

Formulas are comprised of herbal medicinals, and constitute the clinical development and increasing use of Chinese medicinals. After appropriate combinations, Chinese medicinals become formulas and can, firstly, bring into play the synergistic reaction between medicinals and increase the curative effects or change the intrinsic function and produce a new effect. Secondly, it can identify patterns and determine treatment, with consideration of all aspects of syndromes to enlarge the therapeutic range, and to meet the needs of relatively complicated syndromes. Thirdly, regarding those Chinese medicinals with drastic properties or pertaining to those that are toxic, medicinal combinations can restrict the secondary properties and reduce toxicity, hence eliminating the ingredients that are harmful to the human body. Therefore, in a formula, medicinals can supplement, oppose, or complement one another, thereby embodying the superiority of Chinese medicinals combinations.

There is a plethora of formulas in TCM. We had recorded 96, 592 formulas in the Formulae Thesaurus of TCM compiled in the 1990s. From these abundant formulas, there is much to discover and research regarding the compatible rules for mastering the applications of formulas for clinical use. So the study on the compatible theories and methods of formulas is the core issue behind formula research, and is the only way to discover the compatible rules of formulas.

As far as the direction of research is concerned, the difference between the compatible methods of formulas and the treatises on prescriptions is that the latter mainly aims at single formulas, whereas the former aims at formulas as a whole. Compatible methods of formulas operate under the guidance of the theories of therapeutics, in order to apply inductive methods in scientific research, launching from the study of the systematical analysis of a variety of representative formulas (tonic formulas, formulas for relieving exterior syndromes, formulas for invigorating blood and dispelling stasis, etc.)which were in common use in the past. This is done in order to find common ground, particular points and main points of the combination in these kinds of formulas, thereby revealing the compatible essences of the formulas that include the relationships between the Chinese medicinals used in the formulas, their dosage, preparation, and formulation.

Since the end of the 1970s, I have engaged in this direction with research, publishing the first article, Discussions on the Compatible Methods of Formulae for Relieving Exterior Syndromes , in the first issue of Nanjing University of CM Transaction in 1982. Thereafter, I was engaged in the studies of formula compatibility in tonic formulas, purgative formulas, and formulas for treating wind syndromes, among others, which were published in succession in the Journal of TCM and other magazines of TCM in many provinces throughout the country. These studies played an important role in the teaching of undergraduate students and majors of TCM, in advancing the study of teachers and training of postgraduate students, to enhance the teaching quality and provide guidance for formulating prescriptions in the clinic. Due to the heavy demands of teaching, research and clinical work, it took over 20 years for me to amend, supplement and collect all the research theories on the compatible methods of formulas which were finally published in 1999.

Formulas for treating dryness syndromes are divided into formulas that can slightly disperse outer dryness and formulas that can nourish yin to moisturize dryness. As dryness and heat injure fluids in the body, the Basic Questions - Great Treatise on the Correspondences and Manifestations of Yin and Yang said: “If dryness prevails, the body becomes dry.” So the compatible characteristic of formulas for treating dryness syndromes is that both dispersing outer dryness and nourishing yin to moisturize dryness and nourishing fluids should all be considered, at all times. It may be embodied in the representative formulas for treating dryness syndromes recorded in the past version of the teaching material in Chinese Medicinal Formulas . Regarding the aspect of combination, formulas for slightly dispersing outer dryness are similar to formulas for relieving exterior syndromes, and formulas for nourishing yin to moisturize dryness are similar to formulas for nourishing yin, so these kinds of formulas are simply just mentioned in this book.

Since the publication of this book in 2008, it has received wide acclaim and recognition by the clinical, research and academic professionals of the TCM community. With the development of traditional Chinese medicine, there is constant change and progress in research. It is my sincere wish that those readers of this book who have an interest and background in TCM will provide their valued suggestions for further amendments of this work.

Li Fei
Professor of Chinese Medicinal Formulas Nanjing University of CM
June 2019 xpIuVpB/iK5kTyv0cPeECWz/brAj7EDqiPDkNMcmBJHEUwCObfmfkBXKKDwvZyVB
