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Script No.1

Forrest Gump(Adaptation)


Narrator Gump’s mother wanted him to have thefinest education.So she took Gump to the Greenbow County Central School.

Principal :Your boy’s different,Mrs.Gump.His IQ is 75.

Mrs.Gump :Well,we’re all different,Mr.Hancock.

Principal :I want to show you something,Mrs.Gump.Now this is normal.Forrest is right here.The state requires a minimum IQ of 80 to attend public school.Mrs.Gump,he’s going to have to go to a special school.Now he’ll be just fine.

Mrs.Gump :What does normal mean anyway?He might be a bit on the slow side,but my boy Forrest is going to get the same opportunities as everyone else.He’s not going to some special school to learn how to retread tires.We’re talking about five little points here.There must be something can be done.

Principal :We’re a progressive school system.We don’t want to see anybody left behind.

Mrs.Gump :You do your very best now,Forrest.

Forrest :I sure will,Mama.


Student A :This seat’s taken.

Student B :It’s taken.

Student C :You can’t sit here.

Jenny :You can sit here if you want.

Jenny :Well,are you going to sit down or aren’t you?What’s wrong with your legs?

Forrest :Um,nothing at all.Thank you.My legs are just fine and dandy.

Jenny :Are you stupid or something?

Forrest :Mama says,“Stupid is as stupid does.”

Jenny :I’m Jenny.

Forrest :I’m Forrest,Forrest Gump.


Narrator One day Gump was out walking like always and then somebody turned off the rain and the sun came out.

Mr.Dan :Ambush!Take cover.

Bubba :Hey!We got a man down.

Mr.Dan :Strong⁃arm,this is Leg Lima 6.Over.Roger,Strong⁃arm!Be advised we have incoming from the three lines at point blue plus two!AKs and rockets.We’re going to move back to the blue line.Pull back!Pull back!

Bubba :Forrest!Run,Forrest!

Mr.Dan :Pull back!

Bubba :Run!Run!Man!Run!

Mr.Dan :Pull back!Gump!Run!God damn it!Run!

Forrest :Bubba.

Mr.Dan :I know my position is danger close.We got Charlie all over this area.I got to have those fast movers in here now over.

Forrest :Mr.Dan,Coleman’s dead.

Mr.Dan :I know he is dead.My whole goddamn platoon is wiped out.God damn it!What are you doing?You leave me here.Get away.Just leave me here.Get out.Aah,God I said leave me here!God damn it.You,son of a bitch.I can’t leave the platoon.I told you to leave me there,Gump.Forget about me.Get yourself out!Did you hear what I said?Gump,damn it,put me down.Get your ass out of here.I didn’t ask you to pull me out of there.God damn you.Where the hell do you think you’re going?

Forrest :To get Bubba.

Mr.Dan :I got an air strike in bound right now.They’re going to nape the whole area.Gump,you stay here.God damn it.That’s an order.

Forrest :I gotta find Bubba.

Bubba :Forrest.

Forrest :Bubba.

Bubba :I’m OK,Forrest.I’m OK.

Forrest :O⁃Oh,Bubba,no.

Bubba :Nah,I’m gonna be all right.

Forrest :Come on.Come on.Come on.

Bubba :Ugh,I’m OK,Forrest.I’m OK.I’m fine.


Forrest :Where’s Mama?

Doctor :She’s upstairs.

Mrs.Gump :Hi,Forrest.

Doctor :I’ll see you tomorrow.

Mrs.Gump :Oh,all right.

Doctor :We sure got you straightened out.Didn’t we,boy?

Forrest :What’s the matter,Mama?

Mrs.Gump :I’m dying,Forrest.Come on in.Sit down over here.

Forrest :Why are you dying,Mama?

Mrs.Gump :It’s my time.It’s just my time.Oh,now don’t you be afraid,sweet heart.Death is just a part of life.Something we’re all destined to do.I didn’t know it,but I was destined to be your mama.I did the best I could.

Forrest :You did good,Mama.

Mrs.Gump :Well,I happen to believe you make your own destiny.You have to do the best with what God gave you.

Forrest :What’s my destiny,Mama?

Mrs.Gump :You’re going to have to figure that out for yourself.Life is a box of chocolates,Forrest.You never know what you’re going to get.

Narrator Gump’s mother always had a way ofexplaining things,so Gump always understood what she meant.

Mrs.Gump :I will miss you,Forrest.




Narrator 阿甘的妈妈希望阿甘得到最好的教育。所以她带阿甘去了绿茵县中心学校。

Principal :你的孩子有点不一样,甘太太。他的智商只有75。

Mrs.Gump :我们都是不一样的,汉考克先生。

Principal :请你看看这个,甘太太。这是正常水平,福瑞斯特则是在这儿。州政府要求智商起码要80才能上公立学校,甘太太。他应该上特殊学校,在那里他会很好。

Mrs.Gump :正常水平是什么意思?他可能反应不太灵敏,但我儿子福瑞斯特应该和其他人一样得到机会。他不该去特殊学校学怎么翻修轮胎,这不过是区区5分的问题。一定会有办法解决的。

Principal :我们的学校是要排名次的。我们不想有人拉后腿。

Mrs.Gump :你要开始努力学习了,福瑞斯特。

Forrest :我一定会的,妈妈。


Student A :这位子有人了。

Student B :有人了。

Student C :你不准坐这儿。

Jenny :你愿意的话可以坐这儿。

Jenny :你想坐还是不想坐?你的腿怎么啦?

Forrest :没什么,谢谢你。我的腿好得很。

Jenny :你是不是有点傻?

Forrest :妈妈说“做傻事的才是傻瓜”。

Jenny :我叫珍妮。

Forrest :我叫福瑞斯特,福瑞斯特·甘。


Narrator 那一天,阿甘他们像平常一样走着。忽然之间,就像有人关掉天上的水龙头,太阳出来了。

Mr.Dan :有埋伏!快找掩护。

Bubba :嘿!有个人倒下了。

Mr.Dan :强手,我们是第雷利六号。完毕。收到,强手,我们遭到袭击。在蓝点树林,有两个方向,有冲锋枪和火箭筒。我们准备撤退。撤退!撤退!

Bubba :福瑞斯特!跑,福瑞斯特!

Mr.Dan :撤退!

Bubba :跑!跑!兄弟!跑!

Mr.Dan :撤退!阿甘!跑!见鬼!跑!

Forrest :布达。

Mr.Dan :我知道我的处境越来越危险。这一带到处都是“越共”。我这儿需要快速的支援,完毕。

Forrest :丹中尉,科曼死了。

Mr.Dan :我知道他死了。我他妈的整个排全完了。该死的!你干什么?你把我放下。走开,把我留在这里。走开。啊,我说把我留在这儿,该死的。你这狗娘养的。我不能离开我的排。我叫你把我留在那里,阿甘。丢下我,你自己逃吧。你听到我的话没有。阿甘,见鬼,放下我。你自己逃吧。我没叫你救我出去,去你妈的。你又要去哪里。

Forrest :去找布巴。

Mr.Dan :我已经呼叫空袭了。他们会把那里炸平。阿甘,留在这里,这是命令。

Forrest :我要找到布巴。

Bubba :福瑞斯特。

Forrest :布巴。

Bubba :我没事,福瑞斯特。我没事。

Forrest :啊,布巴,不。

Bubba :我没事的。

Forrest :行了,行了,行了。

Bubba :我没事的,福瑞斯特。我没事,我很好。


Forrest :妈妈在哪儿?

Doc tor :她在楼上。

Mrs.Gump :嗨,福瑞斯特。

Doc tor :明天见。

Mrs.Gump :好的。

Doc tor :你的腿全好了,是吗,孩子?

Forrest :怎么了,妈妈?

Mrs.Gump :我快死了,福瑞斯特。进来,坐下。

Forrest :为什么你快死了,妈妈?

Mrs.Gump :我的时候到了。因为我的时候到了。现在你不用害怕,宝贝。死亡只是生命的一部分。是我们注定要面对的,我并不知道,但是我注定要做你的妈妈。我就尽力做好。

Forrest :你做得很好。

Mrs.Gump :嗯,我相信你能实现自己的命运。你要凭着上帝所给予的做到最好。

Forrest :我的命运是什么,妈妈?

Mrs.Gump :你要自己去弄明白。人生就像一盒巧克力,你永远不知道你能得到哪一块。

Narrator 阿甘的妈妈总是有办法把事情说清楚,让阿甘也能听明白。

Mrs.Gump :我会想念你的,福瑞斯特。

Script No.2

Snow White(Adaptation)

Narrator Long time ago,there was a queen.She had a pretty daughter named Snow White.Soon after the child was born,the queen died.The king married another queen.The stepmother didn't like her very much.She made Snow White do the housework all day and all night.


Snow White :My name is Snow White.I'm a beautiful princess.Once I had a happy family( smiling ),but my mother died after I was born( feeling sad ).I miss my mother so much.Where is my mother?Where is my mother?( looking around

Queen :I'm the new queen.I'm very beautiful,you see( turning around ).I believe I'm the most beautiful woman in the world.If anyone dares to be more beautiful than me,I'll kill her( clenching the teeth in great anger ).I have a magic mirror.It'll tell me anything I want to know.Now,mirror,mirror,come here!

Magic Mirror :Here I am.I'm coming.What do you want to know?

Queen :Magic mirror on the wall,who is the fairest one of all?

Magic Mirror :You are beautiful,but there is a young lady I see.Her lips are as red as the rose;her hair is as black as ebony;her skin is as white as snow.She is much more beautiful than you.

Queen :She is much more beautiful than me?Who is she?Tell me quickly( angry )。

Magic Mirror :She is Snow White.

Queen :Snow White?No,I'm the most beautiful woman in the world.Oh,hunter,come here,come here!

Hunter :Yes!Your Majesty.I'm coming( coming up to the queen )。

Queen :Hunter!Take Snow White far away to a place where she can pick some wildflowers,and kill her!

Hunter :But she is the princess.

Queen :Do what I have told you!This is an order!And then put her heart in this box and bring it to me( holding a box ).I don't want to see her again!

Hunter :Yes!Your Majesty.


Snow White :One flower,two flowers,three flowers... How beautiful those flowers are!( picking flowers happily

Hunter :Oh!My God!She is so lovely and pretty!I can't kill her!I can't do it!( slowly pulling out the knife

Snow White :What are you doing?What's the matter?Why do you kill me?( crying loudly after seeing the hunter

Hunter :I'm sorry.Someone wants me to kill you.

Snow White :But who?

Hunter :The queen.

Snow White :Why?

Hunter :Because you are more beautiful than her.

Snow White :My dear hunter,don't kill me.I will run far away and never come back again.

