

arm胳膊 ——an arm and a leg一只胳膊和一条腿——cost an arm and a leg价格昂贵;付出巨大的代价

It does not cost an arm and a leg , and it works.

它不用 花一大笔钱 ,而且还很有效。

ash骨灰 ——in ashes灰飞烟灭

By the 1970s, the classic Hollywood studio system was in ashes ; the producers and directors who had made wonderful film careers using “mature” actors of the previous generation like Bette Davis and Joan Crawford were no more.

20世纪70年代,经典的好莱坞片厂制度 灰飞烟灭 了;也再也没有制片人和导演录用像贝蒂·戴维斯和琼·克劳馥这一代“成熟”的演员而创造出精彩的电影事业了。

backbone脊柱 →支柱

Social Security is the backbone of the nation’s retirement system.

社会保障是国家退休制度的 支柱

bend弯腰 ——drive sb. round the bend把某人逼疯;令某人抓狂

My older son, preparing to student-teach middle-school math next fall, has completed most of his college homework while listening to music or a video online and reading text messages coming in on his phone—a situation of divided attention that would drive me round the bend .

我大儿子在准备明年秋季的中学实习,教数学。他一边听着音乐或看在线视频,还一边读着手机上的短信,却也已经完成了大部分的大学作业——但这种分散注意力的做法会 令我抓狂

body身体 ——body bag带有拉链的运尸袋→死亡

Unless the president acts now by resuming transfers, he risks prolonging the hunger strike until the inevitable deaths begin. The men need to know there is a way out of Guantánamo other than by body bag .

除非监狱长现在采取行动,即恢复转移囚犯,否则就有可能延长绝食抗议,直到不可避免地有人开始死亡。囚犯要知道:还有办法出关塔那摩监狱,而不是 等死

bone骨头 ——in one’s bones从骨子里→凭直觉

The key to training is reaching the point of beyond, where everything hones in and you move automatically, knowing in your bones what you have to do.

训练的关键是达到一种超越的境界:一切砥砺奋进,你也自动前行, 凭直觉 就知道该做什么。

bone骨头 ——to the bone到极点;彻骨地

Workers are dying in preventable factory fires because the world’s leading retailers—from Wal-Mart to Gap to H&M—make their clothes in countries where labor laws are not enforced and demand that their contract factories slash production costs to the bone .

工人死于可预防的工厂火灾,因为世界上主要的零售商——从沃尔玛到Gap到H&M——在没有劳动法的国家里做衣服,并要求签合同的工厂 大幅度 削减生产成本。

brain脑袋 ——brainer费脑筋的事——no-brainer明摆着的事情;不费脑筋的事;容易处理的问题

But it’s a no-brainer that Ferguson needs more cops who look like the people they patrol.

显而易见的是 :弗格森镇需要更多的警察,而且这些警察看起来要像他们巡查的对象。

cheek脸颊 ——with tongue in cheek假惺惺地;言不由衷地;挖苦地

With tongue in cheek , I say we need more college students to major in political science so they can lobby our government to stand up to mercantilism of other countries.

言不由衷地 说,我们需要更多的大学生主修政治学,这样他们就可以游说政府对抗其他国家的重商主义。

crack(嗓音)变化 →成长

We felt that high schools with 600 to 900 students were large enough to offer a full and solid curriculum, but small enough so students were known well by their teachers and didn’t get lost in the cracks .

我们认为,拥有六百至九百名学生的高中规模足够大,能够提供完整而扎实的课程,但也足够小,学生因此能为老师所熟知,不会在 成长 过程中迷失自我。

DNA脱氧核糖核酸 →本质;特点

While organizations enact telecommuting policies in various ways, it behooves them all to begin by examining the DNA of their workplace culture.

组织机构通过各种方式制定远程办公政策时,应该要先审视一下办公室文化的 本质

ear耳朵 ——earful令人吃惊的回答;怨言——give sb. an earful数落某人一番

And if I’m wrong and our future is one of cataclysmic caffeine scarcity—one in which lattes cost an astronomical $4.75 instead of the totally reasonable current price of $4.25—come to Portland and give me an earful .

