题。

3 If you need further information, please notify us.如果你需要进一步的信息,请通知我们。

4 I’ll confirm your reservation.我将确认您的预订。

5 We are going to have a three-day annual meeting.我们将举行一个为期三天的年会。

6 Do you provide any meeting facilities during the time?会议期间你们提供任何会议设施吗?

7 Is there a room tonight?今天晚上有空房吗?

8 Do you have a room with a nice lake view?你们有没有风景不错的临湖的房间?

9 I want a room on a higher floor.我要一个较高层的房间。

10 The room costs 50 dollars a night.这个房间一晚50美元。

11 I will take the room for 5 days.我将住5天。

12 Does this rate include breakfast?这个费用包括早餐吗?

13 I would like to change the room to a double, not single.我想换成双人房,而不要单人房。

14 What’s your expected date of arrival?您什么时候来入住?

15 We have no vacancies tomorrow. What about the day after tomorrow?我们明天已没有空房,后天的怎样?

16 We accept Visa and other major credit cards.我们接受Visa及其他信用卡。

17 I really appreciate your help.我真的很感激你的帮助。

18 The rate of the rooms varies from 90 dollars to 900 dollars. You can choose whatever you like.房间价格不等,从90美元到900美元,任您选择。

Practical Training Project

I.Build Up Your Vocabulary

1. Match the expressions on the left with the best translations on the right.

(1)universal a.自助餐

(2)buffet b.升级

(3)consist c.取消

(4)podium d.分机

(5)loudspeaker e.包括

(6)delegate f.全球的;普遍的

(7)deluxe g.讲台

(8)extension h.豪华的

(9)cancellation i.扬声器

(10)upgrade j.代表

2. Complete the following sentences with words or expressions from the dialogues.

Dialogue A

A: Hello, I booked the _______(会议室) today.

B: Hello, Mr. Jordon. Everything is ready for you.

A: Thanks. People should arrive _______(一小时之内)。

B: Let me show you our facilities. The meeting rooms are _______(通过这里)。

A: OK. Can we have some _______(茶点)?

B: Yes, of course. _______(我们将提供茶和咖啡)。 We’ll serve it through here in the bar.

A: I see.

B: We will also provide some mid-morning _______(零食和蛋糕)。

A: That’s good. What about lunch?

B: _______(自助餐)will be served at 11: 30 in the restaurant.

A: Great. Do you have _______(网络接口) in the meeting rooms?

B: Yes, we have wireless internet access in the hotel. You can also use our _______(商务中心) if you need to make photocopies.

A: That’s good.

B: Do you have any other questions?

A: No, I think that’s everything.

Dialogue B

A: Hello, this is Lisa calling from the Haymarket Media Group, Bingjing. I called to ask about _______(举行会议) at the Noble Hotel.

B: Yes. This is the Noble Hotel. _______(我能为你做什么)?

A: I’m just calling to tell you our company is going to have an _______(年会) in your hotel. I am wondering if you can help us.

B: _______(这是我的荣幸)。 When will the conference be held?

A: There will be 80 people _______(参加) the meeting from the 23 rd to the 28 th in June.

B: So, you’ll stay here for six nights?

A: Actually, we will finish in the afternoon on the 28 th , so we just want to book those rooms for five nights.

B: OK. _______(你要订哪类房间)? We have various kinds of rooms, ranging from presidential suits to standard rooms.

A: We need one suit and thirty-nine _______(标准房间)。

B: Let me see, one suit and thirty-nine standard rooms...Ok, we have all of these rooms available during the_______(会议期间)。

A: Also, we need a big meeting hall and a _______(餐厅) that can accommodate 80 people.

B: So a large meeting hall and a dining hall. Anything else?

A: Oh, we also need a _______(宴会主持人) capable of speaking both English and Chinese.

B: No problem. If there is anything else we can do for you, please let us know as soon as possible.

A: OK, thank you. _______(谢谢你的帮助)。

B: My pleasure.

II.Substitution Drills

Using the words in the following boxes to replace the underlined words.