Hunter :OK.Run away,poor child.

Snow White :Thank you,my dear hunter.


Narrator At this time,a baby bear was running by.The hunter shot it and took the heart to the queen.Snow White ran into the wildforest until it was almost evening.She saw a little house.

Snow White :Oh,my God!The queen can't find me now,I think.How tired I am!( yawning )Ah,there is a house( knocking at the door and then walking in ).There are seven small beds.They must be the beds of seven children.Oh,I really want to sleep!

Narrator When it was dark,the owners ofthe house came back.They were seven dwarfs.They were lookingfor gold in mountains.

Doc :Look,the lamp in our house is on!

Happy :Who is it?

Sneezy :Maybe it's the ghost!

Sleepy :Let's go into our house quietly.

Bashful :Oh,someone has cleaned our house.

Grumpy :Maybe it's the witch.

Narrator Dopey lightened Snow White'sface with a candle.All shouted in shock.

Doc :What a lovely child!

Happy :How beautiful she is!

Sneezy :Who is she?

Sleepy :Don't wake her up.

Bashful :Why is she coming here?

Grumpy :Kill her.

Snow White :What a sound sleep!( waking up and stretching her arms )Oh,who are you?Oh,I know.You are seven dwarfs.

Seven Dwarfs :Yes,but why are you in our house?( saying together

Snow White :The queen wants to kill me,so I ran into your house.Don't drive me away.Let me stay with you.


Narrator From then on,Snow White stayed with the dwarfs.In the palace,after the bad queen ate the heart,she took out the mirror and asked again.

Queen :Magic mirror on the wall,who is the fairest one of all?

Magic Mirror :You are beautiful,but Snow White is still alive.She lives with the seven dwarfs.No one is more beautiful than her.

Queen :What?Snow White is not dead?( very angry )Haha,I got a good idea.

Narrator The queen made a poisonous apple and dressed herselflike an old woman.She came to the house.

Queen :Good things to sell!Pretty apples to sell!Cheap!Very cheap!

Snow White :Hi,good day,grandma.

Queen :Apples.Very delicious apples!You can have a taste.This one,please!

Snow White :OK!Thank you!( having a bite andfalling down

Queen :Hahaha... Now I'm the most beautiful woman in the world.

Narrator When the seven dwarfs came back,they were greatly surprised to see Snow White dead.

Seven Dwarfs :What's the matter?

Doc :Snow White is dead.

Seven Dwarfs :Oh,my God!Who did this?It must be the bad queen.( crying and putting some flowers on her body )。

Narrator Although Snow White had been deadfor a long time,she looked as ifshe was still alive.Her skin is as white as snow;her lips are as red as the rose;her hair is as black as ebony.One day,a prince happened to come to the seven dwarfs'house.As soon as he saw Snow White,hefell in love with her.

Prince :Please,let me have a look at Snow White.I love her.I want to bring her home and let her be my wife.

Seven Dwarfs :OK!Take Snow White with you.Be kind to her,please.

Prince :Yes,I will.I will love her forever!( kissing her on her hand

Snow White :Oh,my God!Where am I?What happened?

Prince :You are with me,my dear.I love you.I love you more than anything in this world.Please be my queen,will you?

Snow White :Yes,I will,my dear prince!

Seven Dwarfs :Oh,congratulations!Congratulations!

Snow White :Goodbye!

Seven Dwarfs :Bye-bye!May you happy forever!

Snow White&Prince :Thank you.Goodbye.See you later!

Narrator The prince took Snow White to his palace.Their wedding was held two days later.



Narrator 很久以前,有个王后。她有一个美丽的女儿,名叫白雪公主。孩子出生后不久,王后死了。国王又娶了一位王后。新王后特别不喜欢白雪公主。她让白雪公主整日整夜地做家务。


Snow White :我的名字是白雪公主,我是个美丽的公主。我曾经有一个幸福的家庭(开心),但我妈妈在我出生后就去世了(感到难过),我很想念我妈妈。我的妈妈在哪里?我的妈妈在哪里?(四处张望)

Queen :我是新女王。你瞧啊,我很美(转一圈)。我相信我是世界上最美丽的女人。如果有人比我漂亮,我就杀了她(咬牙切齿)。我有一面神奇的镜子。它会告诉我任何我想知道的事情。镜子,镜子,快到这里来!

Magic Mirror :我在这儿呢,我来了。你想知道些什么?

Queen :墙上的魔镜啊,谁是这世界上最美丽的女人?

Magic Mirror :您很美,但有一个年轻的女孩,她的嘴唇像玫瑰花一样红,她的头发像乌木一样黑,她的皮肤像雪一样白。她比你更漂亮。

Queen :她比我漂亮得多吗?她是谁?快点告诉我(很生气)。

Magic Mirror :她是白雪公主。

Queen :白雪公主?不,我是这世界上最漂亮的女人。哦,猎人,过来,过来!

Hunter :王后陛下,我来了(走到王后面前)。

Queen :猎人!把白雪公主带到一个偏远的地方,让她采些野花,然后杀了她!

Hunter :但她是公主。

Queen :按我说的去做!这是命令!然后把她的心装进这个盒子里带给我。我不想再见到她!

Hunter :遵命,王后陛下。


Snow White :一朵花,两朵花,三朵花……这些花多么美丽呀!(高兴地采花)

Hunter :哦!我的天啊!她是如此的可爱漂亮!我不能杀了她!我不能这么做!(一边慢慢地拔出匕首,一边犹豫地说)

Snow White :你要做什么?发生了什么事?你为什么要杀我呢?(看见猎人后大声哭叫)

Hunter :我很抱歉。有人要我杀了你。

Snow White :但是是谁呢?

Hunter :是王后。

Snow White :为什么呢?

Hunter :因为你比她漂亮。

Snow White :我亲爱的猎人,不要杀了我。我会跑得远远的,不会再回来。

Hunter :好吧。跑吧,可怜的孩子。

Snow White :谢谢你,我亲爱的猎人。


Narrator 这个时候,一只小熊从旁边路过,猎人杀了它并把它的心交给了王后。白雪公主跑进了大森林,晚上的时候,她看到了一间小房子。

Snow White :哦,我的上帝!我想,现在王后找不到我了。我好累!(打了个哈欠)噢,这儿有一座小房子(敲门然后走进去)。这儿有七张小床。它们一定是七个孩子的床。噢,我想睡觉了!

Narrator 傍晚的时候,房子的主人回来了。他们是七个小矮人。他们在山里寻找黄金。

Doc :看,我们的房子里亮着灯呢!

Happy :会是谁呢?

Sneezy :也许是鬼!

Sleepy :我们轻手轻脚地到屋子里去。

Bashful :噢,有人已经打扫了我们的房子。

Grumpy :也许是女巫。

Narrator 小矮人“糊涂蛋”用蜡烛照了照白雪公主的脸,七个小矮人都惊呼起来。

Doc :多么可爱的孩子!

Happy :她太美了!

Sneezy :她是谁?

Sleepy :别叫醒她。

Bashful :为什么她要到这里来呢?

Grumpy :杀了她。

Snow White :睡得真舒服呀!咦,你们是谁?哦,我知道了,你们是七个小矮人。

Seven Dwarfs :是的,但是你为什么在我们的房子里?(齐声说)

Snow White :王后想杀了我,所以我跑到你们这儿来了。不要赶我走。让我和你们在一起。


Narrator 从那以后,白雪公主就和矮人们住在一起了。在宫殿里,坏王后吃了心之后,取出镜子又开始问了。

Queen :墙上的魔镜啊,谁是这世界上最美丽的女人?

Magic Mirror :你很美,但是白雪公主还活着。她和七个小矮人生活在一起。没有人比她更漂亮。

Queen :什么?白雪公主没有死?(非常生气)哈哈,我想到了一个好主意。

Narrator 王后做了一个有毒的苹果,把自己打扮成一位老妇人。她来到房子前。

Queen :卖好东西喽!卖漂亮的苹果喽!便宜!很便宜!

Snow White :嗨,你好,老奶奶。

Queen :苹果。非常美味的苹果!你可以先尝一个。这个吧。

Snow White :好吧!谢谢你!(咬了一口便倒下了)

Queen :哈哈哈……现在我是世界上最美丽的女人了。

Narrator 七个小矮人回来后,看到白雪公主死了,他们都惊呆了。

Seven Dwarfs :发生了什么事?

Doc :白雪公主死了。

Seven Dwarfs :哦,我的上帝!这是谁干的?一定是坏王后干的。(哭着拣一些花放在白雪公主身上)

Narrator 虽然白雪公主已经死了很长时间,她看上去好像还活着。她的皮肤像雪一样白;嘴唇像玫瑰花一样红;头发像乌木一样黑。有一天,有一个王子偶然来到七个小矮人的住所。他一看到白雪公主,就立马爱上了她。

Prince :请让我看看白雪公主。我爱她。我要带她回家并让她做我的妻子。

Seven Dwarfs :好吧!把白雪公主带走吧。请善待她。

Prince :好,我会的。我会永远爱她!(吻白雪公主的手)

Snow White :哦,我的上帝!我在哪里?发生了什么事?

Prince :你和我在一起,亲爱的。我爱你。我爱你胜过世上的一切。请当我的王后,好吗?

Snow White :我愿意,亲爱的王子!

Seven Dwarfs :哦!祝贺你!祝贺你!

Snow White :再见了!

Seven Dwarfs :再见了!愿你永远开心!

Snow White&Prince :谢谢你。再见了!

Narrator 王子把白雪公主带回他的王宫。两天后他们举行了婚礼。

Script No.3

The Pursuit of Happiness(Excerpts)


Chris :Man,I got two questions for you:What do you do?And how do you do it?

Man :I'm a stockbroker.

Chris :Stockbroker.Oh,goodness.Had to go to college to be a stockbroker,huh?

Man :You don't have to.Have to be good with numbers and good with people.That's it.

Chris :Hey,you take care.I'll let you hang on to my car for the weekend.But I need it back for Monday.

Man :Feed the meter.

Chris :I still remember that moment.They all looked so damn happy to me.Why couldn't I look like that?


Linda :For what?

Chris :I wanna see about a job there.

Linda :Yeah?What job?

Chris :You know,when I... When I was a kid,I could go through a math book in a week.So I'm gonna go see about what job they got down there.

Linda :What job?

Chris :Stockbroker.

Linda :Stockbroker?

Chris :Yeah.

Linda :Not an astronaut?

Chris :Don't talk to me like that,Linda.I'm gonna go down and see about this,and I'm gonna do it during the day.

Linda :You should probably do your sales calls.

Chris :I don't need you to tell me about my sales calls,Linda.I got three of them before the damn office is even open.

