尽管比较文学的历史在西方文化体系中可以追溯到古罗马时期,但是作为一门近代学科而诞生,法国学派功不可没。这个学派的一系列代表人物,都前赴后继的为比较文学获得其学科独立性而努力。法国学派的特征一般被概括为“影响研究”,即法国作为一个文学大国对于其他欧洲国家或其他文明体系的文学所产生的影响。影响研究立足于文学传播、接受的事实基础上,更接近于文学史研究。其代表人物包括巴登斯贝格,他创办了《比较文学评论》这份法国最重要的比较文学杂志,先后在法国和美国教学,在研究方法上始终强调论证的科学性与明晰性,并一直坚持编撰比较文学书目索引;梵·第根(Paul Van Tiegehm,1871—1948)则在其经典论著《比较文学论》中全面阐述了法国学派观点,其中包括对比较文学的学科价值的强调:比较应摆脱美学的含义而取得科学的含义,提出将文学研究划分为国别文学、比较文学、总体文学三大范畴;卡雷(Jean-Marie Carrc,1887—1958)对于比较文学的定义,更为强调国别文学之间的“精神联系”,并开创了法国学派的一个崭新领域——形象学;基亚(MariusFrançois Guyard,1921— )的观点则对其学术前辈的理论进行了某种糅合,认为比较文学的研究领域既包括媒介学、文类学、主题学,又包括国别文学彼此之间的精神联系。重视事实联系固然是法国学派最明显的特征,但绝非法国学派的全部。从以上的简短介绍即可看出,它充满活力,一直在不停地探索新的研究领域;更为重要的是,法国学派在其发展进程中始终关注的一个问题就是争取比较文学的学科独立性,即它特定的研究领域、特定的方法论,以及与之密切相关的比较文学的学科价值,为比较文学的学科发展作出了巨大贡献。韦勒克认为法国学派在进行着类似“文学外贸”的学术活动,这样的讽刺是有失偏颇的。
美国学派的代表人物分别是韦勒克、雷马克(Henry H.H.Remak,1916—2009)与奥尔德里奇(Alfrod Owen Aldriage,1915—2005)。韦勒克本人就是新批评的代表之一,而新批评的主张是注重文本细读与文本审美特质的发掘,并认为这是真正深入文学内部、有关文学的本质性研究。除了本节所选取的文章之外,上文提到的韦勒克与沃伦的《文学理论》一书中也有不少章节是有关比较文学的。另一位重要学者雷马克所写的《比较文学的定义与功用》(Comparative Literature:Its Definition and Function)一文被广为引用,该文甚至被美国学派奉为圭臬。虽然这篇文章在题目上和巴登斯贝格和韦勒克的文章很像,但他的文风与内容都与韦勒克大相径庭。韦勒克在语言上得天独厚的优势淋漓尽致地反映在他的文章之中,他详尽地考察“比较”与“文学”二词渊源;而雷马克的文章则更为实际地针对美国学派的具体研究领域,除了法国学派所开辟的国别文学间的研究之外,他特别开辟“跨学科”这一全新疆域,法国学派所固守的两国之间的文学关系(大部分情况下仅仅指法国和其他某个国家)的研究,就这样被拓展到多国别文学之间与学科之间。简言之,美国的比较文学研究具有他们的法国同行所没有的理论雄心:通过这样的研究途径来探知文学的本质和普遍性规律。美国学派的终极问题正是文学是什么而不是比较文学是什么;奥尔德里奇的贡献则在于,将美国学派标志性的研究方式“平行研究”详加定义,并在研究方法上倡导注重文学的审美性与精神性特征的阐释学、符号学等理论。美国学派的崛起与发展,同时也是比较文学学科本身的重要发展阶段。比较文学研究的两大研究领域:多国别间文学研究与跨学科研究也由此确立。尽管有学者指出,美国学派的研究范围过于宽泛以至于有消弭学科界限的危险,但应该看到,看似宽泛的研究有一个共同的旨归:文学的特性或本质。不过,进行平行研究要特别注意进行研究对象之间的“可比性”论证。
从20世纪70年代以来,比较文学学界有一批新的学者加入,他们既包括在美国、加拿大工作的一些华裔学者,如刘若愚(James J.Y.Liu,1926—1986)、叶维廉(1937—)和余宝琳(Pauline Yu,1949— )等,也包括中国内地以及港澳台的一些学者。对于在海外工作的华裔学者而言,中西比较是一项必须承担的工作:如果他们要对读者或学生讲解中国文学,势必要使用西方语言特别是英语去言说中国传统文学;另外,由于这样的言说让他们处于一个中西之间的位置,他们获得了一种前所未有的视野,这种视野是那些隶属于欧洲文化圈的比较文学学者所没有的,也是中国传统文学的学者所没有的。这种特殊的处境,既为他们的理论探索带来极端的困难,也为他们的工作带来意想不到的张力与生机。比较文学学科本身也由此获得了全新的发展。其中刘若愚出版于1975年的《中国文学理论》(Chinese Theories ofLiterature)一书,在研究旨趣上和美国学派的平行研究是完全符合的,但是由于他是根据艾布拉姆斯的四要素对中国文学理论分别进行梳理,首先就预设了艾布拉姆斯理论的普适性,以及在中国传统语境中也有“文学理论”。