



Thank you. “My husband and I …” That's how the Queen speaks. All right, you probably don't know that. Well, it's a bit intimidating following, especially following Corley . What a wonderful speech that was! I was very impressed with her words. And speaking as a much older person than she is, I can tell you: It's all true what she said; it's very, very accurate. President Fitts, members of the Board, faculty, parents, friends, the brilliant Branford Marsalis , the indomitable [1] Diane Nash , the fascinating Shelley Taylor , RipTide the Pelican , and last but certainly never least, the great graduating Class of 2017—my greetings to you all.

And to all the graduates—and of course, as President mentioned, the families here, the moms and dads, brothers and sisters, grandparents, uncles, aunts, wives, husbands, and live-in lovers, not just hello, but congratulations to you! We salute you. And to the students: You did it! I mean, all those essays, all those classes, all those discussions and lectures, all those nights at the computer … and perhaps a greater test of endurance, all those nights at the Camellia Grill, and the Boot, and the F&M and all those parties. And yet here you are. You finished the race. You made it through. Now you just have to listen to one more person talk—and I will do my best not to make it a lecture.

President Fitts, thank you for that lovely introduction. And I want to assure to you that President, you can relax—I've done my homework for today.

Because you know, whenever I take on a role, I do my research to truly understand the character I'm playing. So when I played a secret agent, a sniper, in Red , I learned how to fire a gun; and when I played the Queen, I learned how she talks, how she walks, and how she interacts with her advisers; and when I played a sadistic, horrible teacher in Teaching Mrs. Tingle , I went to observe some professors at LSU. Yes, they taught me everything.

And to prepare for today, I did my research on what people expect from a commencement speaker. You know, there are hundreds of tips out there—but just three really big ones.

First—Keep it short. No one wants to hear a 30-minute speech. So, that's it. I'm done. See you at the bar. I'll have a vodka martini straight up with a wedge of lime, thank you. The lime is because you know, I'm a bit of a health fanatic.

The second point about commencements speeches is: talk about your journey and connect it to everything you have in common with your audience. So, today's speech will contain advice for any of you born in England who decide to become Shakespearean actresses, and end up doing nude scenes in 10 films. I just mentioned that just to see if any of your fathers, you know, are getting out their cellphones right now to Google me. Dads, stop it. Inappropriate. Put it away. I mean the phone!

And number three. Everyone advises a commencement speaker to say the one thing that the students will remember 40 years from now. Now that was very difficult—I just thought and thought and thought about this. It took me weeks to come up with it. And then it came to me, in the small hours of the morning, something I believe that you will remember in the year 2057 because it is so true. Here it is. Get ready: Whether you're in Tipitina's , the French Quarter or the Oval Office, no good can ever come from tweeting at 3 a.m.

Now speaking of 3 a.m., it's so great to be back in this incredible city where I never seem to get to bed before 3 a.m.

Spending the past few days reacquainting myself with New Orleans, going to dinner, walking around your campus, I just have one question: Why the hell are you graduating? I mean, what possible reason is there to leave here and go find jobs? I mean it makes no sense. It's not too late. Tell the dean to keep your diplomas and go back to the dorm.

Now, I am not a New Orleans virgin. I have loved The Big Easy all the way back to when my husband, Taylor, brought me here to introduce the city, me to the city, that he loves as much as he loves his hometown of Los Angeles. In fact, you know, this is true—the first words out of my mouth when we turned off the I-10 for the Quarter and I looked down from the ramp was: “I want to die in this place.”

For a while, we owned a home here, and my stepson Rio started his bar empire here—Pal's Lounge, Mid City, hope you know it, and One Eyed Jack's in the Quarter—and thank you so much for supporting it with your parents' hard-earned money.

But I am still a tourist, but I'm one with history. New Orleans is my spiritual, my artistic home.

After all, it was inevitable that I would fall for a place where it is virtually obligatory to have at least one feathered costume in your wardrobe at all times, a city where you can walk the streets with a cocktail in your hand, let alone one where you can turn a corner at 5 o'clock in the morning, find a solitary sax player providing the soundtrack to your morning commute.

It's funky [2] ; it's beautiful; it's raunchy [3] ; it's sophisticated; it's elegant; it's raw and imaginative and witty and cultured—and violent and sleepy. Believe me—long after you graduate, New Orleans will remain a part of your soul.

Okay, good, four minutes in. Now this is the moment in a traditional commencement speech where the speaker tries to share some pearls of wisdom.

And I will try to rise to the challenge for today is a really great, an important moment in your lives. You arrived here as nervous, excited freshmen about to enter the uncertain world of higher education … and you now leave as a nervous and excited senior about to enter the even more uncertain world of adulthood. So hello cellphone bills, hello rent, hello car insurance, hello office politics, hello Netflix subscriptions, hello ambition, hello disappointment, and hello to the nerve-wracking [4] yet heady moments when nothing goes to plan…and also hello to those rare, but even more exciting and headier moments when something actually does go to plan.