Linda :Do you remember that rent is due next week?Probably not.We're already two months behind.Next week We'll owe three months.I've been pulling double shifts for four months now,Chris.Just sell what's in your contract.Get us out of that business.

Chris :Linda,that is what I am trying to do.This is what I'm trying to do for my family... for you and for Chrisopher.

Linda :What's the matter with you?

Chris :Linda.Linda.


Woman :Mr.Gardner.This way.It'll be right this way.

Somebody :What is the word on that one?

Woman :Chris Gardner.

Chris :Chris Gardner.How are you?Good morning.Chris Gardner.Chris Gardner.Good to see you again.I've been sitting there for the last half-hour... trying to come up with a story,that would explain my being here dressed like this.And I wanted to come up with a story that would demonstrate qualities... that I'm sure you all admire here,like earnestness or diligence,team-playing,something.And I couldn't think of anything.So the truth is... I was arrested for failure to pay parking tickets.

Jay :Parking tickets?

Chris :And I ran all the way here from the Polk Station,the police station.

Man :What were you doing before you were arrested?

Chris :I was painting my apartment.

Man :Is it dry now?

Chris :I hope so.

Man :Jay says you're pretty determined.

Jay :He's been waiting outside the front of the building... with some 40-pound gizmo for over a month.

Man :He said you're smart.

Chris :Well,I like to think so.

Man :And you want to learn this business?

Chris :Yes,sir,I wanna learn.

Man :Have you already started learning on your own?

Chris :Absolutely.

Man :Jay?

Jay :Yes,sir.

Man :How many times have you seen Chris?

Jay :I don't know.Too many,apparently.

Man :Was he ever dressed like this?

Jay :No.No.Jacket and tie.

Man :First in your class in school?High school?

Chris :Yes,sir.

Man :How many in the class?

Chris :Twelve.It was a small town.

Man :I'll say.

Chris :But I was also first in my radar class... in the Navy,and that was a class of 20.Can I say something?I'm the type of person... ifyou ask me a question,and I don't know the answer... I'm gonna tell you that I don't know.But I bet you what.I know how to find the answer,and I will find the answer.Is that fair enough?

Man :Chris.What would you say if a guy walked in for an interview... without a shirt on... and I hired him?What would you say?

Chris :He must've had on some really nice pants.

Jay :Chris,I don't know how you did it dressed as a garbage man... but you pulled it off.

Chris :Thank you,Mr.Twistle.

Jay :Hey,now you can call me Jay.We'll talk to you soon.

Chris :All right,so I'll let you know,Jay.

Jay :You'll let me know,Jay?What do you mean?

Chris :Yeah,I'll give you a call tomorrow sometime...

Jay :What are you talking... ?You hounded me for this.You stood here...

Chris :Listen,there's no salary.

Jay :No.

Chris :I was not aware of that.My circumstances have changed some... and I need to be certain that I'll be...

Jay :All right.Okay.Tonight.I swear I will fill your spot.I promise.Ifyou back out,you know what I'll look like to the partners?

Chris :Yes,an ass... A-hole.

Jay :Yeah,an ass A-hole,all the way.You are a piece of work.Tonight.

Chris :There was no salary.Not even a reasonable promise of a job.One intern was hired at the end of the program from a pool of 20.And if you won't that guy... you couldn't even apply the six months'training... to another brokerage.The only resource I would have for six months... would be my six scanners,which I could still try to sell.




Chris :嗨,老兄,请教你两个问题:你是干什么的?你是怎么干的?

Man :我是股票经纪人。

Chris :股票经纪人,哦,天哪。得上大学才能做股票经纪人,对吧?

Man :不用,只需要精通数字,会为人处世。就这么简单。

Chris :嘿,保重。周末我这车就借你了,不过星期一得还我哦。

Man :付停车费去吧。

Chris :我还记得那一刻,他们全都看起来超幸福的样子,为什么我不能也满脸幸福?


Linda :干吗?

Chris :看看那里有没有工作。

Linda :哦,什么样的工作?

Chris :你知道,我……我小时候一,星期就能把算数课本念完。所以我想去看看,有什么工作可做。

Linda :什么工作?

Chris :股票经纪人。

Linda :股票经纪人?

Chris :嗯。

Linda :不是宇航员?

Chris :别用这种口气对我说话,琳达。我想利用白天的时间去看看情况。

Linda :嗯,你该打电话推销才对。

Chris :这个不用你来提醒我,琳达。在办公室开门前,我就打了三通电话了。

Linda :还记得下星期就要付房租吗?大概不记得了吧?我们已经两个月没付了。到下星期就欠三个月的了,我已经上了四个月的双份班了!你就赶快把合约规定的数额卖完,咱们好脱身吧。

Chris :琳达,我不是正努力那么做嘛!我正在为这个家而努力,为你,为儿子。

Linda :你到底是怎么了?

Chris :琳达,琳达。


Woman :加德纳先生,这边请,就在那边。

Somebody :那上面是什么?

Woman :克里斯·加德纳到了。

Chris :你好,我是克里斯·加德纳。早上好,我是克里斯·加德纳;我是克里斯·加德纳,又见面了。我是克里斯·加德纳,见到您很荣幸。我在外面坐了半个多小时一直想编出个理由,向你们解释我以这身打扮出现的原因。想编出个故事说明在我身上有你们所欣赏的优点……比如诚实、勤奋、团队精神等。结果我却什么都想不出来。事实是,因为没能付清停车罚单我被拘留了。

Jay :罚单?

Chris :我是从警差局……警察局一路跑来的。

Man :被拘留前你在干什么?

Chris :我在粉刷我的公寓。

Man :现在油漆干了吗?

Chris :希望如此。

Man :杰说你一心想进我们公司。

Jay :没错,他拎着个40磅重的玩意儿,在公司门口等了一个多月了。

Man :他说你很聪明。

Chris :我自认是有点聪明。

Man :你想学这行?

Chris :是的,先生,我想学。

Man :那你已经开始自学了吗?

Chris :当然。

Man :杰?

Jay :我在,先生。

Man :你见过克里斯多少回?

Jay :我不清楚,应该有好多次了吧。

Man :他以前穿戴成这样吗?

Jay :不,没有,都是西装加领带。

Man :克里斯,你在班上是第一名?高中?

Chris :是的,先生。

Man :班上一共多少人?

Chris :12人,那是个小镇。

Man :我就说嘛。

Chris :我在海军服役时是雷达班的第一名,那个班里有20人。我能说几句吗?呃……我是这样的人,如果你问的问题我不知道答案,我会直接告诉你“我不知道”。但我向你保证,我知道如何寻找答案,而且我一定会找出答案的。这样可以吗?

Man :克里斯,如果有个人连衬衫都没穿,就跑来参加面试,你会怎么想?如果我最后还雇了这个人,你会怎么想?

Chris :那他穿的裤子一定十分考究。

Jay :克里斯,我难以理解你穿成这样来面试,但是你刚才的表现很不错。

Chris :谢谢,托斯特尔先生。

Jay :现在开始叫我杰,回聊。

Chris :好的,我会给你答复的,杰。

Jay :给我答复?什么意思?

Chris :我明天会给你电话的。

Jay :你说什么?是你找我的,你当时就站在这儿……

Chris :实习期没有工资。

Jay :没有。

Chris :我并不知道没有工资,现在我的处境变了。我需要确定我能……

Jay :好的,今晚给我答复。如果你不把握这机会,我马上给别人。如果你现在放弃,你知道股东会怎么看我吗?

Chris :知道,把你看成混蛋。

Jay :是啊,不折不扣的混蛋。你可真不好对付。今晚给我答复。

Chris :没有工资,甚至连工作都没有保证。实习结束时,20人中只有1人会被留下。如果受雇的那人不是你的话,这6个月的培训还不适用于……其他经纪公司。这6个月里,我的经济来源……就是那6台扫描仪,我还能继续推销那玩意。

Script No.4


Act I

Bernardo :Who's there?

Francisco :Nay,answer me.Stand and unfold yourself.

Bernardo :Long live the king!

Francisco :Bernardo?

Bernardo :Yes.

Francisco :You come most carefully upon your hour.

Bernardo :It's twelve o'clock now.Get to bed,Francisco.

Francisco :For this relief,much thanks.It's bitter cold,and I am sick at heart.

Bernardo :Have you had quiet guard?

Francisco :Not a mouse stirring.

Bernardo :Well.Say,what,is Horatio there?

Horatio :A piece of him.

Bernardo :What,has this thing appeared again?

Francisco :What are you talking about?

Horatio :Keep silence!Look where it comes again!

Bernardo :Looks it not like the dead king?Mark it,Horatio.

Horatio :Most like,it makes me feel wonder and scare.I think we should tell our young Hamlet.

Francisco&Bernardo :Yes.


Horatio :My lord,I came to see your father's funeral.

Hamlet :Please don't mock me.I think it was to see my mother's wedding.Would I had met my dearest foe in heaven or ever I had seen that day,Horatio!My father!—I think I seem to see my father.

Horatio :Where,my lord?

Hamlet :In my mind's eye,Horatio.

Horatio :My lord,I think I saw him last night.

Hamlet :The king,my father!Where did you see him?

Horatio :My lord,upon the platform where we watched.

Hamlet :I will watch the platform tonight.I think he will appear again.


Hamlet :It's very cold.What time is it now?

Horatio :I think it lacks of twelve.Look,my lord,it comes!

Hamlet :Where will you lead me?Tell me!I'll go no further.

Horatio :No,do not go with it.

Ghost :Listen to me.

Hamlet :I will.

Ghost :I'm your father's spirit.Thou noble youth,the snake that poisoned your father is now wearing his crown.And he was married with my dear wife.

Hamlet :My uncle!

Ghost :Yes,you should take revenge for me.

Hamlet :I swear I will revenge against the man who murdered you.

Ghost :It is getting light and shapes are more distinguishable.I am leaving.Remember me.

Hamlet :Rest,rest,poor spirit.

Act II

Narrator One day,Ophelia saw Hamlet with his doublet all unbraced,no hat upon his head,his stocking fouled,ungartered,and down to his ankle,pale as his shirt,his knees knocking each other,and with a look so piteous in purpose ifhe had been loosed out ofhell to speak ofhorrors.She was frightened,and she told herfather Polonius.

Polonius :Mad for your love?

Ophelia :My lord,I don't know.But truly,I do fear it.

Polonius :Come,go with me.I will tell the king.It must be a crazy love.Have you given him any hard words?

Ophelia :No,my good lord,but,as you did command,I did refuse his inviting and denied his access to me.

Polonius :Come,go with me.I will go seek the king.