如果我错了,而且我们未来面临的是灾难性的咖啡因短缺——这造成了一杯拿铁的价格是天文数字般的4.75美元,而不是现在完全合理的4.25美元——就到波特兰市来 数落我一番

ear耳朵 ——wet-behind-the-ears乳臭未干的;初出茅庐的

Network news faces competition unimaginable when that wet-behind-the-ears desk assistant was assured the world was not going to change.

网络新闻面临着难以想象的竞争,而此时, 初出茅庐的 助理却确信世界是不会改变的。

eye眼睛 ——blink an eye眨眼睛→应接不暇;不习惯

We are used to it already in the corporate world: careers start in Delft and end in Delhi without anyone blinking an eye .

企业界已经习惯这样了:在代尔夫特开始职业生涯,在德里结束职业生涯,没有人会 不习惯

eye眼睛 ——clear-eyed视力良好的→头脑清晰的;有洞察力的

And amid the scramble to avoid being late for gymnastics, the whole family might take note—as the psychologist Wendy Grolnick and her co-author Kathy Seal remind in their clear-eyed book Pressured Parents, Stressed-out Kids —that the real problem in this country"isn’t that middle-class kids have too many activities but that less privileged kids don’t have enough".

在争分夺秒健身的过程中,全家人也许会注意到——正如心理学家温迪·格罗尔尼克和她的合著者凯西·西尔在她们 有洞察力的 《压力过大的父母,不堪重负的孩子》一书中所提醒的那样——这个国家真正的问题“不是中产阶级的孩子有太多的活动,而是不那么富裕的孩子没有足够的活动”。

eye眼睛 ——eye-for-eye以眼还眼;报复

Despite a decrease in crime over the past decades, in many urban neighborhoods, an eye-for-eye “code of the street” prevails.

尽管过去几十年里犯罪率有所下降,但一种 以眼还眼 的“街区规范”却在许多城市社区大行其道。

eye眼睛 ——jab one’s eyes out猛戳眼球→惊爆眼球

Your romantic Facebook messages about how you and your beloved are “soul mates” are making your friends want to jab their eyes out .

你在脸书上留下的关于你和挚爱的人如何成为“灵魂伴侣”的浪漫信息会 惊爆 朋友的 眼球

eye眼睛 ——remain in the public eye留在公众视线里→仍受公众关注

Whatever happens with the race for the mayor, Anthony Weiner and Huma Abedin will undoubtedly remain in the public eye .

由于竞选市长,所以不管发生什么事,安东尼·韦纳和胡玛·阿贝丁将毫无疑问地 继续受公众关注

eye眼睛 ——turn a blind eye视而不见

It is also clear from my experience that employers are not going to stop this practice if the government continues to turn a blind eye .

根据我的经验,很明显,如果政府继续 视而不见 ,雇主是不会停止这种做法的。

eyeball眼球 ——compete…for eyeballs博眼球,引起注意

This follows the traditional advertising-supported model while reducing the cost of production by providing a marketplace where amateurs, prosumers, and professionals compete alongside each other for eyeballs in any time and any device model.

这遵循了传统的广告支撑模式,同时降低了生产成本,因为它的市场模式是业余爱好者、生产消费者和专业人士可随时在任何设备模型方面相互竞争以 博眼球

eyes眼睛 →视角

At what other stage of life will you be able to spend four months studying abroad, where you learn the local language and try to understand life through new eyes ?

人生的其他阶段,你还能花四个月的时间到国外学习,学习当地的语言,通过崭新的 视角 来了解当地的生活吗?

eyes and ears眼睛和耳朵 →眼线

Luckily, my skills also included the humility to seek out brilliant local colleagues, who became my eyes and ears in each market.

幸运的是,我的技能还包括谦逊地寻找优秀的本土同事,他们都成了我在各个市场的 眼线

eyesore难看的东西 →眼中钉

When Mitt Romney’s childhood home was demolished last year in Detroit, neighbors were relieved that the “ eyesore ” was finally gone.

