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Plot Plan

6.1 General Requirements

6.1.1 The facilities within station sites should be arranged in classified functional zones.The layout within stations and inter-zone layout shall fit for process flow.Onsite and offsite process flow directions shall be proper for easy operation management and maintenance.

6.1.2 The functional zones of the stations and main buildings(structures)within each zone should be arranged as specified in Table 6.1.2.The buildings(structures)with similar nature,function and close relationship should be properly shared,provided that operation,safety and fire protection requirements are met.

Table 6.1.2 Functional zones at station sites and main buildings/structures


6.1.3 For the projects not clearly defined for construction by phases,land should be reserved in general layout to construct new facilities or expand current process capacity in the future,while for the projects clearly defined for construction and operation by phases,they shall be planned in general layout and constructed by phases.

6.1.4 Plot plan shall comply with the following requirements:

a)Plot plan shall be designed through techno-economic comparison according to process features,fire hazard classification,functional requirements,and other conditions such as landform and wind direction;

b)Buildings should be provided with good natural lighting and ventilation conditions based upon local meteorological data;

c)The places and facilities that may release flammable gas shall be arranged at the upwind side of wind direction with minimum frequency throughout the year in the populated areas or the locations with open flame or spark;

d)ClassⅠand classⅡliquid tanks should be arranged in low-lying areas at station sites.If restrained by landform or required by process,they may be arranged in high-lying areas,provided that effective measures are provided to prevent the leaked liquid from free flowing and dispersing.

e)ClassⅠand ClassⅡliquid tanks(tank groups)should not be arranged close to flood trenches.

6.1.5 Boiler,transformer and distribution rooms of 35kV and above,heater,and water jacket heaters with open flame or sparks should be arranged at the edge of the stations or oil/gas process areas.

6.1.6 Air separation equipment shall be arranged in the area with clean air and located at the leeward side of wind direction with minimum frequency through the year in the places where oil vapor and/or dust is emitted.

6.1.7 Proper and compact design shall be used for station plot plan to save land.For calculations of land occupations and land use coefficient of the stations,see Appendix C for detail.

6.1.8 The maintenance center or team established for the stations shall be located in an independent area,and should be provided with independent access.

6.2 Fire Separation Distance

6.2.1 Unless otherwise specified,the fire separation distance in plot plan for GradeⅠ~Ⅳstations shall not be less than that specified in Table 6.2.1.

6.2.2 The fire separation distance in the plot plan for GradeⅤstations shall not be less than that specified in Table 6.2.2.

6.2.3 The fire separation distance between vent flare and station shall be determined according to the calculation of radiation heat;in addition,the elevated flare that may carry flammable liquid shall also meet the requirements of Table 6.2.1.

6.2.4 The fire separation distance between vent pipe and station shall not be less than 10m if the vent flowrate is equal to or less than 1.2×10 4 m 3 /h;and shall not be less than 40m if the vent flowrate is greater than 1.2×10 4 m 3 /h and equal to or less than 4.0×10 4 m 3 /h.

6.2.5 The operator lobby in GradeⅤstation(including dormitory,kitchen and dining hall)shall be located no less than 30m away from ClassⅠandⅡoil tanks and no less than 22.5m away from ClassⅠandⅡprocess equipment,vessels,buildings and loading/unloading facilities.When the wall of operator lobby,facing towards ClassⅠandⅡprocess equipment,vessels,buildings and loading/unloading facilities,is a firewall with fire resistance rating not less than Class 2,the fire separation distance may be reduced(except tanks),but it shall not be less than 15m,and the lobby shall be designed to allow for safe evacuation of personnel in case of emergency.

6.2.6 The fire separation distance from the outlet of natural gas vent pipe to the location with open flame or sparks and to non-explosion proof buildings shall not be less than 25m and 12m respectively.

6.3 Layout of Process Facilities

6.3.1 Process facilities should be arranged at the upwind side of wind direction of minimum frequency throughout the year to the populated area and the locations with open flame or spark,and the tank farm should be arranged at the upwind side of wind direction with minimum frequency throughout the year in the station.