Narrator Polonius told the king that Hamlet was mad.The king planned to arrange Hamlet's friends and Ophelia to probe ifhe was mad.At last,they told the king that Hamlet was a mad man.Then the king asked the queen to educate Hamlet.

Polonius :My lord,Hamlet is going to his mother's closet.I'll convey myself behind the curtain to hear the process.Fare you well,my lord.I'll call upon you before you go to bed,and tell you what I know.

King Claudius :Thanks.

Hamlet :Mother,mother,mother!

Queen :I'll warrant you,fear me not,withdraw,I hear him corning.

Hamlet :Now,mother,what's the matter?

Queen :Hamlet,you have your father offended.

Hamlet :Mother,you have my father offended.

Queen :Come,come,you answer with a wicked tongue.

Hamlet :Go,go,you question with a wicked tongue.

Queen :Oh,Hamlet,have you forgot me?

Hamlet :No,I didn't forget you.You're the queen,your husband's brother's wife;and would it were not so!You're my mother.

Queen :What you said is so cruel for me.You're my son forever.

Hamlet :Come,come,sit down,I will set you up a glass where you may see the inmost part of you.

Queen :What will you do?You will not murder me?Help,help!

Polonius :What!Help,help!

Hamlet :Who's there!A rat?I'll kill you!

Queen :Dear me!What are you doing?

Hamlet :I don't know.Is it the king?

Queen :Oh.How cruel you are!

Hamlet :A bloody deed!Almost as bad,good mother,as kill a king and marry with his brother.




Bernardo :谁在那儿?

Francisco :不,你回答我。站住,请亮相。

Bernardo :国王万岁!

Francisco :勃那多吗?

Bernardo :正是。

Francisco :你很准时。

Bernardo :现在已经十二点钟了;你去睡吧,弗兰西斯科。

Francisco :谢谢你来替我,天冷得厉害,我心里也老不舒服。

Bernardo :你守在这儿,一切都很安静吗?

Francisco :一只小老鼠也不见走动。

Bernardo :好的。喂!霍拉旭在吗?

Horatio :他的一部分在。

Bernardo :什么!这东西今晚又出现过了吗?

Francisco :你们在谈什么?

Horatio :安静!瞧,它来了!(鬼魂上)

Bernardo :他不是很像已故的国王吗?你看,霍拉旭。(鸡叫,鬼魂退)

Horatio :好像啊!它让我感到恐惧和害怕。我认为我们应该告诉年轻的哈姆雷特。

Francisco&Bernardo :嗯。


Horatio :殿下,我是来参加您父王的葬礼的。

Hamlet :请你不要取笑我。我想你是来参加我母后的婚礼的。我宁愿在天上看见我最痛恨的仇人,也不愿看到那样的一天!霍拉旭啊!我的父亲,我仿佛看见了我的父亲。

Horatio :啊,在什么地方,殿下?

Hamlet :在我心灵的眼睛里,霍拉旭。

Horatio :殿下,我想我昨天晚上看见了他。

Hamlet :国王,我的父亲!你在哪里见过他?

Horatio :殿下,在我们守望的城墙上。

Hamlet :今晚我也去守城墙。我想他还会出现的。


Hamlet :好冷。(搓手)现在什么时候了?

Horatio :我想还不到十二点。(东张西望)瞧,殿下,它来了。


Hamlet :你要领我到什么地方去?说!再不说我就不走了。(跟上前)

Horatio :不,不要跟去。(停在原地)

Ghost :听我说。

Hamlet :我在听着。

Ghost :我是你父亲的亡魂。好孩子,那毒害你父亲的蛇,现在头上戴着王冠呢。他还和我亲爱的妻子结婚了。

Hamlet :我的叔父!

Ghost :是的,正是他,你要为我报仇。

Hamlet :我发誓我会为你报仇的。

Ghost :天亮了,我要走了。要记得我。

Hamlet :安息吧,可怜的灵魂。


Narrator 一天,奥菲利亚看见哈姆雷特的上身衣服没有扣上扣子,头上也没戴帽子,袜子上沾着污泥,袜带也没系,一直垂到了脚踝上。他的脸色像他的衬衫一样白,他的膝盖互相碰撞,他的神情是那样凄惨,好像刚从地狱里逃出来一样。她被吓坏了,然后把这些告诉了她的父亲波洛涅斯。

Polonius :他因为不能得到你的爱而发疯了吗?

Ophelia :父亲,我不知道,可是我想也许是的。

Polonius :跟我来,我要告诉王上,这一定是一场疯狂的恋爱。你最近和他说过什么让他难堪的话没有?

Ophelia :没有,父亲,可是我已经遵从您的命令,拒绝了他的邀请,并且不允许他来见我。

Polonius :跟我来,我要见王上去。


Narrator 波洛涅斯告诉国王哈姆雷特疯了。国王决定派哈姆雷特的朋友们以及奥菲利亚去试探他是否疯了。最后,他们告诉国王,哈姆雷特疯了。国王要王后去教育哈姆雷特。

Polonius :陛下,哈姆雷特去了王后的寝宫。我现在就去躲在帷幕后面,听他们怎么说。再会,陛下。在您睡觉之前,我还会来看您一次,把我所探听到的事情告诉您。

King Claudius :谢谢。


Hamlet :母亲,母亲,母亲!

Queen :包在我身上,你放心吧。下去吧,我听见他来了。(波洛涅斯下,躲在帷幕后。)

Hamlet :母亲,您叫我有什么事?

Queen :哈姆雷特,你已经大大得罪你父亲啦。

Hamlet :母亲,你已经大大得罪我父亲啦。

Queen :来,来,不要用这种胡说八道的话回答我。

Hamlet :去,去,不要用这种胡说八道的话问我。

Queen :啊,哈姆雷特!你忘记我了吗?

Hamlet :不,我怎么会忘记你。你是王后,你丈夫的兄弟的妻子,你又是我母亲,但愿你不是。

Queen :你这样说话对我太残忍了。你永远是我的儿子。

Hamlet :来来来,坐下来不要动,我要把一面镜子放在你面前,让你看一看你自己的灵魂。

Queen :你要干吗呀?你不是要杀我吗?救命呀!救命啊!

Polonius :(站起身大喊)喂!救命!救命!

Hamlet :(拔剑)谁在那儿?是哪一个鼠贼?我要杀了你!(刺向波洛涅斯,波洛涅斯倒地)

Queen :哎哟!你干了什么事啦?

Hamlet :我也不知道。那不是国王吗?

Queen :啊,多么鲁莽残酷的行为!

Hamlet :残酷的行为!好妈妈,简直就跟杀了一个国王再去嫁给他的兄弟一样坏。

Script No.5



Narrator Once there lived a kind and lovely girl.After herfather's death,her step-mother became cruel to her.Her two step-sisters teased her,asking her to do all the housework.

Step-mother :Do the laundry and get on with your duties.Clean the floors right away.And What's more,bring me my breakfast.

Step-sister 1 :Cinderella!Get me my sweater.I feel a little cold.

Step-sister 2 :Hurry up!Prepare the carriage for me.Hand me my gloves.I'm to be late for my date.you're always so sluggish.


Narrator :Cruel as her step-mother was to her,Cinderella still lived an optimistic life.She had a lot ofanimal friends.One day,the king held a partyfor the prince to choose the girl he loved.Every maid in the town was invited to the party.The step-mother took her two daughters to the party,leaving Cinderella at home,because she wasjealous of Cinderella's beauty.Cinderella was broken-hearted.At that time,herfairy godmother appeared.

Cinderella :There's nothing left to believe in.Nothing!

Godmothe r:Nothing,my dear?Oh,now you don't really mean that.

Cinderella :Oh,but I do.

Godmothe r:Nonsense,child!If you'd lost all your faith,I couldn't be here.And here I am!Oh,come now,Dry those tears!

Cinderella :Why then,you must be...

Godmothe r:Your fairy godmother?Of course.Now let's see,hmm... now... the magic words.Bibbidi-boddidi-boo.Put them together and what have you got.

Cinderella :Oh,it's beautiful!It's like a dream.A wonderful dream came true.

Godmothe r:Yes,my child,but like all dreams,well,I'm afraid this can't last forever.You'll have it only till the midnight and...

Cinderella :Midnight?Oh,thank you.

Godmothe r:Oh,just a minute.Remember,on the stroke of twelve,the spell will be broken and everything will be as it was before.

Cinderella :Oh,I understand,but... it's more than I ever hoped for.

Godmothe r:Bless you,my child.Enjoy yourself.


Narrator At the party,Cinderella danced with the prince all the time.Time passed quickly.All ofa sudden,Cinderella caught sight ofthe clock on the wall.Oh,it was almost twelve o'clock—five to twelve!

Cinderella :Oh,my goodness!

Prince :What's the matter?

Cinderella :It's midnight.It's almost midnight.

Prince :Yes,so it is.But why?

Cinderella :Goodbye.

Prince :No,no,wait,you can't go now.

Cinderella :Oh,I must.Please,I must.

Prince :But why?

Cinderella :Goodbye.

Prince :No,wait.Come back.Please come back!I don't even know your name.How will I find you?Wait,please wait!Wait!

Cinderella :Goodbye.


Narrator The next day,every maid in the town was ordered to try the glass shoe.Whoever the shoesfitted well would be the bride ofthe prince.No one couldput on the shoe,nor could the two step-sisters.When the officials were going to leave,Cinderella> appeared and asked to have a try.

Cinderella :Please wait!May I try it on?

Step-mother :Oh,pay no attention to her.

Step-sister 1 :It's only Cinderella!

Step-sister 2 :Impossible.

Step-sister 1 :She's out of her mind.

Step-mother :Yes,yes.Just an imaginative child.

Duke :Of course,you can have a try,my fair lady.

Duke :Oh,it fits perfectly!

Cinderella :You see,I have the other slipper.

Duke :You must be the girl the prince wants to find!




Narrator 从前有一位可爱善良的姑娘。在她父亲去世之后,她的继母经常虐待她。继母带来的两个孩子也经常欺负她,她们把灰姑娘当女佣一样使唤。

Step-mother :去洗衣服,然后继续你的工作。把地板赶快给我擦干净。另外,把我的早饭端来。

Step-sister 1 :灰姑娘,把我的衣服拿来,我感到有点冷。

Step-sister 2 :快点!把马车给我准备好。把手套递给我。我约会要晚了。你总是那么慢慢腾腾的。


Narrator 虽然继母这样对她,可灰姑娘还是乐观地生活着。还有许多小动物做她的朋友。一天,国王要让王子自己选择心爱的人,为王子举办了一个宫廷舞会,邀请城里所有的姑娘参加。可继母嫉妒灰姑娘的美貌,让灰姑娘在家干活,带着她的两个女儿去了。灰姑娘非常伤心,这时,她的教母出现了。

Cinderella :没有什么我可以相信的事情了,什么也没有!