去年,米特·罗姆尼在底特律的童年故居被拆除时,邻居们松了一口气,因为“ 眼中钉 ”终于消失了。

face脸 ——cut off one’s nose to spite one’s face割掉鼻子报复自己的脸→用伤害自己的方式来解决已有的问题;得不偿失

Thus, cities might be cutting off their nose to spite their face if they look at bank donations to their land bank as a solution to the foreclosure crisis.

因此,如果城市把对土地银行的银行捐赠作为房屋止赎危机的解决方案,那么,可能会 得不偿失

facet(骨或其他硬部位的)小(平)面 →方面

In short, there are many facets to crafting a workable response.

简而言之,制定一个可行对策要多 方面 考虑。

fingertip指尖 ——have sth. at one’s fingertips近在手边;随时可以使用

Indeed, it is. Just like fatty foods taste good, and sitting in a car for even short trips is relaxing, having an iPad makes us feel like we have the world at our fingertips .

事实上,就是这样。就像富含脂肪的食品味美一样,也像坐在车里哪怕行驶短短一段路能让人放松一样,拥有一台平板电脑也会让人觉得 世界触手可及

flesh肉体 ——in the flesh以肉体形式→本人;亲自

It makes plain that we don’t really know other people until we’ve met them in the flesh .

很明显,遇到他们 本人 之前,我们并不真正了解他们。

flesh肉体 ——make people’s flesh crawl使人起鸡皮疙瘩

Heroes like Theodore Roosevelt, Winston Churchill and Woodrow Wilson avowed racist beliefs that today would make people’s flesh crawl .

西奥多·罗斯福、温斯顿·丘吉尔和伍德罗·威尔逊等英雄公开宣布的种族主义信仰,如今却 令人毛骨悚然

flesh肉 ——pounds of flesh好几磅肉→很大的利润

Speculators are taking pounds of flesh in the commodity exchanges.

投机商在商品交易中赚取 很大的利润

flesh and blood肉体和血液 →血肉之躯;情欲

Bringing flesh and blood into the world of ideas is something even the most jaded reporters will celebrate with ink, photos and links.

让思想 有血有肉 ,是那些最疲惫不堪的记者们用笔墨、照片和链接想要做到的事情。

foot脚 ——back foot防守状态;陷入被动;不利境地

Social justice advocates, already in a precarious position, will be further pushed onto the back foot .

本已处于危险境地的社会公正提倡者,将被进一步推向 不利境地

foot脚 ——foot the bill买单

Now her great-grandson, who with his brother inherited 17 million pounds sterling, is expecting us to foot the bill for his wedding.

现在,她那位曾孙,虽与他的兄弟共同继承了1 700万英镑,却期待我们为他的婚礼 买单

foot脚 ——vote with one’s feet用脚投票(用退场或者弃权来表示不赞成)

The inability of parents and students to vote with their feet —and dollars—makes them prisoners of policies that have steadily ratcheted up to serve the educational institutions rather than the children.

家长和学生无法 用脚投票 ,也无法用金钱操控,只能沦为政策的囚徒,而这些政策一直在逐步升级,服务的是教育机构,而不是学生。

guts内脏 →勇气

Here’s hoping a judge has the guts to do the right thing.

希望法官有 勇气 做出公正的裁决。

hair头发 ——bad hair day不如意的一天(日子);不愉快的一天(日子)

Soaps offered an entertaining escape to where budgeting constraints and bad hair days didn’t exist, where we could see how the “rich” lived, and experience—even if just for an hour a day—a part of their fictional lives that seemed vastly more exciting than our own.

肥皂剧提供了一种有趣的逃避方式,逃到没有预算限制和没有 不如意日子 的地方,这里我们可以看到“富人”如何生活,然后经历——哪怕只是每天一小时——富人虚构生活的一部分,这似乎比我们现实的生活更令人兴奋。

hair头发 ——by a hair差一点,险些

So the First Amendment wins, but only by a hair .