这些不足之处都受到了后继学者的批评。但这充分说明了中西比较是一个全新的领域,美国学派固有的方法已经远远不能适应这一领域的复杂性。刘若愚的著作开启了中西之间的对话,尽管这种对话是不充分的,是以一方的强势与另一方的迎合为代价。叶维廉的《比较诗学》一书提出“文化模子”理论,显然意识到了刘若愚的局限,更强调不同文学本身的文化立场,对中西比较中的“西方中心主义”更为警惕。但过于强调中国文学与西方文学的异质性,又难免有矫枉过正之嫌。在这一批海外华裔学者的带动之下,又有相当数量的欧美学者投入了中国文学研究的领域,如宇文所安(Stephen Owen)、苏源熙(Haun Saussy)、浦安迪(Andrew H.Plaks)等人。
【导读】巴登斯贝格(Fernand Baldensperger,1871—1958)是比较文学法国学派的奠基者之一。《比较文学:名称与实质》(The Name and Nature ofComparative Literature,原文为法文),代表的是比较文学学科发展的欧洲阶段。该文是巴登斯贝格为《比较文学评论》的创刊号撰写的发刊词。由于“比较文学”作为一门学科的名称不尽精确,容易让人产生误解,他特别强调了作为一门学科的比较文学的独立性:缺乏“论证的明晰性”的文学比较是完全不值得认真对待的。比较的目的在于揭示某些不易为人察觉的文学间的关系,而这些文学间的关系则是文学史的重要环节,这构成了比较文学的学科独立性。巴登斯贝格还特别提出一种危险的比较:在民族主义的情感下抬高本国的文学创作,并在国别文学之间树立屏障,阻碍彼此的沟通与了解。显然,他推崇的是一种超越了国别界限的文化观,希望人们能用赫尔德与维柯的将人类文明成果视为一个整体的精神,客观地研究文学之间的关系史。显然,巴登斯贝格并没有美国学者攻击“法国学派”的法国中心主义,反而具备的是超越了小国范围的“欧洲主义”的情感。
【导读】美国学派的杰出代表韦勒克(Renc Wellek,1903—1995),捷克裔美国人,当代著名的文学理论家、批评史家和比较文学家,曾任耶鲁大学比较文学教授,美国比较文学协会和国际比较文学协会主席。他的《比较文学的名称与性质》(The Name and Nature ofComparative Literature)一文,代表的是比较文学学科发展的美洲阶段。本段节选自该文的英文原文。本文显示了作者渊博的学识与高超的语言能力,他宣称自己采用的研究方法为词典编纂学和历史语义学,实际上就是采用了共时与历时的方式,对于本学科名称所涉及的几个关键词comparative、literature以及comparative literature详加考辨,如文学一词在法语中很长时间都指的是“文学研究”,分析它们在西方各主要文化传统中的历史演变;另外,文中还深入分析了法国学派的代表人物基亚所提出的一些重要范畴:Comparative Literature、Universal Literature、International literature、General literature及World literature,整篇文章理路清晰,以语言学上的多重证据不容置疑地论证了比较文学学科名称足以成立。作者的渊博学识则表现在对本学科发展史的全面细致的掌握上。如果想要知道比较文学史上的诸多“第一”:第一位使用比较这个词的作家、第一个以比较文学为书名的著作、第一位使用“比较文学”这一术语的学者、开设这门课程的第一位教授等,都能够在这篇文章中找到答案。这篇文章成为比较文学学科史上的名篇是有着充分理由的。
The term“comparative literature”has given rise to so much discussion,has been interpreted so differently and misinterpreted so frequently,that it might be useful to examine its history and to attempt to distinguish its meanings in the main languages.Only then can we hope to define its exact scope and content.Lexicography,“historical semantics,”will be our starting point.Beyond it,a brief history of comparative studies should lead to conclusions of contemporary relevance.“Comparative literature”is still a controversial discipline and idea.
