


1. 直接信息题


More Chinese universities are opening their libraries to the public, allowing people to enjoy [1] reading during normal time and the vacations.

But for some students, including Wang Ling, 21, in Sun Yat-sen University, this practice has caused headaches. "Members of the public come to our library more for sightseeing than reading," said Wang.

"They sometimes even bring their kids along, and take photos as if it were a place of interest."

Wang has found it hard to get a seat during busy times. Being short of [2] space is a common problem for university libraries in China.

However, this is not the only reason why students dislike their libraries being open to members of the public. They fear that the quietness of the libraries will be influenced because of visitors'rude behaviour.

(  ) We can see from the passage that Wang Ling__________.

A. hates to study in the library

B. prefers sightseeing to reading

C. feels good to play with kids

D. is a university student aged 21

解析 本题是直接信息题,可以从文中直接找到答案信息。根据第二段第一句可知王玲是一个21岁的大学生。故答案为D。

2. 间接信息题


Chen Jie,18,a student in Tongji University,is one who would be against [3] opening to the public.“I have been to a public library before. People were chatting loudly or speaking on cell phone so you can hardly read,” Chen said. She notices teachers doing serious reading and feels their concentration(专注)has influenced her.“If too many strangers stay here,the whole library will be a noisy place and it's difficult for us to study quietly,” she said.

Will there be alternative(可替代的)ways to share those libraries?Some experts consider that university libraries can stop the public from entering certain areas.“We might keep magazines for academic research only for teachers and students,” said Zhu Lina,library director in Jinan University.

Working together with the community library is another solution. "It's possible that a member of the public can order a book in our library over the Internet," Ge Jianxiong, the library director in Fudan University said. "We'll send it to a public library close to [4] their home."

(  )The writer quotes(引用)two library directors'words to help explain how to__________.

A. manage libraries online

B. keep the public polite

C. do scientific research

D. share university libraries

解析 本题属于间接信息题,问题的答案不能直接从文中找到,需要做推理和转换信息。从文章的倒数两段内容可知,管理员的话是为了解决公众读者扰乱高校图书馆秩序的问题而提出的可行解决方案。全文都是围绕这一社会问题展开的,主要是想表达如何更好地共享高校图书馆。故答案为D。

3. 排序题


Here is an experiment(实验)to see how ants can organize some clever teamwork.

①a slice of 是固定词组,意为“一片,一块”。

如:Please give me a slice of bread to eat. 请给我一片面包吃。

What's going on ?

You can see one of the best examples of insect teamwork by watching ants. If one ant finds food,it will lead others there to eat it too. They follow each other by making long trails. The ants go back and forth [5] collecting food,to take it back to their nest(穴). When you move the fruit,the ants will still find it. But instead of making a new direct route(路线)to the food,they will follow each other through their old trail route.

(  ) Which is the correct order to do this experiment?

a. Move the fruit to a new position.

b. Find an ant.

c. Check the fruit an hour later.

d. Put a thin slice of fruit in front of the ant.

A. a-b-c-d

B. b-d-c-a

C. d-b-c-a

D. c-a-d-b

解析 通读全文和实验步骤可知本题答案为B。 giu6SckDMGh1kKFGwgwuINYM4dzT2f9RcFmX1OSslyxMGfBNnbkiipTWmsDKypj8