因此第一修正案赢得通过,但只以 微弱优势

hair头发 ——within a hair’s breadth只差一点,差点

When paired with the political reality that no new law on climate change is likely to pass any time soon, this comes within a hair’s breadth of saying that climate change is not a problem for law to address at all.

考虑到气候变化方面的新法律不太可能很快通过的政治现实,那么,这就 几乎可以 说明气候变化根本不是法律要解决的问题。

hand手 ——hand-in-hand手拉手的→并进的;息息相关的

Winning hearts and minds goes hand-in-hand with service and protection.

赢得人心和思想是同服务和保护 息息相关的

hand手 ——hands-on亲自动手的→亲身实践的

Allowance money also gives them hands-on experience with financial transactions, which in the modern world are mostly invisible to a child.

零用钱也让他们有金融交易的 实际 经验,而这在现代社会通常被孩子无视。

head头 →领导,老板

And if the government wants to bring down the obesity rate in this country quickly, it’s going to take aggressive policies with far more bite. These policies will necessarily be less “realistic”than what the head of Wal-Mart could ever willingly stomach.

如果政府想要迅速降低本国的肥胖率,必将采取更激进的、更有诱惑力的政策。与沃尔玛 老板 所能欣然接受的相比,这些政策必然不会那么“现实”。

head头 ——go head to head with齐头并进→与……并驾齐驱,不相上下

We have an inequality index that can go head to head with Egypt’s.

我们的不均衡指数与埃及 不相上下

head头 ——head off转移方向→阻止

Without a different outlook on how to treat or identify people with serious mental illnesses, we are unlikely to head off many of the tragedies like Representative Gabrielle Giffords’ shooting in Arizona or Colorado.

对于如何治疗或鉴别患有严重精神疾病的人,如果没有不同的观点,那就不太可能 阻止 许多悲剧的发生,例如议员加布里埃尔·吉福兹在亚利桑那州或科罗拉多州遭遇枪击。

head头 ——head start先行一步的优势,领先一步

As a former children’s librarian, I always trembled at mothers who visited my library to request The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn or A Tale of Two Cities for their third grader, often because they wanted to give their child a head start or because they believed mistakenly that more age-appropriate literature didn’t offer the intellectual challenge that they wanted for their child.

作为一名前儿童图书管理员,面对来图书馆给读三年级的孩子借《哈克贝利·弗恩历险记》或《双城记》的母亲时,我总是有点担心,这往往是因为她们想让孩子 先一步 或因为她们错误地认为更多的适龄读物智力上不够富有挑战性,而她们希望孩子面对足够的挑战。

head头 ——hold one’s heads high昂首挺胸→心高气傲

After all, wronged women, especially highly visible or educated ones, are expected to hold their heads high . That usually means walking away.

毕竟,饱受委屈的女人,特别是受高度关注的或者高学历的女性,可能都会 心高气 。这通常意味着就这样走掉。

head头 ——talking head电视受访者,出现在电视(或电影)屏幕上发表谈话的人

For over 16 years, Jon Stewart and his team at The Daily Show have criticized journalists for failing to adequately challenge the claims of politicians and talking heads .

十六年来,乔恩·斯图尔特和他的团队已在《每日秀》中批评新闻工作者未能充分挑战政客和 电视受访者 的言论。

head or tail头或者尾 ——make head or tail of sth.搞清楚某事

But my high school French classes must have been light on bureaucratese, because I couldn’t make head or tail of it .

但我高中的法语课堂肯定没有讲授太多官僚主义的内容,因为我根本没有 搞懂

heart心脏 →核心

The reason that both these statements are true goes to the very heart and purpose of the patent system.

这两种说法都是正确的,原因在于专利制度的 核心 和目的。

heart心脏 ——at heart本质上;内心里

Among the innovators are people of all ages who are single at heart .

