
Chapter 03

V ers strode through the docking station at Kree Military headquarters, flanked by her Starforce teammates: Korath, Minn-Erva, Bron-Char, and Att-Lass. Yon-Rogg wasn’t with them yet—as their leader, he was presumably busy receiving orders and making last-minute preparations for their ensuing mission.

The ship they would use for their mission, the Helion , had served Starforce well over many such excursions in their constant battle against the Skrulls. It was less bulky than much of the Kree fleet, certainly much smaller and more maneuverable than the ships used by the powerful but feared Accusers.

They walked up the loading ramp and boarded the Helion , each member noting the surge of activity in the docking bay.

“This can’t be good,” the usually jovial Att-Lass said, looking at the always-serious Korath.

“Must be another Skrull attack,” Korath answered, his voice flat and emotionless.

Bron-Char shrugged. “Whatever it is, it’s big,” said the immense warrior, tugging at his beard.

“Has a Skrull ever simmed you?” Minn-Erva questioned Korath.

“Once,” Korath replied, grasping one of his swords. “It was deeply disturbing.”

“Why?” Vers asked.

“Because I stared into the face of my mortal enemy,” Korath answered stoically. “And the face staring back was my own.”

Vers thought about it for a hot second, wondering if she should say it. Then, unable to resist teasing him, “Maybe if you were more attractive, then it would be less disturbing.”

Korath looked at Vers, unsmiling. “You think you’re funny, but I’m not laughing.”

“You never laugh,” Att-Lass observed.

“I laugh on the inside,” Korath protested. “I laugh on the inside. I’m not doing that now.”

“It’s funny, ’cause objectively speaking, you’re quite handsome,” Bron-Char said, explaining the obvious joke.

“Well, thank you,” Korath said, courteously.

“Listen up, team.”

The warriors turned to face the familiar, authoritative voice that commanded their attention. Yon-Rogg had arrived.

He looked right at Vers, and before she could say anything sarcastic, Yon-Rogg scolded, “Knock it off.”

Another one with no sense of humor , Vers thought.

“All right,” Yon-Rogg said, entering the Helion . “Prepare for a search and rescue of our spy, Soh-Larr.”

He touched an icon on the forearm console he wore on his left arm. Immediately, a hologram appeared right above the console, revealing the image of Soh-Larr. A moment later, and the hologram of the spy had been replaced by the rotating shape of a planet.

“The Skrulls have invaded yet another border planet,” Yon-Rogg said, briefing his team. “This time, Torfa. Soh-Larr sent us a warning. The signal was intercepted, and his cover’s blown.”

The hologram of the planet was now replaced by the image of a Skrull, along with several other Skrulls lurking behind him.

“The Skrull general, Talos, has sent kill units to find him,” Yon-Rogg continued. “Should they reach him before we do... the intelligence he’s acquired over three years is as good as theirs.”

The hologram shifted once more from the Skrulls back to the planet. This time, there were three Kree ships hovering over the planet’s surface.

“The Accusers will bomb a Skrull stronghold here in the south,” Yon-Rogg said, pointing at the southern hemisphere of Torfa. “We slip in, we locate Soh-Larr, and we get out, leaving them none the wiser.”

As the members of Starforce absorbed the briefing, Yon-Rogg raised a hand and touched the hologram before them. The image changed to reveal one of the planet’s indigenous species. “The Torfan populace,” Yon-Rogg said. “We are not to interfere with them, nor them with us. Nothing compromises the security of our mission. Proceed with caution. Follow protocol before extracting him.”

Then Yon-Rogg waved his arm, and the hologram that had emanated from his forearm console disappeared. “This is a dangerous mission,” he warned. “We must all be ready to join the Collective if that is our fate today.”

“For the good of all Kree,” Yon-Rogg said, ending the briefing.

“For the good of all Kree,” the Starforce team replied. +wizhpLOwpDVrLLGifnA5Fl/BpRcVxBLDHvXJUl4ZuI9y4UhN9jZHbn9VWXkNqcN
