
Xuanwu Lake




Ladies and Gentlemen, it’s a great honor to share one story with you.

On my day off, I’d like to bring my book and hammock to Xuanwu Lake Park. The breeze is blowing, and there are many tourists in the park. I’m looking for one cozy place to tie my hammock. When I lay down and close my eyes to enjoy the wind and the fresh air, I apparently feel the fresh breeze together with raindrops blowing. I just get up and find nobody there! I walk along the lakeside, the road is wet like rain before, there are some birds flying around the lotus flowers on the lake with tiny mist, this picture of fairyland really attracts me.

Nearby, an elder is smiling to me. I’m so surprised about his dressing and I asks: “Dear sir, are you making films here?”He smiles to me and says: “Do you want to know something interesting about Xuanwu Lake?Follow me.”

Suddenly, everything around us seems to be moving.I can’t believe that was real. I seem to see a lot of soldiers with many ships made by wood, and the flags are fluttering in the wind under the name by “Wu”! “We are at the Three Kingdom Period. It’s the first time the lake was put into use. After that, in Song dynasty the place you see convert more lakes into farmland.” With what he said,the scene changed; we can see vast tracts of fertile farmland,curl smoke and tree-lined village besides the lake.



What a concordant picture! “When history moves to Ming Dynasty ,this lake is closed around 250 years I want to tell you about why and how!”

Then we move again, when we stop, we are in front of one traditional building called“Huangce archives”. “What is that for?” I asked. That wise man said “It’s a collection of the whole country’s household registration and taxation into one book which we call Huangce.Huang means yellow only used for royal, and whole book is covered by yellow silk, that’s why we get the name.” We open one book. We can see officials write every man’s name and possess the land by himself precisely.

“Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang built 960 rooms in 4 isles, wrote 2,000,000 books, those isles all in the middle of the lake. On the other hand Xuanwu Lake is located far from the city. It’s best defense against fire, a man-made destruction. That’s why he chose the natural barrier,Xuanwu Lake, to build Huangce archives.” And in case of fire, the emperor said “No cooking on the isle , no lighting in the evening, and no bringing the open fires, otherwise people will be killed!” There is none fire accident happened in Xuanwu lake. In case of safety, the emperor built stone tablet set up around the lake. Civilians and animals are forbidden inside.

Around the lake there are full-time military defense, no fishing and no living closed to the lake, but they allowed the civilians to fish twice a year only in winter. “They force us to move our home from generation, no drinking and no farming in the lake!”

At this time, the old man said angrily “You know I’m the victim of this havoc, they just buried me besides those rooms to protect it to avoid mice disaster. How can he do that to me!Just because he is the emperor? ”“No! My descendants will find out I didn’t die to protect the emperor’s property, I died to show my dignity.” His voice is getting louder and louder.

Then I heard a hurried step behind me, the wise man said to me “My child go, cherish the life that you are living, and learn lessons from my story! Good luck!” He disappeared suddenly. I tried my best to run, but I fell down, when I opened my eyes, I lay down on the grass, and the book was open on the page of Mao’s story.

If you want to know more about Xuanwu lake ,welcome to Nanjing. I’ll be with you!









明朝是继汉唐之后的黄金时期。明代无汉之外戚、唐之藩镇、宋之岁币,天子守国门,君王死社稷。清朝官方评价明朝为“治隆唐宋”、“远迈汉唐”。 GcdoENDFINTbajSHN4RvA5OZEXwGiqIh2uVm1cO0BlUVmC/kuI9tQ2L3Jz9/LtVl
