
Unit Two
Conference Site Selection

Teaching Targets 教学目标

●To learn how to select an ideal venue for your convention

●To learn to inquire about facilities and services offered by a convention center

●To know the importance of choosing a conference venue

●To improve the skill of listening & speaking for convention venue selection

●To master some useful expressions and sentences concerning this topic

Background Knowledge



Warming Up

Listen to the following materials carefully and answer the following questions.

1.How do you choose the correct meeting venue in terms of space?

2.How do you choose the correct meeting venue in terms of theme?

3.Why should you consider the weather when selecting a venue?

4.Why should you visit the meeting venue?

5.What should you consider when you review the site in person?

Model Dialogues

Dialogue 1

Bob, a meeting planner, is conducting an on-site inspection at a convention center. Now he is talking about the convention site with Laura, the sales manager of the convention center.

B=Bob, L=Laura

L: Good morning, sir. How may I help you?

B: Good morning! We are seeking a venue to hold an international convention. So I want to get further information about your center.

L: May I provide some information that might be of interest to you?

B: That will be very nice. I was told that your convention center had extensive experiences of holding international conventions.So, we are expecting to enjoy the services of international standard.

L: You’ve got a right choice. Look, these are the pictures of past successful conventions we’ve held before.

B: Wow, that is wonderful! I have more confidence in your convention center now.

L: Thank you. Let me show you around the center and give you a specific introduction to it.

B: It is very kind of you to show me around the convention center.It gives me a great idea of your meeting service facilities.

L: My pleasure.Here is the brochure introducing the details of meeting service at our convention center.

B: Thank you.I will consult with our general manager.And we’ll let you know our decision as soon as we can.

L: Thank you for visiting.We are looking forward to seeing you again.

Word bank

on-site [ɒn saɪt] adj .现场的

inspection [ɪn’spekʃn] n .视察,检查

standard [‘stændəd] n .标准;水准; adj .标准的;合规格的

extensive [ɪk’stensɪv; ek-] adj .广泛的;大量的;广阔的

confidence [‘kɒnfɪd(ə)ns] n .信心;信任;秘密

brochure [‘brəʊʃə; brɒ’ʃʊə] n .手册,小册子


1.We are seeking a venue to hold an international convention.


2.I was told that your convention center had extensive experiences of holding international conventions.


3.So, we are expecting to enjoy the services of international standard.


4.Look, these are the pictures of past successful conventions we held before.


5.Let me show you around the center and give you a specific introduction about it.


Dialogue 2

Alice(A),the PCO, Martin(M),the marketing manger of the convention center.

M: Welcome to our center again! I’ve got your request for bids, and I am sure we can meet your requirements to the most extent.

A: Thank you very much.

M: You are our long-term partner. We will try all means to secure your requirements although it is the peak period.

A: It is kind of you to do the favor for us.But the venue is kind of far away from the downtown area, a bit inconvenient for us and attendees.

M: Well, maybe, but the surrounding here is excellent and spacious. Besides we can offer more parking lots at no charge.

A: That is good. Can you show me around your center?

M: No problem.Let me take you to the function hall first.It has a seating capacity of about 600 people. And the hall illumination is just renovated.

A: Very nice!

M: We also have value-added services to you.We will offer you a package of complimentary items the same as usual.

A: Thanks! By the way, we will still have a group rate this time?

M: No problem! You’ll enjoy a discount much lower than the rack rates.Our offer will be more preferential if you use our food and beverage service.

A: I know what you mean.To be honestly, the meeting facilities and the staff of the center left me a good impression.

M: Thank you! Then I will draft a contract for your perusal after getting your fact sheet of meeting requirements. It will include all we discussed just now as well as complimentary items we can offer.

A: I am looking forward to it. Thanks for your time.

M: You are welcome.

Word bank

bid [bɪd] v .投标;出价

secure [sɪ’kjʊə; sɪ’kjɔː] adj .安全的;无虑的 v .保护;弄到

peak [piːk] n .山峰;最高点

surrounding [sə’raʊndɪŋ] adj .周围的,附近的 n .环境,周围的事物

capacity [kə’pæsɪtɪ] n .能力;容量;资格

illumination [ɪ,ljuːmɪ’neɪʃən] n .照明;阐明;启发

renovate [‘renəveɪt] v .更新;修复;革新

complementary [kɒmplɪ’ment(ə)rɪ] adj .补足的,补充的

preferential [,prefə’renʃ(ə)l] adj .优先的;选择的

perusal [pə’ruːz(ə)l] n .熟读;精读


1.I’ve got your request for bids, and I am sure we can meet your requirements to the most extent.