6.3.2 The control rooms in GradeⅠ~Ⅲstations should not be located close to the operating area of main oil/gas process equipment.

Table6.2.1 Fire Separation distance in general layout for gradeⅠ~Ⅳstations  (unit:m)


Table6.2.1(continued )


Notes:1 Plant-wide critical facilities include station control room,office,fire pump house,firefighting materials room,substation with rated voltage of35kV and above,power generation room,laboratory,main computer room,air compressor station and air separation equipment.
2 Auxiliary buildings and auxiliary facilities include maintenance room,cabinet,tool room,water supply pump house,deep well pump house,flood drainage pump house,instrument control room,emergency power generation facilities,cathodic protection room,circulating cooling water pump house,water supply treatment and wastewater treatment buildings and facilities where non-explosion proof electrical equipment is used.
3 The numerator in the table represents the fire separation distance for ClassⅠ A buildings,while the denominator represents that for ClassⅠ B ,ClassⅡbuildings and enclosed process equipment.
4 “—”in the table indicates that the fire separation distance between buildings or equipment shall conform to the current national standard the Code for Deign of Buildings.
a Fire separation distance between two Class Ⅲ liquid process equipment areas may be reduced by 25% of that for ClassⅠ and Ⅱprocess equipment areas.
b Fire separation distance of slop pump house(or pump houses)may be reduced by 25%of that for Class Ⅰ and Ⅱ buildings and enclosed process equipment.
c No specific requirements are specified for the fire separation distance between buffer tank and its pump,below-ground tank and its pump,oil removal basin and its slop lifting pump,compressor and its directly related equipment,and the pump and seal oil leak collection vessel.
d The total capacity of natural gas tanks is calculated in normal volume.If it is larger than 50000m 3 ,the fire separation distance shall be increased by 25% of the value in this table.
e The fire separation distance between the elevated flare that may carry flammable liquid and other facilities shall not be reduced.

Table6.2.2 Fire Separation Distance in General layout for Grade Ⅴ Station  (unit:m)


Notes:1 Auxiliary buildings include generator house,and the buildings and facilities where non-explosion proof electrical devices are used,such as onsitemaintenanceroom,shiftroom,cabinetroom,laboratory,tool room,water supply pump house,instrument room,storage room,air compressor room,cooling water pump house,air cooler buildings,wastewater pump house,etc.
2 “—”in the table indicates that the fire separation distance between facilities shall conform to the current national standard the Code for Design of Builings.
a No specific requirements are specified for the fire separation distance between buffer tank and its pump,below-ground tank and its pump,oil removal basin and its slop lifting pump,compressor and its directly related equipment,and the pump and seal oil leak collection vessel.
b The plant-wide critical facilities such as substations with rated voltage of 35kV and above shall be as specified in Table 6.2.1 in this specification.
c Fire separation distance for the heating equipment consisting of heater and separator with direct flame shall bedetermined as for water jacke the ates.

6.3.3 In the same building,the station control room shall not be arranged adjacent to high voltage distribution room,air compressor room and laboratory.

6.3.4 Process equipment which should be arranged in shelter or in the open air may be arranged inside building when restrained by process or natural conditions.

6.3.5 Layout of process facilities shall comply with the following requirements:

a)The process equipment area should be arranged close to the edge of station to facilitate the running of inlet/outlet pipelines to ensure a smooth process flow;

b)Pump house(shed)and compressor shall be arranged according to process flow,and should be arranged close to the power source;

c)The locations with open flame or sparks such as heater and water jacket heaters should be arranged at the edge of the station or oil/gas process areas,and shall be located at the leeward side of wind direction with minimum frequency throughout the year to the equipment,vessel and tank farm areas emitting oil vapor;

d)The spacing between equipment within process equipment area shall meet the installation,operation and maintenance requirements of process equipment.

6.3.6 The pipeline block valves(ESD valves)in the trunk lines to and from the station shall be located away from its process equipment area and the spacing between them should not be less than 8m so as to keep readily accessible for operation in case of emergency.

6.3.7 When an oil pump house is adjacent to its associated transformer and distribution room or control room,the doors and windows of the transformer and distribution room or control room shall be located outside the explosion hazard area.