There seem no particular problems raised by our two words individually.“Comparative”occurs in Middle English,obviously derived from Latin comparativus.It is used by Shakespeare,as when Falstaff denounces Prince Hal as“the most comparative,rascalliest,sweet young prince,”Francis Meres,as early as 1598,uses the term in the caption of“A Comparative Discourse of Our English Poets with the Greek,Latin and Italian Poets.”The adjective occurs in the titles of several seventeenth—and eighteenth-century books.In 1602 William Fulbecke published A Comparative Discourse of the Laws.I also find A Comparative Anatomy ofBrute Animals in 1765.Its author,John Gregory,published A Comparative View ofthe State and Faculties ofMan with Those ofthe Animal World in the very next year.Bishop Robert Lowth in his Latin Lectures on the Sacred Poetry of the Hebrews(1753),formulated the ideal of comparative study well enough:“We must see all things with their eyes[i.e.the ancient Hebrews]:estimate all things by their opinions;we must endeavor as much as possible to read Hebrew as the Hebrews would have read it.We must act as the Astronomers with regard to that branch of their science which is called comparative who,in order to form a more perfect idea of the general system and its different parts,conceive themselves as passing through,and surveying,the whole universe,migrating from one planet to another and becoming for a short time inhabitants of each.”In his pioneering History ofEnglish Poetry Thomas Warton announced in the Preface to the first volume that he would present“a comparative survey of the poetry of other nations.”George Ellis,in his Specimens ofEarly English Poets(1790),speaks of antiquaries whose“ingenuity has often been successful in detecting and extracting by comparative criticism many particulars respecting the state of society and the progress of arts and manners”from medieval chronicles.In 1800 Charles Dibdin published,in five volumes,A Complete History ofthe English Stage,Introduced by a Comparative and Comprehensive Review ofthe Asiatic,the Grecian,the Roman,the Spanish,the Italian,the Portuguese,the German,the French and Other Theatres.Here the main idea is fully formulated,but the combination“comparative literature”itself seems to occur for the first time only in a letter by Matthew Arnold in 1848,where he says:“How plain it is now,though an attention to the comparative literatures for the last fifty years might have instructed anyone of it,that England is in a certain sense far behind the Continent.”But this was a private letter not published till 1895,and“comparative”means here hardly more than“comparable.”In English the decisive use was that of Hutcheson Macaulay Posnett,an Irish barrister who later became Professor of Classics and English Literature at University College,Auckland,New Zealand,who put the term on the title of his book in 1886.As part of Kegan Paul,Trench,and Trübner’s International Scientific Series,the book aroused some attention and was,e.g.,favorably reviewed by William Dean Howells.Posnett,in an article,“The Science of Comparative Literature,”claimed“to have first stated and illustrated the method and principles of the new science,and to have been the first to do so not only in the British Empire but in the world.”Obviously this is preposterous,even if we limit“comparative literature”to the specific meaning Posnett gave to it.The English term cannot be discussed in isolation from analogous terms in France and Germany.
The lateness of the English term can be explained if we realize that the combination“comparative literature”was resisted in English,because the term“literature”had lost its earlier meaning of“knowledge or study of literature”and had come to mean“literary production in general”or“the body of writings in a period,country,or region.”That this long process is complete today is obvious from such a fact that,e.g.,Professor Lane Cooper of Cornell University refused to call the department he headed in the twenties“Comparative Literature”and insisted on“The Comparative Study of Literature.”He considered it a“bogus term”that“makes neither sense nor syntax.”“You might as well permit yourself to say‘comparative potatoes’or‘comparative husks.’”But in earlier English usage“literature”means“learning”and“literary culture,”particularly a knowledge of Latin.The Tatler reflects sagely in 1710:“It is in vain for folly to attempt to conceal itself by the refuge of learned languages.Literature does but make a man more eminently the thing which nature made him.”Boswell says,for instance,that Baretti was an“Italian of considerable literature.”This usage survived into the nineteenth century,when James Ingram gave an inaugural lecture on the Utility ofAnglo-Saxon Literature(1807),meaning the“utility of our knowing Anglo-Saxon,”or when John Petherham wrote An Historical Sketch ofthe Progress and Present State ofAngloSaxon Literature in England(1840),where“literature”obviously must mean the study of literature.But these were survivals;“literature”had assumed by then the present meaning of a body of writing.The Oxford English Dictionary gives the first occurrence in 1812,but this is far too late:rather,the modern usage penetrated in the later eighteenth century from France.