Now some of you have a clear idea of a plan and where adulthood will take you. You have probably known since you were about five years old. Others of you have no idea. But don't worry, because both ways work. Do you know my nephew, Simon, left school at 16? He became a bartender in London and then a plasterer and he finished up as an extremely successful writer in Hollywood. I did not go to drama school, as I very much wanted to, but instead I went to a teacher's training college, where I absolutely did not want to go. But we both, my nephew and I, ended up where we were supposed to be.

You see, the trick, and this is absolutely the trick. Really Corley mentioned it. The trick is to listen to your instinct, grab the opportunity when it presents itself and then give it your all. It's very simple. You will stumble and fall; you will experience both disaster and triumph, sometimes in the same day, but it is so important to remember that like a hangover, neither triumphs nor disasters last forever. You know, they both pass and a new day arrives. So you just try to make that new day count.

And, so, to help you along the way, I am going to share a few rules that I picked up during my life of disasters and triumphs. I call them “Helen's Top 5 Rules for a Happy Life.”

Rule number one: Don't be in a rush to get married. You know, I married my husband Taylor a lot later in my life and it's worked out great. And always give your partner the freedom and support to achieve their ambitions.

Number two: Treat people just like people. A long, long time ago, an actress friend of mine did the most simple thing and taught me a huge lesson. We were in the backseat of a car being driven to the location where we were filming, and she was a smoker, in those prehistoric days when you could smoke in a car, and she got out her cigarettes and before she lit up, she offered the driver one. So simple, you know? But thoughtful. To her, he wasn't a “driver person,” but a “person person,” a “person person” who might want a smoke. Today she would probably be arrested for attempted murder but that's a lesson I never forgot, and I am grateful to my actress friend to this day. So, remember that every single person, whether they have dominion over your life or not, deserves equal respect and generosity.

I do have an addendum [5] to rule number two. No matter what sex you are, be a feminist. You know, in every country and culture that I have visited, from Sweden to Uganda, from Singapore to Mali, it is very clear that when women are given respect, and the ability and the freedom to pursue their personal dreams and ambitions, life improves for everyone. You know, I didn't define myself as a feminist until really quite recently, but I had always lived like a feminist and always believed in the obvious: that women were as capable and as energetic and as inspiring as men. We have quite a few of them up on this podium—I might add. But to join a movement called feminism just seemed too didactic, too political for me. However, I have come to understand that feminism is not an abstract idea, but it's a necessity if we—and really by “we,” I mean you guys—are to move us forward and not backward into ignorance and fearful jealousy. So now, I am a declared feminist and I would encourage you to be the same.

Oh, actually, an addendum to the addendum—never again allow a group of old, rich white men define the health care of a country that is 50.8% women and 37% other races.

Okay, back to the rules.

Number three: Ignore anyone who judges the way you look, especially if he or she is some anonymous creep lurking on the Internet. And if you are that person lurking on the Internet—STOP IT. Just stop it. Go outside and do something. Weed the garden!

Number four: don't be afraid of fear. These words bring me back to my high school and our headmistress. She went by the name of Dame Mother Mary Mildred. She was an ancient Nun—is there any other type? —with one drooping eyelid and a lifetime lived behind the walls of a convent. She said these words to me the moment I walked into her office, as a trembling 11-year-old about to enter high school. I will never forget the words of that headmistress. She said: “Don't be afraid of fear.” I think what she meant was, don't let fear rule you. Now, sometimes it's wise to be afraid, like when you are about to take a dive into a pool with not enough water in it, or drive drunk. In moments like that—be afraid, be very afraid and absolutely do not do it.

And if you want more information on this fact, please visit a paraplegic [6] ward. But for the moments when you are challenged by other fears—like “Am I good enough?” “Am I smart enough?” “Will I fail?”—throw caution to the winds; look fear straight-away in its ugly face, and barge forward. And when you get past it, turn around and give it a good swift kick in the ass. And thank Dame Mother Mary Mildred.

And Helen's rule number five for a happy life: Don't overcomplicate things. You can navigate each day just by following some very practical advice that I'm going to give you right now, a few dos and don'ts, okay?

Don't put hot cups on waxed wooden surfaces.

In fact, don't wax wooden surfaces.

As Corley said, don't procrastinate [7] .

Do say thank you when it is merited. Don't procrastinate, especially in saying thank you when it is merited.

Don't lose your sense of humor. I know, I'm safe with that one, because you are here; you're in Tulane; you guys have got a sense of humor.

