


2.0.1 general warehouse

Various warehouses for services of plant-wide production,operation and maintenance and for storage of bulk raw(fuel)materials,semi-finished products and finished products.

2.0.2 general laydown area

Various laydown areas for services of plant-wide production,operation and maintenance,and open areas for storage of bulk raw(fuel)materials,semi-finished products and finished products.

2.0.3 warehouse area

An area containing warehouses,laydown areas,auxiliary production facilities,administrative facilities or auxiliary rooms/buildings(including toilets and bathrooms),or a combination of the above.

2.0.4 barreled material warehouse

Material warehouse storing barreled materials with external packing in steel,wooden,plastic or other rigid materials.

2.0.5 bagged material warehouse

Material warehouse storing materials with external packing in plastic film,Kraft paper or composite material(flexible material)。

2.0.6 hazardous substance warehouse

In petrochemical enterprise,warehouse for storing flammable,explosive,toxic,corrosive,combustionsupporting or radioactive substances(except bulk raw material/fuel,semi-finished products and finished products,material)must be established separately.

2.0.7 chemicals warehouse

In petrochemical enterprise,warehouse for chemical reagents,catalysts and additives other than hazardous substances(except bulk raw material/fuel,semi-finished products and finished products)shall be established separately.

2.0.8 pressure relief area

An area used to immediately release the air pressure in the warehouse when it increases abruptly at explosion of any hazardous substance stored in the warehouse.

2.0.9 palletizing

Stacking barreled and bagged materials by manual or mechanical means on the pallets or grids in certain pattern for unitization.

2.0.10 drive-in rack

Continuous and fully assembled rack not intersected by aisle,also called drive-through rack.

2.0.11 prevailing wind direction

Wind direction frequently observed in a given area.

2.0.12 minimum frequency wind direction

Wind direction with minimum frequency in a given area. bp+vkUek771/A0fyMWgtdFEd87ccpWWS7EBcVVyNvPCEsBzQo+CYjSk4YiswToAZ
