本文通过考察权利观念的历史缘起,尤其是通过对作为它的基石的自由和理性观念的考察,以及通过与中国传统权利理念的一个比较,以期获得一种有关权利的更为恰当的看法。就现代西方的权利观念来讲,其所强调的是一种注重个人自由,注重个人权利与国家权力相对抗的权利观念。但是这种权利观念在缺乏恰当规范约束的情况下很容易被滥用,比如绝对的财产权便会造成某些不可欲的后果。因此,晚近以来,西方世界也在反思这样一种完全立足于个人主张权的权利观念(claim right),而试图用理性,亦即合乎理性(reasonable)这一标准予以约束。恰恰在这里,我们可以看到笔者在上文所勾勒出的中国式的权利观念的某种力量与智慧:在这种权利观念中,它并不强调一种对抗式的关系模式,而强调人与人之间的和谐关系,强调人与人之间的正当关系,从而在一种正当关系中界定权利以及行使权利的限度。
Chen Yuan
Abstract: Rights is a core concept of politics and law in modern Western. It is important to discuss how rights occurs in the context of ancient Greece and Roman civilization in terms of occurrence,and to deeply analyze how the concept of western rights is generated through the investigation of freedom and ration which are the cornerstone of the civilizations. Returning to the starting point of the growth of Chinese and Western cultural values,I specifically examined the internal relations of many factors. Based on it,I compared the similarities and differences of the concept of rights between Chinese traditional culture ancient Greek and Roman cultures in order to generate a more appropriate view of rights.
Keywords: Rights;Freedom;Reason;Phylogenetics Comparion
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