Godmothe r:亲爱的,什么也没有吗?你并不是真的这样想的吧。

Cinderella :噢,但我确实是这样想的。

Godmothe r:胡说,孩子。如果你失去了你的信仰,我就不会在这里了。但现在我在这,噢,过来,擦干眼泪。

Cinderella :为什么,你一定是……

Godmothe r:你传说中的教母?当然,现在让我看看……现在,念出这些神奇的话,Bibbidi-boddidi-boo,把它们连在一起,看你得到了什么。

Cinderella :噢,它太美丽了!像一个梦,一个美好的梦变成了现实。

Godmothe r:是的,我的孩子,像所有的梦一样。恐怕它不能永远延续下去。它仅仅能延续到晚上和……

Cinderella :午夜?噢,谢谢你。

Godmothe r:噢,等一会儿。记住,当时钟敲响12下的时候,魔咒将会被打破,一切事物会恢复到从前的状态。

Cinderella :噢,我懂了。但它比我期望的要多得多。

Godmothe r:祝福你,我的孩子,玩得开心。


Narrator 舞会上,灰姑娘成了王子唯一选中的舞伴。时间过得很快,墙上的大钟突然映入灰姑娘的眼里,还差5分钟就12点了。

Cinderella :噢,天啊!

Prince :怎么啦?

Cinderella :午夜了,快到午夜了。

Prince :是的,但又怎样呢?

Cinderella :再见。

Prince :不,等等,你现在不能走。

Cinderella :噢,我必须走。

Prince :但为什么呢?

Cinderella :再见。

Prince :不,等等,回来,请回来!我连你的名字都不知道呢。我怎么能找到你呢?等等,等等,等等!

Cinderella :再见。


Narrator 第二天,国王命令城中每一位女孩必须试穿水晶鞋。谁穿上鞋子最合脚,就将成为王子的新娘。但城中没有一个女孩穿着合适。继母的女儿们当然也不能穿上那双水晶鞋。正当国王的大臣要离开时,灰姑娘出现在楼梯上,她要求试一试鞋。

Cinderella :请等等!我可以试一下吗?

Step-mother :噢,别理她。

Step-sister 1 :她仅仅是灰姑娘!

Step-sister 2 :不可能。

Step-sister 1 :她疯了。

Step-mother :是的一,是的,她只是个爱幻想的孩子。

Duke :你当然可以试试,我的女士。

Duke :噢,太合适了!

Cinderella :你看,我还有另一只鞋。

Duke :你一定就是王子想要找的姑娘了!

Script No.6

Jane Eyre(Excerpts)


Rochester :Soon to be Mrs.Rochester!

Blanche :How quaint!Well,congratulations.No doubt you've a whole trousseau to buy.I'm afraid we're a bit limited here in Millcote.It's all a bit dull.But I'm sure you'll find something.

Rochester :At least suitable for a honeymoon in Italy and France.

Blanche :Lovely.You know Archibald of course.Lord Granby.Arrivederci!

Jane :What ever did you see in her?

Rochester :The means to make you jealous.

Jane :That's truly wicked.But it worked.


Shop Assistant :And what for a veil?

Jane :Just something simple.

Rochester :French lace with pearls.

Jane :A plain net.This one will do.

Rochester :The finest French lace with pearls.

Jane :I'll get married in this if you continue.

Rochester :Alright,we'll take both of them and the silks.You don't understand.I want to show the world what a beauty you are.

Jane :I am not a beauty.I am Jane Eyre,and I have everything I want right here.

Rochester :Wrap them!


Jane :Who's in the room?

Bertha :No.No.No.

Rochester :Must have been a dream,Jane.Now,what do you think of this color,does it suit me?

Jane :It's very nice.Edward,the veil is ripped in two.I can bring it down.You can see for yourself.

Rochester :I've told you to keep your door locked at night.You have to be careful with the likes of Grace Poole around.Now,I have brought you a present.

Jane :Edward,you said you were going to let Grace Poole go.

Rochester :Well,I have made enquiries,and if I throw her out,the only place left for her is the asylum,and she has served this family very well,Jane.How can I do that?How can I sentence her to a life at Bedlam?

Jane :You can't.But how can you leave her in this house with Adele?Surely it's only a matter of time before a tragedy occurs?

Rochester :Please,now stop worrying about her.I have spoken with Mrs Fairfax and she's going to arrange something.And after tomorrow we're going to be thousands of miles away traveling the world.Grace Poole will be no more than a memory.And it means you get your own way after all.You'll be able to wear that flimsy piece of muslin you wanted in the first place.Now come on,stop frowning!Let me see you smile.I want you to be happy.Now look.

Jane :I don't need gifts,Edward.Your love is all I need.

Rochester :But you know you have all of that,and I like to give you presents.Besides I've a right to.You're going to be my wife.And the next present I shall give you shall be your wedding ring.Now,watch.

Jane :Edward,it's lovely!

Rochester :I knew you'd like it.I'm so happy.You have made me so happy.Tell me that you love me,go on.I want to hear you say it.

Jane :I love you with all my heart.


Pastor :I require and charge you as you will answer at the dreadful day of judge.When the secrets of all hearts shall be disclosed,that if there be any impediment.Why these two persons may not be joined together in holy matrimony,you are to declare it.

Rochester :Marry us then.

Pastor :Dearly beloved.We are gathered here in the sight of God and in the face of this congregation—to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony.I require and charge you both as you will answer at the dreadful day of judgment.When the secrets of all hearts shall be disclosed,that if either of you know any impediment why you may not be lawfully joined together in matrimony,you do now confess it.Wilt thou have this woman to thy wedded wife?And forsaking all other,keep thee only unto her,so long as you both shall live?

Rochester :I will.

Lawyer :The marriage cannot go on!I declare an impediment!

Rochester :Proceed.

Lawyer :Mr.Rochester is a married man!

Rochester :The man's an imbecile,carry on.

Pastor :I'm obliged to listen to the accusation!

Lawyer :I have the wedding certificate here of Edward Rochester of Thornfield Hall and my sister—Bertha Antoinetta Mason of Spanish town Jamaica.

Pastor :And is she still living?

Lawyer :Yes.I saw her with my own eyes not three months ago.

Rochester :No!

Lawyer :I'm sorry but it's not right.

Jean :Edward?

Lawyer :I tell you he has a wife.

Rochester :Wife?You dare to call her that—wife!Follow me and I'll introduce you to my“wife”!




Rochester :即将成为罗切斯特夫人!

Blanche :真是稀奇!恭喜你们。你一定要置办很多嫁妆吧。恐怕米尔科特东西太少,会单调。不过我相信你们总能买到点什么。

Rochester :至少要置办好到意大利和法国度蜜月的东西。

Blanche :真不错一。你定认识阿奇博尔特。格兰比勋爵。再见!

Jane :你当初到底喜欢她什么?

Rochester :只是为了让你嫉妒。

Jane :你这招太坏了。但很管用。


Shop Assistant :头纱用什么面料?

Jane :简单一点就好。

Rochester :法式蕾丝配上珍珠。

Jane :朴素的网纱。这个就可以。

Rochester :用最好的法式蕾丝配上珍珠。

Jane :如果你还这样,我就穿成这样结婚。

Rochester :好吧。我们两个都要。还有丝绸。你不明白,我想让全世界看到你是个美人。

Jane :我不是美人。我是简·爱。而且我想要的已经得到了。

Rochester :包起来!


Jane :谁在房间里?

Bertha :不,不,不。

Rochester :你一定是做梦了,简。你觉得这个颜色怎么样?适合我吗?

Jane :很好。爱德华,头纱被撕成两半了。我可以拿下来给你看。

Rochester :我跟你说过晚上把门锁好。有格蕾丝·普尔这样的人在,你必须要小心。现在,我给你带了礼物。

Jane :爱德华,你说过要让格蕾丝·普尔离开的。

Rochester :我问过了,如果我把她赶出去,她只能到收容所去,她一直尽心为我们家族服务,简。我怎么能这么做?我怎能让她在疯人院里度过余生?

Jane :你不能,但你怎么能让她跟阿黛尔住一起呢?迟早会有灾难发生的。

Rochester :拜托你,别再担心她了。我跟费尔法克斯夫人谈过了,她会安排好的。明天过后,我们就在千里之外周游世界了。格蕾丝·普尔将会成为往事。这意味着你可以按你的意思来。你可以戴你最初想要的那块薄棉布。别再眉头紧皱了,笑一笑,我想让你高兴。看。

Jane :我不需要礼物,爱德华。我只需要你的爱。

Rochester :但你已经得到我的爱了,我喜欢送你礼物。而且我有这个权利,你马上就是我的妻子了。我送你的下一份礼物就是你的结婚戒指。看着。

Jane :爱德华,真好看!

Rochester :我知道你会喜欢。我好开心,你让我好开心。告诉我你爱我,告诉我。我想听你说出来。

Jane :我全心全意爱着你。


Pastor :你们必须知道你们将接受上帝的最后审判。你们将公开心中的所有秘密,如果有任何人反对这对新人的结合,请立即表明。

Rochester :请让我们结婚吧。

Pastor :亲爱的兄弟姐妹们,我们相聚在此,在上帝的注视下,这个男人和这个女人将走进神圣的婚姻。你们必须知道你们将接受上帝的最后审判。你们将公开心中的所有秘密,如果有任何人反对这对新人的结合,请立即表明。你愿意让这个女人成为你的妻子吗?你愿意一生一世忠诚守护她一个人吗?

Rochester :我愿意。

Lawyer :不能举行婚礼。我反对。

Rochester :继续。

Lawyer :罗切斯特先生已经结婚了。

Rochester :这个人疯了,继续。

Pastor :我必须听他的理由!

Lawyer :这里有结婚证书,桑菲尔德庄园的爱德华·罗切斯特和我的妹妹——牙买加西班牙镇的贝莎·安托瓦内特·梅森。

Pastor :她还活着吗?

Lawyer :是的。不到三个月前我还亲眼见过她。

Rochester :不!

Lawyer :对不起,但这样是不对的。

Jean :爱德华?

Lawyer :我告诉你,他有妻子。

Rochester :妻子?你居然敢这么叫她。跟我来,我来给你们引见一下我的“妻子”!

Script No.7

Gone with the Wind(Excerpts)


Mr.O Hara :After we've fired on the Yankee rascals at Fort Sumter,we've got to fight.There's no other way.

Man 1 :Fight,that's right,fight!

Man 2 :Let the Yankee's be the ones to ask for peace.