Actually,the meaning of“literature”as“literary production”or“a body of writings”revived a usage of late antiquity.Earlier literatura in Latin is simply a translation of the Greek grammatike and sometimes means a knowledge of reading and writing or even an inscription or the alphabet itself.But Tertullian(who lived from about A.D.160 to 240) and Cassian contrast secular literature with scriptural,pagan with Christian,literatura with scriptura.
This use of the term reemerges only in the thirties of the eighteenth century in competition with the term literae,lettres,letters.An early example is François Granet’s series Rcflexions sur les ouvrages de littcrature(1736-1740).Voltaire,in Le Siècle de Louis.XIV(1751),under the chapter heading“Des Beaux Arts,”uses littcrature with an uncertain reference alongside“eloquence,poets,and books of morals and amusement,”and elsewhere in the book he speaks of“littcrature lcgère”and“les genres de littcrature”cultivated in Italy.In 1759 Lessing began to publish his Briefe die neueste Literatur betreffend,where literature clearly refers to a body of writings.That the usage was still unusual at that time may be illustrated from the fact that Nicolas Trublet’s Essais sur divers sujets de littcrature et morale(1735-1754)were translated into German as Versuche über verschiedene Gegenstände der Sittenlehre und Gelehrsamkeit(1776).
This use of the word“literature”for all literary production,which is still one of our meanings,was in the eighteenth century soon nationalized and localized.It was applied to French,German,Italian,and Venetian literature,and almost simultaneously the term often lost its original inclusiveness and was narrowed down to mean what we would today call“imaginative literature,”poetry,and imaginative,fictive prose.The first book which exemplifies this double change is,as far as I know,Carlo Denina’s Discorso sopra le vicende della letteratura(1760).Denina professes not to speak“of the progress of the sciences and arts,which are not properly a part of literature”;he will speak of works of learning only when they belong to“good taste,and to eloquence,that is to say,to literature.”The Preface of the French translator speaks of Italian,English,Greek,and Latin literature.In 1774 there appeared an Essai sur la littcrature russe by N.Novikov in Leghorn,and we have a sufficiently local reference in Mario Foscarini’s Storia della letteratura veneziana(1752).The process of nationalization and,if I may use the term,aesthetization of the word is beautifully illustrated by A.de Giorgi-Bertòla’s Idea della letteratura alemanna(Lucca,1784),which is an expanded edition of the earlier Idea della poesia alemanna(Naples,1779),where the change of title was forced by his inclusion of a report on German novels.In German the term Nationalliteratur focuses on the nation as the unit of literature:it appears for the first time in the title of Leonhard Meister’s Beyträge zur Geschichte der teutschen Sprache und Nationalliteratur(1777)and persists into the nineteenth century.Some of the best known German literary histories carry it in the title:Wachler,Koberstein,Gervinus in1835,and later A.Vilmar and R.Gottschall.
But the aesthetic limitation of the term was for a long time strongly resented.Philarète Chasles,for example,comments in 1847:“I have little esteem for the word‘literature’;it seems to me meaningless,it is a result of intellectual corruption.”It seems to him tied to the Roman and Greek tradition of rhetoric.It is“something which is neither philosophy,nor history,nor erudition,nor criticism-something I know not what:vague,impalpable,and elusive.”Chasles prefers“intellectual history”to“literary history.”
In English the same process took place.Sometimes it is still difficult to distinguish between the old meaning of literature as literary culture and a reference to a body of writing.Thus,as early as 1755,Dr.Johnson wanted to found Annals ofLiterature,Foreign as well as Domestick.In 1761 George Colman,the elder,thought that“Shakespeare and Milton seem to stand alone,like first rate authors,amid the general wreck of old English Literature.”In 1767 Adam Ferguson included a chapter,“Of the History of Literature,”in his Essay on the History of Civil Society.In 1774 Dr.Johnson,in a letter,wished that“what is undeservedly forgotten of our antiquated literature might be revived,”and John Berkenhout in 1777 subtitled his Biographia Literaria,A Biographical History ofLiterature,in which he proposed to give a“conscise view of the rise and progress of literature.”The Preface to De La Curne de Sainte-Palaye’s Literary History ofthe Troubadours,translated in 1779 by Mrs.Susanna Dobson,speaks of the troubadours as“the fathers of modern literature,”and James Beattie in 1783 wants to trace the rise and progress of romance in order to shed light upon“the history and politics,the manners and the literature of these latter ages.”There were books such as William Rutherford’s A View ofAncient History,Including the Progress of Literature,and the Fine Arts(1788),Sketches of a History ofliterature by Robert Alves(1794),and An Introduction to the Literary History ofthe 14th and 15th Centuries(1798),by Andrew Philpot,which complains that“there is nothing more wanting in English literature”than“a history of the revival ofletters.”But we may be surprised to hear that the first book with the title A History of English Language and Literature was a little handbook by Robert Chambers in 1836 and that the first Professor of English Language and Literature was the Reverend Thomas Dale,at University College,London,in 1828.