2.We will try all means to secure your requirements although it is the peak period.


3.We also have value-added services to you. We will offer you a package of complimentary items the same as usual.


4.You’ll enjoy a discount much lower than the rack rates.


5.Our offer will be more preferential if you use our food and beverage service.


Practical Sentence Patterns

1 I want to get more detailed information about your convention center.


2 May I provide you with some information that might interest you?我可以为你提供一些可能会让你感兴趣的信息吗?

3 I was told that your convention center had a lot of experience of holding conferences.听说你们会议中心有丰富的举办大型会议的经验。

4 Let me show you around the center and main conference halls.让我来带你参观会议中心和主要的会议大厅。

5 It is very kind of you to show me around the convention center.你能带我参观会议中心真是太好了。

6 Here is the brochure introducing the details of meeting service at our convention center.


7 You are our long-term partner.你是我们的长期合作伙伴。

8 We will try all means to secure your requirements although it is the peak period.虽然是高峰期,但是我们会尽一切可能确保您的需求。

9 The location is kind of far away from the downtown area.这儿离市区有些远。

10 We can offer more parking lots at no charge.我们可以提供更多的免费停车场。

11 Let me take you to the function hall first.我先带你去功能大厅。

12 It will include all we discussed just now as well as complimentary items we can offer.


Practical Training Project

I.Build Up Your Vocabulary

1. Match the expressions on the left with the best translations on the right.

(1)selection a.环境

(2)inspection b.赠送的

(3)standard c.设施

(4)brochure d.选择

(5)preferential e.检查

(6)complimentary f.修复

(7)surrounding g.优先的

(8)bid h.标准的

(9)renovate i.出价

(10)facility j.小册子

2. Complete the following sentences with words or expressions from the dialogues.

A: Good morning! Beijing _______(国际会议中心)。 How may I help you?

B: I am calling from Hong Kong Energy Conservation Association. I wonder if I’d enquire about _______(举办一个会议) in your center.

A: I am glad to help you, sir. How many people will _______(参加会议)?

B: A party of 300.

A: _______(会议将在什么时间举行)?

B: On June 11 th and June 12 th .

A: Let me have a check, please. Thank you for your waiting, sir.We do have vacant suites and _______(功能会议厅) during the period you desire for.

B: That is good. Our attendees are all _______(名流)。Is it possible that they each have a suite?

M: Don’t worry, sir. Since ours are _______(五星级) convention center, every attendee is offered a suite and therefore receives a VIP treatment.

J: I like that very much.What is the _______(房价)?

M: We offer rates competitive with standard hotel rooms, RMB 500 yuan per person per day, including_______(早茶) and afternoon refreshment.

J: _______(听起来蛮不错)。Low room price and we can enjoy suite service, everybody’s dream!

M: Exactly.May I have your name and your _______(传真号)?

J: John Lennon. My fax number is 98532166.

M: John Lennon.Your fax number is 98532166._______(我马上为您办理)。

J: Thank you very much.

M: You are welcome, John.We are looking forward to serving you.

II.Substitution Drills

Using the words in the following boxes to replace the underlined words.

1.It is important that you start to look for a venue several months before the date of your event.

place site spot

2.For larger events you may even need to start your search at least a year ahead as bigger venues tend to get booked up way in advance .

beforetime previously ahead of time

3.The first thing which you need to consider is the amount of attendees you are expecting.

think about take into account take into consideration

4.This will instantly help you to narrow down your list of potential venues as you will be able to disregard those which don’t have enough capacity as well as those whose rooms are simply going to be too large.

neglect ignore brush aside

5.The aspec t which you have to take into consideration is the budget available.

point respect facet

6.Once you have made yourself a shortlist of potential venues you will need to get more specific in the criteria you require.

standard measure touchstone

7.You will need to work out what sort of venue will complemen t the theme of your event and also determine whether or not they will have the facilities required for your particular type of event.

make up for complete perfect

8.As the event planner you should ring round and enquire directly with staff at the venue to see if meets your list of requirements.

crew personnel clerk

9.Not only will you have to ensure that the facilities meet your requirements but arguably just as vita l is the actual location of your venue.

important essential crucial

10.This will be especially important if you are expecting people to travell long distances to attend your event.

participate in be present at take part in

III.Listening Comprehension

Listen to the dialogues; fill in the blanks according to what you hear. Then practice the dialogues with your partner.

