Drs. Chengquan Zhao,Liron Pantanowitz,both from the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center(UPMC),and Dr. Yang are to be congratulated on their new comprehensive Chinese language review of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytopathology. This impressive reference work has been in preparation for two years and relied upon collaboration with 17 academic center cytopathologists,most of whom are currently working in the US. Reflecting the current US trend toward sub-specialization,this book offers an in depth collection of well-illustrated case material covering most commonly accessed organ systems. Over 1300 photomicrographs,100 tables,14 chapters nicely lay out both introductory concepts as well as detailed diagnostic insights commonly known to only more experienced practitioners. Accordingly,this publication should prove useful to both pathologists early in their training and experience with fine needle aspiration cytology as well as to more experienced practitioners. The publication also includes valuable chapters on cytopreparatory and ancillary techniques and on application of newer adjunctive molecular diagnostic methods useful in fine needle aspiration cytology interpretation and prognostic assessment. This text is a meritorious addition to Drs. Zhao and Yang's earlier Chinese language publication on Gynecologic Cytopathology. It should prove to be a helpful education resource to support the growing cost-effective use of fine needle aspiration cytology in China.
祝贺赵澄泉医生、Liron Pantanowitz医生和杨敏医生主编的《细针穿刺细胞病理学》一书出版!
本书经过两年时间酝酿,由17位细胞病理学家共同完成。其中赵澄泉医生、Liron Pantanowitz医生来自美国匹兹堡大学医疗中心(UPMC),其他大多数编者也在美国医院工作。
R. Marshall Austin MD,PhD
Professor of Pathology
Director of Cytopathology
Magee-Women's Hospital
University of Pittsburgh medical Center
Pittsburgh,PA USA