6.3.8 The pressure relief reinjection pump or rundown pump should be arranged in shed or in the open air,and shall be arranged outside the fire dike of tank farm.

6.3.9 Loading/unloading facilities for fuel oil,slop oil,oily wastewater,mixed oil and natural gas condensate shall be arranged at the edge of station and at the upwind side of wind direction with minimum frequency throughout the year in the locations with open flame or sparks.

6.3.10 Plot plan for tank farm shall comply with Code for fire protection design of petroleum and natural gas engineering GB 50183.

6.3.11 The piping to/from process areas and auxiliary areas should be oriented in coordination with the station-wide piping system.The length of the piping should be minimized,provided that the process flow requirements are met.

6.3.12 The layout from heater or boiler to its oil supply facility shall comply with the following requirements:

a)Fuel oil pump and inlet and outlet valves of heated oil shall not be installed in the heater room;

b)Fuel oil pump shall not be arranged in the room where heater or boiler is installed.Firewall shall be provided when fuel oil pump is adjacent to heater or boiler;

c)Fuel oil tank should be the horizontal tank with capacity not larger than 30m 3

d)When a fuel oil tank has a total capacity not greater than 20m 3 ,the fire separation distance between the tank and the heater shall not be less than 8m,when the total capacity is higher than 20m 3 and not higher than 30m 3 ,the fire separation capacity shall not be less than 15m,and when the total capacity is greater than 30m 3 ,the fire separation distance shall be determined according to Table 6.2.1 in this Specification;

e)No specific requirements are specified for the spacing between fuel oil tank and fuel oil pump.

6.3.13 No specific requirements are specified for the fire separation distance from the heater to its associated fuel gas knock-out drum and fuel gas heater.If the fuel gas knockout drum is designed with open drain,the fire separation distance between the drain and the heater shall not be less than 15m.

6.3.14 The pig receiver and launcher should be arranged in the same area,and shall be located at the edge of station and at the upwind side of wind direction with minimum frequency throughout the year in the station.

6.3.15 When the metering devices need be calibrated using calibration vehicle,parking space shall be provided for the calibration vehicle's access,and shall not occupy the fire access.

6.3.16 The fire separation distance between oil mixing equipment area and other areas shall comply with Table 6.2.1 and Table 6.2.2.And oil mixing equipment area shall be arranged at the edge of station and at the upwind side of annual minimum frequent wind direction to the locations with open flame or sparks.

6.3.17 The quick-open blinds of pig receiver and launcher for natural gas pipeline shall not face directly towards the buildings or structures with spacing less than or equal to 60m.Proper safety provisions shall be made if this requirement is not satisfied due to restrained space.

6.3.18 Natural gas condensate tanks shall be arranged at the edge of station,away from populated areas or the locations with open flame,and shall be located at the upwind side of wind direction with minimum frequency throughout the year in such areas or locations

6.3.19 Natural gas condensate tanks shall not be arranged together with atmospheric oil tanks.

6.4 Layout of Auxiliary Facilities

6.4.1 Substation shall be located at the edge of station for easy running of power supply cables connected to/from the station,and arranged close to load centers;shall be sited away from the locations giving off water vapor,steam,dust or corrosive gas,and should be arranged at the leeward side of wind direction with minimum frequency throughout the year in the areas of process facilities emitting oil vapors.

6.4.2 The open-air substation equipment with rated voltage of 10kV and above shall be set independently.

6.4.3 The fire pump houses should be located at the leeward side of wind direction with minimum frequency throughout the year in oil tank farm,should have its ground elevation designed higher than that of oil tank farm,and shall be sited away from the locations that may be exposed to the leaked oil in case of rupture of oil tank.

6.4.4 Fire water pump house should share one building with the fire foam pump house and the potable or process water pump house.

6.4.5 The process water and portable water supply facilities should share one building.

6.4.6 The control oil separation and filtration facilities for oily wastewater treatment should be arranged in a centralized area according to general layout and landform conditions.