1.When you create a meeting request in Outlook, it is typica l and convenient to include the meeting location for the meeting or event.

proper distinctive representative characteristic

2.You can use the address book to find a meeting room.

conference convention session

3.In the subject box, type a description of the meeting or event.

specification explanation illustration

4.Add all the intended invitees to the Tobox.

willing desired prospective

5.In both cases, the rooms button is not displayed until you add at least one other person.

show expose reveal

6.It makes the appointmen t into a meeting request.

nomination designation indication

7.To change an appointment to a meeting request, on the appointment tab, in the show group, click scheduling assistant.

planning arranging dispatching

8.If the room is free , it will automatically accept your meeting.

available vacant spare

9.If the room has already been booked , it will automatically decline the meeting.

reserved order not available

10.Of course, you would not want all the attendees to be in a crowded room, as this will greatly affec t the ambiance of the meeting.

influence have an effect on impact on

III.Listening Comprehension

Listen to the dialogues; fill in the blanks according to what you hear. Then practice the dialogues with your partner.

A: My name is George Black calling from the_______.I’d like to reserve rooms for my group.

B: What rooms do you prefer?

A: We have 50 people.Twenty-five_______with a bath please.

B: For which dates,Mr.George?

A: From Feb. 23 rd to 25 th

B: Please _______ . Twenty-five TWBs for Feb. 23 rd to 25 th .Yes.We still have those rooms available.

A: Then how much do you charge?

B: Six hundred yuan RMB,_______75 US dollars.

A: Fine. _______ May we use the hotel meeting room during our stay in your hotel? We are going to have a meeting on Feb. 23 rd ,from 2: 00 pm.to 4: 00 pm.

B: No problem.We can make it for you,but we_______ per hour for the use of the hotel meeting room.

A: Oh,I see._______?

B: There is a 15 percent discount.And we’ll send you a _______ by fax within five days. May I know your _______?

A: You may fax at 85178333.

B: Thank you,Mr. Black.

IV.Role Play

1.Suppose it is 8: 00 in the morning. You are Mr. Liu, who is responsible for booking a meeting for your company, and you are calling an international standard five-star hotel. When you call up to get some information about booking a meeting, a clerk of the hotel answers the phone and talks the details with you.

2.Suppose it is 2: 00 in the afternoon. You are Miss Li and you booked a meeting two weeks ago in the hotel. Now you are calling the clerk of the hotel to confirm the specific time of the meeting, the meeting rooms and so on. A clerk of the hotel answers the phone and confirms the information with you.

V.Make Sentences

Speak out with four or five sentences in English to your partner, using the following words or phrases, and then your partner interprets them into Chinese.

1.meeting services

2.guest rooms

3.meeting facilities


5.laser pointer

6.slide projectors

7.annual meeting

The Window of the Convention & Exhibition

How to Set Up an Efficient and Productive Meeting Room

Every business, no matter how big or small, needs a meeting room where business managers, employees and partners will talk about important matters. Every aspect of the meeting room matters when conducting a meeting. Ensuring that all necessary equipment is functional and ready to use is very important. To help you out when it comes to setting up a meeting room, here are some important steps you must follow.


1.Walk around the room. Find the location of all electrical outlets. Devices such as projectors, screens and computers will need electricity to function, so set up the front of the room where the outlets are positioned. This will help to minimize wires on the floor, which may cause people to fall as they walk around within the room.

Check that cords aren’t in the way of people. If needed, tape cords down to the floor to prevent tripping when people walk to their chairs.

2.Check out the size of the space and determine whether it will meet your company’s needs.Always bear in mind that the number of attendees will matter when choosing where to set up a functional meeting room. Basically, the smaller the number of attendees, the smaller the space needed; the bigger the number, the space must be larger. Of course, you would not want all the attendees to be in a crowded room, as this will greatly affect the ambiance of the meeting.

3.Set up a presentation screen or projector in front, if desired. You must plug in all electrical devices and most importantly, hide all wires under carpets or along the walls.

4.Test to see whether all seats offer an unobstructed view to the front of the room.Generally, the goal is to help all attendees feel that they’re a part of the meeting. Avoid the situation of causing anyone to stand just to see what is being presented or discussed at the front. All attendees should feel comfortable, with no hassle in joining in the conversations.

5.Place refreshments and necessary items out. Before the meeting, add bottles of water, pads of paper and pens on the tables. It is also a great idea to add some fruits.

Article Source:

http://www.wikihow.com/Set-Up-an-Efficient-and-Productive-Meeting-Room 0c/IhYdXQ2YZyvcnmsQ0Dm05VfdWl+HtmV+AEdKpsbbPV8MBOlP97cBL17DovrQM
