
Section 4
Common features of insurable interest

Certain features of insurable interest are common to all forms of insurance.They are discussed below:

4.1 Insurer's insurable interest

Insurance companies have insurable interest in their liability to pay claims to insureds.This interest gives them the right to seek reinsurance.The purpose for the insurance companies to buy reinsurance is to satisfy the statute requirements,to spread risks arising from uncertainty regarding future claims experience,to obtain increased capacity,to finance new business,to improve financial efficiency,particularly in respect of insurance company taxation and to take advantage of wider range of services provided by the reinsurer.This performance by insurance companies still satisfies the principle of insurable interest.

4.2 Enforceable at law

Some people have certain legal right,but only an expectancy that those rights will materialize.For example,if a trader owns some property or goods and sells them,he has a legal right to any profits that the price may allow.He expects to make a profit if the property or goods remain undamaged.However,if the property or goods are destroyed,the expectancy to that legal right is defeated.This expectancy to profit is insurable because there is a legal right to the profits through the ownership of the property and the goods.Suppose an old man of ninety years old has an estate worth 20 000 pounds a year.Being incapable of making a will to his heir or inheritor because of incurable lunacy,no one will deny that his heir-at-law has moral certainty of succeeding to the estate. 16 Yet the law will not allow him to have any interest and he cannot arrange insurance for the estate.According to English law,the estate is only an expectation.

4.3 Possession

Lawful possession of property normally has insurable interest if that possession is accompanied by responsibility.For example,if you have purchased a house or a car with your own money,the house or the car is your property that is recognized at law.So you have insurable interest to the house or to the car.However,if you deliberately set fire to your own house or destroy the car,you will gain no benefit from the fire policy or motor policy if your criminal act comes to light. 17 A person cannot recover his indemnity under a policy in respect of his own criminal acts.But people can arrange insurance to meet the civil consequences of some breach of the criminal code.This happens often when drivers are found guilty of some road traffic offence and at the same time receives indemnity from insurers for damages to their own or another's property.

4.4 Financial valuation

Generally speaking,the amount of insurable interest must be capable of financial valuation. 18 This is straightforward in the case of insurance of property,liability and the rights and interests.But in the case of one's own life or the life of a spouse,financial valuation is difficult because there is an unlimited interest in one's life.

With regard to other policies on the life of another,certain interests are capable of financial valuation.For example,the creditor's interest on the life of a debtor is the amount of the debts,plus interest and insurance premium.In other cases,for example,an employer in employee's life,the interest must be in a reasonable sense capable of financial valuation in money.In Hong Kong,the sum insured of an employee may be one million HK dollars.

4.5 Assignment of insurable interest

As we know,it is the interest of a person in the subject matter of insurance that is insured by the policy.Any assignment or transfer of that policy from one person to another will cause problems as the new holder of the policy may not have the same insurable interest. 19 Assignment of policy referring to transfer of rights can be carried out. 20 But in the case of personal contracts,such as fire or accident po-licies,it requires the consent of the insurer.

In general,assignment of personal contracts will only be valid with the consent of the insurers.Therefore policies covering property and liability are not freely assignable.In fact,when the insurer consents to the assignment of a policy,a new contract is concluded.The process of making such a new contract is called novation.We will discuss the topic of assignment in details in another chapter.


insurable interest 可保利益

Insurance Law of the People's Republic of China 《中华人民共和国保险法》

policyholder 保单持有人

blood relationship 血缘关系

unenforceable 不能强制执行的

legal right to insure 可保的法律权利

avoid gambling 预防赌博

artificial hazard 人为的风险因素

financial institution 金融机构

creditor 债权人

debtor 债务人

potential legal liability 潜在的法律责任

legal precedent 法律判例

out of court 法庭外

seek reinsurance 寻求再保险

satisfy the statute requirement 符合法定的要求

enforceable at law 法律可以强制执行的

expectancy 期望值

heir-at-law 法定继承人

inheritor 继承人

moral certainty 确实可靠性,必然的可能性

lawful possession of property 对财产的法律占有

assignment of insurable interest 保险利益的转移

personal contract 个人合同

Notes to the chapter

1.The absence of the required relationship will render the contract illegal,void or simply unenforceable,depending on type of insurance.