6.4.7 Thermal power facilities and boiler should be close to load centers,and should be arranged at the edge of station and at the leeward side of wind direction with minimum frequency throughout the year to the areas of process facilities emitting oil vapors.

6.4.8 Plant-wide power generation facilities should be arranged close to main substation,and independent power generation facilities should be arranged close to load centers.

6.4.9 Air compressor room shall not be built adjacent to rooms with ClassⅠandⅡprocess fluids.

6.4.10 The communication microwave tower shall be arranged close to microwave equipment room and located away from interference sources such as substation,generator house,compressor room and oil transfer pump house,etc.

6.4.11 When laboratory is provided independently,it shall be arranged away from populated areas and other plant-wide critical facilities,and shall be located at the upwind side of wind direction with minimum frequency throughout the year to the areas and facilities mentioned above.

6.5 Layout of Pressure Relief and Vent Facilities

6.5.1 The vent pipe or flare,blowdown basin(tank)outside the station fencing should be located at the upward side of wind direction with minimum frequency throughout the year in the station area,towns,adjacent industrial plants and residential area,and the vent pipe or flare should be arranged at high-lying area.

6.5.2 The vent pipe or flare,blowdown basin(tank)inside the station shall be arranged away from populated areas and plant-wide critical facilities,and should be arranged at the upward side of wind direction with minimum frequency throughout the year in the area of vent pipe or flare.

6.5.3 No flammable gas shall be vented within 30m from flare stack.

6.5.4 The top of flammable gas vent stack or vent pipe for continuous vent shall be more than 2.0m higher than the top of platforms or buildings within an extent of 20m to the flammable gas vent stack or vent pipe.The top of platforms or buildings beyond 20m shall satisfy the requirements in Fig.6.5.4 and be more than 5m higher than the ground.


Figure 6.5.4 Minimum allowable height of the top of combustible gas vent stack or vent pipe

6.5.5 The flammable gas vent stack or vent for intermittent emission shall be more than 2.0m higher than the top of platforms or buildings within an extent in 2.0m to the flammable gas vent stack or vent pipe.The top of platforms or buildings beyond 10m shall meet the requirements in Fig.6.5.4 and be 5m higher than the ground.

6.5.6 The blowdown basin(tank)and emergency vent basin shall be arranged at the edge of station,and located away from populated areas and the locations with open flame,and shall be arranged at the upward side of wind direction with minimum frequency throughout the year to the areas mentioned above.

6.5.7 The blowdown basin(tank)and emergency vent basin should not be arranged close to drainage ditches,and blowdown tank shall be arranged separately.

6.5.8 Fencing(railing)with height not lower than 1.5m shall be provided around the blowdown basin(tank)and emergency vent basin.

6.5.9 The vent area outside station should be enclosed with fencing(railing)with height not lower than 2.2m,and provided with safety gate for emergency evacuation and roads for convenient transportation.

6.6 Layout of Administration Area

6.6.1 The administration zone shall be arranged properly according to the capacity,nature and function of the station,and shall be provided with necessary operation management and associated facilities for the operation people.

6.6.2 Administration zone should be arranged as an independent area and located away from process zones.

6.6.3 Administration zone shall be close to main personnel access of station with convenient access to outside roads.

6.6.4 Administration zone should be located at the leeward side of wind direction with minimum frequency throughout the year in the station site,and shall be arranged in the area with clean environment.

6.6.5 Administration zone should be provided with proper landscaping facilities,and well coordinate with the buildings,roads and landscaping area.

6.6.6 Administration zone should be provided with parking lot and spaces for activities.

6.6.7 Guard rooms should be provided at main access of administration zone.

6.7 Layout of Roads,Fencing,and Accesses

6.7.1 GradeⅠ~Ⅲstations shall be provided with minimum two accesses leading to the outside roads and the accesses should be located in different directions.If this requirement is restrained by the surrounding environment,the spacing between the two accesses should not be less than 50m.