Williams is talking to Jordon on the phone. Williams who has called to book a conference at the Noble hotel, is an assistant at the culture media company.Jordon is a clerk in the Noble hotel. They have known each other for ages.

W: Hello, this is Williams calling from culture media company, Shanghai.I called to ask about _______ at the Noble hotel.

J: This is Noble hotel._______ ?

W: I am just calling to tell you our company has planned to have a two-day_______ in your hotel. I am wondering if you can do us a favor.

J: It is my pleasure. When will you have your meeting?

W: From July 21 st to 26 th and there will be 78 people altogether.

J: So, you will stay here for _______ ?

W: Actually, we will finish in the afternoon on the 26 th , so we just want to_______ the rooms for five nights.

J: OK. What kind of rooms do you prefer? We have _______, ranging from presidential suites to standard rooms.

W: We need 2 suites and 38 standard rooms.

J: Let me check.2 suites and 38 standard rooms...OK, we have all of these rooms _______during the period of your meeting.

W: Also, we need a big meeting hall and a dining room that can_______ 78 people.

J: So a large meeting hall and a dinning hall._______?

W: Oh, we also need a toastmaster capable of _______.

J: All right, that will be no problem.If there is anything else we can help, please let us know_______.

W: OK, thank you. You are_______.

J: My pleasure.

IV.Role Play

1.Work in pairs or more, try to do a short dialogue according to the following. Suppose you are planning an international conference of environmental protection.Having invited 6 speakers, you are discussing now with your partner what kind of format the conference should be organized in.

2.Suppose you are a staff working at a conference center, how will you introduce your center to attendees?

V.Make Sentences

Speak out with four or five sentences in English to your partner, using the following words or phrases, and then your partner interprets them into Chinese.

1.detailed information

2.convention center

3.conference hall

4.meeting services

5.peak period

6.downtown area

7.parking lots

8.at no charge

The Window of the Convention & Exhibition

How to Choose a Successful Venue for Your Conference

If you want your event to be a success you’ve got to get the venue right. People will only put up with a poor location, difficult transport links and sub-standard facilities for so long, regardless of how amazing the event is. If you choose a venue that’s too big then your event can come across as under-performing, even if turnout is as good, or better, than expected. Go too small and everyone feel like they’re playing some awful corporate game of sardines. So how do you go about choosing the right venue for your conference?

Know Your Event

Before you rush out looking for a venue it’s incredibly important to get a proper handle on the basics of the event. What’s the budget? How many rooms will you need? What kind of footfall are you hoping for? Once you’ve answered those questions they can act as a filter, helping you to refine your list of potential venues.

Location, Location, Location

The estate agent’s mantra works well for event planning too. Think about where the majority of your participants will be coming from. Is your event on a local, regional or national scale? Come to think of it, are you going to have any international attendees or guest speakers?

If your event is aimed at pulling in punters from around the country and beyond then think very carefully about a location in a large city. The transport connections should mean that anyone travelling from outside the local area has a multitude of options open to them.

Is the event held over more than one day? If it is then you need to think about availability of accommodation across a variety of price points. Not every attendee will want or be able to splash out on a two night stay at a Park Hyatt or Hilton. It’s also a good idea to scope out what the local food and entertainment scene is like. Although many people will want to head back to their hotel for dinner, a shower and bed, there will be some looking to have a more entertaining evening out.

Nibbles and the Net

Working through the above should have brought you down to a few venues that are suitable. To make that final decision take a look at what kind of facilities are on offer at each venue. Don’t just go for the swankiest option though, think about what the needs of your conference or event are and find the best fit.

What kind of on-site catering do you need? Just a buffet or a more formal dinner? Can the venue provide this or are you going to have to hire in a catering service? Of course you need to think about how this might affect your budget.

Also, given that everyone is hooked up to the internet virtually 24/7 these days via smart phones or tablets, does the venue have a WiFi network, and can it take the strain of hundreds, maybe thousands of people using it simultaneously?

One other thing to bear in mind is whether or not the venue has technical equipment you may need. If you have ushers and on-site support staff they will probably need walkie-talkies to make communication quick and easy, but will you have to hire a set? And what about tills and debit card terminals for processing payments and tickets?

Hopefully by taking all the above points into consideration you should be able to find your perfect venue. If you get these areas right, and you’ve put together a great programme of speakers and events then you should have a fantastic conference on your hands.

Article Source:

http://www.triplepundit.com/podium/choose-successful-venue-conference/ FxIlx9EMsAN4p5WznhIqc1TzjiES0HUWZ1DLZhzabAgkVJcABvPw3aWecgkY2Zxd