Mr.O Hara :The situation is very simple.The Yankees can't fight and we can.

Chorus :You're right!

Men :There won't even be a battle!They'll just turn and run every time.

Man 1 :One Southerner can lick twenty Yankees.

Man 2 :We'll finish them in one battle.Gentlemen can always fight better than rabble.

Mr.O Hara :And what does the captain of our troop say?

Ashley :Well,gentlemen... if Georgia fights,I go with her.But like my father I hope that the Yankees let us leave the Union in peace.

Man 1 :But Ashley... they've insulted us.

Ashley :Most of the miseries of the world were caused by wars.And when the wars were over,no one ever knew what they were about.

Mr.O Hara :Now gentlemen,Mr.Butler has been up North.I hear.Don't you agree with us,Mr.Butler?

Rhett :I think it's hard winning a war with words,gentlemen.

Charles :What do you mean,sir?

Rhett :I mean,Mr.Hamilton,there's not a cannon factory in the whole South.

Man :What difference does that make,sir,to a gentleman?

Rhett :I'm afraid it's going to make a great deal of difference to a great many gentlemen,sir.

Charles :Are you hinting,Mr.Butler,that the Yankees can lick us?

Rhett :No,I'm not hinting.I'm saying very plainly that the Yankees are better equipped than we.They've got factories,shipyards,coalmines... and a fleet to bottle up our harbors and starve us to death.All we've got is cotton,and slaves and... arrogance.

Charles :I refuse to listen to any renegade talk!

Rhett :Well,I'm sorry if the truth offends you.

Charles :Apologies aren't enough,sir.I hear you were turned out of West Point,Mr.Rhett Butler.And that you aren't received in a decent family in Charleston.Not even your own.

Rhett :I apologize again for all my shortcomings.Mr.Wilkes,perhaps you won't mind if I walk about and look over your place.I seem to be spoiling everybody's brandy and cigars and... dreams of victory.


Scarlett :I can't let him go.I can't.There must be some way to bring him back.Oh,I can't think about that now.I'll go crazy if I do,I... I'll think about it tomorrow.I must think about it.I must think about it.What is there to do?What is there that matters?

Mr.O Hara :Do you mean to tell me,Katie Scarlett O'Hara,that Tara doesn't mean anything to you?That land is the only thing that matters.It's the only thing that lasts.

Ashley :Something you love better than me,though you may not know it.

Rhett :Tara,it's this from where you get your strength.

Mr.O Hara :That land is the only thing that matters.It's the only thing that lasts.

Ashley :Something you love better than me,though you may not know it.Tara.Tara,the red earth of Tara.

Rhett :From which you get your strength...

Mr.O Hara :Land is the only thing that matters...

Ashley :Something you love better than me...

Mr.O Hara&Ashley :... the red earth of Tara... Tara!。。. Tara!。。. Tara!

Scarlett :Tara!Home.I'll go home.And I'll think of some way to get him back.After all,tomorrow is another day!




Mr.O Hara :我们在萨默特堡和北方流氓开过火。我们必须打下去,没别的办法。

Man 1 :战斗!这就对了!战斗!

Man 2 :让北佬来求和吧。

Mr.O Hara :现在形势很简单,北佬不懂作战而我们懂。

Chorus :对的,对的!

Men :或许根本不用一兵一卒!他们每一战都会转身而逃。

Man 1 :一个南方人就能抵20个北佬。

Man 2 :一场战役就能把他们全部解决。绅士总比暴民要会打仗。

Mr.O Hara :我们的队长怎么说?

Ashley :各位,如果乔治亚州决定开战,我会为她而战。但跟我父亲一样,我希望北佬能让我们平和地离开联邦。

Man 1 :但是艾希利……他们侮辱了我们。

Ashley :世上绝大多数痛苦都是由战争引起的。但当战争结束后,往往没人知道当初为何而战。

Mr.O Hara :各位,我听说白先生一直待在北方。你同意我们的看法吗,白先生?

Rhett :我认为纸上谈兵毫无用处。

Charles :你这话什么意思,先生?

Rhett :我的意思是,汉密尔顿先生,整个南方没有一座大炮工厂。

Man :但这对君子来说有何差别?

Rhett :可能对许多君子而言这意味着很大的不同。

Charles :白先生,你是在暗示北佬会打赢我们吗?

Rhett :不,我不是在暗示。我是明白地讲北佬的装备比我们好。他们有的是工厂,造船厂,煤矿……还能足以封锁我们的港口,把我们的舰队全饿死。我们只有棉花,奴隶和自大。

Charles :我拒绝听任何反叛言论!

Rhett :如果事实冒犯了各位,我道歉。

Charles :光是道歉还不够,先生。我听说你被西点军校开除了,瑞德·巴特勒先生。查尔斯顿屯任何体面的家庭都不愿接纳你,包括你自己家。

Rhett :我再次为我所有的缺点道歉。威尔克斯先生,你或许不会介意我四处走走,参观一下你家吧。我好像破坏了各位对白兰地和雪茄的兴致以及对胜利的美梦。


Scarlett :我不能让他走,我不能。一定还有方法让他回到我身边的。我现在不能想这个问题。如果再想下去我会发疯的。我明天再想吧。但是我得好好想想,我得好好想想。我该怎么办?那又有什么意义?

Mr.O Hara :凯蒂·斯嘉丽·奥哈拉,你是要告诉我泰拉对你来说没有意义吗?只有土地是最宝贵的,也是唯一持久不变的。

Ashley :你可能没有发觉,你对某样东西的爱远远胜过对我的爱。

Rhett :泰拉,泰拉就是你力量的源泉。

Mr.O Hara :只有土地是最宝贵的,也是唯一持久不变的。

Ashley :你可能没有发觉,你对某样东西的爱远远胜过对我的爱。那就是泰拉,红土地的泰拉。

Rhett :泰拉就是你力量的源泉……

Mr.O Hara :土地是唯一重要的东西……

Ashley :你对某样东西的爱远远胜过对我的爱……

Mr.O ' Hara&Ashley :泰拉的红土!泰拉!泰拉!泰拉!

Scarlett :泰拉!家!我要回家去。我会想办法让他回到我身边。毕竟,明天又是另外一天。

Script No.8

Roman Holiday(Excerpts)


Ann :Stop!Good heavens!Stop!Stop!

Countess :It's all right,dear.It didn't spill.

Ann :I don't care if it's spilled or not.I don't care if I'm drowned in it!

Countess :My dear,you're ill.I'll send for Dr.Bonnachoven.

Ann :I don't want Dr.Bonnachoven!Please let me die in peace.

Countess :You're not dying.

Ann :Leave me!Leave me!

Countess :It's nerves.Control yourself.Ann.

Ann :I don't want to!

Countess :Your Highness!I'll get Dr.Bonnachoven.

Ann :It's no use.I'll be dead before he gets here.

Dr.Bonnachoven :She's asleep.

Countess :She was in hysterics three minutes ago,Doctor.

Dr.Bonnachoven :Are you asleep,ma'am?

Ann :No!

Dr.Bonnachoven :I'll only disturb Your Royal Highness a moment.

Ann :I'm very ashamed, Dr.Bonnachoven .Suddenly,I was crying.

Dr.Bonnachoven :To cry.A perfectly normal thing to do.

Baron :It's more important she be calm and relaxed for the press conference,Doctor.

Ann :Don't worry.Doctor.I'll be calm and relaxed.I'll bow and I'll smile.I'll improve trade relations,and I...

Countess :There she goes again.Give her something.Doctor,please.

Dr.Bonnachoven :Uncover her arm,please.

Ann :What's that?

Dr.Bonnachoven :Sleep and calm.This will relax you and make Your Highness feel a little happy.It's a new drug,quite harmless.There.

Ann :I don't feel any difference.

Dr.Bonnachoven :You will.It may take a little time to take hold.Just now,lie back.

Ann :Can I have just one light on?

Dr.Bonnachoven :Of course.Best thing I know is to do exactly what you wish for a while.

Ann :Thank you,Doctor.


Ann :How are you this evening?

Bradley :Hey,wake up.

Ann :Thank you very much.Delighted.

Bradley :Wake up.

Ann :No,thank you.Charmed.

Bradley :Charmed,too.

Ann :You may sit down.

Bradley :I think you'd better sit up.You're much too young to get picked to by the police.

Ann :Police?

Bradley :Yep.Police.

Ann :2:15 and back here to change... 2:45.

Bradley :You know,people who can't handle liquor shouldn't drink it.

Ann :“If I were dead and buried and I heard your voice”“beneath the sod my heart of duse would still rejoice”.Do you know that poem?

Bradley :What do you know?You're well-read,well-dresses,snoozing away in a public street.Would you care to make a statement?

Ann :What the world needs is a return to sweetness and decency in the souls of its young men and...

Bradley :Yeah,I couldn't agree with you more.But...


Bradley :The mouth of truth.The legend is that ifyou're a liar and put your hand in there,it'll be bitten off.

Ann :What a horrid idea.

Bradley :Let's see you do it.

Ann :Let's see you do it.

Bradley :Sure.Hello!

Ann :You beast!It was perfectly all right!You never hurt your hand!

Bradley :I'm sorry.It's just a joke.

Ann :You never hurt your hand.

Bradley :I'm sorry.You're Okay?

Ann :Yes.

Bradley :All right.Let's go.Look out.




Ann :住口!天呐!住口!住口!

Countess :没关系,没打翻牛奶。

Ann :我才不管有没有打翻牛奶。我才不管会不会溺死于此!

Countess :公主,你不舒服。我找班诺医生来。

Ann :我不想见他!让我死掉好啦。

Countess :你不会死的。

Ann :别烦我!别烦我!

Countess :这是情绪问题,你要自控,安。

Ann :我不要自控!

Countess :公主殿下!我去找班诺医生。

Ann :没用的。在他到之前,我就会死掉。

Dr.Bonnachoven :她睡着了。

Countess :刚才她还歇斯底里呢,医生。

Dr.Bonnachoven :你睡着了吗,公主?

Ann :没!

Dr.Bonnachoven :我只会打扰公主殿下一会儿。

Ann :我很羞愧,班诺医生。我突然哭起来了。

Dr.Bonnachoven :哭是完全正常的。

Baron :她要在记者会上保持冷静和轻松,医生。

Ann :放心,医生。我会冷静和轻松。我会鞠躬和微笑。我会改善贸易关系,我会……

Countess :她又是这样子了,快想办法,医生。

Dr.Bonnachoven :麻烦你拉起她的衣袖。

Ann :那是什么?