Thus the change in meaning of the term“literature”hindered in English the adoption of the term“comparative literature,”while“comparative politics,”prominently advocated by the historian E.A.Freeman in 1873,was quite acceptable,as was“comparative grammar,”which appeared on the title page of a translation of Franz Bopp’s Comparative Grammar ofSanskrit,Zend,Greek,etc.,in 1844.
In France the story was different;there littcrature for a long time preserved the meaning of literary study.Voltaire,in his unfinished article on Littcrature for his Dictionnaire philosophique(1764-1772),defines literature as“a knowledge of the works of taste,a smattering of history,poetry,eloquence,and criticism,”and he distinguishes it from“la belle littcrature,”which relates to“objects of beauty,to poetry,eloquence and well-written history.”Voltaire’s follower,Jean-François Marmontel,who wrote the main literary articles for the great Encyclopcdie,which were collected as Elcments de littcrature(1787),clearly uses littcrature as meaning“a knowledge of belles lettres,”which he contrasts with erudition.“With wit,talent and taste,”he avows,“one can produce ingenious works,without any erudition,and with little literature.”Thus it was possible early in the nineteenth century to form the combination littcrature comparce,which was apparently suggested by Cuvier’s famous Anatomie comparce(1800)or Degcrando’s Historie comparce des systèmes de philosophie(1804).In 1816 two compilers,Noël and Laplace,published a series of anthologies from French,classical,and English literature with the otherwise unused and unexplained title page:Cours de littcrature comparce.Charles Pougens,in Lettres philosophiques à Madame xxx sur divers sujets de morale et littcrature(1826),complained that there is no work on the principles of literature he can recommend:“un cours de littcrature comme je l’entends,c’est-a-dire,un cours de littcrature comparce.”
The man,however,who gave the term currency in France was undoubtedly AbelFrançois Villemain,whose course in eighteenth-century literature was a tremendous success at the Sorbonne in the late twenties.It was published in 1828-1829 as Tableau de la littcaturefrançaise au XVIIIe siècle in 4 volumes,with even the flattering reactions of the audience inserted(“Vifs applaudissements.On rit.”).There he uses several times tableau comparc,ctudes comparces,histoire comparce,but also littcrature comparce in praising the Chancelier Daguesseau for his“vastes ctudes de philosophie,d’histoire,de littcrature comparce.”In the second lecture series,Tableau de la littcature au moyen age en France,en Italie,en Espagne et en Angleterre(2 volumes,1830),he speaks again of“amateurs de la littcrature comparce,”and in the Preface to the new edition in 1840,Villemain,not incorrectly,boasts that here for the first time in a French university an attempt at an“analyse comparce”of several modern literatures was made.
After Villemain the term was used fairly frequently.Philarète Chasles delivered an inaugural lecture at the Athcnce in 1835:in the printed version in the Revue de Paris,the course is called”Littcrature ctrangère comparce.”Adolphe-Louis de Puibusque wrote a two-volume Histoire comparce de la littcrature française et espagnole(1843),where he quotes Villemain,the perpetual Secretary of the French Academy,as settling the question.The term comparative,however,seems to have for a time competed with comparce.J.-J.Ampère,in his Discours sur l’histoire de la pocsie(1830),speaks of“l’histoire comparative des arts et de la littcrature”but later also uses the other term in the title of his Histoire de la littcrature française au moyen age comparce aux littcratures ctrangères(1841).The decisive text in favor of the term littcrature comparce is in SainteBeuve’s very late article,an obituary of Ampère,in the Revue des deux mondes in 1868.
(Renc Wellek,Discriminations:Further Concepts of Criticism,New Haven and London:Yale University Press,1970.)