Do confront bullies.

Don't procrastinate.

Do open your heart to love.

Don't confuse sex with love. You know, love generally lasts longer than two minutes.

Don't smoke tobacco … or chew it.

And I'm going to say it again—don't dive into water if you don't know how deep it is.

And one more thing—don't procrastinate.

Actually, You know, I would have had a lot more dos and don'ts but typically I waited to the last minute this morning to make my list.

Oh wait wait … one more thing: do call your parents at least once a week. Tell them you love them. Tell them you love them. Then ask for the money. Not the other way around.

And parents—I know this is where my speech gets a little bit serious—please know that however much your children shock and horrify you, it's all in the natural order of things.

My parents' generation were born at the end of World War I. They survived a global economic meltdown, and then fought a second world war, World War II. And of course, for their incredible heroic noble efforts they were rewarded by my generation deciding to reject everything they stood for.

And you know what? We weren't altogether wrong.

Because the young never are. They carry intrinsically within them the energy and the idealism that will regenerate human life on this planet as it hurtles through time and space.

And we do need you, we need you to fix things, to make things right, to answer the big and troubling questions of this world.

I mean how is it that we have figured out how to put everything, from our resting pulse rate to every book or song we've ever read or listened to, on our iPhones—and yet for six years we haven't found a way to stop little children in Syria from being murdered by poisonous gas?

How is it that we have taken diseases like AIDS and turned them into manageable viruses controlled by revolutionary drugs—and yet we look around the world and see millions of people displaced, without homes, more than at any time since after World War II—suffering in teeming refugee camps?

And how is it that we have more billionaires under the age of 40—and some of you may become one of those billionaires, and yet we know that the ravages of poverty that America witnessed here in the Superdome after Hurricane Katrina still linger not far from the magnificence of today's commencement?

And that's where you guys come in. We're counting on you to be our “Generation Empathy”—our “Generation Cares,” our “Generation Game-changers.”

Because that's how I see your generation—as empathetic, as caring, above all as game changers—but also as one that is radical, brave and often making trouble. And I hope you'll never stop because you are doing the right things at the right time at the right age.

Simply put—your decisions, based on your instincts, are pretty well inevitably correct.

So even if you decide tonight to come home late tonight with a tattoo from Electric Ladyland, that tattoo is right for you … unless it's a Mike Tyson face tattoo. That's never a good idea.

And that brings me to something else that maybe tie us together: tattoos. I know, it's hard to believe, but actually Dame Helen Mirren does have a tattoo. But I got my tattoo when only Hells Angels , sailors and convicted felons had them. I'll share you the story.

When I was on my journey through young adulthood, in that glorious and confusing time that was the early 70s, I looked in a lot of different places for answers—eastern, western, all over the place.

And when I found one inspiring answer in Mayan wisdom that said so much in so few words, I had it tattooed on my body.

It's a simple phrase: “Inlakesh.”

It means: “You are my other self. We are one. I am another yourself.” In the Bible, it says: “Love thy neighbor.” The Mayans were on to something.

Because if I'm you—I have a responsibility to you. If you're me—you have a responsibility to me.

The Mayans just had a more beautiful way of saying “we're all in this together.”

We're all in this together—remember that, so that you can make some sense and fix this crazy world.

I know you'll do it. I know that the world you will build will be so different from that world my parents envisioned. A smart phone to them would have been as alien as a little green man from Mars. For you, it is just the starting point of the tools that will be at your disposal to fix much of what is broken. Robotics, computer intelligence, medical advances, the constant restless search for knowledge—your lives will be so exciting, revelatory, awesome, in the truest sense of that word.

And yet, the timeless truths of our common humanity, the ones that Shakespeare, Confucius, Moses, Christ, your grandparents and the Mayans understood, those truths will never change.

You are me and I am you.


And Class of 2017—also remember the five words I know you learned at Tulane: Laissez les bons temps rouler !

Thank you!









































































[1] indomitable /ɪnˈdɒmɪtəbl/ adj. 不屈不挠的;不服输的

[2] funky /ˈfʌŋki/ adj. 时尚的,时髦的

[3] raunchy /ˈrɔːntʃi/ adj. 不修边幅的,邋遢的

[4] nerve-wracking /ˈnɜːv rækɪŋ/ adj. 伤脑筋的,令人头疼的

[5] addendum /əˈdendəm/ n. 附录,补遗

[6] paraplegic /ˌpærəˈpliːdʒɪk/ adj. / n .截瘫的;截瘫病人

[7] procrastinate /prəʊˈkræstɪneɪt/ v. 延迟,拖延 C49GHUev67mLphmhweHH09ufzR4T7V+Xg7+BUQlEg2knQnGUVfoElMc5ltBPDWmp