6.7.2 The layout of fire engine access within station shall meet the following requirements:

a)The tank farm of a pipeline station should be provided with circular fire engine access.For GradeⅠ,Ⅱ,andⅢoil/gas stations restricted by landform,or for oil tank group of GradeⅣandⅤoil/gas stations,the dead-end fire engine access with turnaround may be provided,and the area of turnaround shall be determined by the types of local fire engines,but should not be less than 15m×15m;

b)The spacing from the fire engine access in the tank group to the outside foot line of fire dike shall not be less than 3m.The distance from center of a tank to the nearest fire engine access shall not be greater than 80m.If no fire engine access is provided between fire dikes for two groups of oil tanks,a clear flat land with clear width not less than 7m shall be provided for separation purpose.

c)Distance from the buildings for ClassⅠandⅡliquids and enclosed oil/gas process equipment to fire engine access should not be less than 5m;

d)The headroom clearance of fire engine access shall not be less than 5m,the fire engine access in GradeⅠ~Ⅲoil/gas stations shall have an inner turning radius not less than 12m,and should have a longitudinal slope not larger than 8%.

6.7.3 The width of fire engine access in GradeⅠstations shall not be less than 6m.If the fire engine access in GradeⅡ/Ⅲstations is designed with one lane,passing bays shall be provided for vehicles driving in opposite direction.

6.7.4 If surface of road exceeds that of ground by 2.5m,and process equipment or combustible gas and liquid tanks and piping are installed within 15m from the edge of the road,protective facilities such as fender piers and stub walls shall be provided along the edge of this road section.

6.7.5 The roads within station shall be arranged to coordinate with the vertical design and piping arrangement,and properly connected to offsite roads.Onsite vehicle accesses for operation,maintenance and fire fighting purposes shall be provided,but unnecessary roads shall be minimized.Sidewalks and vehicle accesses shall be well designed.

6.7.6 Crossing of roads within station should be at right angle,and if oblique crossing is needed,the crossing angle shall not be less than 45°.

6.7.7 Urban roads should be constructed within station,and the curb stones of the roads should be 80mm~120mm higher than the road surface.

6.7.8 The road pavement shall be determined according to the requirements for process operation,and high-grade and sub-high-grade road pavement shall be adopted.

6.7.9 The width of sidewalk should be 1m~2m.The distance from the edge of sidewalk to the external wall of the building with fugitive rainwater drainage on roof shall not be less than 1.5m,and the distance from the edge of the road to the external wall of building with structured rainwater drainage on roof shall be decided based on specific conditions,but should not be less than 1m.

6.7.10 The longitudinal slope of road shall not be less than 0.3% and not greater than 8%.If the longitudinal slope of sidewalk is greater than 6%,local steps shall be provided.The longitudinal slope of outdoor ground shall not be less than 0.3%,not greater than 10%,and preferably 0.5%~1%.

6.7.11 The clearance from the edge of the road to adjacent buildings(structures)shall comply with requirements specified in Table 6.7.11.

Table 6.7.11 Distance from edge of road to adjacent buildings(structures)(unit:m)


6.7.12 The distance from ClassⅠandⅡequipment,vessels and process buildings(structures)to the fencing(railing)shall not be less than 5m.

6.7.13 Stations shall be provided with fencing.In the area with special environment and landforms,fencing may be properly designed on specific cases for site security and convenient management of stations.

6.7.14 The height of fencing(railing)shall be calculated from offsite natural ground;the fencing(railing)shall be constructed by non-combustible materials,and shall not be lower than 2.2m.

6.7.15 The process area and administration area should be segregated by fencing(railing)or hedgerow.

6.7.16 The external fencing of substations with rated voltage of 35kV and above shall give consideration to the fencing of pipeline station fencing.Fencing with height not lower than 1.5m shall be provided for segregation from other areas.

6.7.17 Exits for emergency evacuation should be provided at proper locations of external fencing(railing)that is far from main entrance of the station but near to process area,such emergency exits may be normally closed,but they shall be quickly opened from the inside of the station.The area outside of the fencing(railing)exit shall facilitate quick evacuation,and shall be free of any obstacles,steep ridges that affect evacuation. s+Qln7YhB4X2VsgwWzaQt4gXuM4RmaCdkI7ywmwesIHjLcthM4ZgH/mrpZsB5u9d