2.Insurable interest can be defined in CII textbook as the legal right to insure arising out of a financial relationship,recognized at law,between the insured and the subject matter of insurance.


3.The term“insurable interest”means the legally recognized interest that the proposer or insured has in the subject matter of insurance.Personal insurance is insurance under which the subject matter of insurance is the life and body of a person.Property insurance is insurance under which the subject matter of insurance is property and related interests therein.


4.Thirdly,the insured must stand in a relationship with the subject matter of insurance whereby he benefits from its safety,well-being or freedom from liability and would be prejudiced by its danger or the existence of liability.


5.The proposer's insurable interest to the subject matter of insurance is limited to the maximum sum insured.


6.The insured cannot obtain the excess payment from the insurer because of the accident loss of the subject matter of insurance.


7.Other family members or close relatives,apart from the above mentioned,who have relations of fostering,supporting and maintaining with the applicant exist insurable interest.


8.In Harse V.Pearl Life Assurance Co.(1904)in UK,an insurance policy by the plaintiff on the life of his mother was held to be illegal for lack of insurable interest,with the consequence that he could not recover the premiums which he had paid.


9.In property insurance,insurable interest often arises out of ownership where the insured is the owner of the subject matter of insurance.


10.In liability insurance,a person has insurable interest to the extent of any potential legal liability he may incur by way of damages and other costs.


11.But in a practical situation,liability to pay damages is based largely on legal precedents.


12.For example,claims for personal injury are different from claims for damages to property because the law cannot place a figure on the value of a particular injury that would be acceptable to everybody.


13.It is difficult for us to assess the value of the loss of an eye or an arm.Therefore any valuation is bound to be arbitrary.


14.This figure is not fixed in case of specific injuries being met,for example,10 000 Yuan for an arm and 20 000 Yuan for an eye.The courts simply use previous cases as guidelines so that similar degrees of injury are awarded similar sums in damages.


15.This follows from the customs of maritime trading that cargo may change ownership while it is in transit.The marine insurance policy is one of the essential documents in the transfer of title in such cases,and the buyer of goods is permitted to have a legitimate insurable interest in the goods from the time of transfer even though he did not have an interest when the policy was issued.


16.Being incapable of making a will to his heir or inheritor because of incurable lunacy,no one will deny that his heir-at-law has moral certainty of succeeding to the estate.


17.However,if you deliberately set fire to your own house or destroy the car,you will gain no benefit from the fire policy or motor policy if your criminal act comes to light.


18.Generally speaking,the amount of insurable interest must be capable of financial valuation.


19.Any assignment or transfer of that policy from one person to another will cause problems as the new holder of the policy may not have the same insurable interest.


20.Assignment of policy referring to transfer of rights can be carried out.




1.Give the definition of insurable interest.

2.What are the four features essential to insurable interest?

3.Tell the difference between insurance and gambling.

4.Why can we say everyone has unlimited insurable interest in his own life?

5.What is the insurable interest in liability insurance?

6.Why do insurance companies seek reinsurance?

7.Why may any assignment or transfer of that policy from one person to another cause problems?

8.If a person who has no insurable interest to the subject matter of insurance can obtain the indemnity from the insurer,what would he possibly do?

Ⅱ.Match up the explanations of the left column with the word on the right column.

1.A person or group in whose name an in-surance policy is held

2.An organization founded for a religious, educational,professional,or social purpose

3.A person,country,or organization that owes mone.

4.(Of an insurer)transfer(all or part of a risk)to another insurer to provide protection against the risk of the first insurance

5.A person who inherits something; an heir

6.Play games of chance for money;bet

7.A person or company to whom money is owing

8.An earlier event or action that is regar-ded as an example or guide to be consid ered in subsequent similar circumstances

9.The state of thinking or hoping that something,especially something good,will happen

10.A body of people presided over by a judge,judges,or magistrate, and acting as a tribunal in civil and criminal cases

1.expectancy( )

2.debtor( )

3.policyholder( )

4.precedent( )

5.gambling( )

6.institution( )

7.creditor( )

8.reinsurance( )

9.court( )

10.inheritor( )

Ⅲ.True or false judgments.

