brain [breɪn] 大脑
mind [maɪnd] 想法;才智
headache [ˈhedeɪk] 头疼
dizziness [ˈdɪzinəs] 头晕
have a (good) head for (很)有……的才能
be head over heels (in love) (爱得)神魂颠倒
hairdresser [ˈheədresə(r)] | barber [ˈbɑːbə(r)] 理发师
hair stylist 发型设计师;美发师
hair style 发型
bangs [bæŋz] | fringe [frɪndʒ] 刘海
wig [wɪɡ] 假发
short hair短发
long hair 长发
long straight hair 长直发
curly hair 卷发
black hair 黑发
white hair 白发
hair dryer电吹风,吹风机
hair coloring染发
have a perm 烫头发
ponytail [ˈpəʊnɪˌteɪl] 马尾辫
blond hair 金发
hair salon 发廊
forehead wrinkles 抬头纹
temple [ˈtempl] 太阳穴
earlobe [ˈɪələʊb] 耳垂
ear ring 耳环
earphones [ˈɪəfəʊnz] 耳机
ringing in one's ears 耳鸣
turn a deaf ear to 不理会
be all ears 全神贯注地听
box one's ears 打某人耳光
cheek [tʃiːk] 脸颊
profile [ˈprəʊfaɪl] 侧面,侧脸
mole [məʊl] 痣
dimple [ˈdɪmpl] 酒窝
blusher [ˈblʌʃə(r)] 腮红,胭脂
cheekbone [ˈtʃiːkˌbəʊn] 颧骨
full face正面照片
half face 半张脸
face to face 面对面
lose one's face 丢脸
face up 面朝上
face down 面朝下
face value 面值
make a face 做鬼脸
mother tongue | native tongue 母语;本国语言
sharp tongue 说话刻薄
tongue twister 绕口令
eyeball [ˈaɪbɔːl] 眼球
pupil [ˈpjuːpl] 瞳孔
eyelid [ˈaɪlɪd] 眼皮
eyesight [ˈaɪsaɪt] 视力
eyelash [ˈaɪlæʃ] 睫毛
mascara [mæˈskɑːrə] 睫毛膏
eyebrow [ˈaɪbraʊ] 眉毛
eye shadow眼影
short-sightedness [ˌʃɔːtˈsaɪtɪdnəs] | myopia [maɪˈəʊpiə] 近视
far-sightedness [ˌfɑːˈsaɪtɪdnəs] | hypermetropia [ˌhaɪpəməˈtrəʊpiə] 远视
fake eyelashes 假睫毛
camera eye过目不忘的人
bull's eye 靶心;事情的关键,要害
snot [snɒt] 鼻涕
runny nose流鼻涕
bridge of the nose 鼻梁
nose job 鼻子整形手术
have a nose for对……敏感,善于发现……
have a stuffy nose 鼻塞
wipe one's nose 擦鼻涕
blow one's nose 撸鼻涕
hawk nose 鹰钩鼻
double chin双下巴
jaw [dʒɔː] 下巴,下颌;颌骨
chin up 振奋起来;引体向上
mouth water 口水
big mouth 多嘴多舌的人;大嘴巴
from mouth to mouth 广泛流传;口口相传
watch one's mouth 注意说话;不要乱说
rinse one's mouth 漱口
down in the mouth垂头丧气的,情绪低落的
sore throat 咽喉痛
deep throat 内幕消息的匿名来源,内部检举人;深喉
lipstick [ˈlɪpstɪk] 口红
upper lip 上嘴唇
lower lip 下唇
lip gloss 润唇膏;唇彩
lip brush 唇刷;口红刷
pay lip service 敷衍
on the lips of 在……中流传
tooth brush 牙刷
tooth paste 牙膏
tooth decay 蛀牙;龋齿
gum [ɡʌm] 牙龈;口香糖
wisdom tooth 智齿
baby teeth 乳牙
false tooth | artificial tooth假牙;人造牙;义齿
fang [fæŋ] (动物的)尖牙,犬牙
grind one's teeth 咬牙切齿
have a sweet tooth 爱吃甜食
pick one's teeth 剔牙
stomach [ˈstʌmək] 胃,腹部
heart [hɑːt] 心脏
lung [lʌŋ] 肺
kidney [ˈkɪdni] 肾脏
liver [ˈlɪvə(r)] 肝
blood vessel 血管
gut [ɡʌt] 内脏
bowel [ˈbaʊəl] 肠
vein [veɪn] 静脉
artificial organ 人工器官
bladder [ˈblædə(r)] 膀胱
large/small intestine 大(小)肠
