
四 中国人的新权利话语与社会主义政治



我国改革开放释放出这些价值,是社会发展的体现;但并没有进行很好的整合,也是社会混乱的体现。它们都是影响我们当下中国人生活的重要观念,都是各自担纲者认为非常重要利益的观念表达、所持有的关于未来的想象。我们中国人未来的新价值原则上是在这些多元价值之间进行讨论产生的,是对这些价值进行重构的结果,也不需要另外建构。新价值事关全体中国人的命运,全体中国人对自己、社会、国家和世界的认同与担当。所以,必须且只能由我们全体中国人自己讨论产生。我们一方面要在宪法规定的平等主体的权利这一基本前提下,对现有的各种价值进行讨论和反思;另一方面也要对这些权利进行讨论和反思,探讨它们在特定历史条件下的意义。这个讨论过程的结果,即我们所有中国人对善的新共识,就是新价值。 新价值由于是所有中国人讨论的结果,所以不能事先规定它的具体内容是什么。但对它的性质作一些否定性的预先规定还是可行的,也是必要的,即新价值不能完全否弃我国的历史传统,不能偏离社会主义,不能背离中国人的尊严。这个新价值是关系性的、可变的、非决定论的、非本质主义的以及开放的。



From Interest to Identity:On the Dialectical Political Logic of the Discourse of Rights in Contemporary China

Zou Yimin

Abstract: Since the reform and openness in our country,the discourse of rights negates the politics of struggle between classes from two levels,namely the levels of method and substance,and at the same time pursues the politics of interests by way of the technical instrument of law. While the depoliticization of politicization of the discourse of rights has achieved a great deal,it brings about the contradictions of our whole society. To overcome these contradictions and prompt the further development of all kinds of socialist enterprises including the rule of law as a whole,it is necessary to repoliticize the politicization of the discourse of rights,that is,to introduce the politics of identity on the basis of values. Then we make a new kind of political identity grounded in the new kind of value which takes shape in the course of recontesting rights,and finally integrate our whole society politically.

Keywords: the Discourse of Rights;the Politics of Struggle between Classes;the Politics of Interest;the Politics of Identity;Value

[1] Stuart A.Scheingold, The Politics of Rights:Lawyers,Public Policy,and Political Change ,2nd,Ann Arbor:The University of Michigan Press,2004,p.13.

[2] 参见Randall P.Peerenboom,“Rights,Interests,and the Interest in Rights in China”,31 Stanford Jouranl of International Law ,pp.365-376(1995);Stephen C.Angle, Human Rights and Chinese Thought ,Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,pp.208-239。

[3] Max Weber, Economy and Society:Vol.Ⅰ ,Guenther Roth and Claus Wittch(ed.),Berkeley:University of California Press,1978,p.65.

[4] 参见Jeremy Adelman(eds.), The Essential Hirschman ,Princeton and Oxford:Princeton University Press,2013,p.197。

[5] Jeremy Adelman(eds.), The Essential Hirschman ,Princeton and Oxford:Princeton University Press,2013,p.197.

[6] Jürgen Habermas,“Was bedeutet der Denkmalsturz?” Frankfurter Allgemeinen Zeitung vom 17,April 2003.

[7] 参见Barry Bozeman, Public Values and Public Interest:Counterbalancing Economic Individualism ,Washington,D.C.:Georgetown University Press,2007,p.4。

[8] Christian Krell &Tobias Mörschel,“Werte und Politik:eine Verhältnisbestimmung”,in Christian Krell &Tobias Mörschel(Hrsg.), Werte und Politik ,Springer:Springer Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften,2015,S.12.

[9] Hans Joas, The Genesis of Values ,trans.by Gregory Moore,Chicago:University of Chicago Press,2000,p.14.

[10] Hans Joas, The Genesis of Values ,trans.by Gregory Moore,Chicago:University of Chicago Press,2000,p.164.

[11] Charles Taylor, Human Agency and Language:Philosophical Papers Vol.1 ,Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1985,p.16.

[12] Michael Kenny, The Politics of Identity ,Cambridge:Polity Press,2004,p.142.

[13] Siehe Christian Krell &Tobias Mörschel,“Werte und Politik:eine Verhältnisbestimmung”,in Christian Krell &Tobias Mörschel(Hrsg.), Werte und Politik ,Springer:Springer Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften,2015,S.16. Ztks4KSH7je/lCGEvyRUbbvbIDUypqn+7jtuZVZzGnoghNjSn9J4zT7p14KVlI35