1.Insurable interest is the basic requirement of a contract of insurance.( )

2.Insurable interest can be defined as the legal right to insure arising out of a financial relationship,recognized at law,between the insured,the insurer and the subject matter of insurance.( )

3.There are at least four features essential to insurable interest.( )

4.The law imposes the insurable interest on both parties(insurer and insured)to a certain subject matter of insurance in order to avoid gambling.( )

5.Moral hazard concerns the human aspects that may influence the outcome.This usually refers to the attitude of the insurer.( )

6.Accordingly,a creditor stands to lose money if the debtor dies before repaying the loan.Therefore an insurable interest is arisen to the extent of the loan plus interest.( )

7.Mortgagees and mortgagors both have insurable interest,the purchaser as the owner of the house and the building society or bank as the debtor.( )

8.In marine insurance contract,the insured must be interested in the subject matter insured before the time of loss.( )

9.In life assurance,insurable interest is only required at inception.The interest need only be valued at the beginning and so there is no requirement for insurable interest at the time of a claim.( )

10.These bailees including pawnbrokers,launderers and watch repairs are not responsible to take reasonable care of the properties and not to look after them just as their own.( )

Ⅳ.Multiple choices.

1.Insurable interest is the legal right to insure arising out of a financial relationship,recognized at law,between_____and the subject matter of insurance.

A.the insurer

B.the insured

C.the applicant

D.the proposer

2.In property insurance,insurable interest often arises out of_____where the insured is the owner of the subject matter of insurance.





3.Another example is that mortgages,which are most common in the area of house purchase,involve the bank and purchaser.Here the bank is regarded as the_____.





4.In a practical situation,liability to pay damages is based largely on_____.

A.the requirement of the victim

B.claims by the client

C.the calculation by the insurer

D.legal precedents

5.In marine insurance contract,the insured must be interested in the subject matter insured_____.

A.at the time of loss

B.before the time of loss

C.at the inception

D.at the beginning

6.Life insurance is different from marine insurance.Insurable interest in life insurance is only required_____.

A.at the time of loss

B.after the time of loss

C.at the inception

D.at the end of the loss

7.Insurance companies have insurable interest in their liability to pay claims to insureds.This interest gives them the right to seek_____.





8.However,if the property or goods are destroyed,the expectancy to that legal right is defeated.Therefore this expectancy to profit is_____.





9.Lawful possession of property normally has insurable interest if that possession is accompanied by_____.





10.In general,assignment of personal contracts will only be valid with the consent of the_____.





Ⅴ.Translation from English to Chinese.

1.There are at least four features essential to insurable interest.Firstly,there must be some property,right,interest,life,limb or potential liability capable of being insured.Secondly,such property,right,interest,etc must be the subject matter of insurance.Thirdly,the insured must stand in a relationship with the subject matter of insurance whereby he benefits from its safety,well-being or freedom from liability and would be prejudiced by its danger or the existence of liability.And finally,the relationship between the insured and the subject matter of insurance must be recognized at law.

2.It is impossible to assess the value of the loss of an eye or an arm.Any valuation is bound to be arbitrary.The courts have designed a figure of compensation based on previous case law.This figure is not fixed in case of specific injuries being met,for example,10 000 Yuan for an arm and 20 000 Yuan for an eye.The courts simply use previous cases as guidelines so that similar degrees of injury are awarded similar sums in damages.

Ⅵ.Translation from Chinese to English.









Ⅶ.Case analysis.

A visitor came to Shanghai for sightseeing during a holiday.After he visited the Tower of Eastern Pearl,he went to the insurance company and made an offer that he wanted to pay premium to cover the Tower in order to protect the property.Do you think the local insurance company agrees to accept his offer? Lk7ucZpN8vtLfbkBQqK5p9n1ZKncgQRw+twsXLWAnzJDPqld4/QND4KEE8xZHAa4