Dr.Bonnachoven :安眠和镇静剂。这会令你放轻松和开怀一点。这是一种新药,无害的。

Ann :我不觉得有分别。

Dr.Bonnachoven :会有的,待会药力就见效了。现在快休息一下。

Ann :只开一盏灯,行吗?

Dr.Bonnachoven :当然可以。现在最重要的是让你随心所欲。

Ann :谢谢,医生。


Ann :你好吗?

Bradley :醒醒。

Ann :谢谢。我很开心。

Bradley :醒醒。

Ann :不,谢谢。幸会。

Bradley :幸会。

Ann :你可以坐下了。

Bradley :你快起来。否则警察会抓你。

Ann :警察?

Bradley :是的,警察。

Ann :2点15分回来更衣……2点45分。

Bradley :没酒量的人就不该喝酒。

Ann :“我死后还会听见你的声音”“我在墓中的灵魂依然欢欣”。你听过这首诗吗?

Bradley :真有意思。你学识好,衣着光鲜,却在街头打盹。你有何解释?

Ann :世界需要的是给友善正直的青年人回报。

Bradley :这个我绝对同意,但是……


Bradley :真实之口。传说若你说谎,把手放进去的话,它会咬断你的手。

Ann :真可怕。

Bradley :你试试看。

Ann :你试试看吧。

Bradley :好的。你好!

Ann :你真可恶!没事,你的手不会有事的。

Bradley :对不起。说笑而已。

Ann :你根本没有受伤。

Bradley :对不起,没事了。

Ann :没事了。

Bradley :那走吧。小心!

Script No.9

The Merchant of Venice(Adaptation)


Duke :Have mercy on Antonio,Shylock.Do not be so bitter.

Shylock :I've promised to take my pound of flesh.If you do not let me have it,that will be a sign of weakness.And no one will trust your laws any more.The greatness of Venice will soon be lost.Antonio is my enemy,and I hate him.

Bassanio :Do all men kill the things they do not love?

Antonio :It is useless trying to argue with Shylock.Don't wait any longer.Pass judgement on me and give Shylock what he wants.

Bassanio :I'll pay you six thousand ducats for the three thousand ducats that Antonio borrowed.

Shylock :If you offered me six times what you have just offered,I would still take my pound offlesh.Give me my pound of flesh!

Duke :Let us be calm,gentlemen.Shylock,how can you hope for mercy yourself when you show none?

Shylock :I have done nothing wrong and I don't fear judge.I desire my pound of flesh.

Narrator The Duke is wondering what to do,Nerissa,dressed like a lawyer's clerk,arrives with a letterfrom thefamous lawyer whom Portia has visited.While the Duke is talking to Nerissa,Shylock gets ready to cut his pound offleshfrom Antonio.

Then the letter is read outfor all in the court to hear.“I am very ill.When your letter reached me,Ihad with me a learned young doctorfrom Rome.I told him about the quarrel between Shylock and Antonio.We studied many law books and he knows what I would say.I ask you to let him standin myplace and givejudge.He is young,but I never knew so young a body with so wise a head.”After the letter has been read out to the court,Portia,in lawyer's clothes,enters the room and takes her seat as judge.


Duke :Greetings,learned judge!I do not envy you your job.This is a most troublesome case.

Portia :Greetings!Please be seated.Are you Antonio,and is this your agreement with Shylock?

Antonio :It is.

Portia :Then Shylock must be merciful.He must have mercy on Antonio.

Shylock :Why must I have mercy on him?Tell me that!

Portia :Mercy brings good.Mercy falls like the gentle rain from the sky upon the earth.It blesses those who give it,and those who receive it.We should learn to show mercy to others.Do you still ask for this pound of flesh?

Shylock :I ask for what is mine by law!

Bassanio :I offer ten times the money that Antonio has borrowed.Please change the law a little so that we may save Antonio.

Portia :Use your head a little,sir!We cannot change a law.If one law is changed,then people will later want to change other laws.

Shylock :Oh,wise young judge!

Portia :Let me see this agreement,this promise of Antonio to you.

Shylock :Here it is.

Portia :I see.According to the law,Shylock may have a pound of flesh to be cut off by him nearest to Antonio's heart.Be merciful!Let me destroy this paper.—No?Then,Antonio,be ready.And Shylock,take your knife and prepare to do the deed.

Shylock :Oh,learned judge!Oh,wise young man!

Portia :Have you brought anything to weigh the flesh?

Shylock :Yes.I have everything ready here.

Portia :Do you have a doctor,Shylock,to stop Antonio's blood?

Shylock :But no requirement in this contract.

Bassanio :That fox!

Portia :Do you wish to say anything,Antonio?

Antonio :Only a little.Goodbye,Bassanio.Don't be sad for me.Tell your wife about me and how much I loved you.If Shylock cuts deep enough,I'll pay him back with all my heart.

Bassanio :Let me take you in my arms and say goodbye.I love you more than my own life,more than my wife,and more than all the world.( He cries .)

Portia :Your wife would not be pleased to hear you say that.

Shylock :We are wasting time.

Portia :Take your pound of flesh!I declare the court allows it and the law gives it to you.

Shylock advances towards Antonio and prepares to use his knife .)

Portia :Wait!There is something else.Antonio has promised to give you a pound of his flesh.But he has not promised to give you any of his blood.If you let one drop of his blood fall,you will lose all your land and all your money.

Shylock :Is that the law?

Portia :That is the law.You wanted justice,so you shall get justice,more than you wanted.

Shylock :I will take the money.Give me three more than Antonio borrowed from me.

Bassanio :Here it is.( He cries out,full of joy .)

Portia :Wait!Shylock would not take the money earlier.All he wanted was right to be done.That is all he can have now.You must cut off one pound of flesh,no more,no less.And not one drop of blood must fall.

Shylock turns and starts to leave the court .)

Portia :Wait,Shylock.The law of Venice says that if anyone tries to kill or murder any citizen of Venice,everything that he owns shall be taken away from him.One half ofhis money and his goods shall be given to the city of Venice and the other half shall be given to the person he has tried to kill.His life shall be at the mercy of the Duke.Therefore,go down on your knees and beg the Duke for mercy.

Shylock :Good sir.I beg for mercy and beg your pardon.

Duke :I shall not have you killed.But as your punishment,half of your money is now Antonio's.You must give the other half to the city of Venice.

Shylock :Take my life.too!My money and goods are as dear to me as life itself.They are my only comfort.When you take those away from me,you also take my life.

Antonio :I shall be happy to give up my part of Shylock's money.Shylock must promise to leave the money upon his death to his daughter and her husband.

Shylock :I promise.Let me go home now.I am not well.




Duke :宽恕安东尼奥吧,夏洛克,别这样怀恨在心。

Shylock :我说过一定要拿走我应得的那一磅肉。要是您不准许我得到它,那将是一种软弱的表现。人们将不再相信你们的法律。威尼斯不久就会丧失它的伟大。安东尼奥是我的敌人,我恨他。

Bassanio :难道所有的人都要铲除他们不爱的东西吗?

Antonio :跟夏洛克讲理是没有用的。别再等待了。对我宣判吧,把夏洛克想要得到的东西给他。

Bassanio :我将付给你六千块钱,用来归还安东尼奥借的那三千块钱。

Shylock :即使你愿意给我六倍于刚才你提出的钱数,我仍然要拿我应得的那一磅肉。把那一磅肉判给我!

Duke :先生们,请安静。夏洛克,如果你不宽恕别人,你自己怎能希望得到别人的宽恕呢?

Shylock :我并没有做错事,我不怕审判。我要求给我应得的那一磅肉。

Narrator 正当公爵不知道应该怎么办的时候,尼莉莎打扮成一个律师的书记员,带着鲍西娅刚拜访过的那位著名律师的一封信,来到法庭。当公爵与尼莉莎谈话时,夏洛克准备好要从安东尼奥身上割下他应得的一磅肉。这时,律师的信被当庭宣读了:“我重病缠身。收到你的信时,我正同一位从罗马来的很有学问的年轻博士在一起。我把夏洛克与安东尼奥之间的争执对他讲了。我们研究了很多法典,因此他知道我想要说的话。我请您让他替我做出判决。他很年轻,但是,我还从来不知道有这么年轻又聪明的人。”这封信当庭宣读之后,鲍西娅穿着律师的衣服进屋来了。她作为法官就座了。


Duke :您好,博学的法官!我并不羡慕您的工作。这是一个很麻烦的案子。

Portia :您好!请坐下。你叫安东尼奥吗?这是你与夏洛克签订的借约吗?

Antonio :是的。

Portia :那么,夏洛克可得大发慈悲才是。他可得宽恕安东尼奥啊。

Shylock :为什么我必须宽恕他呢?请告诉我这一点!

Portia :慈悲带来益处。慈悲像甘露,从天空中降到地面上。它不但赐福于施予的人,而且赐福于受施的人。我们应该学会宽恕他人。你还要求得到这一磅肉吗?

Shylock :我要求得到依据法律本该属于我的东西。

Bassanio :我愿出十倍于安东尼奥的借款,请您把法律稍为变更一下,使我们能够救出安东尼奥。

Portia :请用你的脑袋想一想,先生。我们不能变更法律,要是变更了一条法律,那么人们还会要求变更别的法律的。

Shylock :噢,聪明年轻的法官啊!

Portia :让我看一看借约,就是安东尼奥向你许下的诺言。

Shylock :给您。

Portia :我明白了。根据法律,夏洛克可以得到一磅肉,由他从最靠近安东尼奥心脏的部位割下来。慈悲一点吧!让我撕毁这张借约吧。不能撕?那么,安东尼奥,你做好准备。夏洛克,拿起你的刀子准备割肉吧。

Shylock :噢,博学的法官!噢,聪明的年轻人!

Portia :你带来了称肉的器具吗?

Shylock :是的。我把一切都准备好了。

Portia :夏洛克,你是否请了医生来给安东尼奥止血呢?

Shylock :借约上可没有这一条。

Bassanio :你这只狐狸!

Portia :安东尼奥,你还想说什么吗?

Antonio :我只想说一点。巴萨尼奥,永别了。不要为我悲伤。把我的情况告诉你的妻子,对她说我多么爱你。要是夏洛克割得够深的话,我就要以整个心偿还他的债了。

Bassanio :让我拥抱你一下,说声再见吧。我爱你胜过爱我自己的生命、自己的妻子和整个世界。(他哭了。)

Portia :你的妻子听到你那么说是会不高兴的。

Shylock :我们是在浪费时间。

Portia :割走你要的那一磅肉!我宣布法庭许可你这样做,法律把它判给你。


Portia :且慢!事情还没完。安东尼奥许诺给你他身上的一磅肉。但是他并没有答应给你他身上的任何一滴血。要是你让他身上的血流下一滴,你将失去你所有的土地和财产。

Shylock :法律上是这样说的吗?

