

boot靴子 ——a boot camp海军训练新兵之营地→训练营地

Go to a boot camp for obsessive-compulsives.

有强迫症就去参加 训练营

boots靴子 ——die with one’s boots on穿上靴子死去→死在工作岗位上,因公殉职

Some people want to “ die with their boots on ”, while others would prefer to die wearing sandals or running shoes and in some venue other than the workplace.

有些人想 在工作岗位上 穿着靴子死去 ”,而另一些人则宁愿在工作场所以外的地方穿着凉鞋或跑步鞋的时候死去。

button纽扣 ——hot button热门话题;敏感问题

The campaign for same-sex marriage has been lucrative for politicians—attracting big donors just like every other hot button issue.

同性婚姻的运动对政客来说是有利可图的——就像其他 热点问题 一样吸引捐资大咖。

crown花冠;皇冠 →给……戴上桂冠

As contestants gather in Atlantic City to see who will be crowned Miss America 2014, we are reminded of the famous “bra-burning” demonstrations, 45 years ago this month, in which hundreds of women gathered on the boardwalk to protest the pageant, proclaiming it racist and bad for women.

参赛者聚集在大西洋城观看谁将 获得 2014年美国小姐 桂冠 时,我们想起了四十五年前这个月著名的“焚烧胸罩”示威游行事件;当时,数百名妇女聚集在木板人行道上游行抗议,宣称选美大赛有种族主义倾向,也有损女性。

fashion时尚 →塑造

Many poor girls grow up believing their destinies have already been fashioned by forces beyond their control.

许多贫穷的女孩长大后相信命运已经为自己无法控制的力量所 塑造

fold(布料、衣物等的)褶皱 →倍数

By 2050, the number of African-Americans age 65 and older will more than triple, and the number of older Latinos will increase 11- fold .


label标签 →唱片公司

That said, this happened with vinyl and CDs as record labels decided to release some new records exclusively on iTunes.

也就是说,当 唱片公司 决定只在iTunes上发布一些新唱片时,黑胶唱片和激光唱片也会发生同样的情况。

lining衬里 ——silver lining乌云周围的白光→(不幸或失望中的)一线希望

If there is a silver lining for students and parents after this hectic time, it may be this: now you have four years for relaxation.

在这紧张的时刻过后,如果学生和家长 有一线希望 的话,那就是:现在你有四年的时间来放松。

mask面具 →掩盖

It is a question, however, that masks a much more serious issue for parents and children, particularly those in the middle and working classes.

然而,对家长和孩子来说,特别是那些中产和工人阶层,这个问题 掩盖 了一个更为严重的问题。

mirror衣装镜 →反映

Or they choose electives from a random array of courses designed by faculty for their own convenience that mirror their own concerns, not a considered diagnosis of the needs and interests of students.

或者从一系列随机排列的课程中选择选修课程,这些课程的设置是方便教师, 反映 教师关注的问题,而不考虑分析学生的需要和兴趣。

pocket口袋 ——deep-pocketed有钱的,财大气粗的

It would, in effect, stifle competition and innovation and hand over an exciting and promising new industry to a small group of deep-pocketed companies that would wield unmatched influence over market direction, consumer choice and public policy—i.e. Big Tobacco.

实际上,它将扼杀竞争和创新,并将一个激励人心的、有前景的新兴产业交给一小撮 财力雄厚的 公司,这些公司(例如大烟草公司)将在市场走向、消费者选择和公共政策方面发挥无可比拟的影响力。

purse strings钱袋 →财产;资金

Developing nations must watch the purse strings for climate aid.

发展中国家必须看管好气候援助的 资金

rags破旧衣服 ——rags to riches从贫穷到巨富→白手起家

And while many of us believe that the American Dream of rags to riches through honest hard work still exists, our experience tells us that far more common is wealth acquired via hustles and scams—both illegal ones and legal—and so we relate to stories that validate our experience.

虽然很多人相信通过诚实、努力而 白手起家 的美国梦仍然存在,但经验告诉我们,更常见的财富获取是通过买卖和诈骗——非法的和合法的——所以我们会涉及一些能验证经历的故事。

shoehorn鞋拔 →硬塞进

Look, I’m not demanding that diversity get shoehorned into stories.

听着,我并不是要求多样性要被 硬塞进 故事里。

shoes鞋子 ——put oneself in the shoes of sb. else站在某人的角度(考虑问题)

If you put yourself in the shoes of a child pornography victim, you should recognize the incredible helplessness they experience as a record of their victimization is continually circulated among criminals who derive sexual pleasure from viewing their past exploitation.

如果你 站在 一个儿童色情作品受害者 的角度 ,你就会意识到他们所经历的、令人难以置信的无助感,因为他们的受害记录不断地在罪犯中传播,这些罪犯从观看他们过去制作的色情影片中获得性快感。

shoes鞋子 ——take a walk in one’s shoes设身处地地替某人着想

One of the most important decisions they can make is to not just tolerate their classmates, but to mentally take a walk in their shoes . It might be the best lesson they learn in college.

他们所能做的最重要的决定之一,就是不仅要容忍同学,还要 设身处地地替同学考 。这可能是他们在大学里学到的最好的一课。

showcase在玻璃橱窗陈列 →展现

It speeds up possible love connections by showcasing the bonds that tend to strengthen relationships: mutual friends, interests and points of view.

通过 展现 有助于加强人际关系的纽带,比如说共同的朋友、兴趣和观点,会促进可能的爱恋关系的进展。

size尺码 ——one-size-fits-all一刀切的;普遍适用的;万全之策的

The truth is that there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question because it depends on much more than biology.

事实是没有一个 普遍适用的 答案,因为它的决定因素不仅仅是生物学。

skirt裙子 →绕过;回避

Plus, network television has done just fine in skirting the rules since the Janet Jackson incident in 2004—for reference, see any episode of Family Guy or American Dad .

