

Peter was bummed out. Back on Earth, he’d loved his birthdays. His mother had always made a lot of fuss for Peter on what she called his “big day.” There was a party filled with cake, music, and, of course, presents. But more than anything else, there was that warm feeling of being surrounded by friends and family who clearly loved him and wanted to make things special on his “big day.”

And now, so far from home, Peter didn’t even notice that his birthday was happening. It had been years since Peter had gone back to Earth to see anyone he remembered. Yep, there was no denying it—Peter was homesick.

The next day Peter’s friends the Guardians, could tell he was down, and they tried to cheer him up. Rocket and Groot took him to the Orlani races.

“Nobody can feel bad at the Orlani races,” declared Rocket.

“I am Groot,” Groot agreed with a slight nod. He really was agreeing with Rocket, but all he ever said was “I am Groot.” His best friend, Rocket, always knew what he meant anyway.

“See? He agrees with me” Rocket confirmed.

Orlani were little creatures—kind of like the alien versions of muskrats or ferrets. For fun, the Orlani were put in little tracks and on “go,” they raced each other toward the finish line as the spectators watched and cheered them on! Everyone picked their favorites and cheered them on.

When the race started, Rocket shouted, at the Orlani he liked. “I am Groot,”

“Run, Little Brownie!”

Groot shouted, also trying to encourage Little Brownie.

Despite himself, Peter started to cheer up. But then Little Brownie JUMPED out of the track, and ran straight into the crowd.

“Hey, where 's it going?” Peter asked. Suddenly, he felt something weird. Little Brownie was running straight up the leg of Peter’s pants!

“Ahh- Ohhh- Awww-”

Peter shouted as he jumped around! The Orlani’s little claws were scratching and tickling him all at once! “Get this thing off of meeeee!” Peter yelled at Rocket and Groot!

It took several minutes to get the Orlani out of his pants, and the job involved Peter stripping down to his boxers and tank top in public. When it was all over, Peter was in a worse mood than ever.

“Okay, I was wrong,” Rocket admitted. “Some people might be able to feel bad at the Orlani races.”

Peter’s friends didn’t give up trying to cheer him up. Gamora took Peter to the space dojo to show him some cool new fighting moves. But when Peter tried them, he fell flat on his face!

Later, hoping to treat Peter’s homesickness, Drax tried cooking an Earth recipe. There was just one problem: having never made or even tasted Earth food before, Drax got the ingredients all mixed up. He ended up making an eggplant-chocolate-chicken cake with oyster frosting.

Which, while disgusting to Peter, just so happened to be something Rocket ENJOYED eating!

“Thanks for trying,” Peter said to Drax—once he stopped gagging.

Cosmo told Peter that he had just gotten a shipment of “special treats” from Earth that he always ate when he wanted to be reminded of home. The considerate canine wanted to share one with Peter, which got Star-Lord excited—until the special treats turned out to be DOG TREATS.

I should have realized , Peter thought as he politely choked down the dry, bone-shaped animal snack.

It was really nice that everyone wanted to help, but Peter put it to them bluntly: “Since none of you are even human, you just can’t understand what I need.” Focusing on his own disappointment, he walked back home to his ship, not realizing that he had just hurt his friends’ feelings.

But that evening, while on his parked ship, Peter heard a knock on the door. He opened it and saw the last thing he ever expected to see ANOTHER HUMAN!!!

It was Captain Marvel, a Super Hero from Earth!

“Star-Lord, I’m so happy I found you,” she said. “I need your help. In fact, everyone on Earth needs your help!” Fwa3SKDih0M9XdlfybkETHWe0J2jC+VgytdFMJArha1FwlNGpS3FEUGGqiMNC/AR
