
致刘若愚 [1] ,1966年7月29日

Dear Professor Liu,

I have written you before that Wen-lin: Studies in the Chinese Humanities was delayed because of technical problem. Now I am happy to tell you that we have found a good printer who can print as many Chinese characters as we need and we will start to print very soon.

As a final editorial check, I reread your translation of the poems and find a few minor problems which you may like to take into consideration:

(1) Page 12, line 4; p.13, 1.16—In your changes in ink you romanize姮as Huan. This probably should be Heng?

(2) p.12, 1.9—In the poem“Frosty Moon”you translate the line“百尺楼高水接天”as“The hundred-foot tower is roofed with water that touches the sky”. Then in the passage following this you explain, “The second line, which in the original reads literally, ‘The hundred-foot tower is tall; water touches sky'evokes the picture of moonlight over the frost-covered roof of a tall tower.”It is certainly possible to describe moonlight as water such as Li's《宫中曲》:“云母滤宫月,夜夜白于水。”But in the line under discussion, because of the style of the writing, I rather doubt the“water”should be interpreted this way.“Water touches sky”(水接天,天接水or水连天)seems to be a quite common explanation in Chinese poetry. Moon, water, and tower are also often mentioned together. For instance, in a short poem“On a Full Moon”“赋得三五明月满”by Chiang Tsung江总of the Sui dynasty, there are such lines:



(Also Chang Cheng-chien张正见of the ch'en dynasty,《薄帷鉴明月》:“长河上月桂,澄彩照高楼。”[此长河或指银河])

Actually, Li Shang-yin himself seems to have the habit of linking the three images. In the“Ch'ang-o”he mentions碧海and in the“Stockings”he relates踏月with渡水,both of which you have translated. Of course he also has沧海月明. But most interesting are the examples in two other poems, both titled“Moon”月in which all the three elements are brought together. In one of the poems he writes:





In the other, he says:


While流in the first poem definitely alludes to the moonlight,水花seems still to refer to water because of the parallel云叶. Chao Ku赵嘏of the T'ang dynasty (a contemporary of Li's) has the famous lines:


Here水still stands for water. Later the Hsi-K'un poet Ch'ien Weiyen钱惟演also wrote a poem on“Frosty Moon”霜月saying:


And Fan Chung-yen's tz'u《苏幕遮》has lines very similar to Li's:


From these probably we can see how poets of the Sung interpreted Li Shang-yin. I certainly acknowledge that your interpretation is laudable. You may wish, however, to consider the other possibility or mention both interpretations. That is to say, the“water”may well refer to a river, lake or sea. Ch'u Fu屈复comments on“百尺楼高水接天”with“履高视远”.It may be acceptable.

(3) p.15, 1.11—Your translation of the first line of“只为时来早 ,开花不见春”reads, “It is only because it came too late to court”. I would prefer not to add“to court”to the line. To add it may suit the poet's personal situation more clearly, but it will not better the poem as far as its subject matter, pomegranate blossoms, is concerned. It may somewhat lose its subtlety by limitation. As a matter of fact, time(“时”)is emphasized in the line instead of a place.

(4) p.18, 1.6—You translate“蜡照半笼金翡翠”as“The candlelight half encircles the golden kingfishers”and explain (p.20, 11.7-8) that the candlelight“half encompasses the kingfishers threaded in gold on the screen”. I wonder whether金翡翠may mean a kind of lamp-shade or a screen around a candlelight. The screen may be made or decorated with kingfisher feather and gold. From a few poems of pre-T'ang times we may find some clue to the picture of a candle-screen or lamp-shade:




The above describe bed-curtains or bed coverlets, but they often relate to candlelight or lamp. The following lines are particularly on these:

夏侯湛《 灯赋》:“尔乃隐以金翳,疏以华笼。”


Also,《咏笼灯》:“动焰翠帷里,散影罗帐前。”The Line“糅紫金而为色”makes plain the meaning of金翡翠,i.e., the feather is mixed with gold in order to heighten the color. My guess, therefore, is that Li's line may mean, “The candlelight is half encircled by the screen of gold and kingfisher-feather”. I interpret笼as in the passive voice as怀in the line绿炬怀翠,in view of such description as“隐以金翳,疏以华笼”and“动焰翠帷里”.

(5) p.18, 1.8—Concerning line 7 of the same poem you mention Emperor Wu of Han and his fairy mountain P'eng (p.19, 11.4-5). It just comes to my mind that most part of the poem may show some influence from the story of the Emperor's episode with李夫人and李少翁as told in the Han Wu ku-shih and the biography of李夫人of the Han Shu .


