
Learn to Say

Everyday EnglishⅢ日常生活用语(三)

A.Time and Date 时间和日期

1.A:When does the train leave for…?  去……的火车什么时候开?

B:The train for… will leave at one fifty-seven.  开往……的列车将于1:57开。

Or:It leaves at five to nine in the morning.  列车将在早晨8:55开。

2.A:When does the train arrive at…?  列车什么时候到达……

B:It arrives at… at eighteen past six in the afternoon.  列车将在下午6:18到达……

3.A:What’s the time now?  现在几点?

Or:What time is it by your watch?  你的手表现在是几点?

B:It’s a quarter to seven.  差一刻七点。

4.A:When does the last train leave for Guangzhou?  开往广州的最后一趟车几点开?

B:The last train for Guangzhou will leave at fourteen to twenty-three.  开往广州的最后一趟车将在22:46开。

5.A:Is the train on time?  列车正点到达吗?

B:The train is exactly on time.  列车正点到。

Or:The train is fiveminutes behind time.  列车晚点5min。

6.It’s still early for train leaving.  现在离开车时间还早。

7.The train will arrive in an hour.  火车1 h后到达。

8.A:When will you be back to Guangzhou?  你什么时候回广州?

B:On October the seventh. 10月7日回广州。

B.Requests 请求

1.A:Please show me your ticket.  请出示车票。

Or:Would you please show me your ticket?  您能让我看看车票吗?

B:OK.Here you are.  好的,在这里。

2.Please tell me which train I should take for Guangzhou. 请告诉我去广州该坐哪趟车。

3.Wake me up at seven tomorrow morning,please. 请在明天早晨7:00把我叫醒。

4.A:Can you help me?  能帮个忙吗?

B:Yes,by all means.  完全可以。

5.Will you please tell me how to check my luggage for Hangzhou?  请告诉我怎样把我的行李托运到杭州去好吗?

6.I wonder if you could help me with my luggage.  不知您能否帮我拿行李?

7.A:Can I use the telephone?  我可以使用一下电话吗?

Or:I wonder if I could use the telephone.  我想问一下是否能用这部电话?

B:Yes,please.  可以,请吧。

8.A:Could/ May I put my things here?  我可以把东西放在这里吗?

B:Yes,of course.  可以,当然可以。

9.A:Give me a bottle of beer,please.  请给我一瓶啤酒。

B:All right.  好的。

10.A:Could I use the toilet now?  我现在可以使用一下厕所吗?

B:I’m sorry,I’m afraid you can’t.  对不起,现在恐怕不行。 r+6Xyzhd19A7vMOYdFQ0l0PlcRni9Zl1DBLY/yCbG3d8SU0gieTk1MuxiLTMh1qa

