
Text Basic Computer Hardware Components


The keyboard is easy.We all know what a keyboard is,right?It’s the thing that looks like part of a typewriter.Oh,maybe you’ve never seen a typewriter?OK,it looks like a cellular phone,except it’s bigger and has more buttons.Seriously,the key-board is the part with the letters and numbers,where you put your hands and type.On most traditional computers,it is a sep-arate device,connected by a cord,but it may be attached to or built into one of the other parts,particularly in a laptop comput-er.


The monitor is the part that looks a lot like a TV set.You look at it and see pictures and words.When you type things on the keyboard,the letters and numbers show up on the monitor,or at least you hope they will.The monitor is also called the Display Monitor,or just the Display,or sometimes the Video Display,or maybe just the Screen.The important thing to know about the monitor is that it is not really thecomputer,it’s just the part that makes pictures for you to see.It is pretty common for technical support people to find out,after about half an hour on the phone,that the ordinary human being is turning the monitor on and off instead of the computer,and that’s why none of their instructions have had any effect.1 Don’t let that happen to you.

3.Computer or CPU Box

The CPU Box is the part that,well,looks like a box.CPU Box is not really a good name for it,but it will have to do until somebody comes up with a name everybody can agree on.CPU stands for Central Processing Unit,and technical people refer to the box part as the CPU Box because that’swhere the CPU is,and that’s where the real work gets done.Because that’s where the computingis really done,the CPU component alone can be called the computer.You might hear people say,“not the screen,but the actual computer”when referring to the CPU Box.Some people refer to it as the hard drive,since the hard drive is in there too,but that is confusing.2The hard drive is inside the CPU Box all right,but you’will drive technical people bonkers if you call the box a hard drive,because they just don’t think that way.3 Of course it’s not logical to say that CPU is an OK name but hard drive isn’t,but remember that technical people aren’t normal and humorthem.A box is a box,but not if it’s a CPU Box.

CPU Boxes come in two special types,called Desktop and Tower.The Desktop kind is designed to lie down flat,even though you can stand it on its side if you want to.In a desktop CPU Box,you will normally find that the openings for the CD and Floppy disk drives are horizontal when the CPU Box is lying down flat.A lot of people don’t keep their CPU Box lying flat on top of their desk any more,but the name has persisted.A Tower CPU Box is designed to stand up tall,so it will be easier to knock it over.Well,no,it’s really supposed to stand under your desk and not take up too much floor space.In a Tower CPU Box,you will usually find that the openings for the CD and Floppy disk drives are horizontal when the CPU Box is standing up on what you might think was its side.Another clue is the writing on the box.Usually,the computer manufacturers will put the brand name and may-be the model number somewhere on the outside,usually on the part they think of as the front,and the words will be right side up when the CPU Box is standing or lying the way they had in mind when they designed it.4This seems pretty complicated,and you’re probably wondering why anybody cares.Un-fortunately,sometimes it does matter.The parts inside the CPU Box are often different,depending on whether it was designed as a Desktop or a Tower.If you can identify which kind it is when you need help,a technical person may be able to resolve your problem more easily.


The mouse is an accessory.It’s almost impossible to use a modern computer without one.Besidesthat,a good mouse can cost almost as much asa good keyboard.In some ways,the mouse is almost as complicated as the keyboard,too.Calling the mouse an accessory is just one of those goofy things technical people do,and it’s best not to dis-turb their delicate sensibilities.

5.External Drives

Another kind of accessory is an external drive.This is becoming more rare,as the computer manufacturers are building specialized drives,such as CD drives,into the computer’s CPU Box and you don’t have to attach them with lots of wires and extra plugs.

6.External Modem

Unless you have a really old computer,the modem is almost certain to be built in,inside the CPU Box,although technical people persist in thinking of it as an accessory.5 However,in the old days,modems really were exotic accessories that had to be attached through lots of wires and plugs.


Printers are still accessories,for now at least.They perform a process,transferring informationonto paper,which is truly external to the other functions of the comput-er.On a home computer,the printer is usually wired directly to the computer,but it is common to find printers in businesses where the printer is off away from the computer and performing printing operations for several computers,rather than just one.

New Words


build into 使……成为组成部分

show up 露出,露面

find out 找出,发现,认识到,想出

instead of 代替,而不是……

come up with 赶上,提出,拿出

agree on… 对……达成协议,对……取得一致意见

stand for 代表,代替,象征,支持

refer to 提到,谈到,打听

refer to…as 称……为

hard drive 硬盘,硬盘驱动器

lie down 躺下

floppy disk 软盘

stand up 竖立,站起来

depend on 依靠,依赖

as much as 差不多

home computer 家用计算机

away from 远离


CPU(Central Processing Unit) 中央处理器

CD(Compact Disc) 光盘

modem(modulator-demodulator) 调制解调器


[1]It is pretty common for technical support people to find out,after about half an hour on the phone,that the ordinary human being is turning the monitor on and off instead of the computer,and that’s why none of their instructions have had any effect.

本句中,It是形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式短语to find out,after about half an hour on the phone做时间状语,that the ordinary human being is turning the monitor on and off instead of the computer是一个宾语从句,做不定式短语to find out的宾语。why none of their instructions have had any effect是一个表语从句,与is一起构成系表结构,做that的谓语。

[2]Some people refer to it as the hard drive,since the hard drive is in there too,but that is confusing.

本句中,refer to…as的意思是“把……称为”;since the hard drive is in there too是一个原因状语从句;it指前面提到的CPU Box,that指Some people refer to it as the hard drive。

[3]The hard drive is inside the CPU Box all right,but you will drive technical people bonkers if you call the box a hard drive,because they just don’t think that way.

本句中,if you call the box a hard drive是一个条件状语从句,because they just don’t think that way是一个原因状语从句,它们都修饰谓语will drive technical people bonkers。

all right的意思是“确实”;drive sb.+adj.的意思是“使某人……”,如:

The news that his favorite team lost the game drove him mad.

[4]Usually,the computer manufacturer will put the brand name and maybe the model number somewhere on the outside,usually on the part they think of as the front,and the words will be right side up when the CPU Box is standing or lying the way they had in mind when they designed it.

本句中,they think of as the front是一个定语从句,修饰和限定the part,在该从句中,think of…as的意思是“认为……是”,如:

We all think of this company as the biggest one in this field in the world.

when the CPU Box is standing or lying the way they had in mind when they designed it是一个条件状语从句,the way they had in mind是一个方式状语,they had in mind是一个定语从句,修饰和限定the way,when they designed it是一个时间状语从句。

[5]Unless you have a really old computer,the modem is almost certain to be built in,inside the CPU Box,although technical people persist in thinking of it as an accessory.

本句中,Unless you have a really old computer是一个条件状语从句,unless的意思是“除非”,等于“if…not”,如:

I shall go there tomorrow unless I’m too busy.如果我不太忙,明天将到那儿去。

本句中,although technical people persist in thinking of it as an accessory是一个让步状语从句。


Although it was so cold,he went out without an overcoat.天气虽然很冷,但他没有穿大衣就出去了。 elZ87DU8RU4THErONX1OSQ093IHDXGZ5Op3B+X5XL8/m+BGeHr5Jkq0MqxRLHeqR