navel [ˈneɪvl] | belly button肚脐
belly dance肚皮舞
beer belly 啤酒肚
belly laugh 捧腹大笑
paunch [pɔːntʃ] 将军肚;大肚子
stomachache [ˈstʌməkˌeɪk] | stomach pains 胃痛,腹痛
stomach ulcer胃溃疡
lie on one's stomach 趴着,俯卧
go against one's stomach 不合胃口;让人恶心
stomach rumbles 肚子饿得咕咕叫
heart disease 心脏病
heartbeat [ˈhɑːtbiːt] 心跳
pulse [pʌls] 脉搏
heart rate心率
a broken heart 伤了的心
heart and soul 全心全意地
lose heart 灰心丧气
lose one's heart to 倾心于;爱上;钟情于
chest [tʃest] 胸部;胸膛
bust size | breast size胸围
chest measurement胸围
bra [brɑː] 胸罩
cup [kʌp] 罩杯
silicone bra 硅胶胸垫
breast milk母乳
breast feeding 母乳喂养
the pit of the stomach 胸口,心窝
breast muscles 胸肌
stomach muscles | abs (abdominal muscles) 腹肌
muscle tissue 肌肉组织
muscle strain 肌肉拉伤
joint [dʒɔɪnt] 关节
skeleton [ˈskelɪtn] 骨架,骨骼
skull [skʌl] 颅骨
bone fracture 骨折
backbone [ˈbækbəʊn] | spine [spaɪn] 脊椎
bone up for (临考前的)突击学习
be bred in the bone 与生俱来的,(习惯)从小就有的
body fat 体脂
blood fat 血脂
low fat 低脂
fat content 脂肪含量
chew the fat 闲谈;聊天
fat chance 希望渺茫;可能性很小
a bit of fat 意外的好运气
a fat lot of use 毫无用处
main body 主体,主要部分
body building 健身;健体塑身
body temperature 体温
bodyguard [ˈbɒdɪgɑːd] 保镖
trunk [trʌŋk] 躯干
body and soul 全心全意地
in body 亲自
body language 身体语言
the four limbs | arms and legs | all fours 四肢
necklace [ˈnekləs] 项链
necktie [ˈnektaɪ] 领带
bottle neck 瓶颈
neck ring 项圈,颈环
neck and neck 并驾齐驱地,不分上下地
forefinger [ˈfɔːfɪŋɡə(r)] | index finger 食指
middle finger | long finger 中指
finger [ˈfɪŋɡə(r)] 手指
little finger | ear finger 小指
thumb [θʌm] 大拇指
ring finger 无名指
palm [pɑːm] 手掌
nail [neɪl] 指甲
claw [klɔː] 动物的爪子
wrist [rɪst] 手腕
shake hands 握手
shoulder [ˈʃəʊdə(r)] 肩膀
elbow [ˈelbəʊ] 手肘
fist [fɪst] 拳头
left hand 左手
a green hand 新手,生手
right hand 右手
iron hand 高压手段
toe [təʊ] 脚趾
heel [hiːl] 脚后跟
toenail [ˈtəʊneɪl] 脚指甲
on foot 步行
foot massage 足部按摩;脚底按摩;足疗
foot pedal 脚踏开关
off one's feet 坐着;躺着
find one's feet 能独立行动;能够站稳、走稳等
at the foot of 在……(山)脚下;在……的下部
set foot on 踏上
back on 背靠
turn one's back 扭头,转身
go back 回去
back to front 前后穿反地
go back to 追溯
in the back 在后面;在……后部
turn one's back on sb./sth. 转身背对某人或某物;不愿帮助,背弃
be flat on one's back 因病卧床
back up 支持,援助;(资料)备份
behind one's back 背地里,私下
thigh [θaɪ] 大腿
shank [ʃæŋk] 小腿
calf [kɑːf] 腿肚子
knee [niː] 膝盖
ankle [ˈæŋkl] 脚踝
Break a leg! 祝好运!(用于祝福演出成功)
pull one's leg 开某人的玩笑
off one's leg站不稳,跌倒
ass [æs] | bottom [ˈbɒtəm] 臀部
hip joint 髋关节
hip hop嘻哈文化;嘻哈乐;嘻哈舞
hip circumference 臀围