I believe your interpretation of the poem is essentially correct; Li Shang-yin must have written from his own experience and feelings; the allusion to李夫人certainly should not be taken too literally. Actually, although李夫人was dead, to the Emperor she seemed merely to have gone away, a situation which might not be very far from what is described in Li's poem. Thus难唤may be understood as“she is far away and hardly hears my call”. As for绣芙蓉I am inclined to interpret it as帐. It of course could be衣裳,帘or被. But Pao Chao鲍照says in his poem《拟行路难》:“七彩芙蓉之羽帐。”按苏鹗《杜阳杂编》云宝历二年(826)唐敬宗得二舞女飞鸾、轻凤,因琢玉芙蓉为歌舞台,“歌舞罢,令内人藏之金屋宝帐。宫中语曰:‘宝帐香重重,一双红芙蓉!’”苏雪林 以为义山与二女有涉,确否颇成问题。且此处芙蓉必自有别。但“宝帐香重重”则似“麝熏微度”之意境。尊译甚佳,惟页20,行8—9云bed coverlet,不知有据否?或可改为bed-curtains,更为切近。上述李夫人及少翁事是否应在文中或注脚中加一句提及,似不十分重要,一听尊意裁夺。鄙意亦不过以为义山在下意识上受其所喜读作品之影响耳。

All the above are just random thoughts. I hope you feel completely free to disregard any or all of them if you choose to. I do not intend to suggest any major revision to your article which interests me very much and is well written. At any rate, I would be very glad to have your opinion as soon as possible. I'll send your article to the press in two weeks or so, before I leave for Europe and Asia next September.

My best regards.

Very sincerely yours,
Chow Tse-tsung

附 论诗小札——与刘若愚教授论李商隐“无题”诗书






刘若愚教授在其英文大作《论李商隐诗之晦涩》(Ambiguities in Li Shang-yin's Poetry)一文中更将此诗译成英文,发表于余所编《文林:中国人文科学研究》( Wen-lin: Studies in the Chinese Humanities , Madison, Wis. : University of Wisconsin Press, 1968)第一卷中。当时余有致刘先生英文函,商讨此诗意境之所据,承其探纳,见于其所著中文《李商隐诗评释》(《清华学报》,新七卷二期,一九六九年八月,页一二八)一文,及英文《李商隐诗》( The Poetry of Li Shang-yin , Chicago, Ill. : University of Chicago Press, 1969, p.63)一书。若愚先生析论李诗,精审周密,既蒙称可,用敢将拙函略事疏理,译成中文发表,期读者作进一步之探讨。




又《外戚传》中李夫人传云:“上思念李夫人不已,方士齐人少翁言:‘能致其神。’乃夜张灯烛,设帷帐,陈酒肉,而令上居他帐。(《北堂书钞》卷一三二引作‘乃设灯烛于幄帷,令帝别居他幄中’)遥望见好女,如李夫人之貌,还幄坐而步,又不得就视。上愈益相思悲感。”凡此所云“张帐明烛”,“令上居他帐中”,“夜张灯烛,设帷帐”,及“设灯烛于幄帷”,特著明“烛”与“帷”“帐”。李诗“蜡照半笼金翡翠”,有烛与帷;“麝熏微度绣芙蓉”,有帐,尤相类似。“金翡翠”一辞,人往往误认金制或金饰之翡翠鸟,实则应指蜡烛之笼帷。古人常杂紫金色于翡翠间以制灯笼烛帷,诗赋中时咏及之。楚辞《招魂》:“翡翠珠被,烂齐光些……兰膏明烛,华容备些。”庾信《灯赋》直引之云:“翡翠珠被,流苏羽帐。”则明以言灯。江淹《翡翠赋》更谓:“备宝帐之光仪,登美女之丽饰,杂白玉而成文,糅紫金而为色。”末句尤显示“金翡翠”一辞之确解。他如夏侯湛之《 灯赋》:“尔乃隐以金翳,疏以华笼。”梁简文帝萧纲之《对烛赋》:“绿炬怀翠,朱烛含丹。”及其《咏笼灯》诗:“动焰翠帷里,散影罗帐前。”皆可见当时翠帷灯烛之制。且“蜡照半笼金翡翠”之“笼”乃被动词,为“笼于”之意,与“绿炬怀翠”之“怀”相似,亦犹上文所引“设灯烛于幄帷”之谓耳。






[1] 刘若愚(1926—1986),字君智,原籍北京,文艺学家,曾任教于英国伦敦大学、香港大学、美国夏威夷大学、匹兹堡大学等。著有 The Art of Chinese Poetry (《中国诗学》,1962)、 The Chinese Knight errant (《中国之侠》,1967)、 Major Lyricists of the Northern Sung , A . D . 960—1126(《北宋六大词家》,1974)、The Interlingual Critic: Interpreting Chinese Poetry(《中国古诗评析》,1982)等。 3+PmqCYeUN+4m1LHIcGBO8T4rgkY+KWc3C8incWsDwKvxuG1IFOBUeChGlmiDShG