比较文学在西方发展较早,它的史前史甚至可以追溯到古罗马时代,而作为一门学科,也从十九世纪三四十年代就开始在法国和德国逐渐形成。比较文学是超出个别民族文学范围的研究,因此不同国家文学之间的相互关系自然是典型的比较文学研究领域。从历史上来看,各国发展比较文学最先完成的工作之一,都是清理本国文学与外国文学的相互关系,研究本国作家与外国作家的相互影响。早期的法国学者强调rapports de fait[实际联系],德国学者强调研究Vergleichende Literaturgeschichte[比较的文学史],都说明了这种情况。钱锺书先生说他自己在著作里从未提倡过“比较文学”,而只应用过比较文学里的一些方法。“比较”是从事研究工作包括文学研究所必需的方法,诗和散文、古代文学和近代文学、戏剧和小说等,都可以用比较的方法去研究。“比较文学”作为一个专门学科,则专指跨越国界和语言界限的文学比较。钱先生认为,要发展我们自己的比较文学研究,重要任务之一就是清理一下中国文学与外国文学的相互关系。中外文化交流开始得很早,佛教在汉代已传入中国,而马可·波罗(Marco Polo,1254?——1324?)于元世祖时来中国,则标志着中西文化交流的一个重要阶段的开始。《马可·波罗游记》在西方发生巨大影响,在整个文艺复兴时代,它是西方最重要的、几乎是唯一重要的有关东方的记载。研究马可·波罗的权威学者本涅狄多(I.F.Benedetto)曾把马可·波罗的《游记》与但丁《神曲》和托马斯·阿奎那《神学总汇》(Summa Theologica)并举为中世纪文化的三大“总结”,并非过奖。在《神曲·天堂篇》第八章,但丁描写金星天里一个幸福的灵魂为欢乐之光辉包裹,如吐丝自缚的蚕,这个新奇比喻毫无疑问是来自中国文化的影响。……
就中外文学,尤其是中西文学的比较而言,直接影响的研究毕竟是范围有限的领域,而比较文学如果仅仅局限于来源和影响、原因和结果的研究,按韦勒克(Renc Wellek)讥诮的说法,不过是一种文学“外贸”(the“foreign trade”of literatures)。比较文学的最终目的在于帮助我们认识总体文学(littcrature gcncrale)乃至人类文化的基本规律,所以中西文学超出实际联系范围的平行研究不仅是可能的,而且是极有价值的。这种比较唯其是在不同文化系统的背景上进行,所以得出的结论具有普遍意义。钱锺书先生认为文艺理论的比较研究即所谓比较诗学(comparative poetics)是一个重要而且大有可为的研究领域。如何把中国传统文论中的术语和西方的术语加以比较和互相阐发,是比较诗学的重要任务之一。……
比较文学在我国真正引起学术界的普遍注意,可以说是最近几年内的事,而一旦大家注意起来,希望促其进一步发展的时候,对于比较文学的性质、内容、方法等理论问题,就有探讨的必要。钱锺书先生借用法国已故比较学者伽列(J.M.Carrc)的话说:“比较文学不等于文学比较”(La littcrature comparce n’est pas la comparaison littcraire)。意思是说,我们必须把作为一门人文学科的比较文学与纯属臆断、东拉西扯的牵强比附区别开来。……事实上,比较不仅在求其同,也在存其异,即所谓“对比文学”(contrastive literature)。正是在明辨异同的过程中,我们可以认识中西文学传统各自的特点。不仅如此,通过比较研究,我们应能加深对作家和作品的认识,对某一文学现象及其规律的认识,这就要求作品的比较与产生作品的文化传统、社会背景、时代心理和作者个人心理等因素综合起来加以考虑。换言之,文学之间的比较应在更大的文化背景中进行,考虑到文学与历史、哲学、心理学、语言学及其他各门学科的联系。因此,钱先生认为,向我国文学研究者和广大读者介绍比较文学的理论和方法,在大学开设比较文学导论课程,是目前急待进行的工作。同时,他又希望有志于比较文学研究的同志努力加深文学修养和理论修养,实际去从事具体的比较研究,而不要停留在谈论比较文学的必要性和一般原理上。正像哈利·列文(Harry Levin)所说那样,Nunc age:是时候了,去实际地把文学作比较吧。
1.Henry H.H.Remark.Comparative Literature:Its Definition and Function[M]. Carbondale:Southern Illinois University Press,1961.