Portia :这就是法律。你要求公正,那么就让你得到公正,比你要求的还要多。

Shylock :我愿意要钱。给我三倍于安东尼奥向我借的钱。

Bassanio :钱在这儿。(他满怀喜悦地喊了出来。)

Portia :别忙!夏洛克先前已经拒绝要钱了。他所要求的只是公正。这是他现在所能得到的一切。你必须割下整一磅肉,不准多也不准少。而且不准流一滴血。


Portia :等一等,夏洛克。威尼斯的法律规定任何企图杀害或谋害任何威尼斯公民的人,他所有的一切必须被没收。他的钱和财产的一半必须给威尼斯城,另一半必须给他企图杀害的人。他的生命全凭公爵处置。因此你快快跪下请求公爵开恩吧。

Shylock :仁慈的先生,我乞求你的饶恕和原谅。

Duke :我将不处死你,但是作为对你的惩罚,你的财产的一半现在是安东尼奥的了。你必须把另一半交给威尼斯城。

Shylock :把我的命也拿走吧!我的钱财对我而言就像生命一样宝贵。它们是我唯一的安慰。你们没收了我的财物,也就是要了我的命。

Antonio :我很乐意放弃我应得的夏洛克财产的那一半。夏洛克必须答应在他死后把这笔财产留给他的女儿和女婿。

Shylock :我答应。现在让我回家吧。我不舒服。

Script No.10



Tracy :Hey.Mr.McAllister.

Mr.McAllister :Not wasting any time,are you?

Tracy :You know about the early bird.

Mr.McAllister :Yeah,I do.

Mr.McAllister :Good luck there,Tracy.

Tracy :Thanks.I'll see you in class.

Tracy :Hey,put those back!

Students :Eat me.


Mr.McAllister :Paul,can I speak to you?You've been pretty down since your accident.

Paul :I wanted to play football again so bad I could taste it.Maybe go on to the playoffs...

Mr.McAllister :I understand the disappointment.And you don't crack under pressure,as we all saw in the Westside game.All the kids look up to you.What does that spell?Student council president.

Paul :Who me?No... I don't know anything about that stuff.

Mr.McAllister :What's your favorite fruit?

Paul :Pears.

Mr.McAllister :Good,let's say...

Paul :Wait,Apples.

Mr.McAllister :Apples.Fine.Let's say all you ever knew were apples.You might think apples were good,even if some were rotten.But one day,there's an orange.Now you can make a decision.Do you want an apple or an orange?That's democracy.

Paul :I also like bananas.

Mr.McAllister :Exactly.Good.What do you say?Give a little something back.

Tracy :Who put you up to this?

Paul :What do you mean?

Tracy :Who put you up to this?

Paul :What do you mean?

Tracy :You suddenly decided to run for president?

Paul :I just thought...

Tracy :Thought what?

Paul :I told Mr.McAllister that I want to do something for the school.

Tracy :Mr.McAllister asked you to run?

Paul :I talked to him.He thought it was a good idea.He said that there are all different kinds offruits.Tracy,you're the best.I just thought...

Tracy :Okay,you're on,Mr.Popular.

Paul :Tammy,what are you doing?


Jerry Slavin :I love Carver High and I will be a dedicated vice president.Vote for Jerry Slavin and good government.Even if I can't really stand up for you,I will.Thank you.

Mr.McAllister :Thank you.Jerry is running unopposed for vice president.We'll move on now to the three presidential candidates.The first,in alphabetical order,is Tracy Flick.

Tracy :I care about Carver and about each and every one of you.Together we can make a difference.Cast your vote for Tracy Flick,and you won't just be voting for me.You'll be voting for yourself and every other student at Carver.Our days might not be any longer but they can sure be better.Thank you.

Mr.McAllister :The next candidate is Paul.

Paul :When I broke my leg this year,it made me re-evaluate my life.I want to help people and this school.It's our second home,where we grow as individuals.I want our school to reach its true potential.That's why I'm running for president.I can fight hard.Like when I threw the fourth-quarter pass that beat Westside.I won't let you down.We can all score a winning touchdown together.Vote Paul Metzler for President.Thank you.

Mr.McAllister :The final presidential candidate is another of the Metzler clan.Tammy Metzler.

Tammy :Who cares about this stupid election?We all know it doesn't matter who gets elected president.Do you really think it's going to change anything?Will it make one single person smarter,happier or nicer?The only person it matters to is the one who gets elected.The same pathetic charade happens every year.Just so someone gets to put it on their college transcript.Vote for me.I don't even want to go to college.As president,I won't do anything.The only promise I'll make is to dismantle the student government.So we'll never have another of these stupid assemblies.

Students :Tammy!Tammy!

Tammy :Or don't vote for me.Who cares?Don't vote at all.


Teacher :We have an important announcement from our principal,Dr.Hendricks.

Dr.Hendricks :Good morning,students.It behoves me to inform you of a change in today's election.Tammy Metzler has been determined ineligible for SGA President.All other candidates are eligible,but not Tammy Metzler.

When the time came to vote,I stood in line like everyone else .)

Students :Hi.Tracy.

Tracy :Tracy Enid Flick.Ready,Phil?

Phil :Yeah,I'm ready.

Tracy :Thanks,Phil.

Paul :Hey.Tracy.Isn't this exciting?Well,good luck.

Tracy :Thanks,Paul.You,too.

Paul :Thanks.

Mr.McAllister :They're all highly qualified and embody the integrity—that we expect from the school leadership.The point of an election is to choose a winner.That you have done.We'll begin with the president.This was an extraordinarily close race.I'd like to announce the next president of Carver High School—Paul Metzler.

Paul :Jeez,you guys,thanks!Thanks.I promise to do my best.I'll be a good president.




Tracy :嘿,麦考利斯特老师。

Mr.McAllister :你真是会把握时间。

Tracy :早起的鸟儿有虫吃。

Mr.McAllister :没错。

Mr.McAllister :祝你好运,翠茜。

Tracy :谢谢。课堂上见。

Tracy :嘿,拿回来。

Students :谁理你。


Mr.McAllister :保罗,我可以跟你谈谈吗?自从事故发生后你一直很沮丧。

Paul :我想打橄榄球想得快疯了。我还想参加季后赛……

Mr.McAllister :我了解你的失望。你不会因为压力而崩溃,看你跟西城比赛的表现就知道。所有人都很尊敬你。这代表了什么?学生会主席。

Paul :我?不,我不懂那些事。

Mr.McAllister :你最喜欢吃什么水果?

Paul :梨子。

Mr.McAllister :好,我们这么说吧……

Paul :等一下,苹果好了。

Mr.McAllister :苹果也行。假设你一直只知道苹果这一种水果。你可能会觉得苹果很好吃,即使有些是烂苹果。但是有一天橘子出现了,那么你就有了选择。你可以选择苹果或橘子,这就叫作民主。

Paul :我也喜欢吃香蕉。

Mr.McAllister :这就对了,说得好。怎么样?做一些贡献吧。

Tracy :是谁怂恿你的?

Paul :翠茜,你说什么?

Tracy :是谁怂恿你的?

Paul :翠茜,你说什么呀?

Tracy :你为何突然间要参选?

Paul :我只是想……

Tracy :想什么?

Paul :我跟麦考利斯特老师说,我想为学校做点事情。

Tracy :麦考利斯特老师要你去参选?

Paul :我跟他谈过。他认为这想法不错。他说了一些不同的水果,翠茜,你是最佳人选。我只是想……

Tracy :好一,起竞选吧,万人迷先生。

Paul :泰咪,你在做什么?


Jerry Slavin 我热爱卡夫高中,我会当一个尽职的学生会副主席。请投杰瑞·史拉和好的自治会。就算我不能代表你们,我也会努力为大家服务。谢谢你们。

Mr.McAllister :谢谢你,杰瑞。杰瑞是副主席的唯一候选人。接下来由三位学生会主席候选人发表演说。以姓氏排列顺序,第一位是翠茜·弗里克。

Tracy :我很喜欢卡夫也很喜欢在座的每一位。我们可以同心改造学校。把票投给翠茜·弗里克吧!你不仅是把票投给我,也是投给你们自己,投给这里的每一位学生。也许我们不会在这里待很久,但我们一定可以过得更好。谢谢。

Mr.McAllister :下一位候选人是保罗·麦兹勒。

Paul :今年摔断腿时,我对人生有了新的想法。我想要帮助他人和我们的学校。这里是我们的第二个家,是我们长大成人的地方。我想要学校真正发挥它的潜力。因此我参选学生会主席。我可以努力,就像我在比赛中奋力一掷击败西城队一样。我不会让你们失望,我们可以共同成功。请支持保罗·麦兹勒当学生会主席。谢谢。

Mr.McAllister :最后一位候选人同样来自麦兹勒家,泰咪·麦兹勒。

Tammy :谁在乎这愚蠢的选举?我们都很清楚,无论谁当学生会主席都没用。你们真的以为会有任何改变吗?能让任何一个人更聪明、更快乐或是更亲切吗?唯一有影响的只有当选的那个人。每年都要举行这一场可悲的游戏。好让某些人把功绩写在他们进大学的成绩单上。投我吧,我根本不想进大学。假如我当选,我什么事情也不做。我只承诺一件事情,把学生自治会解散。这样我们就没有这种无聊的集会了。

Students :泰咪!泰咪!

Tammy :不投我也无所谓,谁稀罕?干脆大家都别投票了。


Teacher :同学们请注意,亨德里克斯校长有重要事项宣布。

Dr.Hendricks :早上好,同学们。我必须通知你们今天的选举有些变动。泰咪·麦兹勒已被取消学生会候选人资格。除了泰咪·麦兹勒,其他候选人仍具资格。


Students :你好,翠茜。

Tracy :我是翠茜·弗里克。准备好了没有,菲尔?

Phil :准备好了。

Tracy :谢谢,菲尔。

Paul :翠茜,很令人兴奋是吧?祝你好运。

Tracy :谢谢,保罗。也祝你好运。

Paul :谢谢。

Mr.McAllister :每位候选人都有资格胜利,因为他们展现了学生领袖应有的风范。但选举目的就是要选出优胜者,这是你们所做的决定。我们从学生会主席开始宣布。投票的结果是每个人的票数非常接近。卡夫高中下一届学生会主席是保罗·麦兹勒。

Paul :老天,谢谢你们。谢谢!我承诺会尽自己最大努力做一名好的学生会主席。 J8TYEVGQXvyyR/BQrkBbgxQrFGhalWvmzc0exvI7wvUyfv2OCv2Cs5Jb1+9b0UM6

