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[2] Barry Buzan,“New Patterns of Global Security in the Twenty-First Century”, International Afairs ,Vol.67,No.3,1991,pp.431-451;Barry Buzan,“From International System to International Society:Structural Realism and Regime Theory Meet the English School”, International Organization ,Vol.47,No.3,1993,pp.327-352;Rita Floyd,“Human Security and the Copenhagen School’s Securitization Approach:Conceptualizing Human Security as a Securitizing Move”, Human Security Journal ,Vol.5,2007,pp.38-49.

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[6] Rita Floyd,“Human Security and the Copenhagen School’s Securitization Approach:Conceptualizing Human Security as a Securitizing Move”, Human Security Journal ,Vol.5,2007,pp.38-49.

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[16] Don T.Nakanishi and James Lai, National Asian Pacific American Political Almanac Fifteenth Edition 2014 2015 ),http://www.aasc.ucla.edu/aascpress/books/pa15th.aspx.

[17] Christian Collet and Pei-te Lien, The Transnational Politics of Asian Americans ,Philadephia:Temple University Press,2009;Pei-te Liean,Margraret Conway and Janelle Wong, The Politics of Asian Americans : Diversity and Community ,New York,NY:Routledge,2004;Janelle Wong,Pei-te Lien and M.Margaret Conway,“Activity Amidst Diversity:Asian American Political Participation”,in Jane Junn and Kerry Haynie,eds., New Race Politics in America : Understanding Minority and Immigrant Politics ,New York and London:Cambridge University Press,2008,pp.70-94.

[18] Amy L.Freedman, Political Participation and Ethnic Minorities : Chinese Overseas in Malaysia Indonesia and the Unites States ,New York,NY:Routledge,2000.

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[20] Jun Xu,“The Political Behavior of Asian Americans:A Theoretical Approach”, Journal of Political and Military Sociology ,Vol.30,No.1,pp.71-89.

[21] Joseph S.Nye,Jr.,“The Future of American Power:Dominance and Decline in Perspective”, Foreign Afairs ,Vol.89,No.6,November/December 2010,pp.5-6;Joseph S.Nye,Jr.,“Immigration and American Power”, Today’s Zaman ,December 10,2012.

[22] F.Clifford German,“A Tentative Evaluation of World Power”, Journal of Conflict Resolution ,Vol.4,1960,pp.138-144.

[23] Ray S.Cline, World Power Assessment 1977 : A Calculus of Strategic Drift ,Boulder:Westview Press,1977,p.34.

[24] Yossi Shain,“Multicultural Foreign Policy”, Foreign Policy ,25th Anniversary Issue,No.100,1995,pp.69-87.

[25] Yossi Shain,“Multicultural Foreign Policy”, Foreign Policy ,25th Anniversary Issue,No.100,1995,pp.69-87.

[26] Thomas Ambrosio,“Ethnic Identity Groups and U.S.Foreign Policy”,in Ethnic Identity Groups and U.S.Foreign Policy ,Westport,CT:Praeger Publishers,2002,pp.200-201.

[27] Anne-Marie Slaughter,“America’s Edge:Power in the Networked Century”, Foreign Affairs ,Vol.88,No.1,January/February 2009,pp.103-104,112.

[28] 代表性研究文献可参阅:Tony Smith, Foreign Attachments : The Power of Ethnic Groups in the Making of American Foreign Policy ,Massachusetts:Harvard University Press,2005;John J.Mearsheimer and Stephen M.Walt,“The Israel Lobby and U.S.Foreign Policy”, Middle East Policy ,Vol.13,No.3,2006,pp.29- 87;Khalil Marrar, The Arab Lobby and US Foreign Policy—The Two-State Solution,New York:Routledge,2009;Nathan Glazer and Daniel Patrick Moynihan,Ethnicity:Theory and Experience ,Massachusetts:Harvard University Press,1975;Samuel P.Huntington,“The Erosion of American National Interest”,Foreign Afairs ,September/Octomber,1997;Eric Uslaner,“Crackers in the Armor?Interest Groups and Foreign Policy”,in Allan J.Cigler and Burdett A.Loomis,Interest Group Politics ,Washington,D.C.:CQ Press,2002;Patrick Haney and Walt Vanderbush,“The Role of Ethnic Interest Groups in U.S.Foreign Policy:The Case of the Cuban American National Foundation”,International Studies Quarterly ,Vol.43,1999。

[29] Tony Smith, Foreign Attachments : The Power of Ethnic Groups in the Making of American Foreign Policy ,Massachusetts:Harvard University Press,2005,p.5.

[30] Tony Smith, Foreign Attachments : The Power of Ethnic Groups in the Making of American Foreign Policy ,Massachusetts:Harvard University Press,2005,p.44.

[31] John J.Mearsheimer and Stephen M.Walt,“The Israel Lobby and U.S.Foreign Policy”, Middle East Policy ,Vol.13,No.3,2006,pp.29-87.

[32] Khalil Marrar, The Arab Lobby and US Foreign Policy The Two-State Solution ,New York:Routledge,2009,p.86.

[33] Nathan Glazer and Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Ethnicity : Theory and Experience ,Massachusetts:Harvard University Press,1975,p.19.

[34] Alexander DeConde, Ethnicity Race and American Foreign Policy : A History ,Boston:Northeastern Press,1992,p.193.

[35] Samuel P.Huntington,“The Erosion of American National Interest”, Foreign Afairs ,September/Octomber,1997,https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/1997-09-01/erosion-american-national-interests.

[36] Eric Uslaner,“Crackers in the Armor?Interest Groups and Foreign Policy”,in Allan J.Cigler and Burdett A.Loomis, Interest Group Politics ,Washington,D.C.:CQ Press,2002,p.356.

[37] Patrick Haney and Walt Vanderbush,“The Role of Ethnic Interest Groups in U.S.Foreign Policy:The Case of the Cuban American National Foundation”, International Studies Quarterly ,Vol.43,1999,pp.334-335.

[38] John J.Mearsheimer and Stephen M.Walt,“The Israel Lobby and U.S.Foreign Policy”, Middle East Policy ,Vol.13,No.3,2006,pp.29- 87;Tony Smith, Foreign Attachments:The Power of Ethnic Groups in the Making of American Foreign Policy ,Cambridge:Harvard University Press,2000,p. 94.

[39] Yossi Shain,“Ethnic Diasporas and U.S.Foreign Policy”, Political Science Quarterly ,Vol.109,No.5,Winter,1994—1995,pp.811-841.

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[42] Fiona Adamson and Madeleine Demetriou,“Remapping the Boundaries of ‘State’and‘National Identity’”, European Journal of International Relations ,Vol.13,No.4,2007,p.497.

[43] William Safran,“Diasporas in Modern Societies:Myths of Homeland and Return”, Diaspora ,Vol.1,No.1,1991,pp.83-84. 35CeWkMmt0dkKXhznksJAqfdjVhuVae67+SSp5oS9cRXDSPjHUC8oc/7ZdFXErV3