创新者当中,有各个年龄段的人,但他们 内心里 都还是单身。

heart心脏 ——heart-rending令人心碎的

The story of recent immigration enforcement is full of heart-rending accounts of good people—fathers, veterans, small business owners—being banished as a result of small mistakes.

最近,移民执法的报道全是些父亲、退伍军人、小企业主这样的好人的 令人心碎的 经历:由于一点小错就被驱逐。

jaw下巴 ——jaw-dropping下巴快掉下来的→令人极度惊讶的,骇人听闻的,触目惊心的

One insider who has seen the report said it was pretty jaw-dropping stuff.

一位看过那份报告的内部人士说那是相当 触目惊心的

lip嘴唇 ——lip service空口的应酬话,表面文章,空头支票

Employers should also sponsor nutrition and exercise programs to help employees earn those discounts. These strategies will address obesity with more than lip service .

雇主还应该赞助营养和锻炼项目,帮助员工获得折扣优惠。这些策略将实际解决肥胖问题,而不仅仅是做 表面文章

muscle肌肉 ——muscle one’s way使劲;想尽一切办法

Muscling one’s way to the nomination isn’t a practice unique to the Bushes—in 1995, Bob Dole’s campaign told Republican governors that their disloyalty wouldn’t go unnoticed.

想尽一切办法 获得提名并不是布什家族独有的做法——1995年,鲍勃·多尔的竞选团队告诉共和党州长,他们的不忠不会就这样算了。

new blood新鲜血液 →富有朝气、充满活力的新生力量

Are some older employees blocking the way for new blood in American offices and workplaces?

在美国的办公室和职场,是否有一些年长的员工阻碍了 新生力量 的发展?

nose鼻子 ——follow one’s nose凭直觉行事

How can you, a Democrat, just follow your nose in vetoing the GOP budget? You have to justify your option.

你,一个民主党议员,怎么能够在否决共和党提出的预算案方面只 凭直觉行事 呢?你应该证明你的选择。

skin皮肤 ——have skin in the game参与其中,成为其中的一部分

Congress should change the law so that colleges and universities have skin in the game when they include loans in the financial aid “packages” that hundreds of thousands of college students are receiving as we speak.

国会应该修改法律,这样各个大学就会 参与其中 ;如果贷款也算在一揽子经济援助计划里,那么,成千上万的大学生在我们宣传的时候就获得了该项援助。

skin皮肤 ——thin-skinned皮薄的→脸皮薄的;敏感的

I’m not thin-skinned . In some instances, harassing messages are almost easy to dismiss, the users easy to block.

我不是 脸皮薄 。某些情况下,对骚扰信息不予理会几乎轻而易举,用户也很容易被屏蔽。

stomach胃 →吃下;忍受

Conservationists could never stomach the cruelty involved in the wounding of animals.

动物保护主义者无法 忍受 伤害动物的残暴行为。

thumb拇指 ——rule of thumb经验法则

Dona Matthews, an expert on gifted education, has a good rule of thumb : Don’t test your child for “giftedness” if he is happy and engaged at school and is interested in learning.

天才教育家多纳·马修斯有一条很好的 经验法则 :如果你的孩子很快乐,在校学习,并且对学习感兴趣,不要测试他的“天赋”。

thumb拇指 ——thumbs down(thumbs-down)拇指向下→不喜欢;责备;不赞成

What most critics at newspapers and magazines produce are reviews: thumbs-up, thumbs-down consumer advice on whether a book, movie, exhibition or whatever else is worth the investment of time and money.

大多数批评人士在报纸和杂志上写的都是评论:对一本书、一部电影、一次展览或其他值得投入时间和金钱的东西给予好评、 差评 的消费者意见。

thumb拇指 ——thumbs up(thumbs-up)翘起拇指→表示赞许(满意、胜利)

At larger institutions, teachers often focus only on scores, which can serve as a rough numeric “ thumbs up ” or “thumbs down".

较大教育机构的教师通常只关注分数,而分数只是“ ”或者“不好”的粗略数字。

thumb拇指 ——under the thumb of受……控制

Stockholm, unlike New York City, decided 20 years ago that it didn’t want to be under the thumb of any existing communications company.