另外,网络电视自2004年珍妮·杰克逊事件以来已经在 规避 规则方面做得不错了——大家可以参看《居家男人》或者《特工老爹》的任何季集。

sleeves袖子 ——roll up one’s sleeves撸起袖子(加油干)

Though I did not have a medical degree or decades of experience, I was encouraged to roll up my sleeves and help.

虽然我没有医学学位或几十年的经验,但我还是得到鼓励, 撸起袖子 加油干 )来帮忙。

straitjacket紧身衣 →桎梏

Part of the problem is that the last wave of reform policies has produced a compliance-orientation to schooling that leaves school leaders in a virtual straitjacket .

部分问题在于,最后一波改革政策已经产生了对学校教育的依从性,这让学校领导处于一种无形的 桎梏 之中。

strap皮带 ——be strapped for…受到……的约束

Libraries are perennially strapped for cash and are at risk of being forced to cut back hours and services, but they have space and plenty of visitors.

图书馆常年 捉襟见肘 ,有着被迫削减开馆时间和服务的风险,但仍有空间和大量的访客。

strapped用皮带装饰的 →身无分文的;资金短缺的

In effect, Facebook’s outsized power is causing already strapped news organizations to invest in varied costly endeavors to appeal to Facebook’s whims.

实际上,脸书的超大规模已经让 资金短缺的 新闻机构做了各种各样耗资的努力,以迎合脸书的奇思妙想。

tailor剪裁 →使合适

What students really need is an education system that understands that all children learn differently, and is tailored to their individual needs—not their sex.

学生真正需要的是这样的教育体制:能理解所有孩子学有不同,而且是 根据 孩子的个人需求而不是性别 定制 的。

tailor-made裁缝制的 →特制的;量身定做的

In an era when most people can be confident of living to be at least 80 years old, there is now room for a new life stage of emerging adulthood, from the late teens through the 20s, that is tailor-made for the explorations the college experience encourages.

在一个大多数人都有自信能活到至少八十岁的时代,从青少年晚期到二十几岁的青年这个人生阶段,现在已经有了新的发展空间,这也是为大学经历所激励的探索而 量身打造的

tie系领带 ——be tied to…与……有关

But part of the reason for the obsolescence of middle-class values is tied to the effects of the Great Recession, which has put pressures on all families, whatever their income level, whether it be the need for both parents to work or the financial tensions that lead to divorce or deferred marriage.

但中产阶级价值观退化的部分原因是 经济大衰退的影响 有关系 。无论他们的收入水平如何,无论父母双方是否都须要工作,或者无论是经济紧张导致离婚或推迟结婚,经济大衰退给所有的家庭都带来很大的压力。

tote手提包 →携带,带着

The women who pioneered groups supportive of attachment-parenting, like La Leche League International, and started publications like Mothering are not competitive corporate-minded trendy celebrity divas toting secret nannies on the side, nor are they perfection-driven bored subjugated barefoot lonely women setting feminism back 200 years.

开拓亲密育儿法机构(如国际母乳协会)的女性,以及开始出版像《育儿》这种杂志的女性,并不是那些身边 带着 保姆、具有商业竞争意识的时尚名流,也不是追求完美的、无趣的、被压制的、赤脚的、让女权主义倒退了二百年的孤独女性。

tow麻的粗纤维 ——in tow一起

Becoming a mother in young adulthood may take an especially large toll on African-American women because their families often lack the resources to help them overcome the challenges of continuing their education and establishing a career with children in tow .

年纪轻轻就为人母,对于非裔美国妇女来讲,伤害尤为重大,因为她们的家庭缺乏资源,所以在继续接受教育和开创职业生涯的同时,还要 一并 养育孩子这方面,她们得不到家庭的帮助。

uncap脱(帽) ——uncapped无管帽的→无上限的;不封顶的

Automakers, for example, strictly control prices for their suppliers—a business model that would suffer greatly under the new rule because of the potential for additional uncapped costs.

例如,汽车制造商严格控制其供应商的价格——这是一种商业模式,在新规则下会受到很大影响,因为可能会有额外的 无上限 成本。

velvet glove天鹅绒手套 →外柔内刚;表面温和的东西

Instead, in an obvious attempt to blunt near universal criticism of its velvet glove approach, last month Treasury took largely meaningless action against just three of the servicers by temporarily withholding payments until they stop violating the program’s rules—something to which they had largely already committed in a previous unrelated settlement with their regulators—and then paying them in full.

相反,明显地想要中止几近全民批评的、 天鹅绒手套式外柔内刚的 方法,上个月财政部反对三大服务商的措施几乎没有多大意义,因为财政部只是暂时拒付款额,直到他们不再违反该项目的规则——其实在此前与监管机构达成的一项不相关的和解中已经承诺这么做了——然后全部支付。

vested(西服套装)带背心的 →既定的;既得的

We have a societal responsibility and a vested interest to take advantage of innovation while guarding against exploitation.

我们有社会责任和 既得 利益来利用创新,同时防范剥削。

vogue时尚 ——in vogue流行,盛行

High-stakes evaluations are in vogue not only in higher education but also in elementary and high school.

对教师进行测评不仅在大学,而且在小学和中学都很 盛行

wig假发 ——big wig一头假发→大人物

As the big wig among the crowd, he can’t go anywhere without the protections of the bodyguards, who cost the taxpayers a lot.

作为 大人物 出现在人群中,他到哪里都受到保镖的保护,而雇用这些保镖要花掉纳税人好多钱。 6JkU7Jk+TOz7tn0wFBMxcOW233nNtJ3kfWxD5IKNTi3RED83pdIOabdVAf0p9aU6
