
致杨联陞 [2] ,1964年


谢谢你的信,拙作《四声杂咏》 第四章“听凭”二字拟改为“从容”;第八章“一场把戏”拟改为“开门喜气”;第十章“中原板荡”或可改为“心神爽畅”。弟原作本拟以反语略带讽刺,但改动后也许更通顺。如何之处,请再改。

大作《三宇经》已拜读,有些句子很流利,有些如“渝盂腴”“隅榆喻”等则似嫌太晦。弟意“鹬蜮龉”句最好能与“渔”字相连,如“渔隅喻”之类 [3] 。或另作。至于“渔余鱼”固甚好,惟若作“圩(捍水之岸)(或屿)余鱼”则似可更加强“域遇雨”之意境也。又“妤毓育”,毓育义同,颇鲜连用,可否易作“谕育”?



附一 杨联陞《三宇经》(初稿) 一九六四年一月八日


(污、玙、玗、揄、萸、喁、 、瑀、庾、 、谕、昱、煜、聿、 、蔚、熨、堉、鹆、钰、隩[澳][奥]、罭、汨、黦、瘉)







姨肄羿遗艺——弋。以弋殪一蜴,一鹢,一鹥,一 ,一 。蜴嗌咿, 伊。鹢、鹥、 翼熠熠。役揖,毅依姨艺,迤峄弋,亦殪一蜴、一鹢、一鹥、一 、一



姨益异,意已佚姨谊,已佚义。倚匜缢。役衣姨侇。瘗伊沂圯。奕 乂猗!





By Chow Tse-tsung

(A story composed with 105 different Chinese characters, all pronounced i )

Yi the second, a courier of a government post of in Yi County (of southern Anhwei Province) goes to the River Yi (in southeast Shantung Province). The river water ripples and overflows. The Courier moors his boat to the bank. There he lives with his sister-in-law. He decides to comply with the manners of his sister-in-law's womanly virtue, and observe all the proper rules.

The sister-in-law treats the courier as a servant. She reaps the water-plant, Job's-tears, and he helps her reap them. She gives him twenty taels of Job's-tears, which makes him happy. He reaps twenty times a hundred thousand taels of Job's-tears for her, so she is also pleased. Thus they are delighted with each other.

On the next day, the sister-in-law and the courier play a game of chess. Her clothes flutter gracefully. The courier tugs leisurely at her clothing, and leans his armpits against her chair. The mucus from his nostrils wets her chin. What's more, they disagree, and he exceeds proprieties. The sister-in-law moves her chair to restrain him and cuts off his nose. He feels very much depressed.

The sister-in-law has learned the art handed down by the famous ancient archer Yi-shooting with a bow and arrow. With her arrow she kills a lizard, a fishhawk, a widgeon, a swallow, and a crow-pheasant. The lizard's throat is moaning and it bites her. The wings of the fishhawk, the widgeon, the swallow, and the crow-pheasant are flapping. Then the courier bows, and resolutely following the art of her sister-in-law walks toward Mt. Yi (in southern Shantung and northern Kiangsu). He too kills a lizard, a fishhawk, a widgeon, a swallow, and a crow-pheasant.

Does the sister-in-law feel happy or sad at this?She is sad, as she suspects the courier's skill has surpassed her own. So she gives him some strange foreign liquid, to murder him. The courier finds the liquid sweet. Alas, that is the end!He is wounded, his eyes grow cataracts, he chokes and hiccups, and he mutters nonsense in his sleep.

But the courier is also the descendent of a foreigner. He remembers there is a foreign doctor. In the doctor's opinion, the courier must put on foreign clothing, and use ants to cure his sickness. The doctor holds him up; the courier follows doctor's orders, and the sores, the cataracts, the choking and the babbling are gone.

The sister-in-law is even more shocked. She realizes that she failed in her relationship with the courier, and violated proper conduct. Beside the washbasin, she hangs herself. The courier covers her corpse with clothes and buries her by the bridge over the river Yi. Great and everlasting may she be at peace!

Aha!Let a foreigner depend on a foreigner, let a foreigner enslave a foreigner, let a foreigner frustrate a foreigner, let a foreigner cure a foreigner, and let a foreigner kill a foreigner. That sounds so easy!

Give this tale a free translation, according to your own heart, and unravel its meaning.

Madison, Wisconsin
March, 1963 Ok4YhXVTTWjGdnd0ilCCsQOitv0UnzdhPacnZOsabZ0nS5AfSh4X6dv2hKR4ruyt