与纽约市不同,斯德哥尔摩二十年前就决定不 任何现有通信公司的 控制

toe脚趾 ——keep sb. on sb.’s toes让某人保持警觉

It has the added benefit of keeping motorists on their toes , since they don’t know what the heck the cyclist will do.

因为不知道骑车的人到底会怎样,所以 让司机保持警觉 会有额外的好处。

tongue舌头 ——a slip of the tongue口误;失言

It is now apparent that his statement was a slip of the tongue . But it has led to enormous loss for the company and he will have to resign from his post.

现在看来,很明显他的说法是 口误 。但是,已经给公司造成了重大损失,他不得不辞职。

tongue舌头 ——bite one’s tongue闭嘴

Bite your tongue . Bide your time.

不要嚼舌根 。等待时机。

tooth牙齿 ——real tooth真牙→确实可行的措施

We can adopt civilian review boards with real teeth and encourage a culture in which police respect the citizens they serve.

我们可以采用 可行的措施 进行民事审查,并鼓励警察尊重公民这样的一种文化氛围。

tooth and nail牙齿和指甲 →竭尽全力地,拼命地

The industry has fought such regulation tooth and nail .

该行业已经 竭尽全力地 与此类规定抗争。

underbelly下腹部 →易受攻击的部位、区域,薄弱环节

Disclosure may be valuable, in that it increases the collective knowledge about cyberattacks and may create additional incentives to do more to prevent them, but it doesn’t address the underbelly of this dilemma.

披露可能是有价值的,因为它加强了对网络攻击的集体认识,并可能产生额外的激励措施,以进一步阻止网络攻击,但它并没有消除该困境的 薄弱环节

visceral内脏的 →出自本能的;发自肺腑的

However, for courageous artists to continue their work when threats are visceral and clear they deserve three things: (1) equally courageous publishers; (2) national security leadership that is willing to proactively and rigorously engage jihadists who endanger the very essence of society; and (3) a public that emphatically demonstrates violence is an unacceptable response to the voicing of differing opinions and the exercise of democratic values will not be discarded in response to fear.

然而,对于勇敢的艺术家来说,面临明显的、 震撼心灵的 威胁时,如果要继续搞艺术,那么,他们应该得到以下三方面的支持:(1)同样勇敢的出版商;(2)国家安全领导方面愿意积极主动地与危害社会本质的圣战分子交战;(3)民众,这样的民众强调对不同意见者施暴的行为是不可接受的,不会因为恐惧而放弃民主价值观的行使。

weight体重 →看重;关注

These interventions—easy to implement and essentially free—help to keep politicians honest and have an added benefit: they encourage viewers to pay attention not to surface features but to deeper content, helping us to remember to weight substance over style.

这些干预措施——易于实施,而且基本上是免费的——有助于保证政治家的诚实,另外还有一个额外的好处:鼓励观众要关注的不是表面的东西,而是更深层次的内容,有助于我们牢记实质 重于 形式。

whisker胡须 ——by a whisker差一点点

It’s rarely recalled, but John McCain actually led Barack Obama by a whisker in Gallup’s daily tracking at the beginning of June 2008, 46 percent to 45 percent.

很少有人记得,但在盖洛普每日跟踪调查中显示:约翰·麦凯恩于2008年6月初,以46%比45%的 微弱 优势领先巴拉克·奥巴马。

womb子宫 ——between womb and tomb子宫和坟墓之间→生与死之间

It has dramatized and informed us with metaphors and figures of feeling and thought, mysteries and politics, birth and death, and all the occasions we experience between womb and tomb .

它把情感与思想、神秘与政治、生与死以及我们 在生与死之间 的所有经历都加以戏剧化,并用一些修辞手法让我们了解。 8K/4jbw6fdA56gecHLiMYR8u10xQK2Y2Uwtf5WCsuVa8u+cUscwZEla7t5V+xvz8
